MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-Chapter 995 Jade burning

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Facing Zhao Wei, who was rushing to the front, the huge body of Shimu’s white-skinned body suddenly turned like a gyro, waving a crazy rod and dancing wildly.


Breaking the air!

The dense shadows of the sticks are intertwined to form a dazzling golden afterimage, and the hurricane that is set off is rushing straight into the dome of the black curtain.


Zhao Hao screamed, his feet slammed, and the huge body leaped up. The **** fog on his hands turned over and he smashed toward Shimu.

"Fighting the fairy stick method"

The sound of the roar of Shi Mu, like a nine-day thunder, blew in the cave!

The golden light of the golden stick flashed, and the black and white light suddenly rose from it, and all the space in the black light curtain was enveloped in an instant.

"Bang" a loud noise.

Zhao Wei was holding the sky stick and squatting in the black and white light.

A **** red mist suddenly surged and swallowed countless black and white rays.

As the more of it swallows, the greater the power that comes out of the sky stick, the stronger the **** red awn in Zhao’s eyes.

Seeing that these black and white lights are about to be swallowed up by the **** fog, a sudden bang in the air suddenly sounded.

However, it was the stalk of the sky, and it was squirted in the scabbard of the sky.

Shi Mu shouted, clasping the stick with both hands, picking up backwards, and the muscles on his arms were full of muscles, and the silver hair of the roots was also reflected in the golden light.

A loud bang of "call".

Shi Mu's hands in the hands of the sky, violently forward, suddenly squatted on the cover of the sky.


In the black light curtain, a burst of distortion in the void, the black and white light swallowed by the blood fog suddenly burst.

A black and white beam of light and thick, bursting out from the intersection of the two sticks, rushed into the sky, and then burst open.

The entire cave was shaken by it. Within a radius of a hundred miles, the ground rocks were broken and bulging out from the ground. Even the riverbeds of the Wudaoling River were offset.

The sound of "咔" is crisp.

Under the impact of black and white light, the dome of the black light curtain burst into tears.

A five-color thunder column suddenly fell and went straight into the black and white beam.


The last screaming sound finally sounded.

A huge incomparable black and white swell, wrapped in countless colors of lightning.

Shi Mu only felt a sharp sound in his ears, and his body flew out involuntarily under a huge force, and continued to shrink and change back to human form.

The corner of his eye looked at Zhao Wei, and he saw that his body shape was also getting smaller and smaller. The blood in his mouth screamed and flew in the direction of the dragon-shaped vein.

The turbulence in the cave continued for half a quarter of an hour before it gradually subsided.

Shi Mushou held the sky stick and stood up from the ground. His eyes swept over the sores and the earth, looking to the dragon-shaped vein.

At this time, Zhao Wei also climbed up from the ground.

His chest was red, and the hair on his head was a bit messy. His hand was covered with a stick of the sky, and he was facing the stone.


Just then, a slight cracking sounded.

Zhao Wei’s face suddenly became stiff, and some of them looked incredibly in the hands of the sky.

I saw a very small crack in the center of the stick.

Zhao Yu’s face was heavy and full of unwillingness. One word and one word: “In the end, my treasure is still not as good as you.”

"You are wrong. If there is no magic weapon, I will win you." Shi Mu looked unchanged and said aloud.

"What about the five elements of the magic cave? I want you to know, I can't get it, you can't think of it!" Zhao Yan's face suddenly appeared a sly color, no more before the elegant color, crazy big Laugh, one wave at a time.

The light of the scepter suddenly burst into a loud, screaming sound, and then flew out, directly into the void, disappeared.

The next moment, the water ripples around the water ripples, the sky sticks from the inside, and a flash into the veins, did not enter.

Shi Mu realized that something was wrong and said: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Yu’s face was stunned, and his mouth was filled with words, and his hands were printed. He quickly mourned the strange mantra. The five fingertips glared, then flashed, flashed again, and flashed three times in a row, which dissipated.

At the same time, his mouth was full of conspiracy smiles.


The spirit of the water began to tremble violently, and a group of glaring black light appeared inside, and it quickly rose.

The dragon-shaped pulse suddenly swells, and many cracks appear on the surface, and then a black light is transmitted from the gap.

"Oops! He wants to blew the Xuantian Lingbao and destroy the spirit of the water! Shi Xiaozi, stop him!" The sound of the water sounded, full of anxiety.

In Shi Mu’s mind, the thoughts turned and the body shape disappeared from the original place. The next moment of teleportation appeared in front of Zhao Wei, and the sky was golden and smashed.

Zhao Wei apparently had a plot. At this time, it is too late to stop the spiritual treasure in the spiritual vein. It is the best way to kill Zhao Wei.

