MTL - The Mercenary World of Online Games-Chapter 1466 Refresh Three Views

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Moi slowly moved forward, starlight bloomed under his feet, intertwined into a huge aura of god-level. .

"The system prompts the throne Moi of your accompanying combat order to open up the realm of order in the realm!"

"The system will prompt all enemy units in the field to reduce their attributes by 85 ..."

A series of data prompts brushed dozens of lines, and Dawei looked astounded, staring at the data of 85, and too lazy to look at other specific data prompts.

He fought side by side with the power of the lord class, but it was the first time that he led the army of the lord class. As his own combat force, as a commander, he can naturally see all the data and information in all aspects, huge data refreshes, and the scope of coverage is large. In different situations, different targets should respond to the data increase and decrease percentages. His brain is down and he has some downtime. .

"Oh, you know that the lord is very strong, and you know what battles with Leonard and Hades before, and the data you saw is only one-sided, but you really didn't expect the lord to be so strong. The lord is strong, so terrifying! "

No wonder the system is so keen on checks and balances that the stronger the power, the stronger the constraints. The data that Moy brushed out means that the lord is no longer a strong or not concept, but how much can he break the game balance!

For a moment, his mind was chaotic and uncontrollable, and he realized a serious question "No wonder countries are training cheaters."

As a player, you have discovered the horror of the lord. Wouldn't the cheating players in various countries know? How much experience will be gained by killing a lord nc? How much equipment can burst out? It is impossible to say that the nc of the lord level is not an object on the cheat players' menu. .

He couldn't help but be afraid.

After becoming a god, he didn't even pay much attention to cheating players. Now he seems to be watching the sky from the sky.

"Either it was not long after the game was launched and the cheating players in various countries have not grown up to kill the lord, or the NC method cannot be used on players. After all, the French area interfered with Brother's game behavior and was immediately affected by the system. Punishment mechanism. "Otherwise, with the hatred of Tarah, I don't know how many times I have been killed. Now I have no number to retreat.

He was infinitely sighed, nc would not give him so much time for aftertaste impact.

"The system prompts your hostile force, the pirate leader Joseph of the Kingdom of Brewely, to surrender!"

"system hint……"

The inexplicable brushing out of the surrender prompts, interrupted Dawei's thoughts, and had not had time to respond to analyze, a series of surrendering combat tips refreshed.

"The system prompts your hostile forces to surrender all members of the Bully Willy Kingdom!"

"The system prompts you to represent the kingdom of Varino to win the kingdom battle ..."

"The system prompts congratulations to the player for winning the first battle of the kingdom of God, world reputation +5000 ..."

"The system reminds you that you have achieved the body of the Divine Warfare, willed submission ..."

"The system prompts you to defeat the Bully Willy Kingdom and gain the authority of the enemy camp ..."

His face was terrifying!

He admits that he has seen all the strong winds and waves, but he is embarrassed not to know how the battle of the kingdom of God was played, but this operation is completely incomprehensible. Is it really that his IQ can't keep up, or he hasn't imagined So high-end?

"Is that so ... the Lord's halo is too dazzling. As soon as the Queen's field halo is opened and worshipped everywhere, the hostile forces will directly accept it?" He reflected later. .

What could be the reason for this? Of course, it is the power of the lord that makes the enemy feel desperate. What can be done besides surrender, is it dead? The members of the entire camp surrendered, and that was a fart.

"Hahaha, yo-yo, pushing the 800-hundred kingdoms, but that's what it is!" He laughed at the sky, expecting the results to appear. Although he was aggressive at the beginning, he still couldn't stop the beauty that forced him to fly to heaven. "Well, there are still problems."

The leader of the pirate is indeed the pirate leader. The ability to see the wind to make the rudder is not ordinary. The first surrender was without any problems. He didn't know if the person who wanted to praise the ape was set up or if the dog could not change it. We must resolutely resist such unruly wall grass.

"This kind of NC is to surrender to become a younger brother. It is difficult to guarantee that in the event of an accident, he will not be the first to stab him." He frowned, how to deal with the surrendered NC made him a bit big.

Then, the high-level players of the Grand Guild who had been silent for a long time on the team channel brushed out the bedroom. At this time, there are no other words that can express their inner shock except lying in the trough.

Chen Dingyong, a group of players, was still anxiously and patiently waiting for the low-key brother to finish the work quickly, and suddenly saw the hint of the victory of the battle of the kingdom on the team channel, frantically brushing all kinds of information, and thundering as much as flat ground. Compared to Dawei's aggressiveness, they are shocked!

"Head, am I swearing, right? Mard, how did he do that?"

"Is this the big deal of low-key brother planning?"

"If the old lady had not participated in the battle of the kingdom of God in the team and knew how difficult it would be, she would have thought the battle of the kingdom of God was a joke."

And then, the bosses who got feedback and reports also frantically slept in the video conference room!

"Is this special

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