MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-Chapter 1014 Heavenly invitation

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"The seniors of the public have suffered persecution from the heavens in the past, which caused the soul to be severely damaged. They have been attached to the purple crest furnace for thousands of years, and some of them are unclear." Shi Mu looked at the public, and sighed in his heart, explaining to Li Sheng.

Li Sheng heard the words, and his face flashed a hint of pity, shook his head slightly, and said nothing.

The next time, the two took the purple crest furnace and fell to the **** lake.

"Predecessors, disciples have a treasure that needs the help of their predecessors." Shi Mu said nothing, straight to the public to say.

"Oh, what treasure?" The public loser listened to the refiner, and suddenly came to the spirit, and asked.

Shimu smiled slightly, his wrist turned, and the light in his palm flashed. The lock of the Kowloon Locked Gold came to his hand.

When the public loses the stone armor in the hands of Shi Mu, the eyes suddenly light up, and the mouth is still unable to stop: "Good baby, good baby..."

As he said, he still couldn't help but touch the Kowloon Locked Gold Armor. The look is a child who just got a beloved doll.

"Dare to ask the seniors, I have a picture and some materials in hand. Can I ask the predecessors to repair this one and then upgrade the level?" Li Sheng went forward and did not care about his identity. .

"Oh, what kind of material, take it and see it, but don't be some secular thing." The public loser looked at Li Li in front of him, and some said it unwillingly.

Li Sheng smiled a little, and waved a hand, a page of dark blue kraft paper and dozens of materials immediately emerged and suspended in front of the public.

"The mysterious iron, the sea of ​​gold, the wind and stone..."

The public losers, like a few treasures, called out all the names of the dozens of cherished materials in one breath, so that the stone shepherd on the side was confused, but there were more than half of them, which he had never heard of.

After reading the materials taken out by Li Sheng, the public loser took up the original indifferent look, and looked a little discolored. He took the dark blue kraft paper in Li Sheng’s hand and carefully figured it up.

Shi Mu looked at Li Li, and the latter blinked at him.

So the two men stood up and waited quietly for the public to lose, no words to bother.

"Well, wonderful! It's a wonderful work!" I don't know how long it took, the public gaze received back from the page of kraft paper, and the mouth screamed.

"I don't know if the seniors of the public can be sure?" Li Sheng asked.

"Hey, no one in this world except me can make this treasure." The public loser heard the words, some angry.

But immediately, its look changed, and a strange color appeared on the surface.

Shimu saw it and was about to ask, but he heard it in his mouth: "I was so powerful, who am I?"

"Dare to ask the seniors, how long does it take to refine this treasure?" asked Shimu.

"Ordinary calculations, it is impossible to make a three-year or five-year-old, but..." The public loser seems to have been pulled back by Shi Mu, and he waved his hand, and some said with impatience.

"But what?" asked Shi Mu.

"However, with this water of the Styx, it is not the same. It only needs to be made on July 7 and 49." The public loser must say.

When Shi Mu heard this, he was overjoyed and was about to go to Xie Gong, but the latter did not care. He turned and studied the kraft paper.

"Thirty-nine days are not long, but I am afraid I can't continue to stay here. I have left Wuyanxing to find the five-line magic caves for some time, and I will not go back, I am afraid that it will affect the military heart." Turned back and said to Li Sheng.

"Well, although you can go back with confidence, I will bring it to you after the refining of the golden armor. At that time, I will also integrate the remaining forces of the Qinglan Holy Land and bring them together to meet you. Li Li said.

"There are Lao Lisheng's predecessors." Shi Mu respected the archer.

After all, Shi Mu looked at the public and looked at the public. After watching it for a while, he gave him a deep ritual and looked awkward.

This time, it is the last time for the public to refine the treasure for himself. This treasure will also be the last work left in this world, and this farewell is farewell.

The public loser was originally looking at the lock of the Kowloon Locked Gold. Seeing the look of Shi Mu’s solemn look, he gave a slight glimpse, and then he did not know what he thought of. He pointed his stone to the animal husbandry with his fingers, and opened his mouth and smiled.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Sheng said, the light in his hand was bright, and he made a stroke in the void, and a black gap of one person emerged out of thin air.

Shi Mu once again gave a gift to Li Li, turned around and penetrated into the black gap.


After flying a small half-day in the Xinghai, Shi Mu was surprised to find that he had already returned to the Tianhe Star Field at this moment.

It turns out that the secret of the moon is in the intersection of the Tianhe and the Miyang, so it can be entered from here.

After Shi Mu’s identification of the direction of the Qing Wuyan star, the black and white wings suddenly slammed into a black and white beam, flashing in the stars.

Two days later, in the starry sky outside the Suzaku, a black and white beam came from a distance, but suddenly stopped.

Among the light, nature is Shi Mu.

