MTL - The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor-Chapter 1092 resettlement, rescue people

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Chapter 1092: Resettlement, rescuing people

After this incident, the Mu family was rejected by Emperor Hui'an, and it was not known when they would be able to stand in the court again. Jinxiu Textile was also suppressed by other textile workshops, and it was swaying in the wind and rain.

The Mu family did not dare to act against the trend and put pressure on those cloth shops that wanted to terminate the contract. They could only watch helplessly as all the customers were slowly taken away. Even the masters who mixed and dyed fabrics were poached. Jinxiu Textile was unable to do so. Unfortunately, it eventually closed down.

 As for the Fang family, all the wealth they had accumulated for many years was lost overnight. Master Fang asked the Mu family for help, but the Mu family recognized that their family had become a useless chess piece and refused to help. Mr. Fang had no choice but to sell the big house where his family had lived for more than ten years and paid compensation to the aggressive creditors. He hated the Mu family to the core.

Because they paid enough money, the Fang family was spared from prison. The whole family left the capital in despair with only a little money, and there has been no news since.

Mo Yan felt very happy that the Mu Fang family had ended up like this, and he even sympathized with the old, weak, women and children of the Fang family who were implicated. However, when I thought about the fact that the Fang family allowed Gou Guanshi and Shi Laosi to do evil and harmed so many innocent children, this sympathy quickly disappeared without a trace.

"By the way, the children in the textile mill are considered the property of the Fang family. What will be done with them in the end? Will the Fang family sell them?" Mo Yan asked Xiao Ruiyuan anxiously, secretly annoyed that he almost gave up those children. forget.

A smile flashed across Xiao Ruiyuan's lips, and he said lightly: "I asked Shiyi to buy those children and temporarily place them in a village in the suburbs. If you have other arrangements, you can tell me."

Mo Yan looked at Xiao Ruiyuan in surprise, obviously not expecting him to do such a thing. She pondered for a moment and shook her head: "I haven't thought about it yet, so I'll let them live there temporarily. If you have arrangements, just follow yours."

Most of the children were girls, bought by traffickers from various places. Regardless of whether these children remember where their homes are or whether they are willing to go back, if the fact that they have been violated is unfortunately known to their families, I am afraid that those so-called relatives will not be able to tolerate them and may sell them again. .

These children could no longer bear the slightest bit of harm, and she felt that sending them home was not the best solution. Of course, if they want to go home, they can only send them back.

 “Well, let’s do this for now.”

Xiao Ruiyuan was not as thoughtful as Mo Yan thought. The reason why he took the initiative to buy the person and assigned her to Zhuangzi was because he knew her temperament and had taken this step in advance.

This time when Xiao Ruiyuan came over, there was another important thing, which was the plan that Mo Yan proposed to Chu Heng in the first month. Emperor Hui'an finally agreed and let Chu Heng take responsibility for it. Of course, in addition to providing convenience in some aspects, the financial resources consumed still need to be solved by Chu Heng himself.

"Great! After waiting for so long, I thought the Holy One would not agree." Mo Yan was so happy. There had been no definite news for several months. She had given up any hope, but she didn't expect that everything turned out to be unexpected. That's settled.

Mo Yan's joy infected Xiao Ruiyuan, and the tenderness in his eyes seemed to overflow: "My cousin decided to follow the plan you made before, but for the time being, my cousin will only try it in the city. If the results are good, we will slowly advance to other areas. "

Hearing this, Mo Yan agreed very much: "You won't become a fat man if you eat one bite. The method I proposed may not work. Your Highness's approach is the safest."

 Publishing a stall that is too big at once will make it difficult to operate without adequate preparation, and problems may easily arise. Once a loophole occurs in a certain link, there will be many loopholes covering the whole plan, and I am afraid that the entire plan will collapse. In this way, by testing from point to point, problems can be discovered and solved in time, and the possibility of success will be greater when they are fully operational in the future.

Mo Yan was happy for those who wanted to study but could not afford it. She was so excited that she suddenly said: "It would be great if my daughter's family could also go to school. Except for those young ladies, girls from ordinary families are not so lucky." .”

