MTL - The Princess Wei Yang-~

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On the moon, the emperor specially set up a dinner in Xiandu Palace. For the first time, Li Weiyang stepped into the newly built palace. It was heard that the emperor specially built it for the birth of Ge Lizhen. The interior is luxurious and luxurious, beautiful and beautiful, just like a paradise on earth. I saw beautiful palace lanterns everywhere, and even the small corners were hung with famous calligraphy and paintings. The palace ladies who served on them wore gorgeous palace skirts, which seemed to be golden and fascinating.

Li Weiyang saw the arrangement in the palace in his eyes, and he was also very surprised. Everyone said that the emperor was very fond of Ge Lizhen, and now it seems that the rumors are true. It’s just that some of the pets are directed at the Lily Bride, which is hard to say.

At this time, the ministers and son-in-law who had more than three products in the imperial court had already taken their seats. Everyone only heard the concerta, and even after seeing the ladies and women, the various fine wines came up like water.

Princess Ali whispered to Li Weiyang: "This month, I have hosted two banquets in the palace. The Western Royal Family is really a luxury."

Li Weiyang smiled lightly, and now the emperor likes to entertain guests in the court. Although his temperament is moody and awkward, he is quite a bit of great success, but who dares to make public comments? Furthermore, the west is very rich, the people live and work in peace, and the national strength is very strong. If the royal family can dance day and night, who can say more.

All this is in the eyes of Princess Alice, but it makes her even more amazed. Even on the grassland, even as a Maharaja, I have to worry about a lot of problems every day, especially in the barren winter, when the vegetation does not grow, then they will It is necessary to carry a large number of cattle and sheep and herders to find a fertile pasture. It is precisely because of seeing the majesty of the day and night, Princess Ali is not convinced of the extravagant pleasures of the Western Emperor.

Not far away, Mrs. Guo is a solemn look, her eyes are not on the songs and dances, but she looks at the glass in front of her eyes. Obviously, these scenes have long been commonplace and not interested.

Li Weiyang’s eyes fell on the emperor’s body. At this moment, he even drank a few glasses of wine, his eyes were very embarrassing, his look was very flat, and the words he had seen in the previous study were completely different. If you are not sure that the last time you want to give yourself to the death of the Western Emperor, Li Weiyang will doubt whether it happened that day is a dream. Until today, she felt very strange. According to the character of this person, what he wants to do is sure to be successful. Now he is not going to do it. He really cares about Yuan Lie or has other plans, or he thought of it. What new idea?

The song and dance jumped right, but I heard the Prince stood up and said to the emperor: "Father, when the visit to Zhangzhou, the local officials specially sent a beautiful woman, and asked the children to be dedicated to the father."

His voice just fell, the emperor's eyes fell on his face, as if very interested in the original: "then offer it."

Local officials donate beauty, not once or twice. If they are ordinary, they will not have such an opportunity. Everyone will come to the spirit and they will stretch their necks to see the beauty. Only the face of Ge Lizhen, who had been accompanying the emperor, changed slightly, but he quickly recovered.

On the face of the prince smiled slightly, and gently slammed the palm, and saw a woman wearing a silver gauze standing at the entrance of the hall standing there, although it was just standing still, but it was graceful. She walked forward, step by step, and walked between the rings, as if the music was with them. Before she reached the steps, she lowered her body and slammed into the ground, and the exquisite long skirt spread around her. Li Weiyang was too far away to be confused. At this moment, she fell down again. She only saw her blue silk, and the skin on her neck was white and snowy. She couldn’t help but be curious about the woman’s appearance.

The emperor smiled slightly: "Look up."

The woman heard her words and revealed a beautiful face. It was really superb, and she looked forward to her life, and there was a sense of independence.

Seeing the pair of autumn-like eyes, the emperor suddenly burst into the cold, and Li Weiyang felt a murder. Such an imposing manner, only the emperor squandered Fang Fang, killing decisive talents will be... For a time, even the Prince is a little panicked, and his heart is very puzzled, this is how it happened, the father is not always like Gree. Is it beautiful? He had long understood that the father was the one who remembered that year... So these days, he tried every means to find a woman who was similar to the Qixia princess of that year. Why did the father see her showing such a look? ?

