MTL - The Nine Godheads-Chapter 451 "What the hell!"

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The sound of the shadow of the shadow array is single, and it can block the sound and the image, but there is no ability to trap anyone. If Hong Xiaobao is allowed to escape, the consequences are unimaginable.

Therefore, Zhuang Bi decided to make a quick decision.

"Is it a cover fee? I will give it to you right away!" As soon as he made up his mind, Zhuang Bi groaned and screamed. He suddenly flew over and grabbed the big hand with lightning: "Get the cloud hand!"

Suddenly, I saw a majestic aura rushing out, instantly turning into a big hand and grabbing Hong Xiaobao.

He didn't think about killing Hong Xiaobao, but he hated Hong Xiaobao's grin, so he took care of his mouth.

If this catch is grasped, it is really a cover-up.


Zhuang Bi immediately regretted it.

I saw Hong Xiaobao gently raise his hand and the next moment, the air suddenly had a ring of circulating current.


- Paralyzed ring, medium!

"What the hell!" Zhuang Bi was shocked.

Where did he see this magic weapon from the ancient times... The incomplete version was completely invincible, and the whole body was numb on the spot, and the whole person fell like a stone sculpture.

However, he is also a six-fold monk, with a strong aura body, and instantly returned to normal.

However, in this momentary gap, Hong Xiaobao has already launched a counterattack. Then Zhuang Bi looked at Hong Xiaobao and took out the black iron pot behind him, his hands rounded...


Full house!


Between the electric and the Flint, Zhuang Bi only had time to raise his hand to protect the face, and he was covered by the black iron pot. The whole person flew straight out and presented the "Tai" type on the wall next to it. It stopped for two seconds before sliding down.

I have to say that the building of Datun City is simply a conscience project, and there is nothing at all.

The body of the six-fold monk is indeed strong. If you change the pot of Hong Xiaobao, you have to be at least half a day. However, Zhuang Bi was good, only three or two breathing, he has already stood up, although the appearance of a wolf, but it is not hurt.

"What the hell? Who is there, who is taking the pot as a weapon?" Zhuang Bi said.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that the old man is a disciple of the cooking club. As a chef, I want to come to the pot and not leave." Hong Xiaobao replied.

I am going to your pot and not leaving!

Zhuang Bi returned to the gods and looked at him: "Hong Xiaobao, congratulations, you succeeded in angering me! I wanted to spare you a dog's life, but now, this son changed his mind - you! Dead! Set!"

With a sigh of anger, he immediately rushed back, and at the same time, he also made a leap in the inner door of Leiyin Pavilion. It was called a body of law, and it was like a wind!

So Hong Xiaobao re-powered, Xuan iron pot again!


"No! This is impossible!" Zhuang Bi counterattacked again.

So Hong Xiaobao re-powered, Xuan iron pot again!


After so many times, Zhuang Bi is not good for the whole person.

"What the hell?! What the **** is this?!" He screamed with anger and doubted his life.

How can it be that a six-member inner disciple is abused by a four-door outside door?

The pot is secondary, mainly the current. But what the **** is that current? ! Why can't even defend my body's aura?

"You are finished! Zhuang Gongzi, I am afraid that this is really over..."

Hong Xiaobao did not explain to him. He just approached slowly, and then looked at Zhuang Bi with a look of pity. He was screaming in his mouth. "It was only a fierce sin, and it was closed for a few years." It became an intention to murder... This is a cover-up fee, I am afraid I have to add it again!"

Zhuang Bi: "Intent to murder..."

I kill your sister? !

Who is going to kill now? Do you know me clearly? !

Someone went out with a pot of ah... oh, who took the pot as a weapon... ah, no, some people are so wonderful, actually created a black iron pot... Hey!


In short, the pot is a wonderful flower, as wonderful as its owner!

If you can, Zhuang Bi would rather be a sword, a hammer, a rifle... Anyway, no matter what is good, don't be a pan.

At this time, looking at Hong Xiaobao, who was calm and calm, Zhuang Bi was now panicked.

I thought it was the hands of the snails - the ten steadily, who knows that the snail suddenly has a long tooth, and will bite, bite a bite and even the belt meat, change you, you panic?

Even worse, in order to maintain the "small East", he went out today without equipment - this is also a common problem of the second generation. After all, they stay in the city every day. If they don’t go to the door to seek revenge, they don’t have to go out to fight the city. It’s really unnecessary to go out with their arms. If you let outsiders see it, how much more?

Therefore, in general, the second generation of the second generation is wearing a number of protective weapons such as inner armor and jewelry that do not affect the appearance, and one or two weapons for decoration, which are not practical, but only force.

This is the case with Zhuang Bi.

and so……

There is a very embarrassing fact in front of me, it seems that I really can't beat the "armed" Hong Xiaobao - if that pot is also a weapon.

"Don, let's go! We drag him!"

At this time, the east, south, west, and north of the lie on the ground were obviously not clear about the situation. Suddenly shouted, they fought in front of Hong Xiaobao, and there was a strong fight.

It’s true that the Lord and the servant are deep, and I see pity.

The result was won by Hong Xiaobao, and they fell down again. The weak chicken was not like a four-fold monk.

Hong Xiaobao: "Oh, huh..."

