MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-Chapter 1000 Life and death

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"Can't be discouraged! Come again!"

Shi Mu took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. The power of the five elements in the body was running again. The five colors of the body were once again flourishing, and then they gathered together.

In addition to the five-color flowerbed, a white ball is suspended in the air, which is the mysterious god.

The water spirit did not know when it had already flown out, standing on the mysterious beads, quietly watching the five-color flowerbed.


Every once in a while, the five-color flower buds will violently tremble once, and at the same time, there will be a burst of muffled sound in the depths.

"It seems that it is not smooth." Shui Lingzi muttered to himself.

His voice did not fall, and a burst of loud noise came out from inside again. The five-colored flower buds were violently shocked, much more intense than before, and even a few cracks appeared on the flower buds, but they were quickly repaired immediately.

Among the flowers, Shi Mu’s face is ugly, and his eyes are full of anxiety.

“Where is it wrong?” he said to himself, thinking about the process of integration over and over again, without finding any problems.

Is it that he did not have the training of the first eight turns of the nine-turn Xuan Gong, so he has been unable to succeed?

He quickly shook his head and vetoed the idea.

If the cultivation in front of him is not enough, it is absolutely impossible to understand the balance of the five elements.

Five lines of balance?

Shimu’s mind crossed a lightning bolt, remembering the balance of the five elements on the five-line map of the Linghai, which is the opposite of the five-line cycle of his own body.

"Does the balance of the five elements that I have achieved in my body is balanced? Does it meet the requirements of the nine-turn Xuan Gong Dacheng?" He was shocked and secretly.

When Bai Hao’s ancestors left him with a map of the five elements, would he still have the meaning of balancing his five elements?

Shi Mu’s face is cloudy and uncertain.

If so, he needs to change the balance of the five elements in the body.

However, his body has long been accustomed to the balance of the five elements of the gram, especially after the repair of the spiritual, his body is deep-rooted for the balance of the gram, the desire to change is very difficult, almost equal to the abandonment of the previous cultivation results .

Moreover, he does not know much about the balance of the five elements of each other, who knows when to comprehend.

He was hesitant in his heart and could not pay attention to it for a while.

At this moment, the underground space where Shi Mu was located suddenly fluctuated.

At the same time, a golden vortex emerged from the five-colored flower buds, and a little golden swarf flew out from the inside and fell towards the five-color flower.

"What is that?" The water spirit looked at the golden vortex, his face changed, and he exclaimed.

When the golden swarf touched the five-color flower bud, the flower buds immediately collapsed and turned into a five-color ray, swallowed by the golden vortex, revealing a stunned stone grazing inside.

The strength of the five elements in Shimu’s body was violently shaken, and there was a sense of detachment.

"This is... Is it that Zhao Wei has broken through eight turns?" Shi Mu looked at the golden vortex on his head, and his face was ugly.

He rushed to stabilize the power of the five elements in the body, trying to resist the power of this devour, while the body shape would fly out and avoid the golden swarf.

At this moment, in his body, in the dantian, for a while, and then the five-color fascinating flash of the body surface, five five-color Xiaoding virtual shadows emerged, and five kinds of five-color ray were flying from it, and a whirl around the head was turned. For a five-color vortex.

The five-color vortex suddenly bursts into a large five-color ray, condensing into a five-color cloud, blocking the top of the stone grazing.

When the golden swarf flying out of the golden vortex met the colorful clouds, it was immediately swallowed up and disappeared.

The power of the five elements in the stone herd also returned to calm and no longer vibrate.

However, the golden vortex in midair did not disappear, and still continued to spur a piece of golden swarf, but all were swallowed up by the five colors.

Seeing this, Shi Mu was shocked and happy, but the restlessness in his heart did not decrease much.

He took a deep breath and immediately sat down and forced himself to continue to immerse himself in cultivation.

Judging from the current signs, Zhao Wei is very likely to have advanced nine turns, and started some kind of air transport in the dark, and began to absorb all the cultivation of Xuan Gong practitioners. If so, leave him time. Almost no more.

Xiao Ding, who represents Xuan Gong's five elements in his own body, spontaneously protects the Lord and does not know how long he can persist.

He did not hesitate any more, and the power of the five elements of the body immediately turned on, but no longer in accordance with the five elements, but immediately reversed, according to the five elements of each other and cycle.

However, just one Sunday, Shi Mu’s body was shocked and a mouthful of blood was spurted out.

He did not understand the cycle of the five elements, forced to run, and immediately injured the internal organs.

But at this moment, it has reached the end of life and death, not taking care of these times!

Shi Mu did not stop the operation of the five elements of the body, and took a few healing wounds to take down the wounds of the five internal organs.

"The five elements are born! The way to balance!"

In his mouth, he muttered to himself, and every force in his mind was called up to realize the balance of the five elements.

The five-color ray radiates from the stone grazing body and spins rapidly to form a five-color vortex.

