MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 193 Taoist ancestor Linchen, Great Xia luck, there is no class for teaching!

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  Chapter 193 Taoist Ancestor Linchen, Daxia Yunqi, there is no class for teaching!

   "I think it's impossible for anyone to go up this step!"

  I don't know who said this in the crowd, and there was a chain reaction immediately.

   "Yeah, hundreds of people have tried, but no one can get in, this is not right."

   "So what, you have to try, you can't just miss this precious opportunity!"

   "Look, the next one is an old man!"

  Everyone followed the sound and saw an old man who looked to be in his seventies, staggering towards the ring.

  Although Guanchaojiang Square is in the scenic area, the ticket gate is set up behind the square, which makes many old people come to the square to practice Tai Chi before dawn to keep fit.

   This old man is obviously one of them, and he is still wearing a white exercise suit.

  But his faltering appearance at this time made everyone look down on him, and even the people who failed in the distance couldn't help but speak out to dissuade him:

   "Grandpa, don't try it, try again and find out what's good or bad!"

   "Yes, sir, none of us can do it, you are so old, you can't resist!"

   "It's over, why is this uncle so stubborn!"

  The old man ignored other people's voices and just walked towards the ring on his own.

  The old man also seemed a little nervous, and his expression was a little cramped visible to the naked eye.

  He approached the steps step by step, and the heat gradually appeared in his eyes.

  The old man kept cheering himself up in his heart, and his belief in his heart was even stronger than other young people.

  In the eyes of this old man, his whole life has been ordinary, and everything is going on step by step.

   Now that he is old, he may die in a few years.

  The appearance of Su Yun made the old man see hope. Perhaps, this is the chance he has been regretting all along, but he can't come back and live again.

  He also saw what happened before, so when he came to the steps, the old man seemed a little hesitant.

  But after a few seconds, the old man gritted his teeth and stepped on the steps as if he had made a major decision.

   At this moment, Su Yun, who had been closing his eyes like an ancient Buddha, slowly opened his eyes as if he had noticed something.

  At the same time, the old man has already stepped on the first step.

  However, what everyone didn't expect was that although the old man's expression was painful, he was not as embarrassed as the others.

   This weight made the old man feel great resistance, as if the bones in his body were being compressed with high intensity.

   But this did not make the old man give up, on the contrary, in his heart, he kept cheering himself up.

   "It's no big deal. After living to such an advanced age, death is already seen, what else can't be resisted?"

  Under such thoughts, the old man took another step while breathing heavily.

   This made the eyes of those watching wide open.

   You need to know how many young and strong people there were before, and they were often eliminated at the first step.

  But this old man who seems to be walking shakyly has created an almost miraculous breakthrough at this moment.

  However, when stepping on the second stone step, the old man immediately noticed in confusion that the resistance here was even smaller.

  The first layer is like a few big mountains, but the second layer is not more difficult.

   This made the old man who thought that he had to try his best even if he failed saw hope. He tried to adjust his state with some excitement, and walked towards the top again.

  Step 2...Step 3...

   Just when more and more people felt that no one would be able to go up, the old man stepped on the ring as if walking on the ground.

  Not to mention everyone was stunned, even Yang Datou and Lin Xiao were stunned.

  They didn't expect that the first successful person was actually this old man who was looked down upon by everyone.

  The old man stood excitedly on the ring, as if he still couldn't believe it was true.

  He came to Su Yun tremblingly, looking a little at a loss.

  Looking at Su Yun, who is full of dust and looks like a fairy, although he is young, he is unpredictable. The old man wants to kneel down from his heart.

   But at this moment, Su Yun slowly opened his eyes, and then the old man found that his body seemed to be supported by something, and he couldn't kneel down at all.

  Looking at the nervous old man in front of him, Su Yun's voice came without any emotion:

   "There is a time to enter the Tao, and there is no sooner or later to become the Tao. If you can step into this place, you are a practitioner of this Tao."

  The old man was obviously very excited about being able to get in touch with Su Yun at such a close distance. He nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of disbelief.

  He just wanted to give it a try at first, even if he failed, at least he would not regret it.

   But what he didn't expect was that walking onto the ring was lighter than he imagined, and for some reason, not only did he not feel the other painful feelings, but he felt as if his body was much lighter.

  Looking at the old man in front of him, Su Yun consciously shrouded part of his extraordinary aura on him.

