MTL - The Poison Doctor Mad Concubine is a Bit Tugged-Chapter 1809 I suddenly want to be a saint

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  Chapter 1809 I suddenly want to be a saint

  Bai Ju glared at the treasure hunter hidden in Ye Feiran's sleeve, pretending that nothing happened, and said, "No, we were just joking around."

  Ye Feiran's mouth twitched slightly, "Really?"

  The ability to tell lies with wide-open eyes is even stronger than her!

   "Yes, Nine Tails broke through the phantom formation, and this ghost orchid flower is naturally Aran." Wu Yan said immediately.

  He was happy and depressed at the same time, because he felt that this annoying treasure hunting mouse was most likely Ye Mulin's.

  Thinking of this, he also asked directly, "Aran, is this treasure hunting mouse your spiritual pet?"

   "No." Ye Feiran replied truthfully.

  Wu Yan: "..."

   Sure enough, it is Ye Murin's treasure hunting mouse. He is really annoying as always. He always likes to play with his treasures, hum!

  If one day he catches this treasure hunting mouse, he must hang it up and give him a hard beating.

   Treasure Hunting Mouse seemed to know what he was thinking, and pointed its **** at Wu Yan.

  Wu Yan was so angry that he almost lost his wits.

  At this time, Ye Feiran also thought that it might be a prank by the treasure hunting mouse, and hurriedly coughed lightly, "Ahem... our family's treasure hunting is a bit naughty, you don't care about a mouse, do you?"

  As soon as the words came out, the treasure hunting mouse immediately raised its head, with a look of protest in its eyes, "Squeak..."

   It's a treasure hunting mouse, not an ordinary mouse.

   Seeing this, Bai Ju and Wu Yan couldn't help laughing, "Hehe... We really don't care about a mouse."

  As soon as the words fell, the treasure hunting mouse immediately stood up at Ye Feiran, and grinned fiercely at Baiju and Wu Yan.

  Ye Feiran had no choice but to comfort it.

   At the same time, Bai Ju frowned and said coldly, "Let's go, someone is coming!"

  Hearing this, Ye Feiran brought the treasure hunting mouse into the mysterious space, and immediately cast shapeshifting to leave.

  Bai Ju and Wu Yan naturally returned to the Wannian Soul-Inducing Wooden Bracelet, but they kept paying attention to the situation around them.

  The simultaneous appearance of Yin evil energy, ancient beasts, god-level spiritual weapons, and heaven and earth elixir naturally attracted many practitioners.

   It's a pity that no matter how fast they are, they can't catch up with Ye Feiran, and the mutant Jiuye Hongzhi is very considerate to erase her traces behind.

  After half a day, Ye Feiran saw other practitioners from a distance, so he stopped and found a place to rest.

   During the barbecue, she did not forget to take out the map of the Earth Lingzhu, looked at it herself, and let Baiju and the others take a look at it.

   It's a pity that no one has this map in their memory.

  Ye Feiran put away the map with regret on his face, "From this point of view, the Earth Lingzhu should not be in Moyang Fairyland."

  In the following days, she practiced alone, and did not receive the news from Ye Mulin until half a month before the closure of Moyang Fairyland.

  Neither of them said anything about what happened after they separated, but they agreed to meet at the exit of Moyang Fairyland and set off immediately.

  Just because if you don’t make it to the exit within half a month, you might stay in Moyang Wonderland.

  No one dares to underestimate this point.

  The magic thing is that no matter where you are in Moyang Fairyland, there will be a golden light point to guide you to the exit.

  Ye Feiran saw the golden light spot, and followed the route it pointed wholeheartedly, ignoring the babies around him.

   This is naturally also because she is already very satisfied with what she has gained from this trip to Moyang Wonderland.

  Because she took the opportunity to practice Apparition, she became the first person to come to the exit of Moyang Fairyland.

  She didn't leave Moyang Fairyland immediately, but flew on an ancient tree to wait for Ye Mulin.

   An hour later, there was a sound of footsteps, and Ye Feiran immediately opened his eyes and looked over.

   Instead of seeing the person she met, she saw Nie Liuli instead.

  Nie Liuli had a broken leg and a hand, coupled with her disfigurement, her whole body exuded a vicious air of prey, and she looked like a witch.

  The people of the Wu clan followed her, not daring to breathe, for fear that if they accidentally made Nie Liuli angry, they would not know how they died.

  Seeing that the exit was ahead, all the members of the Wu clan seemed hesitant to speak, but no one dared to speak out.

  Finally, they all looked at Nie Yingluo at the back in tacit understanding.

  Following their eyes, Nie Yingluo was slightly taken aback, then took a bite of the spiritual fruit, and said, "Saints don't mind other people's eyes, what do you mind?"

  As soon as these words came out, the people of the Wu clan suddenly felt a little bit in their hearts, and then they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at Nie Liuli at all.

  Nie Liuli slowly turned her head to look at Nie Yingluo, her eyes were poisoned, "Nie Yingluo, don't be too happy, even if I am disfigured, the position of the witch clan saintess is still mine."

   "Hehe..." Nie Yingluo sneered, "Really? Sister Liuli, you have been emphasizing the word "saint", and now I suddenly want to be the saint of the witch clan!"

  (end of this chapter)