MTL - The Perfect Destiny-Chapter 20 Handsome broken leg small military division (seven)

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Yan Jingyi was obviously reacted by Chen Liguo. His eyes were like ice, and his voice was cold and scary: "Hey adults, it seems that you have a lot of opinions on me."

Chen Liguo spit out all the food he had eaten before, and he felt that his stomach was better. He saw Yan Jing’s temperament, and he coughed a few times to make a weak and overwhelmed look.

Yan Jingyi sneered: "Do you think this, I will let you go?"

Chen Liguo had not reacted yet, Yan Jingyi picked him up with one hand, then turned and fell heavily on the bed.

Chen Liguo perfectly blended into the scene at this time. She only felt sad and sad in her heart. She could not help but whisper to the system: "I don't like a rag doll in the novel."

System: "..." He knew that Chen Liguo had said that he was not farting.

Chen Liguo: "I have to be touched by my acting skills."

Looking at Yan Jingyi, who was approaching step by step, Chen Liguo made a horror in his heart and made a calm look.

Yan Jingyi likes Chen Liguo's pretense to be strong. He laughs and the voice is full of malicious taste: "Hey adults, are you afraid?"

Chen Liguo sneered at his teeth: "Why can you kill?" Why is the third hall?

Yan Jingyi did not answer, his gaze seemed to strip Chen Liguo's whole person, and moved from Chen Liguo's face a little bit, and stayed on Chen Liguo's weak legs.

Yan Jingyi slowly said: "I will give the adults a chance to consider."

Chen Liguo seems to have some despair in his eyes. He is very uncomfortable by Yan Jingyi's gaze. He wants to curl up his body, but because of the leg, he can only move slowly on the bed.

Yan Jingyi looked at Chen Liguo's movements, did not stop him, and did not remove his eyes. He said: "Since the Second Highness has already believed that we have dyed - 嵇 adults, then today, we will make this thing a reality."

Chen Liguo's face was white, his hair and clothes were scattered, and his eyes were full of desperate taste. In this way, Yan Jingyi made a strange style.

The person in front of me is already very thin, and the skin is also white. The Yan Jingyi is only a slight glimpse, and he has left a blue handprint on his chin. I don’t know if it’s like a body. It’s wonderful to watch him crying and crying under his body.

If Yan Jingyi only threatened Chen Liguo with this method, now he is really mourning for Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo was trembling all the time. In the eyes of Yan Jingyi, he was obviously afraid. So Yan Jingyi reached out and held Chen Liguo's shoulder and wanted to fade his clothes.

Chen Liguo bit his teeth, because he was over-stretched, the whole face was extraordinarily tight. He reached out and grabbed the hand of Yan Jingyi. Yan Jingyi felt that his hands were cold and cold, and there was no temperature.

Yan Jingyi scorpion sag: "Is the adult changing his mind?"

"Three Highness--" Chen Liguo's voice is so powerful that his identity can withstand Xing prisoners, can withstand death, but can not accept the treatment of the three halls.

Yan Jingyi said that Chen Liguo had to compromise with him. I don’t know why, but he had a small regret in his heart.

However, what happened to him unexpectedly happened. Chen Liguo was pale and pale. In the end, he did not say anything, but he was lying in bed and silently passed his face.

Is this another compromise? In the heart of Yan Jingyi, inexplicably gave birth to some irritability. He forcibly twisted Chen Liguo’s face and said coldly: “My brother, is it really worthy of your allegiance?”

At this time, Chen Liguo’s nephew was only a piece of cold and firm. He said: "My three generations are all loyal, and they are betray the facts. I am really unable to do it."

The three halls whispered a good sentence, his fingers gently rubbed on Chen Liguo's cheeks, as if to touch the quality of the excellent satin, the action is full of color and lyrical taste.

Chen Liguo closed his eyes.

"Hey adults, if that's the case, I'm welcome." Yan Jingyi stared at Chen Liguo, and he held Chen Liguo's cheek, one word and one word, "Look at it, look at how you are being **** by me." I am fooling."

This night is destined to be a long night.

Xiao Yu Le Chess kept the porridge just outside the door, but until the steaming porridge was completely cold, he never heard his family call him.

The month has passed.

Leqi heard the crying of the dense and dense voice in the room. This voice was sent by his adult. It sounded so strange, it was like being forced into a desperate situation, only desperate weeping.

