MTL - The More They Object, the More It Means I Did the Right Thing-Chapter 63 【The Death Kiss of the Mother Goddess】

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Chapter 63 [The Death Kiss of the Mother Goddess]

  Captain Sharp is a senior pain esoteric cultist. Since entering the profession, he has begun to delve into various painful arts.

 How to make people die painfully is a topic of his research.

 He has always believed that he is a painful genius.

 Having become a soldier captain at a young age, the future is bright.

 He is the man chosen by the original pain.

 He has always thought so.

The original name was [The Death Kiss of the Mother Goddess], but the name was changed by Ansu, and it sounded more like Holy Light.

At the same time, their wariness towards the three Ansu people has reached an extremely high level. These three people must be genius warlocks from the Glory Holy See.

Kaman made an immediate decision and used the communication magic [Echo] to pass the message to his teammates, giving priority to the gray-haired boy!

 The assassin and the priest will fight the big blond man first, and the warlock will deal with the man with glasses.

As a scout, I will work with the second strongest warrior in the team to get rid of the boy first!

 The warlock also released several blood magics in succession, hitting Liszt.

  【Introduction to Magic: Introductory Magic for Medical Warlocks】

 He was defeated by the combined skills of these three people.

 The version has been withdrawn.

 Many of the magic spells of the Mother Goddess of Life have such characteristics. They are called blessings but are essentially curses.

Finally found someone to experiment with new magic. The new magic he exchanged from the Mother Goddess of Life has yet to be used.

 But after being frozen, he realized that the real pain was that life was worse than death.

When Sharp's teammates arrived, they saw such a terrifying scene.

  【Low-level magic, auxiliary magic】

The battle between Sharp and Ansu was not long, and the three spells were released one after another. In total, it only lasted more than ten seconds.

 A complete defeat.

 Between the two spans is deathly silence and emptiness, between the mouth and nose is the stench and bitterness,

He knelt down in front of the three of them. He wanted to cry, but couldn't. When the ice mask on his face slowly melted, what slid down his cheeks were not tears of sadness and regret, but yellow-brown urine.

If no one can help you, just kiss yourself.

[Magic effect: This is a kiss from the Mother Goddess of Life. The place being kissed will be cursed. Six percent of the vitality will be lost every minute. At the same time, a lustful state will be attached. It will increase with time and last for ten minutes. It is only for two people. Valid for levels and below]

 Because the way to lift this curse has been cracked and it is very simple.

At this moment, he was staring at Ansu, saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth.

 【Consume 3 magic points (originally 6)】

 After all, this magic was once on the streets, it was so famous—everyone who had even read it in a textbook knew how to crack it.

  【Kiss of God】

 When fighting a team, you should start from the weak points.

And the man with glasses and swallowtails is so weird that he can attack with urine bombs, so don't make him an enemy; and the gray-haired boy in the middle looks to be the youngest, and his experience is probably not as good as the first two.

 “Hehe. Beauty.”

How evil and righteous geniuses must these three people be?

For example, if the saint only has an injury to his thigh, using the blessing spell will treat the entire body, so the effect will be greatly reduced. Using auxiliary magic, the blessing spell can be accurately positioned on the thigh.

These three people are not geniuses of the Holy See. They seem to be more suitable for the Secret Cult of Pain than us.

But after some thought, he decided not to say anything that would disturb the morale of the army.

 His, kill me.

 Quite was obviously stunned.

The assassin first escaped into the shadows, followed the shadows cast by the blades of grass, and flashed directly behind Arthur. He struck out with the poisoned dagger and hit the latter's forehead.

Ansu was not panicked. He raised his staff and cast another mid-level magic from the Mother Goddess of Life.

  【God's Kiss】 is indeed out of date, but as long as it is paired with a white magic support, it will be different.

Kaman and the soldier looked at each other. The latter was a big man with a sinewy face and a greasy and salivating smile. The soldier's name was Quite, and he was the most famous pervert in the team.

 He is an intruder, and what he throws away can never come back.

 Ansu was not panicked.

Only Scout Kaman, who had a hawk's vision, completely watched the whole process, with cold sweat slowly flowing down his cheeks.

 In just such a short period of time, the captain they respected and admired was defeated at the hands of these three people.

 No one wants to face off against Quite.

 “Go straight over and chop him into pieces.”

 This seems to be a very powerful magic.

 He knew that he had failed.

 They shared the view. Ansu's eyes were bright.

This is also the first time that he has questioned his belief. Great Mother Goddess of Pain, do you really care for us? Or is the orthodoxy of suffering actually in the Glorious Holy See?

 Soldier Captain Sharp didn't understand, he couldn't see through.

 Quite’s favorite thing is to **** beautiful boys, thereby reaping pain and pleasing the gods.

The metal staff directly hit Sharp's Heavenly Spirit Cap, and with a burst of dizziness, he fainted and never made a sound again.

 Persimmons must be picked soft and pinched.

But what Ansu assists is not the healing blessing spell, but the casting part of the blessing spell [Kiss of God]!

Quite dragged a battle ax that was half a man tall, and stepped on the combat charge horn. The battle ax dragged on the ground, making streaks of fire;

 After hearing the order, the teammates immediately took action.

How could he beat Soldier Sharp to his knees?

Furthermore, what are the pools of yellow-brown liquid next to Sergeant Sharp?

 An ominous suspicion arose in their minds,

  Could it be that Soldier Captain Sharp was frightened to death by them?

This urine can only be the result of Sharp's soldiers, after all, it is on him. Most of his teammates' evaluation of Sharp has dropped by a notch, which is too embarrassing.

 He observed the three people in front of him:

 The big blond guy can fight and resist, but is not suitable for concentrated fire;

  has been widely disseminated.

Until today, when he met the three members of the Glorious Holy See in front of him, he realized that he was just a mortal who was studying the path of pain.

Interfering with the opponent's ability to spend a short period of time to lift the curse will consume a full six mana points, which is not cost-effective at all.

 【Introduction to Magic: A kiss from the Mother Goddess, only a kiss can undo it】

If you are alone, you will pick a fight with three people.

 On the contrary, he was delighted. He even smiled more pervertedly than Quite.

Although Ansu thought it was the kiss of God, Kaman still recognized it as the kiss of the Mother Goddess of Life.

Holy Light White Magic, [Precision Assisted Treatment]

 Ansu smiled.

"Although you have been defeated, you are still a left-gun ranger." Arthur said solemnly, raising the staff in his hand.

 【Consume two magic points (originally one)】

Just a kiss will do. A kiss can break the curse.

 But basically no Life Esoteric believer would choose it.

  【Magic effect: It can accurately locate the area where the blessing spell works, prevent unnecessary loss of magic power, and achieve better therapeutic effects】

 It can only act as a distraction.

 But it doesn’t matter, the reason why Sharp failed was because he was too arrogant.

There are five people on their side now, and they are all second-level warlocks. No one can be afraid of anyone.

On the other side, the scout has shared the field of vision with Quite, and any disturbance cannot be hidden from his eyes.

The effect of this auxiliary magic is very simple, that is, it can locate the specific part where the blessing spell works.

 【Intermediate magic, blessing magic】

When something happened to Sergeant Sharp, Kaman automatically took over the command.

 And there is only one goal -

“Don’t panic.” Kaman’s voice echoed in Quite’s ears, “This is the kiss of the Mother Goddess of Life, the paper tiger magic, I will remove it for you.”

He turned his head and looked at Kaman with a weird expression.

“The Mother Goddess of Life just kissed my skin drum.” He said, “It’s a little bit on the inside.”

ˆ “.”

 (End of this chapter)