MTL - The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl-Chapter 24 : Team

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There are five girls and five boys in this squad, just ten people. They have already formed a good group. At this time, the captain saw the phoenix girl who was single, so a beautiful girl could not let her alone. .

Therefore, I think that the captain of the gentleman immediately ran to the phoenix dance, and asked the girl who had placed the order to form a team.

"Hello, one person? Do you want to join my team? Our team now has ten people plus you are eleven, do you want to join?" Mulder smiled heartily and friendly.

"Squad?" Hearing the sound, the phoenix danced with doubts.

"Yeah, don't you want to go to Neutral City. It's better to go find someone alone. Although we all compete, we have to go to Neutral City and say no, wait until we find the Neutral City and come to the city." After that, as for how to find a treasure map, it depends on the ability."

The boy in front of the phoenix dance quietly listened to him, and the phoenix dance nodded. This person is not malicious.

"Let's go, I will bring you to the rest of our team." After that, Kurdish walked in front to lead the phoenix dance. In fact, the location of other people is not too far away from the phoenix dance. It takes two minutes to walk.

At this time, Zicheng was talking with several other sisters. Among the several sisters, one was the girl she saved. This girl is called Shali. She is a cheerful girl. Zicheng likes her character very much.

Irene also chatted with the other two girls. From time to time, she looked calm and purple. I didn’t find Irene’s strangeness. I didn’t know that the girl in front of me was a female partner who wanted to counterattack herself.

"To introduce to you, this girl just joined in, she called..." 裴lder thought that he still did not know the name of the people, so he turned to look at the phoenix dance.

"My name is Feng Dance." Feng Wu did not understand the meaning of the other party, but knew that he would say his name at this time.

"Hello, welcome to join, are you a swordsman? Me too, my name is Sid." A girl smiled friendly towards the phoenix dance.

"I am Zi Cheng, a magician."

"I am Irene, also a magician."

"My name is Ghanard, the magician."

"My name is Kyle, I am a swordsman."

"My name is Eve, I am a magician."

"My name is Melis, welcome to join. I am also a swordsman like you."

"My name is Hans, the swordsman."

"My name is Auman, the magician, please advise."

"I am the temporary captain of the squad, my name is 裴lder, the swordsman." Finally, as the captain's self-introduction.

They reported each other's own occupations and names, and a team of just six swordsmen and five magicians.

After interchanging names and occupations, several people began to discuss which way to go.

Some of the teams that had formed the first team had already left, and many decided to go into the woods to see, and some decided to look around the beach to decide.

When other teams or some lone rangers set off, the phoenix dance and other people in the squad had already discussed it. In fact, the phoenix dance did not speak from beginning to end, just listening to other people.

Direct access to the woods was proposed by Irene. Irene read this novel and naturally knew the location of Neutral City. Although she had not been there, she still knew her position.

In fact, to go to Neutral City, you must first pass through the woods. There are many small villages outside the woods. The small villages are home to local indigenous people. These indigenous people are very dangerous. Bypassing these small villages, you can reach them. Located in the neutral city in front.

"Since everyone agrees with Irene, let's go through the woods and talk about it." Mulder, as the captain, finally announced the results of the discussion.

There are also several squads that think like them. There are many smart people in the world. Many people have guessed that the so-called neutral city is mostly in this wood. If you want to find the seat where the neutral city is located, you must leave this place first. The woods are only fine.

It’s just that this wood is very dangerous. There are a lot of Warcraft inhabited here. If you want to go through it, there are a few battles.

The woods are really dangerous. The phoenix dances a group of eleven people. They walk slowly in the woods. They dare not go too fast. After all, the woods are very dangerous places.

This forest is not too big. As long as you find the right path, it is not difficult to go out, but which way is the right one. It is really difficult to figure out the problem.

Even Irene couldn't help this time. Irene only knew that the team of Zicheng was out of the woods. As for how to get out, she really didn't know. The book didn't write it. detailed.

"What to do? Which way do we go now?" Eve stood behind Zicheng, holding the purple arm and looking confused at the surrounding woods.

Eve is the girl saved by Zi Cheng. Since she was rescued, she has been with Zi Cheng.

Irene looked coldly at Eve's dependence on Zicheng. This Eve was a relatively important cannon fodder in the early days. Eve's brother was also a student of the Starlight Ancestral Hall. Later, she met the female host through Eve's introduction, so she was the female lord. Love at first sight, and later in order to protect the female owner died in the hands of Irene.

Eve did not alienate Zicheng because her brother died because of Zicheng. Instead, she became closer to her relationship. Later, when Eve was in danger, she helped Zicheng block a deadly blow. It’s so dead.

Before the death, this girl named Eve is still saying something. Thank you, Zicheng, for letting her know what is true friendship. I hope that I can make friends with Zicheng in my next life.

When I saw this, Irene was drunk. Both brother and sister died for this so-called friend. She was still thanking the woman owner for letting her know what true friendship was.

Normal humans should not pray that they will not meet again in their next life! For people like Eve, Irene is too lazy to even pull the world, she does not understand the world of deep ice.

Kurdish also hesitated which way to go. These roads look almost the same. I don't know which way is the road to the woods.

Feng Dance stood behind the crowd and listened carefully to the sounds around him.

Do you know the way out? Feng Dance found that he could use his spiritual power to communicate with these natural creatures.

Soon, I discovered that the big trees of the phoenix dance and the small flowers and grasses are very happy to guide the phoenix dance. Finally, a dandelion tells the phoenix dance, which way is the right way.

Because it was blown into the woods from there by the wind, it remembers it very clearly.

Thanks to the dandelion that helped me guide the way, the phoenix dance went to the head of the awkward head. "Go here, you can go out."

Originally, other people saw that the phoenix dance suddenly came to the front of Muir, and thought she was going to do something. She did not expect that she would say so.

"This road can really go out? How do you know?" Sidle asked curiously.

For the phoenix dance, this later swordsman girl, everyone feels that there is very little, very introverted girl, you don’t talk to her, she won’t say a word with you, you usually talk to her. Will answer, you will not answer without asking her.

How did you chat like this, so after chatting with Fengfeng and found that being bored with her, these girls no longer talked to her.
