MTL - The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era-v2 Chapter 2096 Anniversary ceremony

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"Don't go back now, go to the shopping mall to pick some gifts, and go to the house while you are still in Yanjing, so as not to miss this time and you will run out of time." In addition to the compound, Yang Dongxu originally wanted to go directly go home.

The time I came to visit was at noon, and I had lunch at the old man's house. At this time, I was somewhat sleepy, thinking about going home for a while, and going to visit the family at night.

"Choose a few things from home and take them with you?" Yang Dongxu said casually.

If it's just a friendship, then you really have to go to the stage to choose a gift. And like this kind of relationship, Yang Dongxu usually chooses things from home.

Although his collection of things is not as frenzied as before these years, many good things still flow into his warehouse because of his deep pockets.

So go to some relatives who need to give gifts during the holidays, or when visiting some important elders. He will choose some more meaningful, not very high value but passable things to bring as gifts.

"Forget it, those things of yours are indeed good things. But it's okay to give it to my dad, but he doesn't care about it. To give it to my younger brother and younger siblings, even if they know it's meaningful, they don't necessarily like it.

My brother doesn't collect or have any hobbies in this area, so it's useless to give him away. It's better to pick out some high-end cosmetics as a gift for him, or simply buy some toys for Bai Rui. " Bai Qian said.

"Go back to your mother's house, you decide." Yang Dongxu shrugged indifferently, and changed the direction with a turn of the steering wheel.

In fact, with his current status and status, gift-giving has passed the stage of looking at the value. His gift mainly depends on the intention and meaning.

The main reason for going to Baijia is that the son-in-law gave the old man a New Year's gift. The key point is this etiquette, which is the face of Baiqian and what Baijia wants now.

As for what to give, it was not that important, so Baiqian thought it would be better to buy some things and visit her door, so she went to buy some things.

In fact, Yang Dongxu prefers to send New Year's gifts to old people in the countryside, half a pig, half a sheep, four fish, and four boxes of wine. Everyone does it like this, so there is no need to think about what to give.

You can get something simple and convenient for a few thousand yuan, but obviously you can't give it like this in the city. Especially for a big family like Baijia, they would definitely be laughed at if they sent it like this.

But what is a bit weird in this regard is that Baijia is regarded as a respectable family and is laughed at for accepting such an annual gift. But if such a gift was sent to the homes of the elders in the compound, those elders would definitely be laughing from ear to ear.

When Yang Dongxu came to the door with gifts, those carefully selected collections were often not very popular, but some bacon and bacon mailed by his elder sister and mother were very popular.

Even if it is some seasonal dried vegetables that are dried in the countryside, these old people hurriedly ask the nannies at home to stew them, and eat this if they don't eat anything else at noon.

"Buy a better set of cosmetics for Jingrou. It just so happens that Dabao's new products are good. I'll leave her a set of non-sale items. Buy a set of clothes for Bairui. Then go to the Millennium Supermarket to choose some fruits such as cherries, and then Buy some of Bai Rui's favorite seafood and bring them with you." Bai Qian was still talking about what to buy.

"Just buy these?"

"Do you have anything to add?" Bai Qian looked sideways at him.

Yang Dongxu thought about it for a while, and it seemed that there was really nothing to add. This is actually quite good, a more ordinary family walk. It seems to be more meaningful than giving hundreds of thousands or millions of gifts at every turn.

Of course, bringing these gifts is not cheap, at least the non-sale cosmetics that Baiqian said were not affordable by ordinary families. However, for families like the two families, it is really good to give gifts in such a way that it is really about the meaning, not the value of the gift.

"Then buy these. Do the two of them like to eat bacon and bacon? If you want to eat, bring them some home dried vegetables." Yang Dongxu asked.

"That's fine, but take two velvet antlers from the elder sister's house, and bring a jar of deer blood wine." Although he said that his father didn't want to see her, don't Wan Wan feel uncomfortable.

But that was his own father after all, and this family relationship was obviously constantly being parted. He bought gifts from his younger siblings and nephews, so the father's gifts were obviously indispensable.

"Okay! By the way, there is also a box of Angong Pills prepared by Mr. Sun and the others at home. Although I don't want to use this thing, but it really can hang my life if I encounter something." Yang Dongxu Open your mouth and say.

The current social mainstream of giving gifts to the elderly is supplements, but the more advanced mainstream is actually giving Jiankang, giving some things that can be used in emergencies.

"En." Bai Qian replied, but her interest suddenly dropped.

Bai Qian thought of her grandfather. When her grandfather was alive, similar drugs were distributed every year. Since her grandfather passed away, she resigned from the official system.

In recent years, there has not been such a share distribution, although these things can be bought with money through the connections of hundreds of families. But when it's not issued but purchased, Baijia has actually declined.

"Don't think so much." Yang Dongxu obviously understood the reason for Baiqian's depression, and reached out to grab Baiqian's hand and held it in his palm.

"I'm fine, it's just that I suddenly miss Grandpa a little bit." Baiqian tilted her head and forced a smile.

The two first came to China World Trade Center. Although many years have passed, many commercial gathering places, bustling areas, and various high-end square brand stores have sprung up here in Yanjing.

However, the position of Guomao in the eyes of Yanjing people is still unshakable. Whenever Guomao is mentioned, the first reaction of old Yanjing people is that it is a tall place, and the things inside are very expensive.

It's not the time for the holiday yet, so there are still many people in Yanjing, especially today is Sunday, and many migrant workers who come to Beijing from other places want to buy some gifts to take home, which makes the International Trade Center very lively.

He didn't go to the parking lot outside, which was already full of traffic. As one of the owners of Guomao, Yang Dongxu directly parked the car in the exclusive location of the underground parking garage.

Compared with other places, even the parking space bought by the owner will be occupied by people in this hard-to-find place. Even if these exclusive parking spaces do not come for a year, there will not be a car parked on them.

The security guards here are also very clear about who can affect their jobs. Ordinary owners can just turn a blind eye and close their eyes, maybe they can even get two packs of cigarettes to smoke, and if they are found out, the most they can do is to coordinate the shit.

But these exclusive parking spaces are going to be taken, they can just pack up and get out!

So the patrolling in this area is quite strict, UU Reading Ordinary vehicles, let alone stop here, will not be able to drive to this area.

No one was crowded when they came up to the exclusive elevator, and when they came upstairs, Bai Qian naturally took Yang Dongxu's arm and walked towards the children's clothing area.

At this time, people from a few years ago were greeted head-on, one of the young people was wearing a silly hat and a long-haired shawl, although she was wearing a mask, the girl saw Yang Dongxu's eyes lit up.

"Uncle Yang!"

"Li Meng, slow down!" Looking at Xiao Pao, Li Meng, who looked very happy because of the coincidence, also showed a smile on his face.

"Sister Baiqian!" Li Meng greeted Baiqian next to her.

I don't know how seniority is discussed among girls, they call Yang Dongxu 'uncle' and Bai Qian 'sister'.

"Well, come here for a stroll with your friends?" Bai Qian smiled and nodded in response, looking at her friend behind Wan Limeng a few times. Although she was called sister, this look was quite like an elder.