MTL - The More They Object, the More It Means I Did the Right Thing-Chapter 19 Jian Dongxi

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Chapter 19 The Dawn of the East

 【A total of one hundred first-level esoteric cultists and ten second-level esoteric cultists were sacrificed】

 【Affected by the titles of ‘Red Moon’ and ‘Newborn’, the effect of sacrifice is increased by 40%]

  【Total life points gained: 60】

 【You can exchange life points for blessings, or add points to your body】

  【Because of the rich birthday gift I gave you today, the Mother Goddess of Life is happy for you and gives you the title of God-given】

 【Title: The Dawn of Death that is Getting Better】

 “Huh?” Father Danny snorted in his heart and pretended.

However, this is just a common usage, and ordinary players may use it this way.

 Even if I occasionally kill a few esoteric cultists, I am reluctant to use them to upgrade, and most of them choose to exchange them for blessing magic.

The morning light in the east is gradually rising, and it feels quite positive. It sounds like he is a serious person who is an orthodox believer.


Only during the three days of the Red Moon, the Esoteric Cultists will offer sacrifices on a large scale in their strongholds. At other times, they will often fail to make sacrifices.

 【Title effect: The same dark magic buff effect can be superimposed on the target, and can only be used once a day】

Ansu thought it would be interesting.

 After the second level, the exchange ratio of faith points and magic points also becomes 20:1.

 It was a surprise to get a new title. This is an offensive title, which is different from the resource-based title "The Fledgling Life Sacrifice".

 “When will His Majesty Cavans return in triumph?”

 The biggest advantage of becoming a second-level warlock is that the memory grids that the soul can carry have increased by two.

Ansu felt that his whole body was lighter, and his soul was breathing in the fresh morning air, revealing the faint morning light.

 A buff that can be stacked with dark magic.

Father Danny saw Ansu from afar, and he spoke with a bit of sourness, "You must have had a good sleep. After all, there are real saints guarding our nights."

And Ansu does need a new title. He is now using the new identity of "Xian Zong" to sacrifice and hunt mystics, and he is doing something disgusting.

 The innermost sky is an orange-white sky, accompanied by mountains and the rising sun. The middle sky is gray-white, and the outermost sky is black, still the night sky.

 The allocation and use of memory grids is also a top priority.

 It will be a lot of fun.

Oh, it seems that the great hero Cavins has returned.

These are mostly young girls who are pregnant with their spring.

 “Good morning, my little master, did you sleep well last night?”

Ansu walked straight into the church, knelt down on one knee in front of the statue of God, clasped his hands together, and began to pray.

But Ansu knew that it would be difficult for the Holy See to gain any benefits this time.

  Although he covered his face with a mask, the title of 'Newborn' above his head could not be concealed.

Ansu is an evil player with a relatively advanced brain circuit. He instantly came up with more interesting combinations of this title.

 A new identity requires a new title, and ‘Jian Dong Xi’ can be said to be Ansu’s timely blessing.

 Choose one of the "getting better".

 On the side of the Glorious Holy See, even without the bonus of the title and the Red Moon Sun, there are at least forty faith points.

 Enough for him to become a second-level warlock!


 Hope they can get some sleep.

They were shouting and chatting, discussing and communicating in low voices, and occasionally letting out crisp laughter: it seemed that Cavins was quite popular among girls.

 Obviously, Father Danny did not understand what Ansu meant.

 The pale white glow completely dissipated the remaining light of the blood moon, and the sky was divided into several color blocks by the morning light:

 You can use the same curse on him again, and the effects will be superimposed. The superposition will reduce the defense by 40%.

 In just one night, he gained more than he had in the past few weeks.

 “I had a great sleep last night.”

 Of course there is only Ansu.

No matter how he thought about it, he felt that it didn't sit well with him, so he simply left it to his own devices and chose 'gradually' as he pleased.

 He could feel that both his perception and reaction were at their maximum at this moment, and every cell in his body was making a happy sound.

Last night was a blood moon day, and it was also the day when the Paladins went on a collective witch hunt. This time, the team was led by the 'man of brilliance', the son of the priest, Saint Cavens, and it could be said that the anticipation was high. They all stood on tiptoes, held their necks high, and waited for the hero's return, cheering and applauding him.

 Their way of upgrading is to practice and pray day after day, increasing their magic points little by little.

 【Faith Point 42 (Eradicate one hundred first-level esoteric cultists, ten second-level esoteric cultists, and one third-level esoteric cultist)】

 Just enough to become a second-level warlock.

Other saints cannot allocate so many occultists to kill and sacrifice.

Ansu took off his mimicry mask, put on new clothes, and went back to the church to receive the goddess's reward.

The life points alone are sixty.

 Some of them were holding flowers in their hands.

 The word "Dongxi" sounds very positive, so you can keep it. These are the two words.

 So the number of magic spells Anzu can equip now increases to six.

 After sorting out my thoughts, it was already dawn.


But Ansu knew that this kind of good opportunity only came once a year.

A few tiny and thin stars are still hanging in the gray sky, between the black and the orange-white, mixed between the night and the day, belonging to neither the day nor the night, shining their light sporadically, there is an idiom It's called 'as rare as a morning star'.

However, those are things to worry about later.

 For example, if you cast a curse on the enemy that reduces the defense by 20%, you can use this title.

"have no idea"

In case his whereabouts are exposed, and someone uses detection magic to find out the Newborn, who else is the Newborn in the entire border city?

 He could feel the cheers coming from the door:

Ansu smiled brightly, as if he didn’t hear what the priest meant, and he didn’t feel angry or humiliated at all.

“I really want to thank those heroes, but I hope the heroes can sleep tonight.”

"See you later."

 “He must have killed a lot of evil bad guys.”

  After all, his upgrade method is completely different from that of other saints. He upgrades purely by killing.

 Most of it was given to aristocratic families in the Holy See.

 First use the name change magic [Baptism] to change the title so that only three words can be left.

  【Magic Points: 6】

 Ansu was very satisfied.

   Some data problems with these two pictures have been revised by Yudi.

 【Quasi believer, can exchange for low-level blessings, or add points to the body】

The first-level warlock has four memory grids, and the second-level warlock has six memory grids.

 He had a smile on his face.

 You can go from a first-level warlock to a second-level warlock in one month. This growth rate is really a rocket. If you tell it, it will shock the world.

 It was obviously just dawn, but there were not many people in the church: except for a few believers who came for morning prayers, there were more people who came to join in the fun, and they were all waiting for the return of the Holy Knight.


very good.

 Death must be deleted.

Red Moon Day is a grand event, and the Holy See will also organize paladins to hunt witches on a large scale during these days.

 Once the title is worn, it cannot be taken off, but the title can be changed.

I apologize for any errors in the data. Raindrops are people who are feverish and dizzy and are not sober.

Relatives came to my house during the Chinese New Year, and Yudi’s whole family was infected with the virus. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I’m in great spirits.



 (End of this chapter)