MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 401 3 Demon Fire

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

The Jindan Daoist said: "Although the demon monk is a long-life class, the foundation is still the law of the heavenly corpse. How can we extinguish the Buddha's fire? Our head teacher is afraid that he will go to the doctor in a hurry!"

Daoist Yuanying said: "Shut up! It's none of your business, don't talk nonsense!"

Another Jindan said: "Since the demon monk is here, it is enough to drive out the Buddha fire in the deputy head teacher's office. Why did you send us out to look for the Yin Corpse Flower?"

Nascent Soul Daoist sneered and said, "No one in Beimang Mountain doesn't know about the demon monk's hobby. He has been fond of Yin corpse wine and Yin corpse flowers all his life. He often gets drunk and sleeps for days when he gets drunk. Our head teacher wants to ask him to do something. It is necessary to pour it down first! The demon monk drinks too much, and the little Yin corpse wine in the door is never enough, so he hurriedly ordered me to come and pick the Yin corpse flowers and go back! Stop talking nonsense, you guys hurry up! "

The two Jindan real people cursed in their stomachs, but they didn't dare to disobey the order, so they had to go up and down the big river to search for the Yin Corpse Flower. The Yin Corpse Flower is a special product in Beimang Mountain. It is born with Yin Qi and Corpse Qi, but there is a difference, that is, if you drink it with wine, even if you drink it, you will still be drunk, and it will be more beneficial. The cultivation base of corpse aura is the sweet pastry in the eyes of monks in Beiman Mountain.

Under the governance of Tu Biantian, the Yinshan sect is thriving, at least the disciples in the sect dare not enjoy it, they only work hard to practice, the stock of Yin Corpse Wine brewed is not much, once the demon monk comes, it is bound to be insufficient, so they specially send disciples out to collect it Yin Corpse Flower.

The Yin Corpse Flower is a special product, and there are traces on both sides of the river. Fortunately, there will not be any righteous people or enemies in Beiman Mountain, so everyone can look for it safely.

Qi Ze saw the four of them busy collecting Yin Corpse Flowers, his heart moved, and he quietly said to Luo Hai: "We leaned over the disciples of the Yin Mountain Sect and sneaked in!"

Monk Luo Hai didn't think so, but he wouldn't stop him. He immediately wrapped Qi Ze, turned into a ray of light, and landed on a Nascent Soul Daoist. The man only paid attention to instructing the two golden elixirs to work hard, but he didn't realize it.

After a day like this, seeing a lot of Yin Corpse Flowers collected, the leader Nascent Soul said: "Okay, go back quickly, the elders have to make wine, or they won't be able to catch up with the arrival of the demon monk!"

The two Golden Core Daoists seemed to be pardoned, the two Nascent Souls just moved their mouths, but the hard work of collecting Yin Corpse Flowers fell on them. This day was really exhausting, but fortunately, they finally collected hundreds of Yin Corpse Flowers , take it back to the door, when it is enough to apply. I'm afraid that this big river in the Yinshan sect's realm will hardly be able to produce a large number of Yin Corpse Flowers in a few decades.

The four of them jumped up and flew towards Juefeng, the brilliance circled several times and landed on the mountainside. There are countless peaks in Beiman Mountain, but the Yinshan School chose the main altar, where the wind gathers energy, and the river is surrounded by it, which is a place with excellent geomantic omen.

The peak is so abrupt that it pierces directly into the sky, and all living things on the peak are extinct, except for the many monks of the Yinshan School. The Yinshan faction has been operating here for thousands of years, almost hollowing out the inside of Juefeng, digging out many stone chambers, and arranging various formations, turning a Juefeng into a place where tigers and wolves die.

However, Tu Biantian and Tu Menjue, the two principal and assistant teachers, always only care about their own practice, and rarely recruit disciples. The disciples of the Yinshan School are also used to being arrogant and brutal when they are outside. Save people?

Therefore, although the main altar of the Yinshan School occupies a large area, there are very few disciples under the sect. There are only a lot of miscellaneous disciples who serve as miscellaneous servants.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

The four of them landed in a cave on the mountainside, and the two Nascent Soul cultivators immediately ordered the two Golden Elixirs to hand over the collected Yin Corpse Flowers to the elders of the Yin Mountain School to brew Yin Corpse Wine as soon as possible. The magic wine is very famous in the magic way, the deeper the skill of the brewer, the more mellow the taste of the wine, Tu Biantian asked the magic monk for his request, and specially appointed two elders to be in charge of brewing the wine.

After the handover of the Yin Corpse Flower was over, the four of them handed back the decree, and they dispersed immediately without incident. Qi Ze returned to his cave with the Daoist Nascent Soul. There are too many caves above Juefeng, and even handymen can be allocated several, let alone the generation of Nascent Soul?

Daoist Yuan Ying's cave is extremely luxuriously furnished, the man's six roots are not clean, and there are actually many witches in the cave for fun. These witches have complicated backgrounds, some are promiscuous by nature, and some daughters of good people were taken captive and served as concubines.