The golden spirits on the sky sticks flashed with glare, and the whole stick trembled. Obviously, the power has been pushed.

The stick has not yet fallen, and the void makes a harsh scream, and a circle of golden light ruptures.

"Want to kill me? Hey! It’s too late!" Zhao Yan smiled coldly, and he had words in his mouth, waving with one hand.

The silver awning on his body flashed, and a silver crystal ball flew out of his sleeve and appeared around him, encircling it in the middle.

The silver crystal ball exudes a large silver awn, which is flickering, like a silver flower.

Just listening to the sound of "噗", the silver crystal ball shattered, and the silver light emitted was merged together to form a circle of more than a dozen feet, silver and mans flashing.

A large array of silver runes emerged from the squad, and the void around the squadron twisted and undulated for a while, not knowing what happened.

The sound of screaming came out of the circle of law, as if countless people mourn the spell in unison and shocked people.

Everything seems complicated, but it is done in an instant.

The endless power of the sky sticks was slammed down, bombarded on the silver circle, and a loud noise was heard.


After the rest of the wave, the voids in the vicinity of several tens of feet are mirror-like, broken.

However, the silver squad that was directly hit by the club was only suddenly shocked, and immediately stabilized, as if nothing had happened.

Among the silver squad, Zhao Wei did not suffer any damage, and his face was full of sneer and looked at Shi Mu.

"What!" Shi Mu was shocked.

He immediately recalled that when he was in the hands of Suzaku, Zhao Wei escaped from his hands and used this silver ball. At that time, he did not care very much and did not explore it afterwards.

He was in a hurry, his arms were waving, and he was going to launch the attack again.

"This is the phantom empty road! The famous space magical powers of the ancient times, I don't think there are people there now! Shi Xiaozi, don't waste your effort, the space there has been concentrated and condensed a thousand times, and your strength will not be cracked for a while. "The sound of the water sounds."

Shi Mu heard that a heart suddenly sank.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came out from below.

The glaring black light suddenly appeared, drowning the entire underground cavern, as if ten black suns suddenly appeared in this underground cave.

The entire underground space swayed violently, and large pieces of gravel fell.

Shi Mu's face was iron and blue, and now he couldn't take care of Zhao Wei, turned and looked down.

In the darkness of the sky, the crack on the dragon's veins of water rapidly expanded, and then the entire spiritual vein was torn apart and turned into a myriad of crystal blue light, which flew in all directions.

The sound of "嗖", a blue thing of a human head flew out of the bursting veins, seems to be a ball, just a flash into the martyrdom of the water.

Shi Mu just saw this scene, his eyes could not help but move, but at this moment the situation was in crisis, he did not pay much attention to it.

At the moment when the spirit of the water burst, the five-row magic cave space was suddenly rejected by the attack of Shi Mu and Zhao Wei because of self-rejection, and then broke and dispersed.

In the other four spirits, the large amount of lightning was also dissipated.

A certain balance of the entire five-row magic cave space was broken, and an invisible vibration began to appear in the entire space, which quickly filled the entire five-row magic cave space.


The original balance of heaven and earth aura suddenly became turbulent, and there was a fierce conflict between them.

Five rows of magic cave space, the sky countless black clouds appear quickly, and frantically surging, a series of lightning in the dark clouds, the entire space into a dark chaos, giving a feeling of the end of the world.

Although Shi Mu is in the depths of the ground, he can clearly sense the changes outside.

"What happened?" His face was dignified and shocked.

"The man blew the spiritual treasure and destroyed a main thread. These five main veins are the cornerstones that support the world. One main vein is destroyed. The five elements of the five elements of the magical cave are broken. The five elements of the aura begin to violently conflict. If it continues If you go on, I am afraid that the whole space will be destroyed!" The water spirit said quickly, and the sound was severe.

"Ha ha! Shi Mu, I ruined the spirit of this place, this five-row magic cave space will not be used for a long time will completely collapse, since I can not get it, you also want to use this to achieve the ninth turn of Xuan Gong!" Zhao Wei eyes light At the sight of the bursting of the pulse, I saw a slight sorrow in my eyes, and then sneered.

Shi Mu heard this, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Oh, yes, there is something I forgot to tell you, in addition to the five elements of the magic cave here, I have other ways to reach the ninth turn of Xuan Gong, you are waiting to be my best nourishment. Haha!" Zhao Laughing, laughing with one hand.

The silver rug wrapped around him shined into a huge silver ball of light, with a silver flame beating and slamming into the void.

"噗嗤", the void immediately melted, and a dark hole appeared.

The silver ball of light flickered into it and disappeared.