Although in this era, it is considered virtue for women not to have talents, girls from big families are still trained from an early age to be proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Only girls from ordinary families who cannot afford to hire a husband or go to school will not be able to read a single word. .

Xiao Ruiyuan didn't quite understand her thoughts. Seeing the regret on her brows, he couldn't help but comfort him: "If you can do it now, it means you can't do it in the future. It doesn't necessarily mean that a woman will be able to serve as an official in the court one day."

 “Yes.” Mo Yan nodded with a smile, her brows filled with indescribable happiness. She just sighed for a moment, knowing that it was unrealistic for women to enroll in school, but she was still warmed by the man's words.

Even if there is a big ideological generation gap between her and this man, at least he respects her. If another man listened to her words, he would just sneer and say, "It is virtue for a woman to have no talent." Even her father, when he heard her complaining, laughed and said she was "talking nonsense"!

Xiao Ruiyuan was so drunk when he saw his fiancée's adoring and joyful eyes that he suddenly wanted to do something in return. So he immediately followed his deepest desire, pressed Mo Yan into his arms, and gave her a deep kiss...

 Spring turns to summer, and in a blink of an eye it’s the hottest time of the year. This summer seems to be extremely hot. June has just entered, and the entire earth has become like a big steamer. Even if I sit quietly and do nothing, my clothes are still wet and clinging to my body. Even Mo Yan, who is not very afraid of heat, can't stand such a high temperature, let alone others.

Fortunately, the weather is hot and hot, and the rain is still as abundant as in previous years. However, the fields cannot withstand the sun and require frequent watering. The villagers have to go out early every day to carry water to water the fields, and then work in the dark in the evening. All in all it was very hard work.

The Mo family's fields are all taken care of. There is no need to worry about the water source. Even if it doesn't rain for a while, the fruit seedlings in the orchard need to be watered every three to five days. After entering June, Zhao Mu and others are almost busy every day. Rested.

Those elderly people who are weak or sick often drink diluted spiritual spring water because they eat food and vegetables in the space. In addition, doctors from Du Family Medical Center often come to check them. After half a year of recuperation, their bodies have already deteriorated. He has improved greatly and can do some light tasks, such as weeding and pruning, not much slower than others.

Being busy, they felt much more comfortable than when they first arrived. They didn't feel like they were eating and drinking for free, and they gradually regarded Liuyang Village as their home. Taking care of those fruit trees is like taking care of your own children.

 Every effort is rewarded. This year, all the more than 20 orchards are bearing fruit. Except for the two orchards where fruit seedlings were planted earlier and have now grown, the other fruit trees that were planted last year still only have three or five fruits left on each tree. At present, the temperature is suitable, the sunshine is sufficient, and the trees are well cared for. The fruits produced are very juicy, especially in the two orchards where they were first planted. The fruits are hanging heavily on the branches, which looks particularly pleasing to the eye.

However, the weather is too hot, and no matter how careful people are, people still suffer from heat stroke every day. Mo's small clinic has to admit one or two patients with severe heat stroke or other illnesses every day.

These patients include those from Liuyang Village and other villages. Ever since Mo Yan's reputation as a little miracle doctor spread, more and more people have come to see her. Firstly, it is closer to the capital and it is more convenient to see a doctor. Secondly, the fees are cheaper than in the city, and her medical skills are better than many doctors. As time goes by, her reputation as a little miracle doctor becomes more and more popular.

On this day, an elderly couple supported each other and came to Mo Yan to see a doctor. The sick person was the old man.

Seeing that the old man's face was ashen, and his whole body was leaning on the old woman, and he could hardly walk steadily, Mo Yan quickly stepped forward to help her, but the coldness of his tentacles shocked her. She didn't have time to think too much, and hurriedly joined the old woman. He helped the man lie down on the hospital bed and placed wooden pillows on the old man's feet.

After preliminary diagnosis, Mo Yan determined that the old man suffered from severe heat stroke. Not only that, the old man was weak and had heart problems. When the two sides were combined, his condition was much more serious than ordinary people's severe heat stroke.

