MTL - The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress-Chapter 4 4 cloud thoughts

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There is no need to deal with Su Qiaoxin's things. Anyway, Shen Guifei's strategy is those. If you don’t speak, you can get started. She doesn't know what it means to be pity and cherish jade. As a slap in the face, it is natural to have a slap in the face.

However, in general, Shen Guifei did not have the opportunity to do it himself. The girl in Manchu seems to be afraid that their family will not be able to control the power and make people come out, so they will always be the first to start. A few false accusations failed, and later they learned, and never said that they would be beaten if they were too much, so that they only had to bear the "toxic tongue" of the noble lady.

Shen Guizhen feels very sorry, she still wants to try to slap in the face is not really cool.

In the past, Shen Yuqing was using a machete, but he never tried to use a weapon. Listening to friends, sister-in-law said that it is quite cool to beat people with sticks. Unfortunately, Shen Yuqing has not learned the stick method, and the identity of the nobles is not suitable for sticks.

When the newcomer enters the palace, there will always be several short-sighted ones.

Shen Yuqing decided to seize the opportunity and could not let the full moon robbed.

"Anniling." Full of stars seeing his own maiden full of eyes eager to try, there is a kind of poor premonition in my heart, can not help but come forward to wake up the people immersed in fantasy.

"What?" Shen Guizhen returned to God and asked faintly.

The adult shrank in the arms of the full star to sleep, heard the sound of Shen Yuqing, squeezed a small head from the full chest of the star, stuck in the ditch, a happy expression. Shen Yuqing's mouth was pumped, this color-cat, obviously she is the mother, how old likes to drill the chest.

The full star has long been used to it, while squatting at the head of the adult, he said to the nobles: "The Queen's maiden sent a list to let you know if there is anything wrong with it."

Speaking and waving, let the second-class banquet feast responsible for the chores send things up.

It is not an important thing. Shen Yuqing started to look at it. It turned out to be the list of this year's showgirls. Only the names of several people were listed above, and the palace to be given and the palace to be given were written.

The position was originally set by the emperor, and the palace was the queen who could intervene. However, if the emperor is very reliant on the empress, these empresses can decide, and finally give the emperor a glance. Shen Yuqing is just a noble man, and he has not helped manage the harem. Actually, you don't have to look at it.

However, the Queen sent her face, she naturally wants to take a look.

There are only a few nephews on the list that are in a good family and need attention. As for those who are not competitive, there is no such thing. The emperor is not lascivious. Although the general election is held as scheduled, it is estimated that many people will not be elected to the palace, not to mention the white moonlight in his heart.

In addition to the highest score given by Su Qiao, there is also a second lady who is right-handed, giving Zhaoyi of the four products. This lady, the sister of the family, is still a sister to the palace, and is a twin sister. Three years ago, the two sisters were all fifteen. Unfortunately, Miss Xiaojie suddenly got an emergency and her face was almost ruined. Naturally, she could not participate in the general election. So only broke into the palace, and Miss Yan waited for three years.

When I look at it, I have a greasy look. I don’t know if this "quick emergency" has anything to do with cockroaches.

In addition, there is also a lady from the Ministry of Industry Shangshu Anjia, the Queen's meaning is to give a Shuyuan from Sipin Shuyuan. There is another Dali Temple, Miss Liu Jia, who gave a gift from Wu Pinhua, and it is gone.

This year's timing was good. In the first three years, the girls were not elected but they could not wait for the direct engagement. By this year, there are not many elite women of the age of Beijing, and some of them are reluctant to enter the palace for consultation. They have already let the wife of the house enter the palace and the empress of the queen, so that the brand will be married.

The emperor is not good at color, nor is it an incompetent emperor who relies on the courtiers, so these are good to discuss. The Queen is not difficult for them, directly approved.

Shen Yuqing took a look at the list of only four people and thought about it for a long while, smiling lightly.

Su Qiaoxin gave this position to the Taishi, or to give Miss Su Jiada a face. Even the daughter of the right-hand phase has only a four-character Zhao Yidang. Su Qiaoxin is the second best, and the hatred is properly drawn. Let's give this girl a wax and say it again. I am afraid that Shen Yuqing hasn't shot yet. She will be turned back by the women in the palace.

These new couples have basically lived in the palace. Miss Yan Jia and Miss Liu Jia have gone to the long drunk palace. After they hit the shackles, they are afraid that there will be no good days. Ms. An Jia is the most unlucky. Her Flying Moon Palace has the Lord. It is a coincidence that it is White Lotus.

The queen is too bad.

There is one Su Qiaoxin who lives alone in the main hall of the Yunxiang Palace. This is painted on the circle. It seems that it is not the queen, but I am afraid that it is the emperor. The location of Yunxiang Palace is opposite to that of the Imperial Palace. One is in the East Fourth Palace and the other is in the West Fourth Palace. It is the nearest palace to the Imperial Palace. For the nephew, this position is the best in addition to the Fengyi Palace, so... the hatred value of Su Qiaoxin has to be exploded.

Shen Yuqing put away the list and said to Manxing: "There is no opinion in this palace, just like this."

After giving the reply, the little **** of Fengyi Palace went back to life.

Shen Yuqing called the **** of the palace, and he was responsible for inquiring about the daily affairs.

"How much do you know about the two Miss Taishi teachers?" Shen Yuqing asked.

