MTL - The Picked Lion Touched Porcelain-Chapter 52

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Back to the living room, Shen Sui'an was in a mess, and her face showed a little bit.

"Meow?" The little black panther was more sensitive, ran over with the doll in his mouth, stuffed it into Shen Suian's hand, and rubbed his head lightly against him.

"I'm fine." Shen Sui'an's heart was warm, and she forced herself to squeeze out a smile.

Under Gu Beimo's offensive, he gradually became accustomed to each other's company and occasional intimacy.

But he has no plans to be together, let alone get married.

I just listened to the conversation between Gu Beimo and the old housekeeper, the venue was all set up, and it was too soon to propose marriage within two days.

Accept it, he has no idea.

Don't accept it, then Gu Beimo won't be able to come to Taiwan, will he feel better?

Shen Sui'an was in a dilemma and was so worried.

Or, just find an excuse to run away, so that you can avoid Gu Beimo's marriage proposal plan logically?

He had an idea and suddenly thought of this way.

What excuse?

Shen Sui'an thought for a long time, and finally decided to ask Xiao Kuang for help.

The star thief has never played cards according to the routine, so there must be a way.

At that time, Xiao Kuang just happened to arrange this trip with Chu Liuyun and his subordinates. He was planning to take Chu Liuyun back to the room to do some things that only adults can do. Hearing the light Brain rattling, and some doubts.

I took it out and saw that it was Shen Sui'an, and her expression instantly switched to serious mode.

After reading the news, he did encounter great difficulties, but why did he want to laugh so much?

I thought it would be much more convenient for Gu Beimo to get the moon when he was near the water tower, and then take the person back to the nest and chase after him, rather than hiding his identity and following behind Chu Liuyun.

Now it looks like that guy is talented in the military, and a bunch of other rubbish!

"What crooked idea are you trying to make?" Chu Liuyun groaned in his heart, every time Xiao Kuang laughed like this, it was not a good thing!

"A-Yun, I'm so good-natured, how can I be mean?" Xiao Kuang held Chu Liuyun's hand aggrievedly and put it on his chest, "Ah, I feel bad, only kiss it is good."

Chu Liuyun was expressionless, "...Speak human words."

"Cough cough, it's nothing, Gu Beimo wants to propose marriage, Sui An has not yet considered whether to agree or not, let me think of a way to get him to move out from Gu's house." Seeing Chu Liuyun unwilling Taking the initiative, Xiao Kuang leaned in and kissed him, and said with a smile.

"Proposal?" Chu Liuyun was a little surprised. After thinking about it carefully, Shen Sui'an had been in the Gu family for a few months, and the proposal was normal.

However, he is Shen Sui'an's uncle, and he must be based on the opinion of his precious nephew. "Sui'an seemed to say that he is in good health now, and he doesn't need to be treated any more. He should be fine if he doesn't stay at Gu's house."

"But we've all left the Imperial Star, and I'm not at ease with him living alone." Thinking of this, Chu Liuyun couldn't help frowning.

"Didn't I send a planet to Sui'an before? If there are real estate and manpower there, others can just go there." After eating deflated, he is as refreshing as drinking a glass of iced happy water in the summer!

The planet has developed tourism and good security.

Before, Shen Sui'an was in poor health and could not bear the space transition, but now he no longer has this concern.

"Also." Chu Liuyun nodded and took out his light brain to arrange this matter.


"What's wrong?" Gu Beimo heard the movement and stepped over.

"Master, Mr. Zhao said that Mr. Chu wants to take Master Shen out for a while." The old housekeeper was still stunned and replied mechanically.

How come you live so well, but you have to leave suddenly?

Still in the middle of the night?

Gu Beimo was slightly startled, his intuition was wrong, and he looked at the other party with a bit of vigilance.

"If Marshal Gu doesn't believe it, you can contact Mr. Chu yourself." If the Gu family asked Shen Sui'an to go with him without asking, the confidant would be angry and feel that the Gu family did not value Shen Sui'an.

So the attitude is moderate.

"Understood." Gu Beimo nodded, digging out his brain as he walked to the study.

The old butler stayed to entertain the henchmen.

Shen Sui'an hurriedly packed her luggage when she learned that Chu Liuyun had sent him to pick him up.

To put something in, you have to take it out first.

Pull the zipper, looking at the ignorant four little ones, Shen Sui'an felt very sad.

But when he thought of Gu Beimo's marriage proposal, he had to settle down.