After the brow, I frowned slightly, and my eyes fell coldly on the woman.

For a long time, no one dared to speak in the hall. There was a hint of killing in the eyes of the emperor. On the face, it was cold and cold: "Sure enough, it is a beauty, I don't know what skills?"

The prince smiled and said: "Father, she is good at dance, how can she let her dance for the father?"

The emperor sat lazily, his eyes looked like a smile, and he stared at the Prince, but he did not make a sound for a while. The Prince suddenly became nervous, and there was a strong uneasiness in his heart. He couldn’t help but turn his head and look at Lu Hao. Lu Hao immediately lowered his head. The idea was that she gave the prince out, and the beautiful woman in front of her was even tried to find it, but she did not receive the expected results.

Li Weiyang looked at the opposite Yuan Lie, only to see his gaze falling on the woman, but the look was very indifferent. Li Weiyang’s eyes faintly revealed a smile, and the Prince’s now is quite a bit messy. Otherwise, there will be no such tricks. In other words, the danger is dangerous, but if it can please the emperor, it is also useful. Chess.

When the prince wanted to take the initiative to plead guilty, the emperor suddenly laughed: "Well! Since she is good at singing and dancing, then she will dance a song. If it is not good, then punish it!"

The woman took a sigh of relief and gently slid her sleeves and began to dance. There was no sound in the hall. Gree looked at the woman intricately, and there was a sarcasm in her eyes. The prince said it was quite good. This woman is indeed very unique. Her flying dance seems to have a natural rhythm. The bell on her foot creaks, replacing the sound of the instrument and making it sound. It sounds like it has become The melody of dance music. She flutters indulgently, even if she is not able to dance and dance, she can feel the affection of the silent dance. When the end of the dance, she swayed with her low hand and drooped her sleeves, and her eyes fell, covering the Yingying water.

Her dance is not very good, but Li Weiyang has a touching power. If she glances at the emperor's look, she sees his face, and suddenly realizes it. - Presumably such a dance, the Qixia Princess must have skipped.

This time, the Prince’s life is really hard work. It is not only similar in appearance but also unparalleled in temperament. It seems that it is an idea to let this woman win a seat next to the emperor. Li Weiyang’s gaze immediately fell on the ugly face of Gree, but he smiled gently, raised his glass and took a sip.

At this time, the emperor's eyes became even more embarrassing. He waved his hand and told the woman: "You come forward."

The woman Yingying went up, the emperor took her in her arms, took a closer look at her face, and suppressed the sneer in her eyes, but it was like a loud voice laughing: "Well, the Prince really has filial piety, reward "When the **** came out, he gave the Prince a sea of ​​jade."

The Prince’s heart was a little bit safe. Today, he played a very embarrassing performance in this scene. It really took a big risk. Originally, this woman should be contributed by others, so it’s not easy to be involved in himself, but he still thinks about it. Come by yourself - perhaps it is a stun to send such a woman to the emperor next to others, but in his case it is another intention. This woman will come in handy in the future!

His smile was still on the face, but he heard the emperor telling the **** next to him: "Go, pass Lu Hao."

Lu Hao’s heart jumped. This woman was found by Tolulu. Did the emperor have a reward? But how did you know that this woman has a relationship with Lu? But she soon thought that the emperor was thinking and speculating, and the emotions were difficult to distinguish. There are few things in the world that are not in his grasp. Fortunately, this woman is also innocent, can not find the slightest embarrassment, Lu Jiajin dedication, only should be rewarded and should not be punished. Thinking of this, her heart was only a little settled.

The prince looked at Lu Hao with great resentment, and her heart hated her to the extreme, but it was quiet, with a glass of wine concealing the cold light of the eyes.

Lu Hao was also at the temple today, heard the emperor summoned, hurriedly came up and walked out, and obeyed.

The emperor took the initiative to pick up a glass of wine and ordered the **** to hand it over to Lu Hao. Then he smiled and said, "Give a glass of wine."

Lu Hao quickly bowed his head: "Chen Xi Xie gave a drink." Then he was full of joy and decisively drank.

