MTL - The Poison Doctor Mad Concubine is a Bit Tugged-Chapter 1771 almost heat

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  Chapter 1771 The fire is almost ready

  Facing Wu Yan's probing eyes, Ye Feiran raised his eyebrows slightly, "What's the matter, is this question difficult to answer?"

  Wu Yan shook his head lightly, "It's not difficult to answer, the God Realm does not have the Night God Realm."

   "Really?" Ye Feiran expressed doubts, she was sure that Lord Emperor Zun was also from the God Realm.

   "Really!" Wu Yan nodded, "There really is no Night God Realm in the God Realm."

   There is no Night God Realm, but there is Evil God Realm.

   However, there is no need to tell Ah Ran about this.

  He doesn't like the Cthulhu Domain, so he doesn't want to mention it.

  However, even though he has fallen, there is still a doubt in his heart.

  After Ah Ran's soul was sent into reincarnation, many people later followed Mrs. Ye's exhaustion of her life's cultivation to send fallen people into reincarnation, but no one succeeded in this way.

  So he is very sure that the door of reincarnation is not so easy to open. Mrs. Ye may not be able to open it after exhausting her entire life of cultivation. There must be other assistance.

  This assistance, he suspected to be the person from the Cthulhu Realm.

  Because after Ah Ran entered reincarnation, the evil **** domain began to be silent, until he fell in a state of silence.

  However, this is what the person from the Cthulhu Realm should do. If it wasn't for him, Ah Ran wouldn't have fallen.

   Just as he was in a trance, Ye Feiran's face suddenly magnified in front of his eyes.

  Wu Yan's heart beat faster for a while, "Aran, what are you going to do?"

  Ye Feiran curled his lips into a smile, "If I don't do anything, I just want to confirm again, is there really no Ye Shen Domain in the God Realm?"

   "No, really not, I can swear." Wu Yan's expression was so serious that it couldn't be truer.

   Seeing this, Ye Feiran chose to believe it, and no longer continued to ask the bottom line. Anyway, Wu Yan's spirit can freely enter and exit the Ten Thousand Years Soul-Inducing Wooden Bracelet, and he will definitely react when he sees Lord Emperor.

   "Oh, let's continue with the provocative script just now."

  Wu Yan: "..."

   This topic turned a bit fast, he hasn't digested the previous things yet!

   If it wasn't that he didn't want to mention the person from the Cthulhu Realm, he couldn't help but ask Ah Ran if he had awakened his memory?

  Ye Feiran stepped back, took another sip of the wine, and asked, "Has Mrs. Ye's cultivation recovered?"

   "I can't recover to the same height as before, because she has a heart demon, and this heart demon will naturally be broken when Goddess Ye returns." Wu Yan replied truthfully.

  Ye Feiran nodded, "That's good!"

   Immediately afterwards, Ye Feiran changed the subject silently, "Wu Yan, what about you? You are a witch god, so you can't be the domain master of the witch **** domain?"

  Wu Yan shook his head with a smile, "I'm from the Wushenyu, but I'm not the domain master. The Wushenyu's domain master is my sister and another friend of Goddess Ye."

  Ye Feiran glanced at Wu Yan, before he could speak, Wu Yan said again, "Her name is Wu Yan, the new witch god, Aran can fight Gu with her when he goes to the God Realm in the future."

   "Good!" Ye Feiran nodded in response, silently remembering the name Wu Yan.

   Next, she stopped asking a word and kept drinking, not knowing what she was thinking.

  Wu Yan was also in a trance.

  When it comes to Wu Yan, his heart aches for a while.

  Wizards had a more or less cold temperament. After Ah Ran's fall, Wu Yan was colder than before, and when he fell again, she would only become even colder.

   Just like that, one person and one spirit sat in silence until dawn.

  After the sky turned pale, Ye Feiran had recovered as before, and looked up at Wu Yan.

