MTL - The Mighty Female Immortal-Chapter 3343 do not leave me

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One year.

The three people on the top of the drug Wang Fengyu are like three statues, two sitting cross-legged, one lying on the dark brown rock.

Taixu is also extremely calm.

During the year, some of the lesser-paid monks also recovered, but some of the more serious monks were still healing.

However, in the whole fairyland is in a storm.

After the holy chaotic beast took the chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demons and left the Taixu, they began to sweep across the entire fairyland. They hoped to enhance their strength by engulfing the creatures in the fairy world, so the whole fairy world was in a chaos. The beast and the extraterrestrial demon hunted the state of the monks of the celestial world. Countless monks of all races were hunted, and billions of monk monks turned into underground resistance. They can only be in a state of sneak attack on the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon, most of the time in a hidden state.

However, even if this is the case, they are sometimes found by the Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon from the hidden places to be swallowed up by the slaughter...

A desperate mood in the hearts of the monks of all ethnic groups in the whole world is spreading. Gradually, their hearts are filled with resentment, resentment against Taixu, and resentment against Xu Ziyan.

They knew that Taixu was not broken, but they did not know that Xu Ziyan was on the verge of falling. They are resentful in the sacred monks who are trained to be powerful and do not come out to save them.

However, one year later, when the Taixu Masters of the Holy Emperor completely recovered, they were in the original. Under the auspices of the sacred monks such as Yang Hui, the monks of all ethnic groups began to walk out of the Taixu sect, and hunted for those chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons.

Yuan and Yang Hui are very cautious, they are not going to provoke the holy perfect chaotic beast. Nearly 200 million monks in Taixu are exposed to hunting. They are aimed at those low-powered chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons. Their purpose is pure, that is, to reduce the number of chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons. Now the harp crack has been completely closed, reducing A chaotic beast or an extraterrestrial demon, the other party will reduce a little strength. If you can slowly kill all the chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demons, there is only one holy chaotic beast. At that time, all the monks and monks will jointly kill him, and they will be able to kill them.

At this time, they couldn't help but think of Xu Ziyan. If it weren't for Xu Ziyan, they would kill only one of the six chaotic beasts and the extraterrestrial demon. Now I am afraid that they are still in the Taixu, and they are attacked by the Chaos beast and the extraterrestrial demon.

With the emergence of monks of various ethnic groups in the Taixu sect, the war situation that broke out in the Taixu ancestor was also circulated. So those who were resentful and resentful also knew that Xu Ziyan was seriously injured. At this time, life and death do not know. The 90,000 mountains of the Taixu ancestral gate completely collapsed, and now only the inner door is left. The resentment in their hearts disappeared, leaving only prayers in their hearts, praying that Xu Ziyan could recover as soon as possible.

The entire fairy world has completely become a mess. The Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon are hunting the monks scattered throughout the fairyland, and the strongest monks gathered in the Taixu dynasty are hunting the Chaos Beast and the Extraterrestrial Demon.

There have been countless collisions during this period. In addition to facing the holy and perfect chaotic beasts, the monks in the Taixu sects chose to retreat immediately, and the remaining battles were very hot. The number of chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons is constantly decreasing, and the number of monks of all ethnic groups in the world is also decreasing.

Five years.

Yao Wangfeng.

The soul of Yanshan has been calm down. He stood next to Xu Ziyan. Looking at Xu Ziyan without hesitation, his eyes are already red, and the tears are constantly falling. At this time, the drug king's injury has also fully recovered, also standing next to the rock. His eyes fixed on Xu Ziyan, and his eyes showed deep anxiety.

"King of medicine!" Yanshan soul looked at the drug king with tears in his eyes: "How do I feel that the soul of the purple smoke is getting weaker and weaker? Go on like this. I am afraid that for another three years, the fire of the soul of the purple smoke will be extinguished."

Yao Wang’s face was also full of worries, but he still shook his head: “I have no choice.”

In the body of Xu Ziyan, the fire of a trace of soul is extinguished. Xu Ziyan has felt very exhausted. She has been avoiding the hurricane and suffering for five years, making her soul full of despair. If she could not feel that she always has a familiar side. Breath, she has long since given up.

The familiar atmosphere was outside the thatched cottage, but she did not dare to go out because she knew that once she went out, without the protection of the thatched cottage, she would immediately vanish.