The emperor smiled even more sorrowfully: "This time you went to Ganzhou to do a good job, and deliberately brought back this beauty to let the Prince give it to you, and you have to reward you once."

Lu Hao’s heart jumped, and the emperor knew everything!

At this time, when I passed by, many people sitting in the back row were a little drowsy. Now, when I hear the emperor want to reward Lu Hao, they are all excited, cheering up and listening to the following.

Princess Ali was quietly pulling the sleeve of La Weiyang: "Why should you reward Lu Hao?"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Because the previous sire had ordered him to go to Ganzhou to build merits, his errands did a good job, and he also brought back a beautiful woman from Zhangzhou, and gave it to his majesty by the hand of the prince. His Majesty must give him some rewards." Li Weiyang’s words were just finished, and Princess Ali seemed to understand and nod.

But I heard the emperor say: "Hey, I heard that you haven't married your wife yet, and there are no people in your family. How can you be a family? You are worried about it. You want to be a good wife for you. Today is a good time, just in time. The face of the minister, I will marry you!"

Lu Hao heard the emperor personally marry him, and suddenly overjoyed him. The other Lu people stood up together and immediately thanked the emperor. Lu Yan smiled and said: "Thank you for your reward, Lu Hao has no merits and deeds. Pet, I am fortunate."

Everyone in the room couldn’t help but show the envy of the face. Lu Xin’s last time wanted to meet the failure of the Shouchun princess. He was ridiculed for a good time, and Lu’s family invited him to go to Ganzhou’s errand. When the credit comes back, it will be soaring when I see it. At this time, I can still get married. It is necessary to know that all the officials in the field are born in the name of the door, one hundred miles to pick one, which one is like a beautiful flower, and it is a marriage of the Majesty personally, such a good thing is really rare, it seems that Lu Hao is lucky!

The Queen Empress smiled quietly beside him, but he was quiet and didn't know what he was thinking.

The emperor stopped for a moment and continued: "The monarch and the minister can not owe anyone. You just have to do things well, and you can enjoy the natural rewards." The emperor whispered to the eunuchs around him. The **** looked awkward, but he was very surprised. He immediately fell to the ground: "Yes, kneel." Then he retired.

Everyone saw that the scene could not help but be a bit strange, but they all waited quietly. They knew that the emperor’s married people would soon appear.

Lu Yili was in the temple. It was a spring breeze and it was very exciting. I was very lucky this time. I couldn’t get the three-pointed anger of Shouchun Princess. On his face, he had a pair of eyes that were as clear as the dew, and he was very beautiful. At this moment, because of his marriage, he was a beaming and radiant look. His mind thought that since His Majesty did not explain who was given the marriage, would it be because Shouchun Princess was so angry that he could not close the palace? This is very likely, it must be that you want to make up for the last mistake!

Li Weiyang looked in his eyes, but he smiled coldly. I don't know why, she always felt that this emperor was not playing a good idea.

At this time, everyone suddenly heard the sound of vocal music, an **** led a group of people from the side door to the temple. At the forefront are four palace ladies, each with a red lantern in their hands. The candlelight in the cage reflects the red hall of the entire hall. It is really joyful. Immediately, two more ladies were entered in the temple door. Finally, a woman who came in with a paragraph of money only used a fan to cover her face. Everyone could not see her look. She could only see her wearing a dignified atmosphere. The skirt and the head are full of gold and silver enamel ornaments, which can be seen as valuable. Everyone could not help but be surprised. They began to guess which woman is the woman in front of her, or is it really Shouchun Princess?

The Prince also felt that it was Shouchun, and he smiled and said: "Lu Hao, this time you are married, you are not going to marry your bride!"

Lu Hao laughed involuntarily, could not wait to go forward, and then awakened in time, and once again thanked the emperor's grace, and then turned to walk to the bride. He suppressed his heartfelt joy and bowed to the bride, saying, "Please see the lady." He said it three times in a row, and the fan was slowly unfolding.

Everyone was holding their breath and wanted to see what the emperor’s married lady looked like. When the face of the fan was exposed, everyone was shocked. After the fan, it was not a lady who spent a lot of money on the moon, but a chicken skin crane, full of sixty or seventy years old, and when people were surprised, they suddenly blasted the pot.

