MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 177 : Premiere on Election Day

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Sure enough, it was still meaningless.

Yu Xian Zhisheng, who was too relaxed to wear sunglasses, could not escape the fate of being recognized.

The reason for not wearing sunglasses is simple.

He wants to see the beautiful and real Yukiko anytime, anywhere.

Rather than the illusory vision seen through the brown lenses.

Although he was wearing a black mask, his nose and lips were tightly covered, but he couldn't hide the natural extravagance he exuded when he walked.

Among them, there are also reasons for Miyamoto Yukiko.

Especially, Miyamoto Yukiko kept holding his hand.

Her pure beauty is charming and has a strong attraction to passers-by.

After seeing her, there will always be people who can't help but look at Yu Xianzhisheng.

"Is it really Yu Xianzhisheng?" The young lady carrying the wooden sword bag suppressed her excitement.

In order to prevent her from getting louder, Yu Xianzhisheng made a silent gesture and nodded lightly to her.

"Really!" Miss Kendo was all excited.

How do fans feel when they meet their idols on the road?

How to evaluate?

Thank you, I am in Tsukuba, just got off the plane...

Well, of course not.

Miss Kendo touched her pocket in a panic, but she didn't bring the paper in advance. She stretched out her snow-white sleeves: "Can you sign here, please!"

Yu Xianzhi nodded and took out a pen from his pocket.

Didn't sign the first time.

A puddle of blue ink smudges the sleeves.

He flicked the ink and signed it a second time, perfect this time.

"Here, I'm sorry," he said, pointing at Mo Stain.

"It's okay, it's okay! This is even more unique! Thank you!" Bai Nai Qiuye excitedly took off her white shirt, wearing only short sleeves with cats printed on it.

She folded her shirt and put it in the wooden knife bag, holding the wooden knife in her hand.

The waitress, who had been observing for a long time, couldn't help but leaned over, bowed slightly, took out a pen and paper, and asked Yu Xianzhi to sign it.

"I'll be waiting for your channel during my break," she pleaded. "Please sign here."

When Yu Xianzhi was signing autographs for the waitress, Bai Naiqiuye suddenly remembered something, looked around, and realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.

It's not important, but I forgot something.

"Well, can you not tell me what happened to me today." Yu Xianzhi raised his head and stared into Bai Naiqiuye's eyes.

"No! Please don't worry about this!" Bai Nai Qiuye patted his chest hard, the expression on his face was the simplicity unique to the people in the ancient town.

"That...can I invite you to visit our Kendo Museum?" After walking a few steps away, Bai Naiqiuzi followed like a follower.

That's the downside of being famous.

If an ordinary person is followed by a beautiful sister, he will be so happy that he can't sleep, and maybe he will write a light novel "Youth Love Begins From Follow" when he gets home.

But Yu Xian Zhisheng just wanted to go shopping with Miyamoto Yukiko and was bored.

"I don't have time to visit today, I will definitely next time." Yu Xianzhi took off his mask and said to her with a smile.

Miyamoto Yukiko was already familiar with his every expression and was not surprised.

But in the eyes of such ordinary fans, his smile is no different from the spring breeze blowing on his cheeks.

"Hi! Please come next time!" Bai Nai Qiuye bowed happily.

The waitress was very honest. She ran away after taking the autograph. She must be busy showing off.

Walked the corner of the street.

Yu Xianzhisheng and Miyamoto Yukiko joined and held hands again.

Before, when Miss Kendo came, Miyamoto Yukiko took the initiative to let go of his hand, as if she didn't know him at all, and walked forward alone.

This is what the two have already discussed.

If you stay with him in the same place, there may be some scandals.

Miyamoto Yukiko didn't want to trouble him.

This time, Yu Xian Zhisheng put on his sunglasses and mask honestly.

"Children, you are really welcome."

Miyamoto Yukiko looked at the street shops on both sides and said softly, "Small places like this can be recognized. If you walk on the streets of Tokyo, there must be more women like them. Come and ask for your autograph."

Yu Xian Zhisheng did not answer.

He could hear a hint of vinegar.

But there is no doubt that Yukiko was right.

He is currently a high-profile top player, with a large proportion of female fans.

Yu Xianzhisheng suddenly remembered a variety show he had watched.

A young lady who was taking pictures with a mobile phone said disdainfully: "Who is this, who can pretend like this, and takes so many people out of the house, I rely on him, does he have any contribution to this society?"