   "The focus of the Tao is to understand the words, keep one mind, and you will have your own way!"

  The old man's cloudy eyes were full of bewilderment, Su Yun's words made him a little at a loss.

  He tried to close his eyes gently according to what Su Yun said, kept his mind, and made himself completely quiet.

   But at this moment, he immediately noticed that some strange changes seemed to have occurred on his body.

   This is a sense of tranquility that he has never had before, as if everything accumulated in his body for many years has disappeared at this moment.

  Although the old man doesn’t know what it means, but at this moment, it comes from his heart. After exhaling a deep breath, one hand is Yin and the other is Yang, which is exactly the posture of Tai Chi!

  Not far from Su Yun, the old man began to get up as usual in the morning exercise.

  This old man has been practicing Tai Chi for a long time, and his movements are graceful. Although he is not strong, he has the feeling of Yin and Yang.

  The old man stepped onto the arena that most people thought was impossible, and immediately ignited the urgency in everyone's hearts.

  They saw hope, and even gained confidence because of it.

  An old man can walk up, why can't I?

  However, those who were eliminated before all looked puzzled and looked at the old man on the ring in puzzlement.

   "How did he get up there?"

   "Looks like it's not affected at all..."

   Netizens laughed when they saw this scene with the mentality of watching the excitement.

   "Your uncle is your uncle after all, you can't accept this matter."

   "I'm starting to be thankful that I'm not on the scene, otherwise I'd be compared to the old man, and I wouldn't even be able to find the seam!"

"It's amazing. Hero Su Yun really deserves to be an expert in the world. This must be the reason for Hero Su Yun. It's like, the expert in the movie sets seemingly simple rules, but in fact not everyone can do it." Made it."

  Netizens admired Su Yun more and more, and those who hadn't tried to step into the ring were also looking forward to it because of the old man.

  The attempt was still going on, and Su Yun was still sitting there with his eyes slightly closed.

  The long queue extended directly to the side of the road, attracting more people to watch with curiosity.

   "Over there, what happened, why are there so many people?"

  On the avenue outside Guanchao River, vehicles are blocked and are not allowed to enter, so there are pedestrians everywhere.

  But among them, a slightly ruffian voice suddenly came:

   "I told you guys earlier, come early and come early, it's good now, let's line up. If you want me to say that you young people are really slow!"

   The person who spoke was not very friendly, and there was a strong sense of quack in his eyes.

  He was wearing the uniform of the research institute, and he was accompanied by a few students or something.

   "Teacher Gu, don't be angry, don't we all have to clean up..."

  A young man who looked like a student said with a smile beside this person.

  The person called Teacher Gu is none other than Gu Ye, an archeology professor who became a monk in Rongcheng.

  Since he was taught by Su Yun, Gu Ye turned to the light and joined Professor Sun's team.

  Gu Ye himself has a lot of professional knowledge, but it is not systematic enough, and most of them are wild.

   After systematic study, Gu Ye has also become a formal archaeological researcher.

   It's just that although Gu Ye has started to eat the country's food, the quack spirit on his body is still hard to change.

  Five days ago, Gu Ye came to Quanting City with a few newcomers working in the internship research institute to attend the meeting of Quanting City Cultural Relics Bureau.

   Who doesn't know that the most famous scenic spot in Quanting City is Guanchao River, so after a few days of meetings, Gu Ye took them to visit together.

  But just after arriving, he saw that Guanchaojiang Square was overcrowded, which naturally made Gu Ye feel puzzled.

  He looked at so many people, and suddenly complained impatiently:

   "These people are a bit busy, why are they here to join in the fun on a hot day?"

  After hearing these words, the people queuing up at the side immediately glanced at Lao Gu, and then said with some dissatisfaction:

   "Old man, don't talk nonsense, don't offend the expert! Hero Su Yun is here, and he is in Guanchaojiang Square, and he wants to preach publicly!"

  However, after hearing these words, Gu Ye was stunned for a while, and then he stared in surprise, and asked with a slightly altered voice:

   "Boy, what did you just say, who is here?"

  Gu Ye was very emotional at the moment, and this rhetorical question also made passers-by a little puzzled.

  He looked up and down at the person in front of him who he thought was not easy to mess with, and after a while, he repeated it in doubt:

   "Hero Su Yun, you are in the arena in the central square of Guanchao River now, do you have any questions?"

  Hearing this, Gu Ye looked towards the end of the crowd in astonishment.