Lu Yili was on the spot and almost stayed. He did not think that the emperor gave him an old woman who was nearly seventy years old. At this age, his grandmother was more than enough!

The emperor’s voice was the most heart-wrenching, and he said loudly: “Lu Aiqing, I’m not going to help your new lady, what are you doing!”

The Queen’s face is unchanged, she has recognized that the so-called new lady is the Emperor’s breastfeeding mother. This Kangshi used to be the emperor's half-month-old mother. She was kept at the age of forty. She has been living in the palace. Now the emperor has inexplicably given her to Lu Hao. This is really a great news! She glanced at the emperor and looked inexplicable.

The emperor smiled slightly and turned to her: "Is the Queen, do you think that your will is very wise?"

The Queen’s gaze was lightly turned on his face, and the tone was calm. “Your Majesty made any decision, and the courtiers would not be surprised, let alone this is a very matching marriage.” She said, her eyes I have already seen the Prince.

The prince suddenly panicked and immediately said: "Lu Hao, you still can't help your new lady!"

Li Weiyang couldn't help but laugh. The emperor was really hurt enough. He was able to make such a thing. Calling a black-haired young man to marry an old woman is simply unimaginable!

Lu Hao from the ecstasy just now to the current ice cave, he looked at the old woman with a chicken skin in front of him, can not wait to hit the door on the threshold. To be honest, everyone just thought that the emperor had given this Shouchun Princess back to Lu Hao through this opportunity, but never imagined that such a scene would appear. The ones who were given a marriage were not the charming princesses, but also the famous men and women of Zhilan Yushu, but an old woman with a chicken skin.

Everyone did not dare to look at this scene. Yuan Lie raised his brow and looked like a smile. He obviously saw the emperor's mind.

Lu Hao was there, and he did not move. Lu Hao was anxious. At this moment, if Lu Hao refused to marry the woman, he would resist the purpose.

Sure enough, the emperor's face sank slightly, and coldly said to the Prince: "He is so painstakingly arranged, he seems to be unwilling to take the initiative. Is it because the beauty that the abandonment gave him is not good enough?" The emperor said this, his eyes There has been a slight disappointment in it.

The prince quickly squatted: "The father, Lu Hao is a moment of joy and stupidity, waiting for the children to remind him, he will wake up." He said, he has got up and walked to Lu Hao. In the past, I grabbed his arm and whispered: "You still don't take it, do you want to resist it?!"

Lu’s teeth were shaking, and he pointed at the old woman: “His Royal Highness, you are... she... she...”

The Prince was cold and cold: "I have seen it, everyone has seen it. This is the will of the Son of Heaven.

Lu Hao suppressed the disappointment of his heart, his face was crying and tears.

The prince looked cold and cold: "Laughter, then lead your bride to Shann!"

Lu Hao gritted his teeth, and finally he recovered to his face again. He quickly walked over and helped the old woman to the emperor: "Wei Chen thanked Huang En."

The emperor smiled slightly: "This is the sly mother of Kang, who married Lu Aiqing today. It should also have some points. I will be the wife of the country. I will treat her well from now on, husband and wife, and love." it is good."

One of these parties is already a whitehead. Li Weiyang smiled and looked at the farce. He said that this old woman is a wife. It seems to be a marriage, but in fact, after he goes home, he must The woman is a **** to support. Moreover, she looked at the woman's expression, Xu was pampered for a long time, and some of her arrogant look, I am afraid that there will be no better days for this Cui family.

Princess Ali was stunned and looked at this scene: "Your emperor is really strange. He can do such a thing. A 20-year-old young man is married to a 60-70 old woman. It is terrible. , the world is amazing!"

Li Weiyang looks calmly: "The so-called emperor, since the order is forbidden, said one thing. If Lu Hao dares to resist the purpose of not complying, it is a sin of the door. He is the younger brother of the Prince, and it is not easy for Lu to cultivate. Elite, he naturally knows what choices should be made."

Princess Ali was inevitably shaking her head. She knew that Li Weiyang in front of her eyes was clear about Beijing’s every move, but at this moment she saw that she was not surprised by such strange things. She could not help but sigh: "I always I can't understand you, it's all about it... it's too ridiculous."

