MTL - The Mightiest Leveling System-Chapter 5638

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Because Long Fei appeared, everything changed.

Apocalypse carried a long spear, and his steps were firm, nothing could stop him. Alan and Tianxin wept with joy, and the thought of the rest of their lives filled their minds. They didn't know why Long Fei suddenly wanted to shoot. But they knew that if it wasn't for Long Fei, this place would be a disaster for them


The villagers of Tianren Village who had fled were all looking at this place with stunned expressions.

When all the forces of disaster are gone, they are lost.


"Does he really have a master?"

"Is it really here all the time? But who is his master and why, the power of God has disappeared."

"Could it be that human power can really slaughter gods? No, it's impossible!"


They still can't believe it. In their eyes, the belief in God is superior, and the power of God is also used to punish the human world. Up to now, they still attribute all their faults to themselves, believing that it was their own fault that caused the


Long Fei heard everything in his ears, and a kind of pity appeared in his heart. Not pity on what happened to them, but pity on their so-called beliefs.

But falsehood is falsehood, and only by truly breaking it can they recognize reality.

And everything is in the hands of Apocalypse.

Apocalypse walked forward step by step, and at this time, the black shadow seemed to be imprisoned in the void.

"Impossible, what power is this. Who are you?" The shadow growled.

From the time Long Fei appeared, everything changed too fast. All the power that he thought he was in control of, was completely out of him at this moment.

His power is imprisoned, his body is imprisoned, and now he is a living target, so he is frozen in the void.

Long Fei ignored it. He had no interest in this kind of existence.

Apocalypse moved forward step by step, and the long spear in his hand also began to flash the light of silence. In the end, it took the apocalypse directly into the sky and directly inserted into the darkness.


An aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth suddenly burst out from Tian Qi, and the blood-red color filled the air, filled with great terror, full of destruction and robbery.

Long Fei was a little thoughtful, and it is no exaggeration to say that he was also shocked by what he saw at the moment.

He was sure that the power that erupted from Tian Qi now was definitely not his own.

It's... the power of a spear.

However, this spear was created by himself.

At the beginning, he was enlightened in the midst of destruction, and countless dust of destruction adhered to him. After coming to this world, he used that power to forge a long spear and gave it to Apocalypse.

Now it seems that this power contains power that he does not know, and it burst out at this time, which shocked him.

Inexplicably, Long Fei associates more.

Looking at Apocalypse's figure is getting more and more complicated. He doubted whether Apocalypse would be directly linked to Apocalypse Tribulation.

But soon, Long Fei denied his guess.

Although the power of the outbreak is not weak at this time. But in the eyes of Long Fei, the gap is still too much, the stars and rivers are so vast, this kind of power is not enough to break the shackles between the world.


At this moment, a loud noise appeared.

The darkness standing in the air collapsed directly.

At the same time, a scream appeared, extremely terrifying.

"No, not possible, my power."

"This is a murderous soldier, this is a murderous soldier that destroys the world."

"I'm not reconciled!"

In the darkness, the voice of the Dragon God was full of despair and fear, but soon the voice disappeared.

The entire void also regained its clarity at once, and all the power was directly integrated into the spear in Tian Qi's hand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This spear... also became stronger.

As if it can swallow all power. "System, what's going on?" Long Fei began to contact the system for the first time. Since entering this world, Long Fei has not contacted the system, and the system is like a dead dog.


"What's going on?" the system asked knowingly.

"Don't talk nonsense, what's the matter with this long spear?" Long Fei said angrily.

This long spear is definitely an unexpected power, and I can't believe it.

"You forged it yourself, don't you know?" the system responded.

"What's the meaning?"

"You were in the midst of destruction before, the power that wrapped you all contained the attribute of destruction, and the dust in the starry sky had the meaning of destruction and wrapped you.

So, those things inherently contain destructive properties. Now that you are forging into a long spear, it will naturally not change its essence. On the contrary, even more fierce. Also, you're pretty cool. Your current level can be called the honor of creation. After you created it, you also gave the name Fen Ji, which directly endowed the spear with spirituality and turned it into a murderous soldier. It can be said that his present existence is more powerful than the slaughter you have now.

Boundaries are not inferior. If this little guy will destroy the world in the future, you will be a big part of it. "

The system said one after another.

Long Fei was stunned.

He didn't think about it that much when he forged it. Long Fei naturally knew that it contained the attribute of destruction, but he didn't expect that a random name would lead to such a result.

However, Long Fei soon calmed down.

Where is the murderer.

People can't be deceived. If Tianqi doesn't want to destroy the world in his heart, no matter how fierce the murderer is, it's just a long spear, that's all.

As soon as he thought of this, Long Fei said directly: "System, you are a little floating. I asked you to come out and ridicule me?"

Not right.

Even though the system played cards unreasonably before, it would not be as aggressive as it is today.

This is to give birth to a reverse bone.

"Ding, the player triggers the system task and assists Apocalypse to complete a robbery."

"Mission target: Apocalypse Continent."

"Mission time: one hundred years."

"Task requirements: Players can't take action directly, they can only guide, so that Apocalypse has the mind of destroying the world."

"Task reward: Apocalypse Destroys the World Seal."

"Mission penalty: Player dies, system crashes."

A system sound follows.

But this voice fell in Long Fei's ears, but he couldn't turn around for a long time.

Sure enough, the system didn't hold back any good farts. The tone was so aggressive before, and the feelings were waiting for him here. However, Long Fei also understood in an instant, no wonder the system's tone became so bad.

system breakdown! This is one of all punishments that has never occurred. The most serious thing in the past was his own death, and it was the first time that the system was involved. In an instant, Long Fei understood the reason why the system had no good face.

Color, the root cause is here.

He will also collapse. So without any scruples, he directly shook his face with Long Fei.