MTL - The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby-Chapter 3350 You have to make up for me

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Until, there was a collapse of the bedside, it seems that someone came to bed.

In the ear, a hot scent came and burned her skin. Shaxingbao was in a steam room, and the skin was hot and burning.

"Well..." scorned, stunned and pulled up the collar of his pajamas, and she tried to cool herself.

The breath in the ear is hotter under one of her movements.

The hot air seems to be burning.

Sha Xingbao only felt that there was something heavy and pressed down, and pressed heavily on her, so she couldn't breathe.

Softly raised her hand and pushed it, trying to push it away, didn't push it, she turned her body uncomfortably, and when she kicked her legs, she wanted to squat.

However, just after the action, the ankle was firmly restrained.

The strength of the other party is not too light and will not hurt her, but there is no way for her to break free.

Side squatting, staring quietly at her small and delicate jade feet for a few seconds, the fingertips gently stroking her fair and delicate skin, the man's eyes seemed darker.

The blazing atmosphere filled the room, hot as if it were about to explode.

Even if Sha Xingbao still didn't wake up, he felt the unusual atmosphere.

Someone is invading her!

Behavior is arrogant and bold!

Sha Xingbao even felt the aggression that was about to spurt in the other's eyes.

Like a thick flame wrapped around her, sweeping her, as if to burn her.

Sha Xingbao’s head was blank for a few seconds, and suddenly he woke up completely.

In the meager morning light, a figure covered her on the face, and the darkness of the cockroaches stared at her like a beast.

Sha Xingbao stared at the aggressors who appeared in Turkic for a few seconds, and was stimulated to be a spirit, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

"Chengxi! How come you? Why don't you say hello in advance?" Arms licked her neck, and did not wait for him to make any moves, she took the initiative to send herself to his arms.

"The sudden appearance of the big night is very scary! In case my heart is not good, I am scared, or I am overly surprised, you are not worth the loss!"

She is as unfair as before, joking with him, how to say what to say.

Yan Chengxi's arms were close to her soft body, her chin smacked against her shoulders, buried her face in her neck and sniffed deeply.

"What about nonsense? Little is not serious!"

"Isn't it?" Sha Xingbao snorted and smiled. "You shouldn't want to surprise me? Surprise, scare, you have to make up for my loss!"

What is Qi Chengxi trying to surprise her so hurriedly?

He was left out, in order to find her account!

When I came, I even imagined thousands of ways to toss her.

However, just holding her like this, watching her smile sweet face, listening to her comfortable voice, what was depressed in the time of Cheng Chengxi was gone.

This is the magic of Sha Xingbao.

For him, she is his mood barometer.

Yan Chengxi took advantage of her arms to collect the strength, firmly anchored her in the local area, and wished to embed her in bone blood.

The face was buried in her neck, and she was stunned and stunned on her skin. She looked at her with a mark that she had left for her. The lips were preparing to turn to her lips. When I posted it, he couldn’t take it. Say, "Baby, have you been fat recently?"