MTL - The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby-Chapter 4 You roll one and show it to me.

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"Go out!" The cold words rang between the two, and the voice was a low bass, gorgeous as if it were a torn fine silk.

After coming in for so long, I noticed that someone in the room, Fang Chixia's face was lifted up, and when she saw the face in front of her eyes, she breathed a stagnation.

This is an aggressive face, and every painting of the five senses is exquisite and impeccable.

The lines of his face and nose are the perfection that the best painters can't figure out, and the souls of the eyes are like the souls of the people.

The ink shovel is as deep as the sea, and the icy ice shines like a glimmer of light, and the temperament is as king as the night.

His lips are also very beautiful, the petals are thin and the color is sturdy. Few people have a single lip shape that is perfect for people to think about.

This is a man who loves and loves one day. It is clear that the body is indifferent, but it is dazzling.

Fang Chixia stared at his face and looked at it. The body was driven by drugs, and she suddenly had an impulse to rush to kiss him.

However, such blood has just been produced, but it has been pulled back by the **** of the **** outside the door. "Fang Chi Xia, you give me out!"

"You hit me hard!" Outside the room, Fang Rong’s screaming is still going on. It seems that there is no stopping.

Fang Zhixia’s sensible minds, which are about to drift away, were forcibly taken back, and they looked at the men around them with gaze.

"Help me!" Her eyes were helpless, and a pair of panicked eyes looked like a deer, clear and innocent.

She is very nervous, Fang Chixia is really afraid that he will be introduced to him in the next second.

Look at Fang Rong’s unyielding look. If she goes out like this, she will definitely finish it!

She was really quick to use, but the man in front of her face did not loosen her face, and returned to her three words indifferently, "Get out!"

His tone, with a strong disappointment, it feels like a **** can not climb high, as if to say a few words with her, it will be like him.

Fang Chi Xia did not expect to encounter such a thin feeling, there are wolves in front, there are tigers in the back, and can not advance or retreat.

There was no good ending in the horizontal and vertical, she had nothing to fear him, and the chin was lifted. She took the same arrogant gesture as he did, and said, "You should show me one by one!"

A dangerous glimpse of the deep scorpion in Luoyi, a cold murderous murder rose.

Fang Chi Xia was chilled by him and he took a few steps back.

Holding the doorknob in hand, I wanted to rush out, but I was still waiting for her Fang Rong outside, and I was forced to press the impulse.

Outside the door, a few people have tossed for so much for a long time, but there is still no reaction at all. Fang Rong is angry and wants to hit the door by himself. The hand just lifted up, as if he had thought of something, and he couldn’t help but float out, "This Who is living in it?"

In a word, I reminded several waiters who had been hitting outside for a long time.

The heads of several people suddenly lifted up and saw the words "1573" in the room number. It was a little silly for a few seconds, and the sweat began to fall down "啪嗒" and "啪嗒".

"Luo, Luo Shao..." One of the waiters shivered and explained to him.

"Which is less?" Fang Rong first stunned. After the reaction, his face turned white. "Yongxi International?"