MTL - The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress-Chapter 80 810 nickname

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With the news that Shen Guifei’s birth of the emperor’s eldest son spread from the capital to the entire Jiangnan area, there was news of the death of Wang Yu in the capital.

However, because of the news of the emperor's full moon, this incident did not cause any sensation. Although this would not cause a sensation, there are fewer people concerned about it.

The idle king has passed away, and Wang Hao has followed him. It is not even a child.

At this time, the Emperor’s Majesty will take the lead to show their kindness and give them a child from the side, but Fu Junjun does not. If Wang Hao and Wang Ye really care about this, Wang Hao would not have promised to let his son be the eldest son of the emperor.

Shen Yuqing was puzzled. Wasn’t Wang Hao not worried about his son’s involvement in the battle? However, Fu Yijun took out a sacred decree, which was written to pass on to the emperor.

"..." Shen Guizhen is very speechless.

Is this too sloppy? What if the child is not the emperor?

Then the emperor kneel down and slowly took out another one, and wrote on the top to make the emperor's eldest son a rich and idle king.

Shen Yuqing understood that the Emperor’s Majesty used this sacred deception to deceive the Princess Wang, and said that she would give her son a wealthy and leisurely king. In fact, the emperor made two preparations.

If the child is suitable to become an emperor, pass the position. If you are not suitable, you should be a free king.

"You are not afraid that when he grows up, he is obviously not suitable to be an emperor, but he is ambitiously competing for the throne?"

Fu Yijun showed an inscrutable smile: "I believe you can teach him well."

If you don't teach well, you can do it well.

Shen Guizhen can stunned and realize that in addition to being a queen, there are other pursuits. How can he not get the child to get to the road of enlightenment (?) and day to fly (??)?

Cough, in short, I believe that Shen Guifei will definitely let the children understand what is supposed to be done and which ones will be licked.

"The old lady will not give you a lifetime of expensive." Shen Yuqing is cold and cold, thinks beautiful, and gives you the son to raise.

The Emperor’s Majesty did not care: “If it’s really inappropriate, he’s ambitious, and then you’re bothered to take him to the lesson.”

"I refuse!" She didn't want to bring a light bulb to disturb her and Qiu Shui's two worlds.

His Majesty the Emperor changed his mind: "Just take a small cockroach that can be called at random. If you are in a hurry, just rush to the side and let him stop."

"..." It is not a relative, the child is only a month old, just think about how to toss him when he grows up.

Shen Gui glanced at him and took his son away.


The Emperor touched his nose and took his two sacred sacred back into his sleeve.

Originally brought this sacred purpose, it is intended to let Shen Yuqing collect, Shen Yuqing will certainly not be found. However, since Shen Guifei is not happy, he still finds a place to hide himself. Don't let people find it in advance and make trouble.

In short, the plan was made by the Emperor of the Emperor, and he was prepared to leave.

On the other side, Shen Guizhen is discussing the funeral of Wang Hao with the full moon.

Because it is not good to let Wang Hao’s date of death coincide with the date of birth of the Emperor’s eldest son, lest some people gossip and let the poor baby be criticized. Therefore, before Wang Hao’s life, they discussed it well and postponed the date of death for more than a month. At the very least, they had to pass the child’s full moon.

Fortunately, today's cold weather, coupled with the royal special "preservatives", Wang Hao's body has always been in the shape of death, the surface is completely invisible when the date of death. Tomorrow, it is the "first seven" of Wang Xi's maiden. According to the custom of Da Yu, the first day of the seventh day is to be buried.

On the other side of the imperial tomb, there is no need to prepare anything. It is okay to bury directly with the idle king. However, tomorrow, attending the funeral and funeral, Shen Guizhen intends to send a big palace woman in the past.

She can't go by herself, she can only let the close-fitting girl take a trip for her.

Full-Chan girl and full-star girl, whateverever they go, Shen Guizhen called two people and let them discuss who they are going.

Fortunately, Wang Hao’s funeral was arranged by the Wangfu steward and the officials of the Ministry of Rites, otherwise the royal family would send people to help.

"Or a slave, let's go." The star said immediately after listening.

If the full moon is gone, the things that are full of Chen Chen will be taken over by her. The two phases weigh, the fool knows which one to choose.

Man Chen gave her a meaningful look, but she did not sing against her, and accepted this distribution.

Shen Gui sipped his mouth tea: "Well, that full star, after you attended the funeral, take a trip to the Beijing suburbs. I have something to give to the inside."

Full star immediately: "..."

After attending the funeral and going to Bezhuang, she was afraid that she could not come back before the key in the palace. Although I was very happy to play outside for a while, I couldn’t see the adults and the little blacks.