To be honest, since the Thunder pool has swallowed the rootless Xuan Lei, he himself does not know how strong his body is, and the area is fourfold? Ha ha……

Can stop me to lose!

Zhuang Bi was only angry with his face, red and green.

Run and run... Run you a "哔哔哔"!

If the son wants to leave, he wants to stop me with a four-zone. Now I don’t want to go, but I can’t go. Are you doing this waste to figure out the situation? !


A bunch of waste!

After a few sighs in his heart, Zhuang took a deep breath and suddenly calmed down. Then he looked at Hong Xiaobao and showed his brilliance: "Hong Xiaobao, what do you want to do, open a condition. But I remind you, be a man. Stay on the line and meet in the future."

The meaning of this is that I have planted this time, but your kid is also on the road, don't kill it, or you will get the fish to die, everyone has no good fruit to eat.

Do you dare to swear? Who is scared? Hong Xiaobao waved his hand again and again: "In the future? No, no... I think you misunderstood, the old man is straight, and he is not interested in men."

Zhuang Bi: "???"

Suddenly a black line.

Your attention is focused, mom! Is the focus in the future? what? Is it in the future? !

"Cough, well, don't make these imaginary." Hong Xiaobao coughed and transferred the topic. "The so-called robbers are robbing people. If you know each other, you should take out the valuable things and keep them safe. Don't wait for the old man to do it. ""

After all, it was a six-fold monk. Although he had a paralyzed ring to protect himself, he was still a little afraid to get close to Zhuang Bi’s body, for fear that he would be overturned by accident.


Duobao Xiong vigorously shook Hong Xiaobao's picture stone on his claws, grinning a smile - congratulations to make a fortune, everyone is rich.

Zhuang Bi’s face is humiliating, and even the heart that wants to die is there.

But the times are stronger than people, and he has to.


Three minutes later.

There is only one underwear left in the body, and the shirtless trembling in the corner of the wall, the face is full of love.

Fortunately, the dressing industry is more ancient, even if it is underwear, it is actually similar to the autumn pants, and there is no such thing as a "iron triangle", or else, the picture is a bit spicy.

"Zhuang Gongzi, you said that you are also a big auctioneer of Shaodong’s first auction house. If you go out with such a thing, don’t you lose it?!”

Hong Xiaobao counted the spoils and couldn’t help but feel bad.

Too much like it!

Dangtang Zhuangjia Shaozhu, the famous and famous 纨绔修二代, went out with only a piece of heart guard, half set of broken armor, an embroidered sword, several hundred Lingjing plus the sound of the shadow array ......


The top of the day is two thousand Lingjing, it is really a white show of the old man's true performance! This blood is lost...

"On this thing... I’m too sorry for Zhuang’s worth of yours.” Hong Xiaobao held his chin seriously: “The fare increase! Must increase the price!”

"I can give you all, what do you want?" Zhuang Bi shuddered, almost cried, and did not open his breath, he first weakened three points - no way, this time he met with him, he It’s really hard to get up.

"emmmm, I think about it..." Hong Xiaobao sank. Suddenly, when I thought about it, I tried to say: "If you answer the old man's question, if you can satisfy the old man, it is not impossible to let you go. After all, we do business, go out to seek fortune, not to be mad. ""

"You will be so kind?" Zhuang looked suspiciously and gave him a look.

"You have no choice." Hong Xiaobao sneered.

Zhuang Bi thought about it too, so he said: "Well, you ask."

"Have you ever heard of...the pharmacist's tomb?" Hong Xiaobao opened the door.

"The pharmacist's tomb?" Zhuang Bi clearly stunned. "You are just a four-fold monk. What about the pharmacist's tomb? You are not..."

Suddenly he sneered and stopped, but he looked at Hong Xiaobao with a look of eccentricity. His eyes seemed to be saying four words - not self-sufficient.

However, after thinking about it, I gave it to the "district" to give it to him. Isn't it... cough, stop, it's just an accident tonight, waiting for his artifact to be in his hands, and to abuse him in a district. Not easy?

At this time, Hong Xiaobao heard the words, and suddenly he was happy.

It’s really no doubt that there is no way to reclaim the mountains and waters. It’s another village, and this guy really knows the existence of the pharmacist’s tomb.

When I was in the West City, the gods took the money. Oh, no, after Lingjing, I said that the word "the tomb of the pharmacist" was not followed. It was a pit of money! Unexpectedly, I would actually hear the wind in the mouth of this Zhuangzi.

Hey, I don’t know the Shaodong family of the Baibing auction house.

"Do not ask this."

Hong Xiaobao quickly put his face on the board. "In short, as long as you know what you know, I can never have happened tonight. Otherwise, you will wait for the tea in the penalty hall tomorrow."

"Tell you anyway, but the shadow stone must be handed over to me." With room for negotiation, Zhuang Bi’s sighs suddenly came up.

"The deal." Hong Xiaobao did not hesitate. After thinking about it, he threatened another sentence: "But if the old man finds out, your kid is ignoring the old man, hehe!"

It is only a four-folder, but Zhuang Bi still feels inexplicable and feels trembled. He quickly said: "It is not a big secret. Why should Ben and Ben sons lie to you? If you don't believe it, you will see it after a month."

"That's best."