MTL - The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1693 harry made the wrong call

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  Chapter 1693 Harry made the wrong call

   This is embarrassing.

  It was the first time that Duke Ross experienced the embarrassment of being confused when he was so old, especially looking at Rose's bright eyes, he was really a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

  The kid actually knew he broke his leg.

   "When did you know?"

   "I know it all the time." Little Harry said, "Daddy said that a good-looking person can be forgiven for anything he does."

   Ross, "…"

  Unexpectedly, one day he would rely on his face for food.

   "What a clever kid." Rose said softly, touched his head, and stretched out his hand, "This is the secret between us, come and pull the hook."

   "Then what good do I do?"

   "What benefits do you want?"

  Harry hooked his little finger to Rose's finger and shook it lightly, "I haven't thought of it yet, let's try to get some benefits from my big brother in the future."

   "Okay." Ross said, what a black belly, he misread.

   He still rarely misses people.

  Chu Lin came down from upstairs, Harry looked at Duke Ross with regret, he was leaving soon, Harry took out his mobile phone, "Big brother, can you give me the number?"

   Duke Ross raised his eyebrows and took out his cell phone.

  Chu Li said, "Little Harry, you are amazing, you are the tenth person who knows the number of Duke Ross."

The Duke of Ross didn't seem to hear it, so he entered his number into Harry's phone. Harry verified it out of fear of being fake. Seeing the phone screen light up, he was relieved. Chu Lin went to push Harry out, "we are leaving."

   "Why did you give Harry your private number?"

   "There is something in his hands."

   "How old is he, what can you have in his hands?"

   Duke Ross changed the subject, "How are you talking with Chu Lin?"

   "It's very refreshing. It should be 100 billion in a week." Chu Li said.

   "That's very refreshing." The Duke of Ross said that with money, the development will be faster and it will not be so strenuous.

   “I just like doing business with people who are so forthcoming.”

  Chu Lin pushed little Harry out. Little Harry looked very happy. Chu Lin said, "Baby, let me save the Duke's number."

   "No," Harry said, "Big brother gave it to me."

   "It's just a number, resources need to be shared."

   "No," said Harry, "what did you find Big Brother for?"

   "Can't you give it if you don't do anything?"



   "Well, I'm cheapskate."

  The two talked and laughed and walked back. Little Harry asked, "Big Daddy, does your injury still hurt?"

   "It doesn't hurt anymore, do you still care about my injury?"


   "Big Daddy is really touching."

Lin Jingsheng held another whole day of meetings, Chu Lin took little Harry to play, the weather was calm, as long as it was not close to the slave market, it was very good, the tourist environment here was very good, and little Harry had a very good time, very happy Pretty. The Nine Nations Summit ended perfectly, and little Harry was taken by Chu Lin to play all over the country, and he taught little Harry how to take pictures. Chu Lin and Lin Jingsheng also got along very happily.

Harry pestered Lin Jingsheng to sleep together, but every day he woke up and found himself sleeping on his own bed, Chu Lin said, "Your leg is in a cast, the three of us are too crowded to sleep in one bed, your little daddy is afraid." Touched your leg and hugged you back."

   "Nonsense, the bed is so big, I used to sleep with little Daddy."

   "You are wearing a plaster cast, which is inconvenient."

   "Then why don't you go back to your room to sleep, you have your own room."

  Chu Lin couldn’t answer for a while, yes, why didn’t he go back to his room, after all, little Harry was still young, and he didn’t know much about his relationship with Lin Jingsheng, and he couldn’t explain it clearly, misleading Harry, so Chu Lin had to keep silent.

   "I'm your little daddy's..."

   "Chu Lin!" Just as he was about to say this, Lin Jingsheng yelled angrily, "Come here."

Little Harry was surprised to see his domineering and cool big daddy just follow him obediently. Little Harry secretly rowed over in his wheelchair. Lin Jingsheng pulled Chu Lin aside, there was still some distance from the door, so he didn't pay attention. Here comes little Harry.

   "What nonsense are you talking to Harry?"

   "I'm not talking nonsense, he will know sooner or later."

"That's when he grows up to know. He is still young and his consciousness is in the enlightenment stage. His understanding of his parents is a man and a woman, and his understanding of his partner is also a man and a woman. You will mislead him by saying that." Lin Jingsheng was very protective of Harry in this regard.

   "We all sleep together at night, do you think he won't understand?"

   "Sleeping together, I didn't do anything intimate, just simply put him to sleep, what can he know, don't talk to him about things he can't understand, or I will beat you." Lin Jingsheng said.

  Chu Lin smiled evilly, and put one hand on Lin Jingsheng's waist, "What do you mean by the intimate thing you are talking about?"

  Lin Jingsheng said, "Don't make trouble."

  Chu Lin moved closer to him, with the tip of his nose against his, "I'm not making trouble."

  Harry's mouth has grown into an O.

  Chu Lin kissed Lin Jingsheng's lips suddenly, pressed him against the wall, and kissed his lips deeply, Harry opened his mouth wide, covered his eyes with his hands, and opened a gap carefully.

  Chu Lin fumbled with Lin Jingsheng with both hands, Harry hurriedly slid the wheelchair and ran, accidentally hit the corner of the table, a glass fell and broke, Lin Jingsheng hurriedly pushed Chu Lin away, and the two came back in a hurry.

   "Harry, what's the matter?"

  Harry's big eyes rolled over their faces, "The vase fell."

  Lin Jingsheng pushed Harry away, and Chu Lin quickly cleaned up the debris on the ground, "Are you not hurt?"

   "No." Harry was startled, "I'm going to bed."

   "Did you just wake up?"

   "Sleepy." Harry said sickly.

   "Oh, I'll carry you to bed." Lin Jingsheng carried Harry to lie down.

Harry hid under the blanket, and when Lin Jingsheng went out, he patted his chest, very confused, he took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Lu Bo, after thinking about it, he felt that it was wrong, so he told Daddy that it was not good, and told Mommy Not too good either.

   Yes, big brother.

  Harry called the Duke of Ross. The Duke of Ross was preparing to pack his things and get on the plane back to London. The nine-nation summit has ended perfectly, and he should return to London.


  Harry nodded, "Big Brother..."

"What's wrong?"

   "There's something Harry doesn't understand."

   "What don't you understand?"

   "Can men and men kiss each other?"

  Ross, "Of course."

  The Duke of Ross is from Great Britain. Same-sex marriage is legal. In the British Empire, all male partners are men. This kind of thing is as common as marriage between men and women.

  The Duke of Ross said, "Men and men can marry, of course they can kiss."

   "But Daddy said that only men and women can get married, and they can kiss."

   "He lied to you." Duke Ross said.

  Harry, "Oh..."

  (end of this chapter)