MTL - The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby-Chapter 3406 Baby, you are awesome.

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As for the rest, time will give everyone the answer.

The whole ceremony lasted for a long time. After the speeches of Fang Chi Xia and Luo Er’s young masters, the media had been interviewing the two for a long time. The topics were almost all around the second master.

Fang Chi Xia is afraid that his son can't cope with it and has been with him.

Even Luo Yibei was also stunned together. The defense was that she could not solve the problem that she could not solve. He could help her.

Although Fang Chi Xia feels very strong in front of outsiders, however, people who truly understand her know that she is not only not strong, but in many respects, she is actually quite weak.

At least, in Luo Yibei, Ruan Chengxi, and maybe even two sons, she is the weakest.

Many times, Fang Chixia relied heavily on Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei quite enjoyed her dependence, and it has always been the case.

Compared with Fang Chi Xia, who is strong and strong at any time and place, he prefers to completely release his true self in front of him, and he can only be her own.

Fang Chi Xia squatting with him, Luo Yibei naturally can not stand by.

The husband and wife were surrounded by the two young masters, and they were not prepared to help him solve the problem.

However, after a whole interview, Xiao Er’s young master has been able to cope with it from beginning to end.

When the reporter asked what, he could easily deal with it.

Even if you don't understand it, you will give your reporter a satisfactory answer in a way that is unique to you.

The reporter asked, "Under the small hall, do you know how different you are from today? How much do you know that you have to work harder than normal children and learn a lot more?"

Luo Xiaoxiao answered, "This aunt, you have just not listened carefully to me? In my speech, I want to have your answer to this question."

The reporter asked, "Under the small hall, be a successor can learn the language of many countries. How many countries do you have now?"

Luo Xiaoxiao answered, "Isn't it still so small now? It's still early in my childhood! For so many years in the future, I can only learn English now. In the future, I will learn a language every year. The adult time is enough for me." Learn a lot."

The reporter asked, "Can you know the most basic national conditions of your country?"

Luo Xiaoshao, "The answer to this question can be long. Our country has a long history. So what can I say here in a few words?"

The reporter mentioned a lot of problems. In a big part, he didn't understand it at all. However, every problem was cleverly blocked by him.

Fang Chixia was very pleased to see it next to him, watching his eyes flashing.

Perhaps this child is really a genius in this regard!

The family waited for so many years, did not wait for her, but waited for him to be so much better than her, but also did not live up to everyone.

At the end of the press conference, Fang Chixia was moved to hold the young Master Luo two tightly into his arms.

"Baby, you are great!" Holding his little face, Fang Chixia wanted to give him a big kiss. However, Luo Erxiao had a head twist and was embarrassed to avoid.

"So many people are present, Mommy, you are steady!" Like training a child, he trained her.

Fang Chi Xia.

Now, in this home, isn't anyone high, she has a cut?

"Mummy!" Xiaochen licked her milk and called her.

Looking up at her own wind, her hair was glued to the lower lip with sugar. She gestured to Fang Chixia to wipe herself.