Living under one roof, Gu Beimo is too entangled, and there are four little animals who distract most of his attention, and he can't squeeze any time to sort out his thoughts.

Gu Beimo's official pursuit until now, Shen Sui'an has been in a passive position, he is worried that if this happens again, if one day he makes a promise and regrets it later, he must have a vengeance.

Instead of repeating the tragedy of his parents in the past life, it is better to separate for a period of time, wait for his mind to calm down, and then think about what to do.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then squatted down and touched the heads of the four little ones one by one. For a while, stay home and listen to the old housekeeper and Marshal Gu, okay?"

The other three little ones are still ignorant, but the little black panther is anxious, it hugs Shen Sui'an's arm, and the dark green eyes are full of anxiety, "Meow!"

"I didn't want you guys, I just needed a little time to think about things." Shen Sui'an pursed his lips, and if he wanted to say what he was most reluctant to leave the Gu family, it would definitely be these four cubs, "I promised I'll see you soon, okay?"

As for whether he can stay in one place every day like now, he has no idea.

The other three little ones reacted to what was going on at this moment, surrounded Shen Sui'an in a circle, and burst into tears.

Shen Sui'an pulled the four little ones into her arms, distressed and guilty.

But he can't nod rashly because of this, otherwise it will not only be irresponsible for himself and Gu Beimo, but also not good for these cubs.

He had almost forgotten what happened a few years ago, but in the few words of neighbors and other relatives, he could piece together how loving and doting the couple used to be.

When he can remember things, the couple has progressed to the point of hands-on, and even took anger at him.

When the relationship is good, he is the crystallization of love, and when the relationship is broken, it becomes a burden.

This is both ridiculous and sad.

In addition to the little milk dragon's parents, the other three little ones don't care about their families.

Have already suffered a heavy blow, Shen Sui'an didn't want the cubs to experience the pain they once tasted again.

Children who are related by blood will be rejected, let alone adopted?

Shen Sui'an was not worried that the Gu family would treat the cubs badly, but he was afraid that in the future the cubs would have to be as cautious and fearful as when they first arrived at the Gu family.

Pull up the suitcase and walk out, followed by the four teary little tails.

As soon as the door opened, Gu Beimo, who had been waiting for a long time, stood outside. Shen Sui'an subconsciously avoided Gu Beimo's sight and did not dare to look at him.

Fortunately, Gu Beimo didn't say much, just silently took the suitcase.

After going downstairs, the confidant saw Shen Sui'an's expression and was a little confused.

I thought that Shen Sui'an was unhappy at Gu's house, so Chu Liuyun asked him to take him away. Now, in this atmosphere - why is there an inexplicable sense of seeing the mandarin ducks with an order?

"Master Shen, are we still leaving?" He scratched his head and asked cautiously.

The four little ones raised their heads and stared at Shen Sui'an pitifully, hoping that he would change his mind and stay.

Shen Sui'an clenched his fists and nodded with difficulty.

The old butler was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and he quickly asked, "Master Shen, is there something wrong with us? It's so good, why do you want to leave suddenly?"

Shen Sui'an was particularly embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

It was Gu Beimo who helped out, "It's fine, it's not bad for Sui An to go out and relax."

Shen Sui'an didn't know that Chu Liuyun had contacted Gu Beimo, and when she heard this, she thought Gu Beimo was angry, and there was a little panic in her eyes.

His lips moved, and he finally lowered his head and smiled wryly.

Alright, don't think about it now, Gu Beimo doesn't want him anymore.

A person like him shouldn't expect to have a home at all.

Although he personally ruined his happiness, Shen Sui'an did not regret coming to Gu's house. He was really happy during this time.

The old housekeeper was standing next to him, almost crying.

Gu's father and Gu's mother had a mission, and they came back after a while. He and Gu Beimo were the only two at home who could talk to each other, but they couldn't keep anyone. What's the matter?

I was fine when I went out tomorrow, and I was not angry when I came back.

The road to go out is difficult and long, full of a strong sense of depression.


Shen Sui'an was about to get into the suspension car when Gu Beimo's voice suddenly came from behind, "Sui'an."

He paused, turned around subconsciously, and was embraced by the strong arms into a familiar and secure embrace.

Shen Sui'an's nose was sour, and her eyes were instantly wet.

The high wall that was finally built collapsed instantly in Gu Beimo's embrace.

"Pay attention to safety when you go out and take care of yourself." Gu Beimo didn't want to let Shen Sui'an go, but he talked to Chu Liuyun and had to make this decision, "It's not good to live outside. Be happy, you can go home at any time, and don’t feel wronged.”

