MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 179 : record song

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The car stopped at the gate of the group.

Taking the umbrella held by Zeye and Shu, the two took the elevator and walked upstairs.

Today's task is mainly to record songs.

It can be said that from this moment, the song is really born and has its own home.

The equipment in the recording studio is very complete. It is completely different from the simple recording room in the hotel. Outside the transparent glass room, there are expensive center consoles, Lipinski main monitors, auxiliary monitors, and various kinds of used to compress the sound. 's mixing and mastering machine.

The relevant personnel were ready, and when they saw Yu Xianzhisheng's arrival, these people nodded enthusiastically, stood up and bowed to greet him.

The female assistant next to her immediately poured a glass of warm water to moisten Yu Xianzhisheng's throat.

Yu Xianzhi was hanging out while drinking water. He was no stranger to these equipment. In the main recording studio, which was partitioned by soundproof cotton, there were piano, guitar, drums and other accompaniment instruments next to it, and in the middle was where he was about to go. , professional spray-proof microphones, monitoring headphones and music stand are placed on the stand.

"Let's go." Yu Xianzhi handed the water glass to the staff and entered the glass room with the accompanist.

While the tube mic is warming up.

Open your voice first.

Yu Xian Zhisheng groaned, experiencing the changes in different vocal ranges, as well as the switching of real and falsetto.

The staff were in place one after another, watching the teenagers in the glass room.

They were all smiling, not in a hurry.

Especially the female assistant holding the thermos cup without looking away.


"Cough cough wow wow."

Cute and happy.

"Okay." Yu Xianzhi nodded.

"This side is also ready!" The teacher in charge of the center console outside nodded.

The first song is "baby".

This song has won the top pop charts in Europe and the United States for several consecutive years, won numerous awards, and created a new era of popular electronic music.

Listening to the accompaniment coming from the monitor headphones, Yu Xian Zhisheng put his lips to the microphone and sang.

Singing is like a pixie on a magic chocolate production line, following the tubes, into the final processor in the center console, adding color, applying notes, and condensing into a fine artifact.

The first recording is over.

Yu Xian Zhisheng drank water and rested.

The staff on the center console nodded their heads and compared different buffs.

"Take the track a little higher."

"The high gain is 3db, and the crowd dominates."

"What about relaxation buffs?"

"Saturation is perfect, vocals are pronounced."

"Just use the version with obvious vocals." It was decided.

"I remember that there are two versions of "baby". Does Yu Xian-jun want to record the second lyrical version? It can be presented as an Easter egg song for the first album." Owada Guangshou asked.

"Okay." Yu Xianzhi nodded.

What I recorded just now is the most original version, which is the release version of Justin Bieber in the previous life. The second lyrical singing method tends to be niche and cannot be released as the title song. It is a good commercial means to give it as an easter egg song.

After the second recording, take another five-minute break.

Then came the recordings of "Spark" and "Loser" respectively.

A morning passed quickly.

Yuzuru Yuzuru and Sawano Kazuki went to rest in the tea room on the top floor.

Owada Guangshou wanted to make tea for the two, but was kicked out by Rinarako who came to visit the class.

"Are you tired?" Rinarako asked cautiously.

This morning she was wearing a small suit with the cuffs rolled up to her arms.

The narrow red skirt that reached her knees tightened her buttocks. Under her feet were high-heeled sandals adorned with gems, and she was smeared with crimson eyeshadow, which made those phoenix eyes even more coquettish.

She didn't come to work, but to deliver meals.

Yu Xianzhi didn't want to pay attention to her at first, but he thought of the conversation with Yuan and Yilong. If this woman uses it properly, she can solve a lot of trouble for herself.

So he smiled at her: "It's okay, how about you, Ryoko, are you working hard?"

"It's not hard, it's just playing." Rinarako was flattered and blushed.

She didn't lie to Yu Xianzhi, her job was to play, and the Lina family's industry was huge, so she didn't need her intervention.

"Miss Rina, your husband is waiting for you outside." Kazuki Sawano came in and said.

"Let him wait!" Rinako said angrily, then turned to Yu Xianzhi, "That, not her husband, but her fiancé."

"Oh." Yu Xianzhi nodded, thinking you could explain **** to me.

"Don't bother for now."

Rinarako put the wrapped ancient wooden food box on the table and left quickly.