   "Wu Yan, hurry up to cultivate your soul, Wu Yan must be waiting for you to go back. What's more, do you have the heart for her to manage a God's Domain so hard for a girl's family?"

  Hearing this, Wu Yan stared blankly at Ye Feiran, then nodded, "Okay!"

  Yes, since he has the opportunity, he must cultivate his soul and return to the God Realm.

   Not for revenge, only for Ah Yan and Ah Ran.

  Ye Feiran just squinted for a while before going to point out Yue Tan and Yue Xing's poison technique.

  When she was free, Tang Mengtong lowered her voice and asked, "Little Yezi, did you gain anything from going to the Wu'an Tribe?"

   "The harvest is very great. In the future, there will be guidance from the witch gods in Gu skills." Ye Feiran laughed.

   Hearing the words, Tang Mengtong's eyes widened in surprise, "Witch God? Is it the one I thought?"

   "Yes!" Ye Feiran nodded, "So we have to work hard to practice and strive to go to the God Realm in the future."

  Tang Mengtong: "!!"

   This is the goal of all practitioners, but why does she feel that this goal is far away from them now!

   "Little Yezi, should we consider going to the fairyland first?"

  As soon as these words came out, Ye Feiran couldn't help laughing.

   "Hehe... Tongtong is right, let's try to go to the fairyland as soon as possible.

  However, when the time comes, I will let you witness the demeanor of the witch god, so that you will be full of motivation. "

   Tang Mengtong was surprised, "Really? Can we really meet the witch god?"

  Even if they have fallen, they are still gods. I really didn’t expect them to have the opportunity to see God now.

   "Yes! Although he has fallen, he left behind a ray of spirit."

  After Ye Feiran finished speaking, he sent a sound transmission to Wu Yan in the Wannian Soul-Inducing Wooden Bracelet.

   "Wu Yan, don't you mind?"

   "Of course I don't mind." Wu Yan replied.

  He also wanted to meet Ah Ran's friends in this life.

   She was so anxious to come back before, it must be because she was worried about her friends.

  Ye Feiran taught Yuetan and the others their two-day poison technique, and also learned about the eight tribes through the mutation Jiuye Hongzhi.

  She felt that the heat was almost ready, so she called her friends to confirm the next plan.

  In the end, the eyes of the eight people were all focused on the mutant Jiuye Hongzhi.

   "Little Mengzi, can you?" Han Xize asked.

  The mutated Jiuye Hongzhi immediately rolled her eyes at Han Xize, "I can't, can you?"

  Han Xize: "..."

  Since when did Xiaomengzi choke so much?

  He touched his nose with his hand and smiled awkwardly, "I said something wrong, you are the best!"


  The mutated Nine Leaf Hongzhi snorted coldly, and leaned in front of Ye Feiran.

   "Ranran, I will definitely complete the task well."

  Ye Feiran reached out and caressed the leaves of the mutated nine-leaf red branch, and said with a smile, "Okay, I will give you a reward then."

   "Then can I choose the reward?" The mutated Jiuye Hongzhi immediately asked.

  Ye Feiran's lips curled up slightly, her eyes filled with doting, "Of course it's possible."

  Hearing this, the mutated Nine Leaf Red Branch immediately cheered, "Yeah yeah, Ranran is the best!"

  Late at night, after Ye Feiran gave some instructions, the mutant Jiuye Hongzhi started to act.

  The moon is dark and the wind is high, it is very suitable for a big vote.

  After leaving the Yongyue tribe, the mutated Jiuye Hongzhi looked down at the direction of the other eight tribes.

  Seeing this, it suddenly remembered that there was something that it forgot to tell Ye Feiran.

   So, it went back.

  Ye Feiran frowned when she saw the mutant Nine Leaf Red Branch, "Little Mengzi, what happened?"

   "No, no, don't worry, Ranran, I just remembered one thing that I forgot to tell you."

  Hearing the words, Ye Feiran felt relieved, "What is it?"

  (end of this chapter)