His eyes looked at the starry sky dozens of miles away, and there were more than a dozen huge golden warships displayed side by side. The top of the station was full of soldiers wearing various armor, and the number looked very amazing.

Shi Mu’s heart suddenly stunned, and the heart of the Suzaku star has been destroyed. These sudden appearances of the heavenly army are not specifically to deal with themselves, but here?

It’s just that I’m quite close to each other at the moment, and the other person’s fear is that she’s already found herself. It’s too late to evacuate.

So he immediately calmed down, the golden light in the eyes, looked at the strength of the other side, and considered the countermeasures.

Between the thoughts, I saw a stream of light flying from one of the warships and heading for myself.

Although Shi Mu was somewhat surprised, he did not have the slightest fear. With his current strength, even if he could not completely annihilate this fleet, he would not put himself in danger.

In fact, Shi Mu’s heart is somewhat eager to try, and he wants to see how much strength has improved after he has advanced into the realm of the gods.

"The Stone Alliance Lord, don't come innocent."

The stream of light fell, but it was the heavenly fairy who had been handed over with Yan Luo, who would be wise, and gave a courtesy to Shi Mu.

"Gao Mingxian will, what enlighten me?" Shi Mu blinked and asked.

Gao Ming was trying to talk, but suddenly felt the smell of Shi Mu, his body could not help but shake his mouth, but his mouth opened for a long time and he could not speak.

"The main result of Shimeng is really the capital of the sky. It’s been a short time since the last time. You have already entered the late stage of the gods. No wonder even the emperor will treat you differently." After a pause, Gao Ming I continued to say.

"This is a bad saying. As far as I know, did the Emperor always see me as a nail in my eyes, and I want to get rid of it all the time?" Shi Mu asked with a smile.

"There are some misunderstandings in this. Now the Emperor is trying to solve these misunderstandings. I don't know if the Stone Alliance Lord is willing?" Gao Ming asked.

"How to solve?" Shi Mu listened to his brow and asked.

"The Emperor of the Emperor invited you to gather and talk about the cease-fire cooperation, I believe that you will be able to win a win-win situation." Gao Ming said.

"Invite me to talk? Go to your heavenly talks? How do I know that this is not a banquet?" Shi Mu heard a word, and then said with a smile.

"We will show sincerity. If the Shimeng Master agrees to the talks, then we will stop the invasion of the Tianhe Stars completely before this. But if the Shimeng Lord refuses, we don't mind bringing the troops to attack the Wuyan Star again, but I don't know. When Xian Xian will come down in full, can you Wu Yanxing still resist?" Gao Ming asked with a smile.

Shi Mu listened, and thought about it.

Nowadays, it is a crucial period for the accumulation of strength in the Alliance. If it is temporarily undisturbed by the heavens, it is good, and I am afraid that there are other plots in the heavens.

"Well, I can see the emperor." Shi Mu thought again and again, still open the door.

"The Stone League Lord is not a man of great things. Three months later, the Stone League Lord can bring anyone to my heavenly court. At Nantianmen, there will be someone to greet." Gao Ming said with a smile.

After Shi Mu looked at Gao Ming's eyes, the back wings hoarded, and swept over the heavenly fleet, and quickly flew toward the depths of the stars.

He rushed all the way, and after a little half a month, he finally returned to Wu Yanxing.

Looking at the familiar planet, there was a hint of embarrassment in his heart.

Although it counts, it doesn't take long for me to leave Wuyanxing, but after this departure, there have been too many things happening during the period, as if it has been for decades.

He shook his head and laughed at himself and became more sentimental. He left the thoughts and flew forward.

Not long after approaching Wuyanxing, I immediately met several Alliance patrols.

When these people saw Shi Mu, they immediately sensationalized, and when they met Shi Mu, they sent a message to the top of the league.

Shi Mu is now very prestigious and powerful, and has become the biggest pillar of the Mi Tian Alliance. In the eyes of the general league, it is like a god, not to be embarrassed.

Shi Mu slightly decapitated, after sending these people, flew down and quickly came to the headquarters of the Alliance.

At this time, the sound of the surrounding air broke out, and the figures of the people flew out from the headquarters of the Alliance. There were forty or fifty people, all of them were powerful.

The first few people are the elders, Lu Yuzhong and other elders of the Eight Ancients. The neighbors are all other small and medium-sized people, and Chongwu is also among them.

"Welcome to the lord!" Everyone saw Shi Mu, and the surprises met, and they came forward to see them.

Shi Mu first nodded to everyone, and then looked around.

The flag near the headquarters of the Alliance fluttered, and the camps of the people of various ethnic groups were connected one by one, extending to the end of the field of vision. I don’t know how many.

There are also various warships parked nearby, as if numerous giants are lying on the ground.

The strength of the Alliance is growing stronger.

Shi Mu sees this, and his heart is naturally happy.