On the following day, he replied immediately: "The two young ladies are very good in appearance. They are the noble ladies of the Beijing No. 1 ranking. They are not married. Especially Miss Su Qiaorong, dignified and virtuous, a woman who sought for it, There is a lot of limelight in Beijing. Miss Sue Qiaoxin..."

"Wait." Shen Yuqing interrupted him. "The older one is Su Qiaorong?"

"Back to the goddess, yes."

Shen Yuqing is thoughtful.

Yun wants clothes to think about it, no wonder the emperor wants to give Yunqiao to Su Qiaoxin’s heart. The palace is afraid of not living for Su Qiao, and is living for “Shu Qiaorong’s substitute”. The emperor was really in love with each other, only suffering from the group of obsessive women in the harem.

"Yunxiang Palace, used to be called Yunxiang Palace?" Shen Yuqing suddenly thought of this.

I don't blame her for thinking about this, because there is a palace in the palace that has been renamed, that is, the fairy palace where the lady of Loulan came to live. A month ago, it was not called the Xianyi Palace. It was the name changed after Mrs. Yu lived in, and the woman in the harem was smashed. By the way, Shen Guizhen was also "qi ill".

I thought about it the next day: "Yunxiang Palace was originally called Guanyin Palace, and it was opposite to the Gong Palace. The name was changed two years ago. At that time, the palace ladies also guessed who would move, but did not expect to change their name. Always idle."

There are two love poems in the Book of Songs, the most famous ones, one is Guan Guan, which is the Guan Guanyu in the river, and the other is the 蒹葭 蒹葭 苍 苍 苍 苍 。 。 。. If Yunxiang Palace used to be called Guanyin Palace, it would be normal, relative position, relative name, in line with the symmetry aesthetics of the ancients.

And two years ago... Su Qiaoxin fifteen and hey, can marry. But she pushed all the marriage contracts and wanted to enter the palace.

Shen Yuqing hugged the adult who jumped into his arms and gave him a smooth hair. It seems that the emperor has been in the bureau for two years, just waiting for Su Qiaoxin to enter the palace this year.

"This is a good thing." Shen Yuqing ordered a table and looked at the full star. "When Miss Su enters the palace, she will say the reason for the name change of Yunxiang Palace. I think Miss Su will like this statement."

First, create a potential for Su Qiaoxin, hold her up to the sky, set up a target, and then, fall down. So, the Emperor’s Majesty should be very happy?

The full star smiled and nodded: "Yes, the goddess."

Shen Yuqing took the cat back to the inner temple and rested. Lying in bed, she thought about it. She felt that she was really guilty and more and more like a vicious villain. The poor "woman" has not yet entered the palace, she will rush to create setbacks for people, but also set a poison meter against her, no one.

But who is Shen Yuqing holding the emperor's salary to the emperor? The customer is God and can only grieve the unhappy Miss Su.

The cat adult climbed on her chest on Shen Yuqing's stomach, stepped on the left and right, found a comfortable position in the middle of the soft meat, happily squatted down, and slept with a small yawn. Fortunately, this cat is small in size, and there are still no two palms. Otherwise, Shen Yuqing can be overwhelmed by it.

Looking at the cat in the chest, Shen Yuqing decided not to think more. That person's money for the people - disaster relief, whoever is who he is, do their own work first.

Close your eyes, sleep, and pick women tomorrow, and she has to show up. She has to show up.

On the second day, Shen Guifei was rarely dressed up. The goal was to be the closest to the former imperial palace in the East Fourth Palace, where the newcomers took part in the re-election.

Full star, the next day and three second-class female eunuchs accompanied, Shen Guizhen sat on the soft sedan, embraced the cat who did not wake up, and soon arrived at Chuxiu Palace. At this moment, the show girls really gathered in the West Temple to wait for the summons.

Two eunuchs with big waists and rounds are at the door of the partial hall, and they are not close to each other. The girls listened to the noise from the yard, and they were curious in their hearts, but they didn’t dare to go over and watch the fun.

A group of beautiful women, there are a few who are sought after by the crowd, watching it is much more stable than the average person, did not stretch his neck and look around. For example, Su Qiaoxin, who occupies the best position, is just a matter of geography, and she does not care about the movement outside.

"Sister Sue is not curious?" asked a girl who looked at the delicate powder girl.

Su Qiaoxin gave her a look: "What is curious? Today, the emperor is not coming, but the outside is just a high-ranking niece, and there is nothing to look at."

The girl's eyes widened and she was disappointed: "Isn't you going?"

I thought I could see the emperor!

Su Qiaoxin glanced at the direction of the temple door, and he was not very happy. The emperor did not come, and the family had inquired about it. This time, only the queen and the nobles were presided over, and even the Queen Mother did not intend to attend. What does this mean? This shows that the emperor did not care about these girls, and the Queen Mother did not put them in the eye.

But it doesn't matter, Su Qiaoxin knows that he will definitely enter the palace, and sooner or later he will have the opportunity to see the emperor.

The author has something to say: a small drama (⊙v⊙) powder girl is used to deal with Shu Shu

The former 虞嫔 is the exclusive supporting role of "Cuihua". Her sister Miss Sui is the exclusive supporting role of "Dog". The bi-banquet that appeared today is the exclusive supporting role of "Hugh Candle".

Thanks for the nutrient solution: 壹 only 喵 +10, skinny +10, paulownia +3