In the face of Li Weiyang, the more ridiculous, the more unbelievable things, the more likely it is to happen in this palace. I am afraid that the emperor is doing this for the Prince and seeing it for Lu, and also for the Queen. However, she faintly felt that the purpose of the emperor did not stop there.

At this point, I heard the emperor smile and squatting next to the beauty: "I heard that the daughter of General Zhendong has returned from the mountain, can you be at the banquet today?"

The king of the town, Wang Qiong, who was brought up by the emperor, immediately stood up and bowed down: "Yes, your majesty, the little girl is here today."

Li Weiyang couldn’t help but look at the emperor’s sudden mention of Miss Wang. When Mrs. Guo told her that she was puzzled, she whispered: “This lady is called the son of the youngest daughter. She has been following a big master in the past. Learning, very few downhill. I have only heard of her twice down for so many years, but they are all helping her father, General Shoudong. The outsiders don’t know the details. I only know that this woman has an astronomical geography and knows the philosophers. The way of making a decision is all right. Although it is a woman's body, it is famous, but I have never seen her with my own eyes."

When Li Weiyang heard this, he couldn’t help but smile: "So what is this Miss Wang going down this mountain, what is it for?"

Mrs. Guo was immersed in meditation. I don’t know why most of the big families in the world have recently recalled the elite children in various places. It seems quite different. In her opinion, this is inseparable from the current political situation.

The emperor looked in the hall and said in his mouth: "Oh, who is it? Come out and see you."

At this point, I saw a woman who came out of the son-in-law and gave birth to a snowy skin. The alum was slender and the eye tip was rare. A pair of eyebrows were hidden in the crow's cyan horns, and the wrists were condensed. The style was not so aggressive. However, it is self-defeating and does not dare to look flat. Slowly coming, forced to retreat from the flower of a temple, only she shines.

The emperor rarely said and said: "You have been learning for many years, I don't know what it is?"

The prince 矜 矜 矜 , , , , , , , , , , 动作 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜

Someone stared at her color at the banquet, leaving only her shadow in front of her, and forgot to drink and talk.

The emperor smiled and said: "It is no problem. I have long heard that the Wang family is talented and talented, but I don’t know what is special. Those poems and songs should not be taken out. Is there any fresh ones that can be used for fun?"

When the emperor said this, he saw the prince smiled slightly: "The minister is only a rough-sounding temperament, and it is a piece of music. It is played with musical instruments, accompanied by singing and dancing. I believe that you will like it."

The emperor was very interested: "What a break?" It sounds a bit interesting."

The prince’s eyes were broken and Ying Yingying: “Please allow your knees to be allowed. If there is instrumental music with 7 947 people practicing the military array, the scene will be more beautiful.”

When the emperor thought about it, it was very novel: "If you are accurate, you will let people go and prepare, wait and see."

When the prince smiled, he immediately went down to prepare. Soon, the candle in the hall was extinguished.

Li Weiyang stared for it, and the shadow of Qian Qian had disappeared. As soon as she left, she took away the soul of many people. I only heard someone take the lead, and the snoring floated from far and near, as if a bard sang in the air between the vast rivers and seas. Soon, there were different instruments to join in, listen carefully, 琵琶, 琴,, 箜篌 are all mixed together, showing the bustling scene of Zhong Ming Ding, 18 dancers dressed in red enter the hall On the empty square, while dancing, it seems as if a group of flames have been brought together, followed by 笙, Xiao, Zheng, chimes, and compilations, which made the whole band play more magnificent.

Suddenly listening to the drums, seven or forty-nine men appeared outside the temple, one by one like a stone statue condensed there and motionless, the original sound of all musical instruments suddenly stopped, and once again broke out, the atmosphere has completely changed. The sound of the Jin Ge Iron Horse is slain, and as the cymbals and drums become more and more urgent, the music sounds like the Wu Gorge, and it seems like a ghost crying. In front of everyone, the original Taiping Shengshi meteorological weather has disappeared completely, obviously intended to show the rebel invasion. It destroyed the original scene of prosperity and tranquility.