Music is not a child. He naturally knows what this sound means. The voice of His Highness is also faintly passed. He laughs at his low smile and seems to be satisfied.

Then a scream of sudden high, caused the porridge bowl in the hands of the chess to fall to the ground, and he stayed at the door, and wanted to go, but could not move.

"Open your eyes and look at it seriously." The man's voice was low and heavy, and the ear of the listener was itchy.

"No - no -" The sound of the ordinary man's usual warmth was actually charming, and the crying sound even made the chess fan out of the face of his adult who was full of tears.

Le chess suddenly found something, and it was a stiff, he listened to these sounds... It was a reaction.

This, this is not right, Le Che thought, but he is like a statue, he is very stiff and can not walk in one step.

The sound continued until dawn.

When everything was calm, Le Che felt that his soul seemed to fly out of *. He heard the opening of the door, and suddenly turned his head and saw the three halls coming out of the house.

Yan Jingyi’s look was satisfied with the lameness. He glanced at the chess and said: “Go some hot water.”

"You, you promised that I wouldn't hurt the grown-up." Le Ches did not know where he came from, but he was exporting to question the three halls. His mind has been smothered by those voices, just want to say what he wants to say the most. Export.

Yan Jingyi smiled and said: "When did I hurt him?"

The whole face of Le Chess is red.

Yan Jingyi said: "He is so happy, don't you hear?"

Leqi anger said: "You, you are nonsense, adults are obviously not willing."

"Oh? Don't you?" Yan Jingyi still has a cool smile in his throat. He said, "I don't know if he doesn't want to, he cares about him so much, why don't you come to save him?"

The music is dumb, and a face is stung by this sentence.

"He struggled a lot." Yan Jingyi said, "But what's the use?"

The tears of Le Chess flowed down, and he lowered his head and looked at the porridge bowl that was broken on the ground.

"If you give me a good job," Yan Jingyi said, "I may still be able to treat him well. If you gave me something - you don't want to know me and him in the streets?"

Le Che can no longer speak, he did not understand how stupid he was with the tiger until now.

"Hot water." Yan Jingyi repeated it again and turned back.

The music is so fascinating, but it is still numb to move the body, preparing hot water for the two people in the house.

He stood outside the door and watched Yan Jingyi put the hot water in, and it was all over the body, so he fell to the ground.

Chen Liguo hasn't slept so hard for a long time. He sleeps until the next day. When he gets up, he feels refreshed and full of hopes and dreams for the future.

At this time, Yan Jingyi is no longer there, but his body has been cleaned up, so except for a slight discomfort in a certain part.

Everything is perfect.

"New day, new morning, system, good morning." Chen Liguo greeted the spirit of the system.


Chen Liguo didn't care if the system ignored him. He sat on the bed and relished the night of yesterday. He sighed: "The eight-abdominal male dog waist, the long legs and the chest are alive."


Chen Liguo: "Shuang!"


Chen Liguo: "How can you not talk?"

System: "...all?"

Chen Liguo: "System, nickname all."

System: "..." He couldn't help but think of the innocent sky of heaven.

Chen Liguo: "Oh... the only fly in the ointment is that my legs are not so good."

System: "..." Waiting for you to go to the next world, you will find that there are still many parts that you are not good at.

Chen Liguo didn't know that the system had bitten his teeth and couldn't help but kill him. He knew that he was cool and cool, and he still had to do the right thing. He rationally said: "Is the foreign embassy coming soon?"

System: "Yes." Also he lost that he still remembers this.

Chen Liguo said: "Well, it is time to help the little princess who suffers."

He yawned and screamed lazily: "Les."

After a while, the chess that swollen into the walnuts came in from the door. He didn't dare to look up at Chen Liguo, but he said lowly: "What do adults have to say?"

Chen Liguo said: "Ready, I have to go out."

Leqi slammed his eyes and he wanted to say something, but he still didn't say anything. He didn't go out in the last word.

Chen Liguo said: "This child is really cute."

System: "He sold you to Yan Jingyi."

Chen Liguo heard this sentence and said a little shyly: "Oh, then I will find a chance to thank him."

System: "..." The tears that flow now are the water that was in the mind. Why did he choose this person as the host?

Chen Liguo was full of red light and spirited, as if life had reached great harmony, so that when the chess came in, he thought that his family had returned to the light.

When Chen Liguo saw that the chess figure was wrong, he only slightly converged, and changed back to the sad and mournful appearance. He said, "Let's go, play chess, I have to go somewhere."