MTL - The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era-v2 Chapter 1986 daily life at home

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Yang Dongxu finally breathed a sigh of relief after doing a full body check on all the elders before sending the elders home.

Now his biggest wish is that the old people's bodies can be healthy for a few more years and see more of the world that he has never seen in his life.

"It's better to bring some gifts to Dong Yao's house." Zhou Ya walked into the living room with a plate of fruit, and asked Aunt Hua to give some to the children and women chatting outside.

They came back to the old house and the courtyard became lively again. The young children playing and chasing, the children fishing, and the women enjoying the shade under the trees all made the originally empty courtyard full of popularity.

Although the gate of the courtyard of the old house is always open and never locked, the people of Yangjia Village are also polite. They never let their children run into the house, but play in the large courtyard and pavilion outside.

But when everyone is not at home, they are too embarrassed to bring their children over for a stroll, right?

In case something is lost, even if the Yang family doesn't say anything, they're worried about it, don't they?

So now that the Yang family is back, it is natural that they can come to this shady place for a short chat with the parents, and it is not dangerous to let the children play here in an instant.

Because there are many children as well as older children, if there is any danger, a group of adults will rush over.

"Isn't it all chosen?" Yang Dongxu looked at Zhou Ya suspiciously, wondering why the things that were decided were brought up again.

"It's not the first time I've seen my in-laws, and I'm very satisfied with Dong Yao and especially want to marry him back as a daughter-in-law, so it's a bit of a worry." Zhou Ya said with a smile.

This is actually a normal state of mind, as if you care about a person in particular, you will worry about whether you will be misunderstood by doing this, and whether the other party will not be happy if you do that.

What the aunt is struggling with now is whether the other party will think that the Yang family looks down on their family and their daughter Dong Yao if the greeting is light.

If this is a valuable gift, I am afraid that the other party will say that the Yang family is throwing money at people, and they will not respect their daughter as a daughter-in-law at all.

"There are not so many twists and turns, it's just the first time we meet, and it's not sure whether we will talk about marriage at that time. It's just a simple meeting to have a meal first, so that the other party can see the man's family with a general feeling in his heart.

By the way, let's take a look at how their future son-in-law, Ajie, is doing. If the other party thinks it is good, we have no problem here, Dong Yao and Ajie have no problem, and then we will talk about marriage.

So when you meet for the first time, you can bring the boxes of tea you bought for travel. If you feel less, you will bring some local specialties from our family. Gifts make the other person feel that we respect them with our hearts.

The most important thing is their attitude towards Ajie, they are satisfied with Ajie, the son-in-law, and there are no other problems. If you have an opinion on Applejack, the other party won't be happy if you send gold bars. "

"That's the truth, yes, everyone understands it. But what can I do if my aunt is not at ease?"

"Okay, then hurry up and pack up and leave tomorrow. Don't let Auntie lose sleep for a few more days."

"Well, then I'll go to Auntie's place and see what to bring her as the main leader, so that she won't know what to do. We won't be there for a few days, I'll just pack some luggage and take it with me when I come back. ." Zhou Ya said.

"Okay, let's go!" Yang Dongxu nodded.

A fat man who trembled at this matter walked in.

"Isn't that saying that after losing weight, why do you look fat again?" It wasn't anyone else who came in, it was Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu is less than 1.8 meters tall, but his weight is definitely over 200 pounds, and he seems to have a lot of extra.

"I lost it, but I just can't lose it. I didn't hear that you came back and I came to ask. They said that you know some old Chinese medicine practitioners. Can you introduce me to see if they can help me lose weight? "

"Are you fat or sick?"

"It's not a disease. I have undergone a general examination. There is nothing wrong with the whole body except that the fat and blood lipids are a little high. The reason for being fat is that I eat too much meat and drink too much beer and beverages. Coupled with less exercise, I am getting fatter."

"No problem, what doctor did you see? Besides, don't you know the reason for being fat? Keep your mouth shut and open your legs!" Yang Dongxu looked at Xiao Wu speechlessly.

At this time, the eyes with only two slits on the other's fat face were full of helplessness, "Isn't this uncontrollable, so I'm here to ask the old Chinese medicine you know if there are any recipes for losing weight."

"You have to take medicine for things that can be solved by Jiankang Sports. I think you are really sick." Yang Dongxu rolled his eyes even more speechlessly, "I think you should get up every morning to run, dance, practice and exercise with the students.

As long as you stick to it, not to mention how much you can lose weight, at least you can be healthy, right? Otherwise, something will happen to your obesity level sooner or later, and you will suffer even more if you have surgery for liposuction and stomach surgery! "

"It's not that serious, is it?"

"It's that serious. It's not one or two people who die because of obesity, and it's not a rare thing. Too fat is really a disease!"

"You also know it's a disease, so I came to you and asked that doctor!"

"Why did you come back again, why are you and I dolls here? Forget it, I will ask Zhou Ya to remind your daughter-in-law and let her watch you lose weight. You have to lose weight, don't make money and enjoy it for a few years. People are gone."

"The more I talk about it, the more outrageous it is, how could there be no one left." This time it was Xiao Wu's turn to roll his eyes, and after rolling his eyes, he continued, "Forget it, let's not talk about my weight loss, I want to ask about my trip to Thailand this time. Is it troublesome to travel back and forth? Is it dangerous over there?"

"Do you want to travel too?"

"Isn't that what you said, UU reading earn money, don't enjoy it for a few years, people are gone. So I earned this money and am ready to enjoy it, by the way, I took my parents out for a walk.

Although there are many scenic spots in this country, I have already visited a lot, and I have never been abroad. "

"You don't have to worry about safety, as long as it is a tourist city, the security will not be too bad. Otherwise, who would dare to travel if the security is not good?

But because I'm abroad, I don't need to run around at night, it's not a big deal.

However, before looking for a few people to go to, it is necessary to obtain the passports of several people in advance. Only the passports of foreigners do not recognize ID cards. "

"Children need passports too!"

"All! If you don't have an ID card, you can take the household registration book to apply for it. It's not very troublesome and you can get down soon. Besides, if you go abroad to travel, you need to sign up for a tour group and follow the tour group, or you need to find a reliable tour guide and translator. .

Otherwise, you will be smeared in foreign countries. First, you don't know where to go to play. Second, you can't hear what the other party is saying, and the other party doesn't know what you mean. How can you play? "

"I still need a tour guide and translator, it's a little troublesome!" Xiao Wu's fat face wrinkled together.

"If you find it troublesome, then go to Sanwan Travel Agency."

"The one from Sanwan Travel Agency who came to us to open a homestay?"

"That's right, they have private family travel services. If you are a shareholder of a homestay, you should have a discount if you are half your own.

Go to consult to see which level of travel cost is suitable for you, and pay the money directly. Tourist visas, round-trip flights, hotels, meals, tour guides, translations, etc. they will all arrange for you. "

"This is good!" Xiao Wu's eyes lit up.

It's a pity that the eyes are too fat and there are only two slits left to see the light at all.