When Li Weiyang heard this, it has been seen that Miss Wang has actually placed the military in the music, using the cymbals to simulate the horn and the hooves, using drums and chimes to depict the fight and chaos on the battlefield. Those dancers were the people of peace and prosperity, and the forty-nine men who rushed in were arrogant soldiers. The entire squad showed the tension and grandeur of the battlefield.

Only when someone heard a cry, the rhythm of the music changed immediately, and the humming sound was like a slap in the air, reminiscent of the scene of the army’s expedition. All the dancers violently ripped open the red body, revealing the white inside. The short robe rushed into the enemy.

Li Weiyang watched as if he saw a battle of conquest, she could not help but look complicated. All the generals who had been on the battlefield above the main hall were also very focused. Obviously, many thoughts were provoked by this piece of music. Those ordinary ladies and gentlemen are a novel look. Although they can't understand it, they also know that the music is ingeniously arranged and magnificent. This is undoubtedly a good show.

From the beginning to the end, Li Weiyang looked at this piece of music. The left side of the dance team was round, the right side was square, the front of the chariot was modeled, and the team was behind. The formation of the formation was like an eagle, extending two wings. It seems as if the two forwards are making a battle. In the past, the dancers used to spur the main action, and the limbs made various movements with the music. The sound was shocked, and there was not only a strong battlefield, but also a kind of deterrent, which shocked the audience.

However, if this is the case, Li Weiyang will not feel how good it is, just a celebration of ordinary music. The most important thing is that this prince is in this kind of performance, which contains various arrays, such as the eight-figure map, the star-shaped array, the squad, the long-snake array, the two dragons, the heavens and the earth. Four-door bottom array, five tiger group sheep array, six Ding Liujia array, seven-star Beidou array, eight-door gold lock array, nine-word chain array, ten sides ambush. These top ten arrays, each formation is full of profound changes, even by her by the dancers' movements, the arrangement of the arrangement, and the sound between the sounds one by one.

Li Weiyang’s gaze once again fell on the prince’s body, but it was also impressive. Such a woman can be a wizard!

There are seven drums in total, and each time it is twelve, it takes more than one hour. At the end of the day, forty-nine people left the game in turn, symbolizing the success of the break. The music resumed the tone at the beginning. With a burst of bells, the sounds were high and low, and the surroundings gradually recovered calm. The dancers hovered back to the ground. I bowed down and seemed to return to the quiet of the beginning.

The emperor has not spoken yet, and the general has long been unable to hold his voice: "Good! This song is about snoring. The evolution of the formation is very subtle. Miss Wang’s talent, there is no second in the world!"

The prince 矜 翩翩 翩翩 翩翩 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 孑 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜 矜

The emperor stood up and said: "Hey, I heard this song, my heart is like, and Miss Wang is so lucky. It’s really rare! In the future, this song should be well thought out. Now the dancers are only forty-nine people, and they are not big enough. Add to 490 people! Well, so talented, must be rewarded! Come, give the prince a jasper, a golden Guanyin!"

When the emperor said this, everyone immediately cast a look of enthusiasm to the prince, but the party was calm, and the eyebrows seemed to be far away, and the lips were smiling, as if the reward was not related to her.瞧 Her fascination is unpredictable, and the thick eyelashes add a mysterious feeling to her eyes.

She just stumbled over, thanked the emperor for her grace again, and then returned to the son-in-law. I don't know why, if a person who stands out so good, if he doesn't want others to notice her, no one can find that she has been sitting there. If the emperor ordered her name, everyone would never notice that she had been sitting there.

The emperor smiled and said loudly: "Would you like to have someone else?"

Everyone’s heart jumped, thinking that the emperor would not have to mess with it. Just now Lu Lu was inexplicably married to an old woman. Could it be said that the emperor would not give the prince a coward? Illness! This is really crazy!

Hearing here, Wang Dongjun, the general of Zhendong, realized that he quickly said: "Returning to the squat, the little girl did not marry."

The emperor laughed happily and brought a smile to his eyes: "So beautiful, it matches the Asahi King."