Then a second later.

Groundhog-like broken voice: "Wow! Jay! Jay Chou!"


My goodness, Jay Chou!

! "


Lunch was eaten at a local specialty restaurant.

After lunch, the two went shopping at the specialty store.

Yu Xianzhi bought some specialty snacks and prepared to go back to Sawano Kazuki and his classmates.

On the way back, I passed by the kendo hall again, and there was the sound of the wooden sword hitting and the sound of rushing and killing mixed with men and women.

Yu Xianzhisheng looked at the signboard of 'Tianxinliu' on the kendo hall, and suddenly remembered the 'one-stroke' kendo of the Miyamoto family.

"Xuezi, who is better than Tianxinliu in this fight?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

"Well, I'm not sure about that." Miyamoto Yukiko swallowed the Jiangmi stick in his mouth. "There is no distinction between the ancient swordsmanship schools, and it mainly depends on the strength of the user."

Miyamoto Yukiko also looked over, "However, the one-strike style passed down by grandfather is very strong, which is one of the reasons why he was able to defeat all Tokyo Kendo gyms."

"I want to learn." Yu Xianzhi said.

"I really wanted to teach you this before, but if you want to become an idol, you don't need to learn this." Miyamoto Yukiko said, "Come on, open your mouth."

Yu Xianzhisheng pulled down his mask and opened his mouth, Miyamoto Yukiko squeezed the rice stick and stuffed it into his mouth.

With icing on her hands, she sucked on her fingers.

"It can be used for self-defense, and if you want to be No. 1 in Tokyo, it's not enough to be the champion of the Starlight Awards. Maybe you can give it a try in the Japanese kendo competition." Yu Xianzhi said while chewing on the food.

Miyamoto Yukiko smiled.

Kendo and entertainment are like classicism and modernism.

Regardless of age, I haven't heard of any player who dares to cross such a big gap.

In other words, he seems to think it is easy to win the Starlight Awards. He has said that more than once, and she, who was skeptical, is about to be convinced.

"Learn some simple moves for self-defense."

Miyamoto Yukiko rubbed his head, "Learning swordsmanship takes a lot of hardship. It's not an exaggeration to say that it's painful to the bone along the way."

"If learning kendo allows me to spend more time with you and experience the way you have walked in the past, I won't find it hard." Yu Xianzhi said.

"It's really up to that time, you can make a decision." Miyamoto Yukiko said softly.

She remembered the hard and thorny road in the past and shook her head in her heart.


After returning to the hotel, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon, because Miyamoto Yukiko would stay for two more days, so he did not check out.

Yu Xian Zhisheng called Sawano Kazuki and asked him to pick him up.

After hanging up the phone, he picked up the towel and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

On the bed, Miyamoto Yukiko was sorting out the clothes in his suitcase.

He can't fold his clothes, he just crumples them and stuffs them into boxes.

Miyamoto Yukiko took them out one by one, folded them neatly, and put them in the suitcase. When Yu Xianzhi first arrived home, she was still clumsy at folding clothes, but now she folds them quickly and well.

While taking a bath, Yu Xianzhi sang the song of Aaron Kwok, the king of Asia.

"The wind is blowing for a long time, and one swaying and swaying."

"I want to find someone to accompany me, and sleep on the road when I'm tired."

Singing and dancing, water splashed on his arms: "I can't stop loving you, I can last forever..."

"Child, what are you talking about?" Miyamoto Yukiko's voice came from outside the bathroom.

"Nothing!" Yu Xianzhi stopped dancing and washed his body honestly.

"I'm going out to buy something, you wait for me at the hotel." Miyamoto Yukiko said.

Yu Xianzhi responded, and after walking out, there was a suitcase on the bed, his clothes were neatly folded, and the clothes and socks that he would wear in the afternoon were on the outside.

He blew his hair with a hairdryer, took the clothes and put them on, with the fragrance of Yukiko's body on them.

It should have been folded in her arms.

He took out a pen and paper from his schoolbag, wrote a paragraph, folded it and put it on the table.

Miyamoto Yukiko came back soon and handed a bottle to Yu Xianzhisheng.

It is a specialty product of Mt. Tsukuba, 'Toad Oil'.

Like safflower oil, this oil is very effective for bruises.

Although it was a little early, it was proof that she was shaken inside.

The descendant of Yikujiu Kendo is the only one who is still alive in the world. If he can pass it on to him, will he see Yikujiu Kendo once again become the No. 1 kendo in Tokyo?