  The team stretched so long that Gu Ye couldn't see Su Yun clearly from his current position, but could only vaguely see the ring standing at the foot of the huge waves.

  But soon Gu Ye seemed to have lost his soul, walked through the crowd step by step with a face full of astonishment, and walked forward.

  The students who had been by Gu Ye's side all the time looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they were very surprised by Su Yun's appearance, they were not like Gu Ye.

   On the other hand, Gu Ye seems to have heard the news of Su Yun's appearance, as if some rare treasure has been lost and found again.

  The state he showed was the excitement visible to the naked eye, and the pace under his feet was getting faster and faster.

   "Who is this person, why doesn't he line up?"

   "That's right, what are you pushing forward, do you have the quality!"

  Looking at Gu Ye who squeezed past him, the passers-by seemed a little dissatisfied at the moment. Fortunately, the students around Gu Ye knew a lot about Gu Ye's character, so they quickly began to explain to the people around them.

  Finally, Gu Ye went up against the current and came to the front of the crowd. At this moment, he could clearly see Su Yun sitting quietly on the ring.

  The old man not far from Su Yun was doing Tai Chi in a majestic manner.

  Originally, the old man's Tai Chi was mediocre. Although his movements were fluent, he couldn't see any strength.

  But at this moment, there seems to be an invisible airflow around the old man's body. Following his gestures of opening and closing, it actually becomes a different state of yin and yang.

  The palm of the left hand is also Yin, and the punching of the right hand is Yang.

  The first yang embraces the yin to make peace, even the old man looks completely new at this moment.

  In the extraordinary realm, the old man seems to have been reborn, completely immersed in this mysterious state at this moment.

  In this state, the old man can clearly perceive the extraordinary aura filling the domain, and even faintly realize that he is constantly changing.

   This hand of Taijiquan makes people unable to take their eyes off. Just standing in the distance and looking at it, there is a feeling of peace of mind.

   One still and one moving, one yin and one yang, amazing.

  Gu Ye's gaze finally fell on Su Yun's body, his emotions became more and more agitated, and his breathing became short-lived.

   Looking back, Gu Ye hadn't seen Su Yun for many years, but when he saw Su Yun today, he was the only one who looked up to him.

  The aura emanating from Su Yun made people feel admiration in their hearts.

  In Gu Ye's mind, the memories of the past are also flooding in like a tide at this moment.

  He quickly learned what happened here through the rules engraved on the stone beside him.

  From just now until now, there are still people trying to get up to the ring through the stairs on both sides, but all of them end in failure.

   Among the people present, I am afraid that no one knows Su Yun's strength better than Gu Ye. The earmuffs he has been wearing so far is the best explanation.

  Entering the Dao These two words are actually relatively vague to Su Yun and everyone else.

  They don't know what the Tao is, so naturally they can get a glimpse of the leopard when they enter the Tao.

   But what they really yearn for is that entering the Tao means getting Su Yun's guidance and following in Su Yun's footsteps.

  That's why Gu Ye was so excited.

   Seeing another young man fail, the next one is the long-awaited yellow-haired boy, and he can't wait to try it.

   But at this moment, Gu Ye grabbed the yellow-haired boy, and then grinned at the yellow-haired boy:

   "Little brother, how about letting me try first?"

  The yellow-haired boy immediately looked at Gu Ye with some contempt:


  Gu Ye was still not angry, he took out two hundred dollars from his pocket with a smile, looked at the yellow-haired boy and said:

   "Little brother, I'm in a hurry, you have the money, let me try it first.

  Looking at my body, I guess it only takes a few seconds. You can still earn two hundred for nothing. Smart people won’t refuse, right? "

  The yellow-haired boy looked at the 200 yuan in Gu Ye's hand, thought for a while, and quickly put the stolen money into his pocket, and then backed away vaguely, pretending that nothing happened.

  In fact, this is also because the yellow-haired boy doesn't think highly of Gu Ye in his heart. Indeed, as Gu Ye said, looking at his bones, the yellow-haired boy also feels that it is impossible for Gu Ye to hold on.

   Everyone now understands more and more that getting into the ring is not an easy task.

  From the comments of other losers, they can also hear that after walking up the steps, it seems that there will be great weight coming.

   So far, only the old gentleman has succeeded, which is enough to show how high the elimination rate is.