The star-studded girl who has recently been obsessed with cats is rejected in her heart.

However, she still chose to go out for a trip than to work for Man Chen.

Shen Yuqing did not take care of her careful thoughts, took a plain sachet of plain color, did not know what was loaded inside, handed it to the full star.

Full of stars and doubts, I was curious about what the sachet did, and some who was curious about who Zhuangli was. But she did not ask, anyway, I will know tomorrow.

On the second day, the sky was gloomy, as if the heavens and the earth were also mourning for Wang Hao.

Wang Hao had no children in the Ming Dynasty, so it was inevitable that no one would help the spirits, and he went to Wang Hao’s niece and nephew to go. The star stood quietly in the crowd and watched the coffin enter the imperial tomb.

Later, they can't follow up.

When the coffin is buried, the children are all out, and the funeral is over. There are people around who want to come up and talk with the girl, but they are covered by the stars.

After getting rid of the guys who tried to climb the nobles, the star girl quickly set foot on the carriage and rushed to Zhuangzhuang.

In the evening, the full star came to the Shenzhuang of the Shen family.

This individual Zhuangli generally does not have a family of Shen, mainly because there is a large area of ​​land around the Shen family, Zhuangzi lived in the village, responsible for the Shen family. At the end of the year, it is considered an entry for the Shen family to report the harvest.

No one can seem to be in such a small Zhuangzi, who is so ugly, actually hides important people.

The full star made the management advanced to inform, and then slowly walked toward the inside. The servant led the full star into the small flower hall. After a while, the one in Zhuangzi came.

The girl is drinking tea, and she looks up and hangs herself.

"宓妃娘娘?!!!" The star is full of anger, not to say that the 宓妃 宓妃 已经 has left, how is it still in the capital?

I glanced at her and saw that there was only a full star. It wasn’t that Shen Yuqing came by myself, and suddenly there was some lack of interest. She may open the fascinating mode towards Shen Yuqing, and it is natural to keep the previous high cold and proud against the full star.

"How come you are?" She frowned.

Full star: "..." This disdainful look is a ghost, the goddess, you will not understand this time?

The maid named Ayi has been tightly guarded behind her body, guarding everything around her, not too tired.

"My maiden asked me to give you something." The star took the sac.

To tell the truth, she glared at this small, arrogant look, and I really didn't want to give it. But no, if you don't give it back, the goddess will smoke her.

I blinked and I quickly picked it up. I just wanted to open it and watched the full star, and carefully took back my arms.

"This princess knows, what else?" He urged, isn't Shen Yuqing not letting the full star bring her anything?

Full of stars and fog: "No, my mother will let me give you this."

I was a little disappointed, and said with a lack of interest: "Oh, then you can go."

"..." makes sense, the goddess you really will be swept out of the door, you can't understand!

I don't understand, I don't want to understand.

The star turned helplessly and turned a blank eye: "This time the gates are closed, and they can't go back. Even if they can enter the city, the palace will also give the key, and the slaves can't get in."

The implication is that she can only stay in the house for one night.

I frowned and didn't want to entertain the stars. However, I thought that this is the Zhuangzhuang of Shen Yuqing’s family. It seems that she is not under her control. She has no choice but to call the management and arrange the residence for the full star.

After the full star left, he took Ayi and hurried back to the house to open the sachet to see what it was.

There are only two pieces of oil-paper wrapped in the sachet, one with a soft rib on the top and one with an antidote on the top. Obviously, Shen Yuqing gave her self-defense medicine powder. The soft ribs also wrote a small line of words, saying that this powder can be used to bring down a big man by inhaling a little bit, so that she can make a little effort.

I am very touched.

Although she has Ayi, Ayi’s martial arts is enough to deal with the vast majority of martial arts people, not to mention the folks. However, there are always accidents in the world. In case she and Ayi are separated, there is a little self-defense medicine powder around them, which is better than a hand.

He took the medicine powder properly and with this, she and Ayi could safely leave Shen Yuqing's shelter.

Originally, I was going to leave immediately after leaving the palace, but Shen Yuqing sent her to Bezhuang, let her wait, don't hurry.

At first, I didn't understand why, she offended the emperor, of course, the sooner she left, the better, so as not to be settled by the emperor after the fall. However, Shen Yuqing told her that now she ran away, and the emperor might be carrying a Shen Yuqing person to look for revenge. In contrast to this, it is better to let the 宓妃 stay under the protection of Shen Yuqing, and wait until the emperor is mad, and then it is safe to go on the road.

