MTL - The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl-Chapter 41 : God level sword

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There are still some people on the side who are also coming to the things that fell on the day. Although these people do not know that it is an artifact, they only regard it as a chance in the assessment, but the feeling of passing the opportunity is still Very annoying, good.

Fortunately, these people do not know that it is an artifact, otherwise there may be popularity to vomiting blood may also be.

At this time, I got the phoenix dance of the heavenly thing that so many people are thinking about. At this time, the phoenix dance has already gone down the mountain. With the help of Xiaochun, the phoenix dance has successfully killed the magic. The worm, and also found a treasure chest hidden in the body of the worm.

The box is probably eaten into the stomach by the worm as a food, just because the box is made of special beads and is not digested by the magic insects.

It is no wonder that so many generations of library curators have not found the treasure. The original treasure has already been eaten into the belly by this magic insect, and naturally no one can find it.

Xiaochun has been included in the sea by the phoenix dance, because the pure sword is the sword of the soul contract signed with the phoenix dance, so it is possible to hide in the sea of ​​phoenix dance.

Xiao Chun is the nickname for Feng Wu. Its real name should be called pure sword. Before the birth of Feng Dance, Xiao Chun has been a neighbor with Master. Master said that Xiao Chun is a very magical sword. There is no world. Anyone can pull it out of the waterfall. If she can pull out the little pure, then Xiaochun belongs to her.

When was the pure sword and Master began to be a neighbor, she did not know, she only knew that starting from her consciousness, she knew that under her waterfall not far from her husband’s residence, a silver sword was inserted, clearly in the waterfall. The water has been washed for so many years, but there is no trace of rust.

When the phoenix danced ten years old, Master asked her to pull the sword. She easily pulled out the sword. At that time, she remembered that Master looked at her eyes with gratification and worries.

From the age of ten, Xiaochun has been with her. They are sleeping together, playing together with swords every day. Gradually, she found that Xiaochun can understand what she said, although Xiaochun will not Speak, but she can feel that Xiao Chun has his own thoughts.

She happily told her master about her discovery. Master told her that the pure sword in her hand is the purest sword in the world. The person who used to build this sword used a pure heart to create the purest in the world. The sword, only those who have the same pure heart, are qualified to become the master of pure sword.

There are too many people in the world to think about it. The more intelligent people think about it, the many people who have the talent of the heavens have wanted pure swords since ancient times.

However, they all failed. Later, the pure sword disappeared into the long river. People forget that there is such a sword in the world. No one knows that the pure sword himself went to the hill of his master and the master became a neighbor.

The pure sword is a psychic sword. She has her own consciousness to choose the host that makes it feel good, and the phoenix dance is the second master of the pure sword.

In other words, the pure sword has not recognized others for thousands of years, except for those who originally created it.

The phoenix dance is the second master of pure sword. The phoenix dance is pure and pure, and there is never too complicated idea. Her mind is very simple, so it is the most suitable host for pure sword.

This phoenix dance didn't know how he came here. I thought I couldn't see Xiaochun anymore. I didn't expect Xiaochun to break through time and space to come to her. Xiaochun could find her, is it representative of Master? Can also find her!

Feng Dance has some expectations, some happy, she wants Master.

I found the treasure chest. The phoenix dance returned to the library with the box. In the face of the curator, the treasure chest was opened. Several generations of curators did not find that the treasure was finally found by the phoenix dance. The old curator was very emotional, no matter what he found. Who is the person, the treasure map finally proves to be true, as long as the map is true, the old curator is already very happy.

Feng Dance can open the treasure chest in front of his face, which makes the old curator feel a little more good about the phoenix dance. The friendliness of the old curator is not good.

The treasure chest was opened, and I saw a dilapidated book lying alone in it. The old curator picked it up and looked at it. He exclaimed, "You are blessed, you are a god-level sword." The old curator did not think of it. Feng Yun’s luck will be so good, even the god-level sword skills have been met by her.

The phoenix dance eyes are bright, obviously very satisfied with this sword technique, and found the sword skills that he needs. The phoenix dance is now sure to stay in the Starlight Ancestral Hall. The phoenix dance in this point is very good, and the corners of the mouth are slightly curved. Start.

"Shantou, you'd better go find an ordinary sword skill. Although the god-level sword skills are also there are some outsiders, but after all, it is rare. If you really put this sword skill on, I am afraid that I will always be in the future. "The old curator likes the phoenix dance very much, so I don't want to see such a good child fall because of his sin.

"Why?" Feng Ying blinked and said that she did not understand.

"You, this child, you think about it. When you go out, you will definitely ask you to turn in swordsmanship, even though the people in the Starlight House will not do anything to you.

But once you get the message of God-level swordsmanship spread, believe me, the strongest of all parties will only regard you as a goal, just to get the god-level swords and swords from your mouth, those people want to get a set God-level swordsman can really do anything, even if it is threatened with your loved ones, it is absolutely at all. ”

When the old governor said this, the light in his eyes seemed to be dark, but the phoenix dance did not notice that if it was Zicheng or Irene heard the old curator, it would definitely cause doubt, for those two people. In fact, this old curator is a game npc is impossible to know the outside world.

From the words of the old curator, it is obvious that he knows the world outside and has some special experience.

It is a pity that the phoenix dance is not from the modern society. The place where the girl lives is more similar to the ancient times of the earth. At that time, there was no entertainment at all, let alone know the online game npc.

Feng Wu did not notice the difference between the old curator. She is now thinking about the old curator. She thinks that the bad guys will catch the baby in order to grab the sword and catch them. The dance wrinkled a small brow and decided to listen to the old curator and did not hand over the sword.

"I listened to the curator." The old curator who had already persuaded two sentences, once heard the firm voice of the phoenix dance, paused and satisfactorily touched the beard. It was a sincere child.

"Shantou, you want to find a weapon or sword with your own attributes through this entrance exam. In fact, the sword is now almost completely found, and there are some weapons. You go now. It’s good for you to go shopping on the street to help someone who needs help."