   After dismissing the yellow-haired boy, Gu Ye finally got his wish and came to the steps.

  Su Yun still kept his eyes slightly closed. Although he didn't have any communication with Gu Ye, he already knew of Gu Ye's arrival.

  With excitement, Gu Ye took the lead and stepped on a step. Suddenly, a strong force of gravity fell, and Gu Ye felt as if several mountains were pressed on his shoulders in an instant.

  The sudden weight caused the unsuspecting old master to lie down on the steps in an instant.

   Seeing this scene not far away in his eyes, the yellow-haired boy who gave up his position suddenly laughed.

  The result was as he had imagined. Gu Ye's attempt would hardly have any effect, and would only let him earn the 200 yuan more in vain.

  The other people also looked calm about this. After all, this kind of thing has happened too much, and everyone has long been numb to it.

  At this moment, Gu Ye, like the others, tried to stand up, but it was obviously not an easy task.

   This is the threshold left by Su Yun, and it is also one of the simple ways to show the practice to everyone.

   Obviously there is nothing, but ordinary steps can bring such a strong gravity. This kind of power is no different from the legendary divine power in essence.

   It was also because of this that Gu Ye wanted to step onto the ring even more urgently, so he gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand up, for which he even subconsciously let out a low growl in his throat.

  Worship of Su Yun, the ancient master has long been a matter of a day or two. When he was at the border, it was precisely because of Su Yun that the ancient master finally decided to abandon the dark and turn to the bright and devote himself to the national archaeological cause.

  Su Yun's influence on Gu Ye can be seen, and later, Su Yun was the only practitioner, and the exposure of many incidents made Su Yun a god-like existence in Gu Ye's heart.

  Now seeing Su Yun sitting on the ring with his own eyes, how could Gu Ye give up so easily?

   He tried his best to stand up again and walked forward again.

   One step...two steps...

   What everyone didn't expect was that the short three-story steps took Gu Ye a full 10 minutes to walk.

  There was pain visible to the naked eye on his face, but the determination in his eyes never faded.

  Finally, when Gu Ye stepped on the ring with one step, all the gravity on his body seemed to disappear in an instant, which made Gu Ye panting heavily, and walked staggeringly to Su Yun.

   "Su Yingxiong, our old man did not disappoint you..."

  Looking at Su Yun, Lao Gu smiled from the bottom of his heart, and Su Yun slowly opened his eyes at this moment, with a gentle expression:

   "Old friend, only with Dao in mind can you enter the land of Dao. This is a test and a reminder..."

  At this time, the ancient master can also clearly feel that Su Yun is different from before, and now his body shows the sense of being out of the world.

   This made Gu Ye, who reacted, quickly wanted to salute Su Yun, but there was a force supporting him, obviously Su Yun didn't want to do this.

   "Go, practitioners, students of Taoism, don't wander wildly to study Zen, and don't ask in vain. Only when everything comes from the heart, can the lamp of the heart be turned on and off."

  Su Yun's words made Gu Ye enlightened, he nodded quickly, then stood up, walked to Su Yun's side, and looked around.

  After Gu Ye glanced over the weapon racks on both sides one by one, his eyes quickly stopped on the knife on the weapon rack.

  When Su Yun's identity as a swordsman was exposed, Gu Ye became very interested in swords.

  Before when I didn't know Su Yun, Gu Ye was also a tyrant in the antique street, and there were many knives in his home.

  So at this moment, Gu Ye casually held the knife in his hand, weighed it a little, but found that the knife was very mature.

  However, it can be seen that the drum has obviously not been specially practiced, so the movement of waving the knife seems a bit clumsy.

   But this situation only lasted for a moment, and Gu Ye's movements became more and more fluent.

  Although Lin Xiao couldn't see what kind of routine Gu Ye used, but this kind of tricks that flowed like clouds and flowing water made Gu Ye and the knife seem to be integrated into one, which made people feel admirable.

  Gu Ye himself was also very surprised, and knew nothing about sword techniques, but at this moment, it seemed that he had a special mysterious feeling that was driving him to react instinctively.

   There is also a special feeling in his heart, which is sprouting like mushrooms after rain.

   This made Gu Ye quickly immersed in it, as if the outside world had nothing to do with him.

  Gu Ye's success stunned everyone, including the yellow-haired boy.

  As the saying goes, the world is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. Gu Ye's all-time charismatic demeanor always makes him look a little foolish.