These witches can also pass on the superior magic skills, and those who have advanced cultivation can also worship in the Yinshan School, which is also an excellent way out. After all, in the huge Beimang Mountain, only the Yinshan Sect has a few living disciples, unlike other monks in the mountain, they are all old and stiff, and they are full of dead breath when they open their mouths.

Nascent Soul Daoist was actually very charming, when he saw a few witches, he immediately moved his index finger, immediately grabbed everyone, and got up in the cave mansion Hu Tian Hu Di.

Qi Ze is very awkward, but he can't show up to make trouble right now, it is certain that something will happen when the demon monk comes, so we have to wait until then.

The Daoist Nascent Soul was very impatient, so he touched the sword and shoes in the cave, and all the demon girls were flattering, and all of a sudden there was a lot of violence in the cave.

Qi Ze Dharmakaya's Zen skills are so profound that he didn't even bother to pay attention to that vivacious **** palace. He only meditated silently and eliminated all external disturbances. Amongst the Buddha's Heart Lamp, Monk Luo Hai was sitting upright, only Jiao Kui was the only one who was undeterred, peeping out with a dragon head, and was pulled back by Luo Hai.

Jiao Kui shouted: "I just took a look, tsk tsk, this opportunity is once in a thousand years! Let me tell you, with Qi Ze, I can only be a widowed monk in the future. What's the fun? Why don't you take the opportunity to enjoy it and pass it by?" Addiction is good too!"

Luo Hai said calmly: "I am a monk!"

Jiao Kui froze, and held back his face full of anger, muttering nonstop.

After three days, the aroma of wine was already smelt on Juefeng, thinking that the Yin Corpse wine had already been brewed, and the Nascent Soul Daoist finished the work in just an hour, driving the disappointed and distressed demon girls out of the cave, and immediately Practice mana and start practicing.

The Buddha Fire Heart Lamp was sealed inside and out by monk Luo Hai. Jiao Kui couldn't talk about the scene, he couldn't even hear a sound, and was extremely depressed.

Sitting on the nine-storey pagoda, Qi Ze's dharma body was practicing Zen in peace and stability. Suddenly, his heart moved, and he felt an extremely powerful mana coming from a very far place, falling on the top of the Juefeng. The monk arrives.

On the peak of Juefeng, Tu Quantian held the Yinshan Tomb in his hands, walked out of the hall, and said: "The demon monk is coming, and we are far away to welcome you!"

There is a strange monk in front of him, the whole body is just a skeleton, the skeleton is wide, especially what kind of strange skills he has practiced, every bone has a dark golden brilliance, it is the rare one in Beiman Mountain The immortal monk!

There are also two strange dark golden real fires burning in the two empty eye sockets on a skull of the demon monk. Between the opening and closing of the mouth, there is a clanging sound, like swords striking each other, and said: "There is a ghost wine drinking heavily, The old monk will come of his own accord!"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

His voice was also sonorous, but he looked quite old. He didn't look at the skeleton shape, but he thought it was an eminent monk who had attained the Tao. Especially the demon monk was wearing a dark golden cassock, the cassock was full of earthy color, emitting a dim yellow light.

The cassock is also a rare treasure, and it died with it in the previous life, and it was exiled in Beimang Mountain together, but the spirituality has been greatly reduced with the passage of time. When the demon monk Yuan Ling regained consciousness, he sacrificed the cassock on the Heavenly Corpse Avenue again, and it became a treasure of body protection, which he has been wearing ever since.

Tu Biantian knew that the reputation of the demon monk's good wine resounded throughout Beiman Mountain, and he said in his stomach: "It must be that this guy was abiding by the rules when he was alive. After becoming a zombie, he will work harder to get it back!" He said: "Tumen Jue suffered from the fire of the Buddha, and now he is still lingering, and I still want to ask fellow Taoists to help, as long as Tumen Jue can be cured, just drink Yin Corpse Wine!"

The demon monk's dark golden eyes lit up, and he laughed and said, "What's the mere Buddha fire? As long as the old monk takes action, it will definitely be cured!"

Tu Bian Tiansu said: "Okay! Then I will ask fellow Taoists!" He invited the demon monk to enter.

The demon monk was very anxious, as soon as he entered Juefeng, he immediately asked, "Where's the wine?"

Tu Biantian clapped his hands together and said, "Come here! Serve the wine!"

Qi Ze waited patiently for another two days. In fact, Tu Biantian was already a little impatient. The demon monk boasted and drank the corpse wine for two days.

Above Juefeng, suddenly a ray of Buddha's light shot up into the sky, stirring up a cloud of corpses for a day, and then another dark golden radiance rose. It was the demon monk using supernatural powers, and the two radiances were like two dragons, fighting in the sky above Juefeng .

The Buddha fire in Tumenjue was transformed by the nameless old monk in the Great Bodhi Temple who devoted all his life to it. If you are a Buddhist, even a Taoist, as long as you have a good heart, you will not only suffer from it, but you will be able to refine the truth. Qi, strengthen the cultivation base, but it falls on the heads of the demons, but it is a bone-scraping steel knife.