In the past few days, it was estimated that the emperor had a son who should not care about her again. So he gave Shen Yuqing a speech and said that he would leave after five days, that is, tomorrow. Just in time to catch up with Wang Hao’s funeral, Shen Yuqing will let the full star come out today to give something to her, otherwise she will estimate to go there.

Early the next morning, Yan and Ayi packed up and prepared to go on the road.

There were a lot of treasures in the private library in the palace, but Shen Yuqing took the bribe to the emperor, so that the emperor’s anger was dispelled. Therefore, Shen Yuqing must make some money for his own tolls.

Fortunately, Shen Gui’s wealth is thick and the money is generous. She deliberately exchanged some of the silver tickets with Mrs. Shen, not necessarily in the capital, but also gave the Dangdang “pension fee” and sent a carriage. The carriage is stunned by its appearance, just like the one used by ordinary small businessmen, but it is very comfortable and well-placed.

There are quite a few such cars in the house, and they are all used by Shen’s foreign affairs, which is convenient for travel and not eye-catching.

When the star girl got up early in the morning, she heard that she was leaving, and quickly ran to see her off.

Although she personally does not like the tall Loulan Princess, but the family is the Princess of the Royal Highness, naturally qualified for arrogance, such a prostitute is not qualified to spit the princess to look down on people. Today, the noble lady is not there. As a close-knit woman, she certainly wants to come and send her for her own.

- The girl does not want to admit that she actually wants to inquire about the embarrassment of her family's niece.

Yongzheng was getting ready to get on the carriage, and turned to see the full star that rushed in, and he couldn’t help but pick it up.

"How? Think of what your niece wants to bring to me?"

The star is silent, and the girl is so obsessed with her family.

"The maiden has nothing to say to you." The star said with anger, "The slave is coming to practice for my family, and I hope you will be safe."

With a sigh, the noble and glamorous on the carriage, do not want to talk.

The full star resisted the desire to spit.

After a while, the carriage still did not go, Ayi girl sat in the driving position, holding the reins and motionless. The full star was wondering, and suddenly heard the voice inside the car: "Thank you for your mother, I heard that she gave birth to the eldest son and congratulated her."

After that, Ayi slammed the whip and the horse began to run slowly. The speed is getting faster and faster, and it disappears in front of the full star in a short time.

"..." The full star opened his mouth and suddenly remembered that she hadn't asked what was in the sachet.

The person has gone, and the chase can't catch it back. The girl starred and turned around, ready to go eat something, use the breakfast and then go back to the palace.

At noon, the full star finally returned to the palace.

“Is things sent over?” Shen Guizhen teased the baby and asked casually.

"Yes." The star nodded and stood in the same place in the same place. I don't know if I should ask what was in the sachet.

Shen Gui glanced at her: "I want to know what is in the sachet? Why didn't you ask?"

Full star is embarrassed to say that he forgot to ask.

"Don't she refuse to tell you?" Shen Yuqing thought about it and asked.

"...No." The full star is a good girl, and she is not going to let the innocent pot.

Shen Yuqing said: "In fact, there is nothing, that is, some soft gluten, give her a self-defense."

Full star: "..." Hey? this one?

The soft tendons are scattered, so you can use them so cute! Still refused to take a look at her face, making it look like there are secret treasures inside.

The full star was unable to spit, licked his face and went back to play with the little sister.

The little black cockroach that came back from Shen Guiqiu’s autumn hunting was originally intended to be raised by the Queen’s Mother, but when the Queen’s Mother’s side was busy, she was thrown into the 蒹葭 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 养 养 养 养 养 养 养 养Take care of. So slowly became a full star and full time to take care of, but Xiao Yan prefers a full moon, even if the full moon is a coffin face.

The full star refused to admit that it was because of his old tossing little guy that he let the other person get close to the full moon. He had to think that it was the use of improper means by Man Chen and won the favor of Xiao Yan.

In this regard, Man Chen said: "If you are very busy, come and help me to do things."

"I refused!" The full star immediately slammed the little man in the full moon skirt into his arms, and ran away, like stealing a child.

Full Chen:==!

Shen Guizhen poked the baby's tender face. After having a son, the noble lady changed a lot of bad habits, such as eating Huhai or something. Also changed some other small aspects, such as nails cut.

I don’t want to eat Haisai because I want to be a good example.

Although Shen Guizhen felt that there was nothing wrong with this kind of eating, but she thought that her son might be the future emperor. If she had such a meal, she might lose face in front of the minister, so she decided to change it.

The nails are purely for the sake of playing, coughing, and caressing the baby, and will not scratch his tender face.

The little baby loves to laugh and didn't cry too much at the beginning of birth. There are a few experienced shackles around me, and there is no need for the baby to cry with a protest, telling the stupid mother that he is thirsty or urinating.

