MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1417 People are poor

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The woman still shook her head and said, "As long as braised meat."

Then the woman said to the child, "Son, boy, mother has been sick recently and can't eat fish. Shall we eat braised pork?"

The child looked at the woman, the woman looked at the child, and froze for a while. The child finally nodded and then smiled. Obviously, the child really liked to eat braised pork.

The woman smiled when she saw this.

The waiter went down helplessly, and whispered when he came to the back kitchen: "I can't figure it out, it's free. Why only one dish, two bowls of rice? Don't drink a cup or something. Those lucky customers used to wait All the delicious ones, you can't stop eating ... "

At the same time, the salted fish also asked the same question: "The 88th one had ordered a large table before, and called for friends to eat. They are better, so they need to ... I can't figure it out."

Founder chuckled and laughed: "You are talking about the happiness of ordinary people, but they are showing the backbone and conscience of the poor. Free does not mean waste, and free does not mean you can be greedy."

The salted fish seemed to understand, but didn't seem to understand.

Soon, the braised pork came up. The braised pork in this restaurant was similar to the stew in the Northeast, not the Mao's braised pork in the south. There is meat and potatoes in braised pork. The mother kept filling the son with meat, and the son quickly put another piece of meat into the mother's bowl.

"Well, you are still growing and eating more meat, so that you can protect your mother with strength later." The mother laughed.

The son swiftly signed with a sign: "Mom also eat more. Mum goes home late at work every day and needs to make up for herself. I will be filial to you after I get better."

Many people do not understand this sign language, but if they understand it, they will quietly explain it to everyone.

After listening, everyone shook his head, sighed, and liked a little more in sympathy.

Who doesn't like sensible children? Even if he is physically disabled, a person with a sound mind is more precious than a person with a sound body ...

The meal between mother and son was very delicious, and it was very fast. Obviously, the mother had been thinking about finishing the work quickly. After paying attention for a while, everyone felt that it was a bit inauthentic to watch people eat, so they didn't watch it, and started to talk about themselves.

When the meal was over, the mother took the child away, and all the people cast their eyes on it, watching the back of the mother and child leaving with emotion.

Just then, the waiter exclaimed, "Boss!"

The boss said, "What's wrong?"

"Look!" The waiter cried, pointing at the loose change under the braised pork plate.

The boss hurried over, picked it up, looked at it, and counted it. Although it was ten, one, and five, but together, it was exactly thirty-seven dollars!

The boss said subconsciously: "Thirty-five braised pork, a bowl of rice for one dollar. This ..."

The waiter said, "Boss, have they saved money?"

The boss was silent, and everyone present was silent ...

Founder stood up silently and was about to leave.

"Master, why did he give money?" Salted Fish continued to ask.

Fang Zhengzheng was like saying to himself: "People are poor and have great will. The mother is educating her children with actions, and she will never eat white food even if she is poor."

At this moment, the hotel was silent and the founder's words awoke everyone, and could not help but utter a long sigh: "I didn't expect to live so big, it's better to be a bomber ...

The boss also nodded and raised the money high, then said loudly: "Dear everyone, look at these thirty-seven dollars, here it is! I will use this money as the first fund, the name is braised Meat Fund! Every year today, we will hold Braised Meat Festival, everyone is welcome to eat for free! Do n’t thank me, thank you for 37 yuan! "

Everyone heard and cheered.

"It's free, but this festival, we've been there!"

"Celebrate that you have grown up again, toast!"

"Three people, the ancients don't bully me! Cheers!"


"Boss, the table is not moving." At this time the waiter found the boss again.

The boss froze and heard the sound. I saw a table with fried vegetables and a bowl of rice, but neither the vegetables nor the rice moved! Water dragons and phoenixes on the table read and typed: "Amitabha, the poor monk did not eat, the donor can take it back, don't waste it."

The boss froze again, then shook his head slightly: "I didn't expect to be a monk, but what the monk said was indeed deep."

"Monk? No wonder, I heard him talking to himself before, and everything was justified." A customer laughed.

"Oh? Why don't I remember what the monk looks like? Do you remember?"

"I remember it too."

"I'm ... haunted? No, it seems like someone has done this before."

"Founder Abbot!"

"No, isn't Founder Abbot flying up?"

"That's the heir to the Founder Abbot!"



No matter how people guessed, the original face was light, and the Founder walked out of the hotel with his chest up. He was handsome for three seconds and immediately covered his stomach, saying, "Oh, hungry ..."

Salty fish hummed, "Master, can we take care of the lower abdomen next time we play handsome? Shall we have enough to play?"

Founder turned his eyes and said, "People are so poor, they pay for meals. If we eat and do n’t pay, will you be sorry?"

Salted fish said: "Sorry! Any embarrassment? We are much poorer than them!"

Founder thought about it, it looks like salted fish is telling the truth ...

Suddenly, Founder burst into tears.

Salty Fish said: "So, let's not sympathize with others first, we should be sympathized most. Master, I'm hungry ..."

Founder looked up at the sky and said, "Open your mouth."

"Is there something to eat?" The salted fish asked excitedly, and opened his mouth at the same time.

Founder turned and let the salted fish face the Northwest Road: "It's windy, eat it hard. After a while, the Northwest wind drank."

Salted fish: "Master, I don't know what to say or not."

Founder Road: "Do you remember why your brother came back to the mountain?"

Salted fish: "I won't talk about that."

Founder: "Good ..."


Unlike usual, Founder did not immediately choose to go back to the mountain, but continued to wander outside. Although he was very hungry, he had to surf like this for a simple reason—three good deeds, three lotteries, and another one for the disciples opportunity! That's it!

Although the salted fish shouted hungry, this guy was not human at all, and would not die if he was hungry for ten or eight years.

However, Fang Zheng was extremely hungry. He simply found a park chair and couldn't move.

"Master, are you going to starve to death here?" Salty Fish asked bitterly.