Tumenjue has really suffered a lot these days, and his soul is always under the torment of the Buddha fire. He only feels that the three poisons are coming together, the eight sufferings are reincarnated, and he really has the desire to die. After all, Tu Biantian wanted to save face, and wanted to drive away the Buddha's fire with his own skills, but who knew that when the Yinshan faction's true energy encountered the Buddha's fire, it would add fuel to the flames, making Tumenjue even more miserable.

After such a delay for a while, seeing that Tumenjue was tormented by the Buddha fire, he was inhuman and almost turned into a dead body. The Yinshan faction lost one longevity rank, and its strength would be greatly damaged. Tu Biantian had no choice but to put down his face and ask to see Lord Wanchenglong, please ask for the method of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot.

Lord Wanchenglong didn't bother to pay attention to it, he just said that this matter can be found by the demon monk, and there must be a solution. Tu Biantian dared not speak out, so he retreated and turned to look for the demon monk. Fortunately, the demon monk was only fond of Yin corpse wine all his life, so the price is not high, so Tu Biantian made an offer and agreed immediately.

The demon monk drank the Yin Corpse wine for two days, and seeing that he was already drunk, Tu Biantian hurriedly stopped him, saying that he was drunk by the demon monk, which allowed him to open the altar.

On Juefeng, in the Buddha's light, Tumenjue was in the light, revealing immeasurable and pure Buddha's mind from inside and outside, just screaming in pain. Tu Biantian's expression was calm, and he said: "Brother Tu, I have invited the demon monk and Taoist friend to get rid of the Buddha's fire for you. You just need to be patient, and you will be fine in a while!"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Tumen was in so much pain that he just wanted to scold his mother, but at last there was still a glimmer of clarity in his soul, knowing that he should not be disrespectful to Tu Biantian, so he could barely utter two words: "Thank you..."

The demon monk was already five or six times drunk, so he cast spells on the spur of the moment, rubbing his hands together, a dark golden brilliance shot out and shot into Tumenjue's body. That dark golden brilliance is a kind of supernatural power that the demon monk integrated the essence of Buddhism and Taoism, and self-cultivated, which can be described as a unique way.

Demons can infect living beings, and Buddhas can also transform demons. Buddhas and demons are mortal enemies, but throughout the ages, there are many people who practice both Buddhas and demons. These people are either Buddhists who have fallen into demons, or people in the way of demons. After being saved and converted to Buddhism, Buddhas and demons can naturally coexist, but it is necessary to decide who is the leader and who is the vassal.

This is the case with the demon monk, focusing on the Heavenly Corpse Avenue, forging Buddhist supernatural powers, making him unique. Relying on this road of supernatural powers, he has established a reputation in Beiman Mountain, and the generation of idle old corpses would not dare to provoke them easily.

But the magical powers of the demon monk are still mainly based on the magical power of the magic way. When encountering the Buddha flame left by the unknown old monk, they are also incompatible, so they fight in Tumenjue's body!

Tumenjue was already in great pain, but another force of mana came in, fighting against the Buddha fire, his life would be worse than death, the Buddha fire is stronger when it is strong, against the two supernatural powers of the celestial corpse, it is not at all inferior.

The demon monk laughed wildly, and the spirit of alcohol surged up. He didn't care about Tumenjue's life and death, and hissed, "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" He just wanted to ask the demon monk not to go crazy, and UU reading restrained his supernatural power a little bit, but the three kinds of true qi clashed and stirred in his body, and he couldn't even speak at this time.

Tumenjue let out a low growl, and revealed the appearance of Qianshanjue, but there were thousands of peaks and ravines, and the core of it was an innate primordial spirit. It has been wrapped in three colors of zhenqi, and the zhenqi conflicts and wears away each other, making the innate soul miserable!

The nameless old monk has profound skills, but he has not yet attained the bodhisattva status. It is just a powerful arhat who split the fire of the Buddha into two parts to deal with Tumenjue and Qiao Sanshou. Suddenly, a ray of light flashed out, finally showing the appearance of prosperity and decline.

When Tu Biantian sees him, how can he let go of the opportunity? A stream of Yinshan true energy was also released from the Yinshan tomb, which shot into Qianshanjue's dharma form. In this way, together with Tumenjue's own mana, there were three strands of true energy that fought against the power of the Buddha fire, and gradually suppressed the Buddha fire.

Nascent Nascent Daoist is quite diligent, originally he was practicing meditation in the cave, but was disturbed by the aftermath of Tu Biantian and the demon monk's supernatural powers, he woke up immediately, knowing that it was the head teacher who started it, he didn't dare to say more, and wanted to find out more Several magic girls, Hu Tian and Hu Di, suddenly stretched out a big hand from the void, and pushed him to the ground!

The Daoist Nascent Soul is still using the magic power to change, but who knows that the big hand is extremely powerful, with just a light press, all his changes are sealed, and even the real energy cannot be circulated, so he can only mourn: "Where is the expert coming?" ? Please spare the little one’s life!”

Luo Hai used his skills to calm down that guy, and then Qi Ze asked a question. Qi Ze finally found a good opportunity, and sensed that there was a lot of movement in the practice on the top of Juefeng. I only heard Qi Ze ask: "I just ask you one thing, if you answer carefully, I will spare your dog's life, if you cheat, I will kill you immediately!"