She dared not think about it.

However, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Sawano Kazuki's car was parked outside the hotel.

Miyamoto Yukiko stood at the window on the second floor and waved to him gently.

As the car moved further away, she smiled and shed tears silently.

The car merged into the traffic flow and entered the Kanto Expressway.

Yu Xian Zhisheng looked at the approaching Tokyo Bridge, and suddenly felt that he was back on the battlefield.

Silent power struggles and public performances are all waiting for him in front of him, and he is getting farther and farther from the pure white gentle town.

The sunset hangs over the Tokyo Bridge.

Tokyo Tower emits an azure light.

He stretched out his hand, like the great Gatsby, to grab the light, as if to hold it in his hand.

It was eight o'clock in the evening when we returned to the Yinshi Island Hotel.

Yu Xianzhi was lying on the bed, turned on the phone, and a large number of missed calls and text messages popped up.

While in the car, Sawano Kazuki told himself about the results of the second public performance. Although he performed very well, he did not get the Super S star badge, but only S grade.

Although the S-rank is already very good, there are only two S-ranks in a venue, but Zeye Kazuki still feels very sorry and is not reconciled for him.

Yu Xianzhisheng thought it was nothing.

Somehow you know why.

Different from the last song "Baby" and other famous songs, these two "Rain" are still more niche, the performance effect is not so great, and the spread is not large.

Especially the second song "Rain", the stage effect was very good, but the audience did not know Tian Kongkui's life experience, so the emotions were not so strong, they thought it was just an ordinary stage performance.

Yu Xianzhi chose this song for his own reasons.

This is a very healing song. Tian Kong Aoi's life experience is very similar to Fukase Hui, the lead singer of the World End Band, and both have experienced school bullying. Later, Fukase met a precious person, and that person said to him, "No matter how big the storm, as long as we move forward together, we will surely win."

Yu Xianzhi hoped that the poor little one could live a happy life, so he promised her his hug.

But these are not important anymore.

What happened is forever fixed and no one can change it. He and Yukiko had a wonderful two days, and he was sincerely happy for it.

In this world, there is no one happier than him.

Just thinking about it, Miyamoto Yukiko called.

"Have you arrived at the hotel?" Miyamoto Yukiko asked.

"It's here." Yu Xianzhi said.

The two laughed in unison as they listened to each other's breathing.

"Oh, by the way, did you read the note on the table?"

"Not yet, I want to take it to the mountain tomorrow to see." Miyamoto Yukiko replied.

"You don't have to wait until tomorrow, you can watch it tonight." Yu Xianzhi said softly, "Xuezi, wait a moment, turn on the TV and watch my channel."

"Huh? Do you still want to perform at such a late hour?" Miyamoto Yukiko asked in Yu Xianzhisheng smiled and nodded, said "please look forward to it", and hung up the phone.

I called Itakura on the phone, and Itakura quickly came over with the camera.

"Do you really start broadcasting at this time?" Itakura felt incredulous.

"It's time to broadcast it." Yu Xianzhi smiled, "Tell them I'm back."

He disappeared for two days, and the news on the Internet began to speculate again. Since the broadcast did not start on sunny days, the fans were also looking forward to it, and the women were a little upset when they couldn't see his performance.

"Where?" Itakura asked.

"It's here." Yu Xianzhi picked up the guitar in the room and sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.


Xiaoxun Nagisa had just taken a shower, and was sitting on the sofa, boredly playing mobile games.

Suddenly, the TV that was on standby turned on the green light to subscribe to the channel signal.

Xiao Xun Nagisa glanced at her, stunned, and then rubbed her eyes.

real or fake?

Yubao's channel will start broadcasting at this time?

Are you not dreaming?

He has never officially performed on election day. The last time he performed the cello was only at the invitation of Mori Art students.

Suddenly, Seko Natsukawa's phone rang.

Xiao Xun Nagisa pressed the answer button.

"Hey! Xiaoxun, turn on the TV now, Yubao's channel is on." Xia Chuan Seko's voice was ecstatic.

"I saw it, I saw it!" Xiaoxun Nagisa turned from the sofa and quickly turned on the TV.

Not only her.

At this time, all the households in Tokyo who subscribed to the Yuxian Zhisheng channel noticed the light of the signal sign, and the channel signals converged into stars, just like the forest of fireflies that day.