   But even he succeeded at this moment, which is undoubtedly the best proof for some people who have no courage in their hearts.

  This is: the door of Taoism, teaching without discrimination.

  As Su Yun said, as long as you can step into the ring, everyone can ask questions.

   Soon someone came to try again, and time slipped away quietly during this period.

  The long line finally came to an end after a few hours, and there were only four people in the ring at the moment.

  Only after trying it themselves, can they clearly perceive how difficult it is to get into the ring.

  And the elimination rate is too high, often not one out of 10 people.

  In a team of tens of thousands of people, only these four people actually entered the ring in the end. Among them were two old men, and two young men, a man and a woman.

They are practicing on the ring stage according to their feelings in their hearts. Everyone's movements are very simple at first, but after a while, they seem to be completely immersed in this field, entering a mysterious state go.

  All those who were eliminated were still reluctant to part in the distance. After the last two people failed again, Su Yun just opened his eyes.

  The eyes were slightly contested, and a golden light flashed from Su Yun's eyes, and then Daoyin reappeared.

   It's strange to say that although those people were eliminated, they gained something in the process of trying, and even now they can feel the subtle power in the voice when they hear Su Yun's voice.

   "If you practice diligently and realize your sincerity, if you are a little lazy and fall into the realm, you will meet a true teacher and find it by force.

  Miao never allow fools to know, as long as everyone realizes by himself, there is no need to sway people, and there is no trick to confuse people into fighting! "

  When everyone heard Su Yun's words, they suddenly realized a little bit.

   Regardless of their failure in the end, they failed to enter the ring and become Su Yun's disciples, but this attempt still benefited them a lot.

  Su Yun has already planted the seeds of the Tao in their hearts, so that the words they didn't understand at all before, now passed into their ears, they also have a sense of faint understanding.

  This is exactly what Su Yun thinks in his heart. The reason why he is developing the way of walking here is to gradually awaken the long-sealed Dao heart.

   "I hope that everyone will break away from the vulgar and ascend to the truth, break away from dust and attain the Tao, and wish that all sentient beings will ascend to the immortal tower."

  Su Yun's offering of Fayan is to leave an opportunity for all those who failed to make it to the ring to enter the Tao.

  One day, as long as Su Yun can sum up a systematic cultivation method, the opportunity left today will allow these people to have a deeper understanding after entering the Tao.

  Everyone looked at Su Yun reluctantly. They eagerly hoped that Su Yun could say a few more words. What was hidden in his words was supreme wisdom.

   On the other hand, the 4 people in the arena are also immersed in a special state at the moment.

  The old man's Taijiquan, yin and yang are combined, although he is old, but he is like a dragon, and he has the appearance of a child with white hair.

  Gu Ye's big sword is mighty and powerful, which fits his character.

  However, he couldn't see the slightest murderous aura on his body. In a special realm, Gu Ye's sword skills improved rapidly, and he was asking for a sword.

  The Fangtian painted halberd of the young boy, it was difficult to swing it at first, but now it looks like a general in ancient times, with the potential to be invincible.

  The young girl holds Emei thorns in both hands, her body is like a butterfly, and her gait is light.

  The four entered the Tao with skills, and with the blessing of the extraordinary domain, they quickly stepped into the first realm.

  Such a change made the four of them feel very surprised, and they became more obsessed with the mysterious experience of practice.

   After Su Yun sensed that the four of them had stepped into the first realm one after another, he just left the surrounding fields.

  The moment the field dispersed, the four of them stopped their movements as if they had noticed something, and looked at Su Yun curiously.

  Su Yun looked at the four of them and nodded slightly. This is the best recognition for the four of them.

   "You have entered the first realm at this time, and this is the best start to enter the Tao from skills.

  I have a word, I should give it to the four, if the four have a clear understanding, they can become the posture of the great way. "

  The four of them knelt down on the ground unanimously after hearing these words, and saluted Su Yun with fists in their hands, appearing to be very respectful.

   And Su Yun didn't stop the four people from saluting this time. What they worshiped was not themselves, but Taoism.

   "But it will be the beginning of doing nothing, and the spirit will be charged with consciousness, and the medicine will be produced in the natural pill furnace, and the spiritual sand will be illuminated, and the light will be clear and brilliant.

   Seeing the ancestors of morality, recognizing the source of leisure, is the wonderful door of life, and it is a way to get rid of the fairy mold.