“Auntie, this is a serious heat stroke. You should take off my clothes first and fan me. I will go get the well water now, and you can cool me down later.”

Mo Yan has treated ten or twenty patients with severe heatstroke, and he knows very well what to do now to improve the uncle's condition as soon as possible.

"Hey, I'll come right away." The old lady didn't dare to delay at all. While Mo Yan was rushing to get cold water from the well with a bucket, she hurriedly took off her wife's clothes and picked up the fan beside her to fan herself. .

Mo Yan took the cold well water, put half a drop of spiritual spring water in it, then carried it to the consulting room, soaked the special large towel hanging on the wall, and handed it to the old lady: "Wrap it in Keep fanning the uncle's body, so that the heat in the body will dissipate quickly."

Hearing this, the old lady quickly took it and followed Mo Yan’s instructions to wrap the old man’s head and feet with a wet towel. After wrapping it up, while continuing to fan himself, he worriedly asked Mo Yan, who had just gone out to avoid suspicion: "Little miracle doctor, is this all right? Why don't you wipe it with strong alcohol and give him more water?"

Mo Yan shook his head and said seriously: "The uncle's body is now like a funnel. Strong alcohol will penetrate into the body through the skin and cause alcohol poisoning. Drinking water now will accelerate the loss of water in his body and aggravate the uncle's condition."

"So serious?" The old lady was startled, and she patted her chest with fear on her face and said, "Before I came, someone said that drinking strong alcohol and drinking more water would make it better. Fortunately, I didn't do that."

Mo Yan nodded and praised: "Auntie did the right thing! If it's just a common heat stroke, it doesn't hurt to drink more water. The uncle's condition is more serious, so you must not do this. If you encounter such a thing in the future, can you remind me? If so, try to remind me."

When villagers get sick, they usually treat them according to the old pharmacies left by previous doctors or the so-called folk remedies passed down by word of mouth. Some of them can be cured, but some can actually worsen the condition. Give strong drinks and plenty of water to people with severe heatstroke. It's one of them.

Every time someone with severe heatstroke asked why they were given water instead of strong alcohol, Mo Yan would explain it and let them spread the word to others when they went back. After all, someone had died using this wrong method. People only behave like this when they think their heat stroke is too severe, and they don’t know that it was their wrong rescue practices that hastened the death of their loved ones.

 The old lady listened to her heart and nodded repeatedly. Under Mo Yan's instructions, she changed the wet towels for her husband twice, and saw that her husband regained consciousness and could talk to him. In this way, I am even more convinced by Mo Yan's words.

Although his condition has improved, the old man's health is still not optimistic. The main reason is that there is a problem with his heart function. He needs to take a good rest in the future. He can no longer do heavy work, let alone work in the sun.

Mo Yan was not sure whether the old lady knew, so he called her to the consulting room next door and asked her.

The old lady pointed to her heart and said with a wry smile: "A few years ago, the old man had a problem here, but the family was really too poor, and there was no way to stop working without money, so we could only drag it out like this." Live one day at a time.”

Mo Yan felt very uncomfortable after hearing this: "My uncle's condition is not too serious. As long as he doesn't overwork himself, he will be fine. You can let your children do some of the work at home."

After hearing this, the old lady's expression dimmed. She quietly wiped the corners of her eyes and said with a sad expression: "To be honest with the little miracle doctor, my wife and I's only son died on the battlefield twenty years ago. We married in a hurry. My mother-in-law did not give birth to a son and a half, so after hearing the news of my son’s death, she returned to her parents’ home and remarried, leaving me and my wife alone in the family.”

Mo Yan didn't expect to touch the old lady's sadness unintentionally. She felt extremely guilty for a moment. Just when she was about to stand up and apologize, the old lady comforted her and said, "Young doctor, don't feel guilty. It's been so many years. Old lady, I've already Just look away."

Mo Yan felt even more uncomfortable. If she really looked away, why would she shed tears just now? In this situation, no matter how many comforting words you say, they can't heal the sadness in the old lady's heart, and she fell silent for a moment.