She did not know that this thatched house was the light of her soul, the light of her last remaining soul. The source of this soul light was the flame of the soul. She was gradually desperate, and the soul was full of exhaustion. From the second year on, she kept shouting "Save me! Help me!", looking forward to hearing the smell that made her familiar, and then to save her.


She is disappointed!

The atmosphere that made her familiar has not left, she has been around her, but she has not come in to save her. She has avoided the hurricane for five years. She feels that she has lost hope, exhausted to the extreme, and the soul seems to emerge. A voice, always whispering to her:

"Give up! Give up! Don't be so bitter, just give up, it's easy."

Her soul gradually sank, and the soul gradually appeared loose, gradually falling toward the fallen abyss, and the trace of the soul of the fire was extinguished, and it was about to be extinguished...


The sound of Yanshan's soul broke out. He felt that the fire of Xu Ziyan's soul was speeding up and extinguished. The grief in his heart could no longer be suppressed. He shouted and his body suddenly rushed from the king of medicine. He didn't have space to shuttle. Just like a meteor, the tears in the eyes slipped in the air and rushed out toward the Taixu.

The great grief made him need to vent. He had a thought of destroying everything. The thought turned into obstinacy, and the breath of his body became violent. The original handsome face became evil and rushed out of the emptiness. The direction of the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon flew past.

"What happened to the evil master?"

"Is it..."

The monks who returned to the Taixu retreat looked at the direction of the disappearance of Yanshan soul one by one, and then looked at the drug Wang Feng one by one, and each face showed shock, grief, and then desperate look. ......

Xu Ziyan body.

Xu Ziyan felt that the smell that made her familiar suddenly disappeared. She had already begun to sink into the soul and suddenly became scared and woke up from the sinking.


The soul of Xu Ziyan is shouting.

"do not leave me!"

The soul of Xu Ziyan suddenly struggled and became a bit strong from the state that was about to be destroyed.

"Come back! Come back! Don't! Don't leave me!"


The fire of the soul began to tremble, and it rose a little, but when she could no longer feel the breath, a desperate mood spread in her soul, and the fire of the soul once again declined...

At the moment when Xu Ziyan’s soul trembled, the drug king Sun Qingmu was shocked. Then he seemed to realize what, the gods spread and went out, and soon captured the Yanshan soul that was flying, and immediately realized the voice. Road:

"Mountain Spirit, come back, the purple smoke has changed!"

The shape of the Yanshan spirit that was flying in the air suddenly slammed, and the look of the evil charm instantly became anxious, and the figure disappeared instantly. The next moment appeared in the drug Wang Fengyu.

Just appearing beside Xu Ziyan, she immediately felt that the fire of Xu Ziyan's soul was weaker than when he left, and the speed of weakness was extremely fast. He suddenly looked up and looked at the opposite drug king:

"How is this going?"

Xu Ziyan body.

Xu Ziyan has been completely desperate, sinking into the abyss of destruction. The familiar atmosphere that has always plagued her has disappeared, leaving her last sustenance.

and so……

She chose to sink...


The fire of her soul suddenly shook, and the familiar atmosphere came back...

Xu Ziyan in the sinking of her heart immediately cheered up, her consciousness has been sealed up by instinct, starting from her fierce soul fire, her only sustenance is that she is familiar with the atmosphere, just a trace of her familiarity has been Did not come to save her, let her sink in disappointment.

However, things that have not been lost never know its preciousness. When the silky familiarity suddenly disappeared, she realized how precious the familiar atmosphere was to her. The only thought in her mind at that time was that she would not give up again as long as the breath that made her familiar come back.


No matter how she called, the smell that made her familiar never came back, and she sank in despair.


The breath that made her familiar came back. The excited Xu Ziyan was no longer willing to give up this last chance. She couldn't bear the breath that she was familiar with. She struggled with struggling. This kind of struggle broke out with great energy.


The fire of the soul of Xu Ziyan began to expand, and it was not only expanded once, but continued to expand.

Xu Ziyan's mouth was wide open, and then his face showed excitement, and tears came out again.

"Purple smoke... Purple smoke... You wake up! Don't leave me alone! You wake up..."

"Mountain Spirit!" Yao Wang whispered.

"Pharmaceutical King, what happened?" Yanshan asked with tears in his eyes.

"I am not very clear!" Yao Wang shook his head and said: "When you left the purple smoke, her little soul fire suddenly thrived, then dimmed, and finally accelerated to decline in the direction of destruction. But when you come back, she starts to get stronger again."


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*(To be continued~^~)