MTL - The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1695 most affectionate lover

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  Chapter 1695 is the most affectionate lover

  Lu Xiaojiu didn't know how to answer his question, London and New York are two different places.

   "It's far away." Lu Xiaojiu said softly, "It takes a long time to fly, don't you like New York?"

   "I like it. New York has a daddy, a mommy, and a little daddy. There are many children. I like it very much." Harry said that New York is also very beautiful, and it is very convenient to go anywhere, and there are many shiny things.

  Lu Xiaojiu took him to various shows, jewelry exhibitions, and auctions when he had nothing to do. As long as he had spare time, he would spend time with the children, so that the children could broaden their horizons since childhood. The family went to the suburban villages for vacation on weekends. Harry also liked New York very much.

  Lu Xiaojiu kissed him lightly on the forehead, and said with a smile, "Go to bed quickly."

"it is good."

Harry fell asleep soon, and Lu Xiaojiu helped him change the quilt. Harry didn’t sleep well, so Lu Xiaojiu tried to let him sleep in the middle so as not to fall off. As soon as Harry fell asleep, Gordon started to make trouble. Gordon has been very noisy recently , it may be because of illness, Qiao Xia will help take care of the children when there is nothing to do, and take care of the children while studying. Lu Xiaojiu is quite relaxed, and only takes care of Gordon at night.

  She coaxed Gordon, finally coaxed him, and Lu Bai also came back, Lu Xiaojiu looked at him with a half-smile, "You're finally back, I'm afraid you will feel guilty and dare not come back."

   "Why am I guilty." Lu Bai smiled, and went to follow Gordon, "Why hasn't Little Gordon slept yet?"

   "He just took a nap, he may sleep late tonight." Lu Xiaojiu said softly, "Harry has fallen asleep."

  Lu Bai went in, Harry opened his eyes slightly, and said in a daze, "Daddy."

  Lu Bai leaned down and kissed him on the forehead, "Baby, be good, go to bed early, good night."

   "Good night, Daddy."

Lu Bai kissed Lu Xiaojiu and Gordon, feeling satisfied. When he came home every day, as long as he saw their mother and child, he would not feel tired, only satisfied and relaxed. Worry."

   "You are really good enough. Is it possible that he won't let me know about his injury for a month? I will definitely be suspicious. By the way, why is Harry talking about New York?"

"He met a new friend. You also know Harry. When you see a good-looking one, you like it. It's exactly the same as Ah Sheng. After a few days, you forget it. You can see that he played with good-looking people in kindergarten. .” Lu Bai said, “You don’t have to worry about him either.”

Lu Xiaojiu thought about it, what Lu Bo said was also reasonable, Harry is full of color control, this is really learned from Lin Jingsheng, and he is still the blue one, as long as it is good-looking, he can forgive anything and say anything, but he himself Haven't found it yet.

He had a very good girl in the kindergarten, she was beautiful in pink makeup, and she kept talking about it when she got home. He must bring two copies of the small cake made by Qiao Xia, one for the girl. , Don’t forget to mention it when you bring a gift, be sure to bring a double copy. This has been sticky for a week, and I have to go to her birthday party, but within a few days, Harry changed his mind and started talking about another girl. Every day when he came home, he would praise the girl with beautiful eyes and smooth skin with Lu Xiaojiu Nun gave all kinds of compliments, but in less than a week, she changed again, because the new girl was more beautiful.

  Lu Bai and Lu Xiaojiu were extremely troubled by this.

  I am deeply afraid of raising my son into a philandering carrot.

  It's so small, it looks like it's developing in the direction of a scumbag.

  Because Lu Bai had a lot of resentment towards Lin Jingsheng.

   "Hey, my eldest son, he will be a philanderer from now on."

  Lu Bai rubbed his nose, "Our youngest son must be raised to be an idiot."

  Lu Xiaojiu smiled.

   "What happened to Ah Sheng and Ah Lin?" Lu Xiaojiu asked.

   "It's nothing, it's not something important."

   "Would you like to tell me in detail, lest I gossip with Xiao Qiao?"

   "I'm really scared."

  Lu Xiaojiu, "..."

  Lin Jingsheng is packing his luggage and will return to country C tomorrow. The scene of staying in New York is over. He needs to arrange various matters in country C as soon as possible. I'm afraid it will be another scuffle.

   Prepare early.

  Chu Lin knocked on the door, came in before Lin Jingsheng agreed, and locked the door.

  Lin Jingsheng said, "I will return to China tomorrow."

   "Stay a few more days, what are you doing in such a hurry to go back?"

   "No, I have work to do." Lin Jingsheng said lightly, "You stay in New York, don't follow me around."

  Chu Lin hugged Lin Jingsheng gently, reluctant to let him go. If he didn't go back, they would probably see each other rarely. He knew he had to let go. Lin Jingsheng was very busy and had many things to do, but he just couldn't bear it.

  Reluctance in my heart, all kinds of reluctance.

   "Ah Sheng, I don't want you to leave."

  Why did Lin Jingsheng want to go back? In that cold palace, he was the only one besides him. The Lin family was precarious, and he was the only one who supported the overall situation. For the sake of the overall situation, he had to go back too.

   "My underground lover, when will I be able to become a regular?"

"..." I'm afraid I won't be able to become a regular in my life. If I want to become a regular, unless he kills the church, this is a very difficult thing. Why doesn't the Lu family want to kill the church? If the church is killed, he can replace the Lin family. However, they He didn't dare to do it yet, so Lin Jingsheng didn't dare to do it either. The church is a very powerful organization that is separated from the center of power. Many things have to go through the church. He wants to have a good relationship with the pope. Fortunately, he has never Too bad.

  The matter between him and Chu Lin was ultimately dark.

  Lin Jingsheng looked at the clothes he had arranged. Chu Lin was also extremely sensitive, "Are you thinking that I will stay in New York and not go to the palace for the next six months?"

"you misunderstood."

   "I see that's what you think."

  Lin Jingsheng turned around and looked at Chu Lin, "Ah Lin, I will not do anything to betray you, I swear, so, you don't have to worry about who I marry in order to submit. Do you know what I mean?"

   "Liar, why did you agree to Lu Yao?"

   "That's because of the intention of the Lu family. I don't have any capital to fight against the Lu family. I can only agree. Besides, you and I have no such relationship at that time. Ah Lin, you can rest assured."

  Everyone said that he was ruthless, but who would have known that what he wanted was only one person's heart, and he couldn't ask for it.

Chu Lin narrowed his eyes, remembering what happened between Lin Jingsheng and the eldest princess this time. He didn't know whether Lin Jingsheng had said anything to the eldest princess. He only knew that the eldest princess had already gone to country C. She just arrived today. Ah Sheng is going back today, how can he rest assured?

  (end of this chapter)