  If you understand this statement, you will know the way of heaven and earth, and you will become an exquisite and wonderful method! "

  Su Yun's words reached the ears of the four people, causing them to ponder. After a while, they worshiped Su Yun again.

  Su Yun also stood up slowly at this time. The moment Su Yun got up, the four of them felt a force dragging them, making them stand up immediately.

  Su Yun walked off the ring step by step, which also means that the sermon on Guanchaojiang is over.

  Although they watched Su Yun's gradually disappearing figure, they saluted and watched him off, and thanked him again and again.

   And those who failed to make it to the ring in the distance also had regrets in their eyes.

  They know that they have missed a very rare opportunity, but the result is not something they can change.

  Yang Datou and Lin Xiao hurriedly followed Su Yun from left to right. At this moment, they only felt that it was their supreme honor to be by Su Yun's side.

  Su Yun, who was sitting on the ring just now preaching the Dharma, is like the Taoist ancestor returning to the throne, with the Dharma in his words and the Dao in his body.

   There were tens of thousands of people participating in the Chaojiang River Trail this time, but only 4 people succeeded in the end.

  Although Su Yun had thought of this point in his heart, the occurrence of this incident still made Su Yun feel a little emotional.

   Right now, it is still necessary to summarize the cultivation method as soon as possible, so that more people can enter the practice.

   It is easier to enter the Tao with the help of one's own field, but the threshold is very high, and one is extremely dependent on one's own help.

  This method is not a method of action, but all living beings hide the six thieves.

  The view of the Chaojiang trail this time made Su Yun even more determined. He must sum up the plan for practicing the law as soon as possible. Only in this way can the whole people participate in the Tao one day.

   But it is also a good start to enter the Tao through technology. At least the first batch of practitioners will be born soon. They will be the future pioneers of Taoism and lead the people to move forward!


  Su Yun's departure made many people want to follow, but the police at the scene had already received the news and quickly blocked it so that these people could not get close to Su Yun.

  The four of Gu Ye are still standing on the ring at this moment, each feeling the wonderful experience just now.


  At this time, the old man only moved his arms a little, and the big knife in his hand was buzzing.

  The aura of the overlord among soldiers carried by Dao itself can be clearly seen at this moment.

  He looked at the knife in his hand in astonishment, and never thought that he could have such a change in a short period of time.

  The same is true for the other three, especially the old man who was the first to step into the ring. When the Tai Chi posture was unfolded, the aura of yin and yang filled the whole body, which made people admire.

  But the only thing that made them feel regretful was that Su Yun just left.

  Although they didn't understand what Su Yun said about the first realm, they also hoped that they could follow Su Yun all the time and formally step into the door of cultivation.

  Guanchaojiang Square gradually calmed down a full hour after Su Yun left.

   Those who failed left one after another with regrets, while the four of Gu Ye sat by the river and talked about harmony.

  They are all sharing their insights in the cultivation just now, although according to what Su Yun said, they have only stepped into the first realm, and they are already very different from before.

  Guanchaojiang Square was temporarily blocked, and the Quanting City Government was worried that someone would come here, causing a large area of ​​traffic paralysis around Guanchaojiang Square again.

   This also makes it rare for Guanchaojiang to have such a quiet time, the sound of the tide is bursting, and only the 4 people who have not had time to leave share the experience just now.

  【Hero Su Yun watched the sermon on the Chaojiang River! 】

   Such a title quickly became the number one in the hot search, and a video about Su Yun watching the Chaojiang Trail was quickly forwarded on the Internet.

   Netizens are very interested in this matter. As a member of the Great Xia, who has never thought of being able to practice Taoism?

   Now that Su Yun has opened the beginning in Guanchaojiang, does this also mean that there will be more dojos appearing from today onwards?

  However, what surprised netizens at the same time is that the elimination rate of Guanchaojiang Sermons is really too high.

   Tens of thousands of people participated, but in the end there were only 4 people who could really get Su Yun's suggestion.

   These four people also have a new name on the Internet—Big Brother!

   All the netizens addressed the four of them as senior brothers, which also entrusted them with the good hope of following Su Yun to practice Taoism.

  After the fermentation of the Internet and news from all over the world, in a short period of time, almost everyone in the public knew that Su Yun had preached on the altar, and there was even a comment with more than 100 million likes.

  【Ancestor Dao Appears, Great Xia Moves Up! 】

  (end of this chapter)