The old lady seemed to want to vent something, or maybe she hadn't chatted with anyone like this for a long time, and murmured about the past: "Originally, my wife and I planned to adopt a child from the clan and raise it as a grandson. Pen'er, but when the people in the tribe saw that my only son was gone and the family was a little underpaid, they started vying to let me and my wife raise their children. When there were more people fighting, we started to have conflicts. My wife and I There was no peace during those days, so I gave up the plan of adoption in a fit of anger, and gradually cut off contact with those in the clan..."

Mo Yan listened silently, and the more he listened, the more he admired the old couple. Not everyone has the courage to end the life of having no one to care for him during his lifetime and no one to send him to his death. No one in the clan is worried. They resolutely give up the adoption, fearing that they will raise a white-eyed wolf before they can even close their eyes. Just grind them to death. It's a bit bitter now, at least there aren't that many bad things to worry about.

As for after death...the old couple thought very wildly, thinking that they would be dead after death, and they didn't know if anyone would throw a basin for them. Since I have been soaked in bitter water for half my life, no matter how miserable I am in my next life, I won’t be able to suffer much anymore.

Perhaps the depression in her heart was relieved, and the sadness on the old lady's face became lighter. In the end, she said to Mo Yan with some embarrassment: "Look at me, I can't stop nagging, don't take offense to the little miracle doctor. "

Mo Yan smiled and shook her head, indicating that she didn't mind.

The old lady hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Little miracle doctor, is the old man's illness not serious? How much money does it cost to cure the disease?"

Mo Yan understood that the old lady hoped that her wife could be cured of the disease, and by asking this question, she was weighing whether she could bear the burden, so she said truthfully: "The old lady's condition is not serious now. You should rest more and don't work too hard." , it will be fine if you pay more attention to your diet. If the aunt is worried, I will prepare some pills for the uncle, and he can just take one pill when he feels unwell."

The old couple are still managing farm affairs at such a young age, so their life is probably going to be very difficult. Even if there is some extra money at home, it should be kept in case the real person cannot use it until he can no longer use it. The old man's condition is indeed not serious, and he does not need to take medicine every day. But without him as a labor force, the future life of the two elders will be even more difficult.

When the old lady heard this, hope rose in her eyes, and she said without hesitation: "Little miracle doctor, I'll trouble you to prepare some pills, and I won't let him work too hard in the future."

Mo Yan agreed and asked casually: "What about the work in the field? Do you want to hire someone to do it?"

The old lady shook her head and said helplessly: "It costs a lot of money to hire people, so let's rent them out. It will give us two half of the harvest every year. My wife is also good at wood carving, and I can carve some objects later. If you sell, you can always make ends meet."

The old lady said it easily, but Mo Yan felt a little sad in her heart. If wood carving could really make money, the two elders would not be still farming at such an old age. Moreover, since the old man is so old, making wood carvings is laborious and demanding, and is not much easier than farming.

 She admired this optimistic, strong and open-minded old man in her heart, and wanted to help them. However, she couldn't think of a way to solve the problem for a while, so she had to change the topic.

By noon, the old man was still very weak, but he could already walk around. Because it was too hot, the two elders' home was three or four miles away from here, so Mo Yan left them to have lunch and asked them to go home in the evening.

The two elders couldn't refuse, so they had to accept Mo Yan's kindness. After dinner, the old woman rushed to wash the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. There was not a trace of oil on the stove.

  The pills prepared for the old man will not come out for a while, so Mo Yan asked the old lady to pick them up in the morning. In the evening, the old lady took the medicinal materials for preventing and relieving heatstroke that Mo Yan gave them, and helped the old man go away with great gratitude.

After the two elders left, Xin'er asked curiously: "Sister, there are so many people coming to see the doctor. Why haven't I seen you so caring before?"

 Mo Yan did not explain, but just told the old man and the old woman’s unfortunate encounter.

After hearing this, Xin'er sighed with emotion: "The two elders want to have children, but some have children but abandon them like worn-out shoes. If this can be changed, everyone will be happy."

Hearing this, Mo Yan suddenly thought of the more than twenty children on Zhuangzi, and her heart moved slightly...

 (End of this chapter)