MTL - The Moon In My Arms-Chapter 268 shackles

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  Chapter 268 Shackles

Qi Wanli's talent in shooting is mediocre, and it all depends on his love and perseverance. It may take him ten times and a hundred times more time to do things that others can easily do, so the most unbearable thing for him is to waste great resources and talents without knowing it. cherished people.

  He didn't expect that the daughter he raised by himself would turn into the most shameless person he could be.

Yu Shuhua looked at the appearance of the father and daughter who were at war, and could only smooth things over, "Zhenzhen, mother knows that you are just under too much pressure, so you just come out to relax. Your father is strict with you, and that is for the sake of Okay, please apologize to your father and say that you will not be like this in the future, and you will start training seriously tomorrow..."

  Qi Zhen covered her slapped face, sneered, and said sarcastically, "Training...? Is training useful? You all know very's useless..."

   Qi Zhen said, and glanced at Qi Yue next to her, "After all...even if I have been training non-stop for so many years, I still can't beat Qi Yue who retired long ago..."

  Qi Zhen's expression became more and more excited, "Besides...why should I apologize? It's not me! It's you! What's for my own good! It's for yourselves!

   To you, I am just your puppet, your tool, and your bragging rights!

  So, once you find that I'm a waste, I can't meet your expectations, I have no use value, and you will abandon me and kick me away! "

  Qi Zhen's words were heart-piercing, and Qi Wanli's figure could hardly stand upright, "What did you say..."

Yu Shuhua also had heartache all over her face, "Zhenzhen, what are you talking about? What do you mean by using you as a tool! What do you mean by abandoning you when you have no use value? Ever since you were young, what did you want and we didn't satisfy you? We Do everything you can, give you the best of everything, send you to the best school, give you the best training environment, in order for you to improve, your dad put down his old face and hired you a better coach...

  In order to keep you shooting, we...we even wronged your sister for so many years..."

Qi Zhen interrupted Yu Shuhua, "Enough! Don't make yourself so great! It seems that all of you have sacrificed a lot for me! Do you know what I really want? Have you considered it even once How do I feel? Consider whether this is what I like, is it what I want?

   I hate shooting! Hate training! I hate the days of being locked up in the training room and training day after day! I can't see hope and no end in such days! As long as I fail to meet your wishes and fulfill your goals, I will not be able to escape for a day!

  I have been to so many places, so many cities, but I have never seriously seen the scenery of those cities. I just went from one cage to another, one battlefield to another! I don't live a day for myself!

  Your so-called doing good for me, so-called giving, are just the shackles you imposed on me! "

Listening to Qi Zhen's almost collapsed accusation, Qi Yue recalled what the second uncle said to her when she called her last time. He said that Qi Zhen didn't like shooting at all. At that time, she thought it was impossible. I was hit by my second uncle...

   Even, Qi Zhen's aversion to shooting is even worse than what the second uncle said.

  (end of this chapter)