MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 5 Dedicated to Kim Dae-hwan

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Qi Ze's eyes flickered, and suddenly he let out a long breath, Qi Yun only said that he was soft-hearted, and wanted to persuade him again, but suddenly there was a sharp pain in his chest, and it was Qi Ze who stabbed the short knife hard! Qi Yun let out a sound of "ho ho" and spewed out a lot of blood, his body twitched a few times, and finally he hanged his head and died!

Qi Ze killed Qi Yun with one knife, his hands were still trembling, Qi Yun had already had the intention to kill, if he showed mercy, it would be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and it would definitely endanger his own life, but it was the first time he killed someone in his past and present lives, so he couldn't help being a little shocked.

After a long time, Qi Ze calmed down, looked at Qi Yun's body and sighed: "Qi Yun, if you want to kill me, I'll kill you first, I'm sorry!" Untied the rope, dragged the body to the backyard, dug Open up the dirt and bury it.

Qi Ze's body is too weak, and he has improved a little due to his practice of meditation in the past few days. After burying the body, it was already daylight, and he gasped for a while, then went to the house and wiped off the blood with a rag, without leaving any traces. After the arrangement was completed, the sky was already bright, and within a day, there was already a dead soul in the courtyard.

In addition to the dagger, Qi Yun had more than ten taels of silver on him, which just solved Qi Ze's urgent need. Suddenly there was a pain in my chest, I knew it was a chronic illness, and I was about to sit in meditation to suppress it, when I heard the door knock, Xiao He's voice came: "Brother Ze!"

Qi Ze shook his head, had no choice but to respond, took half of a ginseng, bit off a small bite and held it under his tongue, and opened the door. Xiao He stepped in and said with a smile: "Miss has been screaming for the past few days, so I haven't come to see you. How is your "Little Wuxiang Chan Gong" doing? Eh?" She sniffled, as if smelling something .

Qi Ze didn't change his face, and said with a smile: "Sitting in meditation for a few days, it really has improved a lot. As long as I meditate diligently, it can indeed cure my stubborn illness." Xiao He said happily: "That's good! I'll bring you something to eat again Already!"

Qi Ze said: "The big family has its own rules, my health is getting better day by day, and I can also do some business to support my family, in the future you don't have to bring food." Xiao He pouted and said: "Anyway, Miss and I can't finish eating, just run for a while It’s all about walking your legs.” Arranging a few side dishes.

Qi Zezi would not refuse the kindness, so he ate a bowl of porridge and said: "I want to go to Jinbaihu for a few days, and I will live near the military camp. You don't want to come these days." Kim Dae-hwan in the foreign barracks? How did brother Ze know him?"

Qi Ze said: "Then Jin Dahuan is a hundred households of the Zhenwei Army. Before he died, my father told me that instead of being a fellow townsman, he came out to make a living together. He still has some hometown feelings. If there is any difficulty, he can go to seek refuge."

Xiao He said: "Since there is "Little Wuxiang Chan Gong", there is hope to cure the stubborn illness, why should you go to him? The reputation of the Zhenwei Army in the town is not very good!" Qi Ze laughed: "It is said that it is defection, but it is Go get a condom and see what business can be done among the guards, this study can't make much money, can't you just sit and eat?"

Xiao He thought for a while, and said: "That's true, Brother Ze, don't want to deal too deeply with the people in the military camp. I work in the Zhao family, and I often hear Master Zhao scolding the guards!" Qi Ze said: " I'll take care of myself!" After Xiao He packed up the bowls and chopsticks and sent them away, she sat quietly in the room for two hours without opening her study. After noon, I woke up on my own, only packed a few changes of clothes, and then went out and went straight to the outside of the town.

Dayu has enjoyed the state for thousands of years. Although the sun is declining, it is still the orthodox dynasty. There is also an army stationed outside Fulong Town, guarding the town, it is the Zhenwei Army, although there are only 300 people, it is a regular army.

The Dayu State Order divided the subjects into soldiers, civilians, merchants, farmers, and scholars. Among them, the military registration was inherited from generation to generation, and the father died and the son succeeded, and the conscription was all called from the military registration. That Jin Dahuan is the commander-in-chief of the Zhenwei Army. He lives in hundreds of households. He is not as big as the Fulong Zhenzheng. However, he is in charge of an army and is not affiliated with the civilian system. The town guards are stationed outside the town on weekdays, and they are not allowed to enter the town without a reason, otherwise they will be regarded as rebellious.

Qi Ze killed Qi Yun, and within a day the Qi family would definitely find out that something was wrong, so they had to go to the Zhenwei Army, not asking for Jin Dahuan's protection, as long as they could escape safely for a few days. After walking for half an hour, I came to the outside of the town, and saw a military camp standing in the distance, with its own houses in it, and heard the sound of soldiers practicing, and felt a sense of masculinity from a distance.

When Qi Ze came outside the camp, a sergeant in iron armor pointed his spear in his hand and shouted: "The barracks is an important place, anyone who trespasses will die!" Qi Ze said: "Please report to Mr. Jin Dahuan Jin, and tell me about Qi Ze, the son of the old Qi Chuan. ask to see!"

The soldier saw that Qi Ze was only fifteen or sixteen years old, with a yellow and thin face, and he wanted to see Lord Baihu as soon as he opened his mouth, so he sneered, but when he saw the young man handing over a tael of silver, his face was full of smiles, he snorted and said: "You wait!" Go to the camp.

Qi Ze was a little curious about the drills of the soldiers in this world, so he didn't dare to read more, and lowered his head slightly, UU read www.uukanshu. com made a flinching look. After a while, only the sound of the armor was heard, and a tall figure walked out, wearing a heavy armor and a heavy sword hanging from his waist, and said, "You are the son of Qi Chuan? Why did you come to see me?"

Qi Ze raised his eyes and saw Jin Dahuansheng's Chinese character face, which was dark and mighty, and said: "My nephew is Qi Ze, I just want to find a place of refuge in this camp to see Mr. Jin Place."

Jin Dahuan saw that he had never called him "Uncle" and approached him, nodded secretly, and said, "Didn't your family open a study in the town and have their own house, why did you come to ask for my protection?" Qi Ze looked behind him Soldier, Jin Dahuan frowned and said, "But it doesn't matter!"

Qi Ze said: "My nephew's family received a set of orphan copies, which was bought by the young master of the Qi family at a high price. Yesterday, Qi Yun, the son of the housekeeper of the Qi family, came with a knife and wanted to kill my nephew, but my nephew took advantage of his unpreparedness to kill him. The person was buried in the courtyard. The Qi family is powerful, remembering the words of my late father, I dared to beg Lord Jin for mercy!"

Jin Dahuan sneered and said, "I heard from your father that you were congenitally ill. You have no strength to restrain a chicken, but you can kill people? What's more, if you have killed someone, you have violated the law of the king. How can I take you in!"

Qi Ze said: "Then Qi Yun only said that my nephew was easy to bully, I drank a few glasses of wine, and lost my life in a careless way. The little nephew was also forced to do so, and he couldn't let others slaughter him. I just want you to see me as a fellow villager with my late father." For the sake of taking him in for a few days, when my nephew is ready, I will go to the county town and sue the Qi family for murder!" He said, offering the money he found from Qi Yun with both hands.

Jin Dahuan glanced at Yinzi, snorted, and said: "Your father and I went out together to make a living, and I took more care of him, so I will take you in for three days! After three days, you have to leave on your own, or I will take care of you in person. Bind you and send you to Zhencheng for disposal!" With a wink, the soldiers behind snatched the silver away.