Counting it, for more than a month, he was only the first time he was born, he was shot by a steady mother, and for a while, he barely cried. Then he cried a lot when the mother died, and then never flowed through the golden bean.

Shen Guizhen is rare, and he is amused every day. He is very good at face, and he laughs happily.

For example, now, the noble girl pokes his small face, he does not feel uncomfortable, but also cracked his mouth and smiled very happy. When the nobles came, they didn’t want to stop.

Fortunately, she controlled her hand and did not poke her baby's face. It is a poke, in fact, it is a very light and light touch, feeling the softness of the fingertips.

Every time I see you, I have to stare at Shen Guifei with disapproval. However, the noble lady is not moved, and she still feels uncomfortable.

At night, the little baby often wakes up, and Shen Guifei does not bring children, so it is up to several babies to take the baby to rest. Shen Guifei was able to sneak into the Fengyi Palace to see her wife. She had to accompany her son during the day and could not walk.

"The baby's name hasn't been thought of yet." Queen Empress was lying on the bed, looking at Shen Yuqing who came in through the window and suddenly said.

Shen Yuqing made a move: "Let him pick it up."

As a person who is not very good at naming, Shen Yuqing still decided not to blend, and if he gave his son a shameful name, it would be bad.

Fu Qiushui knows that she wants to say this: "Small name you come, he is your son now."

Shen Guizhen thought about it too.

She can't do it without playing every day. It's okay to start a nickname.

Shen Guifei climbed into the bed and took advantage of the daughter-in-law to meditate for a long while and said: "What do you think of the ball?"

"..." Queen Empress asked her with her eyes, are you serious?

Shen Guizhen is very serious.

Fu Qiushui was speechless, and suddenly he was so distressed that the emperor had such a mother. Is this the child's nickname? Are you afraid of being a pet's nickname?

"It's called the ball." Shen Guiyi hammered the sound. "This name is good."

Fu Queen silently closed his eyes and turned over, facing away from Shen Guifei. She needs to be quiet.

Shen Guifei is still immersed in his own world. The more he wants to think, the better his name is. The little baby grows white and fat, like a ball, called the ball is just right. After growing up, you can call the name of the name.

The nickname of the ball, when I was a child, I was chubby, and it was just right.

Then, the nickname of His Royal Highness the Emperor of the Great Emperor, was settled.

The next day, when we heard Shen Gui’s call to the "Ball" of His Royal Highness, the expression was split. However, it does not make much use, because Shen Guifei did not listen to the advice of others, and he fixed the name on his own.

Still, I don’t know anything about the ball. I listened to my mother’s mother calling him every day, and I was happy to interact with my mother. This move has contributed to the arrogance of the noble lady, so that the nobles firmly believe that the baby likes the name very much, so how others resist, they are suppressed by her righteousness.

The saddest thing is that it didn't take long for the ball to accept the name. When he knew that Shen Gui shouted "ball", he called him and leaned over his small head to see the direction of the sound. When everyone saw the grief and anger, they knew that things had no room for reversal and had to give up their resistance.

Slowly learn the news of the emperor and the Queen Mother: "..."

The Emperor’s majesty almost pinched the pen.

The reason why it is almost because he is not strong enough, the new pen is a real jade pen, he can't hold it. So not only did not pinch, but also hurt his hand.

He licked the temple that was still hurting, and squeezed a few words from his teeth: "Tell the nobles, don't ask outsiders."

It seems that the matter of giving a name to the son is imminent, so that Shen Guifei does not know what to call the baby before the outsider, so he shouted the ball with a slap.

The glazed girl blinked and slowly passed down the letter.

The Emperor took out the paper that had been painted and changed before, and wrote dozens of names on it. It was always impossible to use which one. He saw this head more painful, but he couldn't drag any more. He could only pick one with a scalp and he was satisfied. He set his name as soon as possible.

The Queen Mother on the other side was a good talker. After a while, she smiled and said: "This little name is very interesting. The ball will definitely like it when he grows up."


What can Fu Fu do? When the Queen Mother's evil taste comes up, she can only follow the words of the mother, and agree.

Although, she feels that her Highness is expected to be ashamed, and his mother is clamoring to change her name.

No one believes that Shen Guizhen really feels that the name is very good, not deliberately tossing his son. After all, who is called the noble lady?

The author has something to say: I can't think of a suitable nickname, so I went to search for the name of the Mingjiao, which is said to have a ball called...

Well, perfect.

Thanks to the mines: six miles, dreams filled with pits

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Seven+1, cccccc+10, good dreams +2, floating life n+1, praying month +2