However, these five-color vortexes are not stable, and from time to time there will be a conflict of spiritual power.

In the body of Shimu, there was a loud noise from time to time, his face was getting whiter and white, and his mouth was constantly pouring out blood. It is obvious that the guilty injury is getting heavier and heavier.

The water spirit sees this, wrapped in the Xuan Ming Shenzhu flying out, a flash through the five-color vortex around Shimu, came to his side.

There is a word in his mouth, a large piece of blue light emerges from the Xuan Mingzhu, wrapped in the body of Shimu, and the blue water quickly penetrates into it.

Shi Mu's face suddenly eased, and the internal injuries were immediately suppressed by the beads, and quickly recovered.

Shi Mu is naturally aware of the situation at the moment, and is grateful to Shui Lingzi again, but it is not the time to thank him.

Without any worries, he immediately ran full of nine turns of Xuan Gong, and the five-color vortex around his body immediately accelerated.

His knowledge has already been distributed, covering the entire underground space, observing the five elements of the space, and the five elements of the top five maps of the top of the head, and doing their best to enlighten.

Perhaps the threat of death is imminent, inspiring the potential of Shimu.

His understanding of the five elements of the cycle was so fast that he quickly caught the shackles, and the five-color vortex of his body gradually stabilized.

The golden vortex at the top of Shimu’s head seems to be able to break through the five-color cloud for a long time, and suddenly it flashed several times.

Numerous golden swarf spurts out, forming a golden arrow shadow, and a flash of light flies toward the stone grazing.

The five-line map of Shi Mutou’s top was immediately sensed, and a large number of five-color radiance emerged in the five-color clouds. They quickly gathered together, forming a five-color vortex according to the balance of the five elements.

The golden arrow flew into the whirlpool and was immediately shattered.

Shi Mu sensed the five-color whirlpool, and the body was shocked. Some chaos in the mind of the five elements suddenly became clear.

Shi Mu opened his eyes and made a long scream. The power of the five elements in the body was achieved.


The five colors of his body are spinning fast, and there is a sense of compatibility.

Shi Mu’s face showed ecstasy.

Sure enough, the way he balanced before the five elements is wrong!

He immediately closed his eyes and once again fully operated the nine-turn Xuan Gong, and went to the nine-turn Dacheng breakthrough.

A large five-color ray rises from the stone animal, drowning its figure inside.

An inexplicable and huge atmosphere gradually emerged from the five colors of light.

A white light flew out of the five-colored light and landed nearby. It was the water spirit.

"It turned out to be a combination of the power of the Five Elements! In this case, he has already caught the trick. As long as he has some time, he will succeed in one fell swoop. This method is not trivial. Once successful, the strength will surely advance, only time. It seems that there is not enough..." The water spirit eyes flashed, and the complex colors were revealed.


At the top of the Xuanta Tower, Zhao Wei’s face was solemn, and his hands flew in front of him.

With his movements, the hundreds of thousands of vouchers in the Xuanta Tower shine brightly, and a colorful light column containing the power of Xuan Gong is flying out of it, flying straight above the Ling Tower.

In the big world of the star field, the levels of Xuan Gong practitioners are different, most of them are between three and six turns. Most of them are people who practice Xuan Gong’s remnants, so their power is conglomerated. The color of the light column, the thickness of the column, and the intensity of the light are also different.

I saw hundreds of thousands of rainbow lights of the power of Xuan Gong, flying and dancing, and gathered into eight huge rainbows of great incomparableness, pouring into the eight-headed beast.

During the time, the entire white spirit tower was shrouded in color torrents and became extremely dazzling.

However, no one can imagine, under such beautiful scenes, what kind of blood and cruelness is hidden?

Among the dense vouchers on the tower, countless rays of light illuminate, corresponding to the gradual depression of the cheeks of countless Xuangong practitioners and the rapid aging of the younger faces.

The eight beasts under the octagonal platform were filled with a lot of colored light, and the whole body became transparent. The inside flashed with colorful light.

These colored rays ran along the top of the tower and merged into the octagonal platform.

The sound of "嗡", the various simple runes engraved on the surface of the platform, suddenly dazzled.

The color of the light that merged into the platform surged out of the runes and differentiated into five pure and incomparable five elements of spiritual power, which were respectively merged into five giant light.

Zhao Yan’s body suddenly trembled, and a loud shout was heard in his mouth.

His hands flew in front of his body, and the sound of his voice continued to scream in his mouth, and he began to hit the ninth turn of Xuan Gong.


Zhao Yigong had just started running, and suddenly there was a loud thunder on the nine days.

The white spirit tower shines brightly, and the speed of the power of Xuan Gong suddenly rises sharply. The power of the five elements from the rune is frantically passed through the five light trips and poured into Zhao Wei.


Zhao Wei’s face suddenly changed, and a low voice was heard in his mouth.

The blue veins above his forehead, a bit of pain in the face, seems to be somewhat unbearable.