MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 306 The wall of DC origin, re-enter the sun!

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  Chapter 306 The wall of DC origin, re-enter the sun!

   "Greyer, what is going on, explain clearly!"

  Superman clenched his fists and screamed loudly with blue veins on his forehead.

  In the past year, he has been under the control of Darkseid. Under the order of the other party, he has killed many innocent creatures on the earth.

   If it is not relying on the mother box and resurrecting those innocent people, Superman will never forgive himself.

   And now, Greer actually said that Darkseid is not dead?

   "The Darkseid we know, and the real Darkseid?"

  Others also looked at each other, startled and terrified.


  The young man on the bronze throne gently tapped the void with his right index finger, and a wave of golden energy rippled out immediately.

Yimeng's eyes were burning with flames of destruction, and she looked down at Greer, who was kneeling in front of her, and said calmly, "You mean, the dark king who existed in this universe before was just a clone or projection of Darkseid, Right."

   "Your Majesty, you already know."

   Greer was shocked. When she first heard the news, she couldn't calm down for a long time.

  Yimeng said: "Tell me everything you know."

   "Yes!" Greer quickly replied: "It all starts with the existence called the 'Wall of Origin'."

   "The world we know, including the current earth, and the space area sheltered by the Green Lantern Corps, all belong to the same cosmic world."

   "But apart from our cosmic world, there are other parallel universes with more powerful beings and gods."

  "There is a wall of origin between our universe and other universes. The wall of origin prevents us from going out, and also prevents the existence of other universes from entering. Therefore, each universe is independent and safe."

"The wall of origin separates the inside and outside of the wall. No one knows how long the wall of origin has existed, and no one has ever passed through the wall of origin alive. Countless ancient gods have appeared generation after generation, and their strength has come to an end. After that, eager to obtain new knowledge and mysteries, and want to reach new peaks, they turned their attention to the world outside the wall, but in the end they all stuck to the wall of origin!"

Speaking of this, Greer couldn't hide her fear and said: "It is said that the wall of origin has the power of origin, which can stick all living beings. Once stuck by the wall of origin, no powerful existence can escape, and eternal life will be destroyed forever. Trapped on it! The Darkseid we know dare not approach there at all!"

   Others also felt their scalps go numb when they heard the words.

  Xiaohuahua whispered: "So, the existence of the wall of origin is also a good thing, so that we are not violated by the powerful existence of other universes."

  Ancient Destroyer Ri Yimeng froze for a moment, and recalled a picture in his mind again.

   That is a huge wall that traverses the infinite universe in front of it. On the wall is covered with a mountain of skeleton corpses, and there are still powerful and powerful creatures that have not died!

   When fighting Darkseid, he briefly arrived near the Wall of Origin!

   "The real Darkseid, outside the wall of origin?" Yimeng narrowed her eyes.

Greer nodded: "That's right. The real Darkseid can't easily cross the wall of origin. So he passed through the wall of origin by projecting his avatar, which is equivalent to smuggling, trying to control our universe and become his body. one of its strengths."

   Yi Meng paused again.

  Dakseid's invasion method has certain similarities with walking on behalf of gods and dream magic.

  It's just a clone projection, and it has that kind of strength.

  What kind of supreme power does Darkseid itself have?

  What kind of world is the appearance of the Wall of Origin?

  Yimeng sensed a certain sense of crisis, but it also made the genes and blood in his body more active, and a surge of excitement emerged spontaneously!

  No matter how sensible he is, in this dream universe, he is still the ancient Doomsday.

   It is the day of destruction of ancient times, so I always want to fight, I want an opponent who can really fight recklessly!

   Otherwise, wouldn't it be too boring?

   Greer and the others on the field looked at the king who was sitting calmly on the bronze throne, but his eyes were burning with powerful fighting spirit and excitement, and suddenly felt the gap between them.

  Dakseid has a more powerful true ontology, and there is a bigger world outside the wall of origin...

  These messages made them terrified beyond measure.

   When the Destroyable King heard this, he was not frightened at all, but excited like never before.

   It seems that sooner or later, this king will break through the wall of origin and directly kill the outer universe!



  A stream of silvery white light soared into the sky, broke through the clouds and the atmosphere in an instant, and flew away from the DC Universe Earth at extreme speed, and came to the yellow sun glowing with endless heat.

  Yimeng stopped in front of the yellow sun celestial body, and then plunged straight in!

  If you want to explore the real region and mysteries of this DC dreamland, the ancient Doomsday is obviously not strong enough!

  Last time, during the battle with Darkseid, after entering the sun to absorb massive amounts of heat and nuclear energy, the nails of the index finger of the ancient destruction sun ushered in a subtle golden transformation, bringing its own combat power to a whole new level.

  And this time, the ancient Ruinian Yimeng will complete the rest of the golden transformation!


  Breakthrough all the way, more adaptable than last time.

  The ancient ruined Riyimeng soon came to the core of the yellow sun, and was once again surrounded by endless heat and energy. Every gene in the body was like an energy conversion field, constantly absorbing and enriching itself like a sponge.

  In just a few seconds, the destructive energy is about to overflow and explode, and it will continue to compress, sublimate, and evolve the body!


   In the yellow sun.

  The golden nail on the index finger of Yimeng's right hand, which was destroyed in ancient times, shone brightly. The spores, power, and energy merged into a mysterious golden light from the inside to the outside, slowly but not negligibly rendered to the entire index finger gene...

   Another week later.

  DC Universe, Earth, the metropolis gradually restored to its former prosperity.

  A Goth woman with short black hair and short ears was holding a small umbrella, humming an unknown tune softly, the cross on her thin neck dangling slightly, and suddenly raised her head to look at the dazzling sun in the sky.

"here we go again…"

  The Gothic woman frowned slightly, then shook her head and smiled: "It is estimated that some people will not be able to sit still."


  A golden light that is hotter and brighter than the sun suddenly bursts out from the inside of the sun, shining into the dark area deep in the universe!


   At this time, inside the yellow sun.

  Ancient Destroyer Ri Yimeng opened her eyes and looked at her raised right hand. Compared with the previous nail, the entire index finger is now glowing gold!

  From the exoskeleton, to the muscles, blood, and even the genes, they are all rendered in a flawless dreamy golden color, and the integration of energy and body has ushered in a certain transformation!


  Yi Meng had an inexplicable illusion that she could destroy celestial bodies and stars just by moving her gold finger!

  (end of this chapter)