Hearing the word "go home", Shen Sui'an couldn't hold back.

But there was no turning back when the bow was opened. At this time, it was too late to repent, so I could only bite the bullet and go down according to the original goal.

"Okay, you still have to catch the starship." Gu Beimo sighed softly, and pressed the person into his arms. The force was so strong that he wanted to rub Shen Sui'an into the blood. He let go of his hand, really worried, and warned again, "Be careful on the road, if you can, don't forget to report safety to your family when you settle down."

"Yeah." Shen Sui'an replied dully.

The hover car started slowly, he looked at Gu Beimo, the old housekeeper and the four little ones who were getting farther and farther away from him, his heart seemed to have a big hole, hula la poured wind into it .

His body is gone, but his heart seems to be left in the Gu family.

"Meow?" The little black panther tugged at Gu Beimo, his dark green eyes still wet.

Gu Beimo bent down, touched his head one by one like Shen Sui'an, and reassured, "Don't worry, Sui'an will be back."

Will be back.


The adjutant entered the office building beaming, and found that the atmosphere was not right. He grabbed the passing orderly and wondered, "What happened?"

The orderly looked back and made sure Gu Beimo's office door was closed, so he lowered his voice, "Marshal Gu is in a bad mood. When he entered the door in the morning, his face was dark."

"Huh?" The adjutant was stunned.

If I remember correctly, didn't Gu Beimo take Shen Sui'an to watch a movie yesterday after following his suggestion, and also went to the video game city, I heard that he was very happy?

"You go first, I'll take a look." He waved his hand, the orderly nodded quickly, and crept away.

"Boom, boom."

"Come in." The adjutant has been with Gu Beimo for so many years and has a certain understanding of him. Now, just listening to his voice, he can tell that Gu Beimo is really in a bad mood, and he is even more curious.

"Bei Mo, did you quarrel with An?" After entering the door, the adjutant did not hesitate and spoke directly.

It was a personal matter, and he didn't use his job title.

"No." Gu Beimo pursed his lips and kept letting out the air.

"Then why do you look like that?" The adjutant dragged a chair over, intending to have a heart-to-heart with Gu Beimo.

Gu Beimo raised his eyes and looked at the triumphant spring breeze that could not be hidden on the other's face, and felt even more unhappy in his heart.

The adjutant quietly made arrangements during this period of time. He planned to propose to Xiao Qingmei, who had been in love for more than ten years. Yesterday, he asked himself for help. He wanted to rent a hotel under the name of the Gu family as a venue. Xiao Qingmei was surprised.

Looking back at myself, my sweetheart ran away all night, and so far there is no news.

The contrast is too tragic, and Gu Beimo is particularly depressed.

However, the adjutant must have more experience than himself in emotional matters, and he may be able to help with advice. He rubbed his face and briefly repeated the conversation with Chu Liuyun last night, as well as his relationship with Shen Sui'an. He finally said, "I also felt that I was too hasty some time ago, and planned to let Sui'an calm down. Maybe he will figure it out one day, and he will come back by himself."

"Calm down?" The adjutant's eyes widened in disbelief, "You really intend to let him calm down outside alone?"

Gu Beimo was puzzled, "Otherwise?"

He sighed and persuaded bitterly, "The worst thing you can do in love is to let the other party calm down! Usually, after calming down, everyone is gone!"

"Ah?" Gu Beimo was at a loss, what did he say?

"What you think of being calm must be calming down and thinking about solving problems, Suian is not, he hasn't fallen in love with you yet!" Is Bei Mo so stupid?

"Before I looked up, I didn't see you down, and if there was a conflict, I could solve it in time. After separation, if he thought about it, he accidentally got into the bull's horn and found that you are not good here, you are not good there, and you are not with him By my side, I don't know what he thinks, and there is no chance to argue, but can't let him run wild on the crooked road and finally part ways?"

"And when he gets used to life without you, will he be happy if you move up?"

"That's all, just in case when he is calm, a guy who is very good in all aspects suddenly appears around him and stalks him—" The adjutant said this, his face full of fear, " I almost got pryed into a corner like this!"

Gu Beimo slapped the table in fright, stood up, and was about to rush out!

The author has something to say: Shen Suian: I want to be quiet.

Gu Beimo: Who is Jingjing! I'm going to kill him! (drawing knife.jpg)

oh angel~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: those who want to green the He Dynasty, 1 bottle of Baiyo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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