Sawano Kazuki opened the lid, and there was a dazzling array of high-end fresh food, expensive truffles and Hokkaido baby roe piled up into a hill.

"My daughter keeps asking me to eat the aristocratic custom meal in the high-end Chateaujoe restaurant." Kazuki Sawano sighed, "This woman is really willing to spend money."

"Please enjoy." Yu Xianzhi pushed the food box in front of him.

"She bought it for you." Sawano Kazuki said.

"I got it in my mind, but I have to record a song in the afternoon, so I can't eat indiscriminately."

Yu Xianzhisheng took out a lunch box from his schoolbag.

A simple pork chop rice bowl and a bottle of mineral water cost 500 yen, and he ate it silently.

"But, the three songs have already been recorded." Sawano Kazuki's eyes widened.

"And another album."

"Songs sung in the second public competition?"


After a short break at noon, I continued to record songs in the afternoon.

It's raining today, so I didn't ask for leave.

Fans also knew that Yu Bao was recording the album, and they all expressed their understanding.

Although I didn't see Yubao, the comment area was full of joy.

If you have expectations, you will naturally be happy.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the rain outside the building gradually increased.

Yu Xianzhi put on his earphones, listened to the pressed product in the morning, and nodded with satisfaction.

The first album is titled 'select', and his own hand-painted cover will be used.

"Let's start recording the second album." Yu Xianzhisheng cleared his throat again.

The second album to be recorded is the two "Rain" and "Rainbow", as well as the official version of "Goodbye Elegy" sung last night.

"What's the name of this album going to be?" Kazuki Sawano asked.

"It's called "Rainbow", and it is also one of the title songs of this album." Yu Xianzhi said.

"I haven't heard you sing this before," said Zeye Kazushu.

Yu Xianzhisheng nodded, only Yukiko had heard this song so far.

In fact, he really wanted to name the album 'yukiko', which is Yukiko's name, after all three songs on this album were sung for her.

The idea was romantic, but it didn't work.

It's hard not to think about albums for people who buy albums, especially song critics who like to analyze songs.

What impressed him was Madam Danson's last song review.

It was really inspirational for her to write a song review, and the 4D words poured out like a spray.

If she could do this when she wrote the script, the "Battle of the Son" crew would probably wake up laughing from a dream.

The second album was recorded from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm, and the two songs "Rain" and "Rainbow" were successfully recorded.

It was dark outside, and it was raining heavily.

Yu Xianzhi shook his head and planned to record "Goodbye Elegy" tomorrow.

One is that it is very late, and the other is that my voice can't hold it anymore.

Recording a song is not just going to sing as imagined. The level of the singer, the difficulty of the song, the level of the sound engineer, the post-mixing and mastering are all within the process of recording the song.

Yu Xianzhisheng's recording speed was already fast compared to the speed of normal singers. Especially the two songs "Raiake (Going through worked hard." The staff bowed.

"Thank you very much everyone." Yu Xianzhi returned the salute.

The time is not in a hurry. The official release of the album takes about a week of work. The masters will also make detailed adjustments to the songs and communicate with him to achieve the most perfect release effect.

Sawano Kazuki drove him back to the hotel and waited for the students to come back for a meeting.

"It's been a tiring day, it's been hard work." Zeye Heshu said kindly, "Wherever you want to eat, pick whatever you want, I'll treat you."

"No, I'm a little tired. Go back and take a bath first." Yu Xianzhi said.

He looked out the window of the car at the rain that melted in Tokyo, and his thoughts were full of thoughts.

If the album is released well, I should set up a recording studio like this myself. I always use the inconvenience in the hotel. Like being a thief, it is inevitable that one day my identity will be revealed.

To have a recording studio, you must first have a room.

It takes money to buy a house, and a lot of money.

The scholarship of Dongda Art is far from enough.

Selling the cello that Mori painted was a far cry.

How many copies of this album will be sold, he is not sure in his heart.

Because it's not up to him, but the fans.

The reputation is very good, but they are unwilling to pay. This kind of situation is not uncommon in the entertainment circle of the previous life.


Back at the hotel, have a casual meal in the lobby, and then take a shower.

Wiping her hair, Yu Xian Zhisheng put on a towel and began to write fairy tales.

These fairy tales are not just for making money with newspapers.

But for the third public performance.

He was going to sing the song about fairy tales.

A gentle, dreamy, melodious fairy tale song.