When this statement came out, Li Weiyang’s dawn was cold, and his heart was really coming. The original emperor was waiting here! From the beginning of the marriage to Lu Hao, it is not only to shock the Prince and the Prince. The most important thing is to let Yuan Lie understand that no one in this world can violate his will. He can take you to heaven or you can You step on the ground!

Now if you are interested in the Yuan, you should stand up immediately and thank you for your grace. However, Yuan Lie was only sitting calmly in his eyes, and there was no slight fluctuation in his expression.

Li Weiyang noticed that the prince always looked calm on the face, but the pair of unique eyes swept through Yuan Lie, but there was no shame, just observation and evaluation, and then lowered his eyes. Li Weiyang suppressed his heart and looked uncomfortable. His eyes looked straight toward Yuan Lie. She wanted to know - what choices he would make at the moment!

The emperor looked at Yuan Lie, and he looked at Yuan Lie afterwards. All the people present were on the body of Xu Wang. For a long time, the whole hall was dead.

The hearts of the Guo family are shocked. The emperor is going to give the King of Xu the marriage of the king. What should Jiajia do? Mrs. Guo’s heart was nervous, and she couldn’t help but turn her head and looked at Li Weiyang with concern. She saw her look cold and sat there with a calm look, as if she had not been affected by foreign objects. Mrs. Guo’s heart is even more uneasy. She understands the character of Jia’er. The more her heart is swaying, the more it seems to be on the surface, no one can guess the slightest trace of this daughter’s heart. She thought of it here and could not help but worry more.

If you want to rejoice in this marriage, it is Jing Wang Yuanying. His pair of scorpions fell on Yuan Lie, and gradually showed a hint of ridicule. What do you like about Guo Jia? Can you still violate the meaning of the father? This is the marriage of the Western Emperor, no one in the world dares to refuse! If you refused today, it is the head of the people.

After a faint smile, it seems that Miss Wang is the wife chosen by the emperor for Yuan Lie. Her eyes fell on the face of the prince, and there was a gloom in her eyes.

The Wang family and the Guo family are equally prominent. There is Wang Gong, who is also the general of the Taishi and the general. There are Shangshu servants, Wang Yu, who has Wang Jujun, the university student of Huagai Temple, and Wang Qiong, the general of the town. The savvy and capable generation, and never participated in the party struggle, has always been the focus of the royal family. What's more, after that, I wanted to let the eldest daughter marry Wang's eldest daughter, but she was declined by the Wang family. Now it is the turn of the youngest daughter of the Wang family, and the emperor has to assign her to Xu Wangyuan. it is good! This is really great! After the squatting, the hand under the long sleeves was tightly smashed, and the nails almost broke into the palm of the hand, but in the eyes of everyone, her look was still calm, and even faintly smiling, as if to see it.

However, everyone was waiting for Xu Wangyuan to stand up and give thanks, but he sat there as if he had never heard it.

The emperor was impatient and vocal: "Xu Wang, how do you think Miss Wang Jia?"

Yuan Lie grew up in the eyes of the public, his face sank, his brows were portable and irritating, and it was daunting: "Your Majesty, Wang's female is solid, why not my good match!"

As soon as this sentence was said, the temple was full of surprise. Everyone’s face was extremely indignant. This Xu Wang was too bold, and dared to refuse the emperor’s marriage in public! There will be a lot of things in the imperial history to come to participate, but Yuan Lie cold sweeps, everyone has shrunk neck. Obviously such a handsome man, but aggressive and aggressive, no one dares to say a word in front of him.

Li Weiyang smiled a little, and if he didn't mean it, he was not Yuan Lie.

At this moment, the emperor almost collapsed in an instant, witnessing the splitting, and yelling at Yuan Lie: "You are going to resist the purpose!"

Yuan Lie raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly: "When did you give me the will to say that you want to give me Miss Wang? You just said that Miss Wang can match the King of Xu - this is not asking me. Is it that I am wrong? Oh, this can be difficult. I just refused it. It’s really hard to cover."

The emperor’s heart was annoyed. He was in the middle of the DPRK, and he was omnipotent. But when he went to the son’s face, he was involuntarily eating. At the moment, everyone clearly heard that he had the meaning of giving marriage. He deliberately pretended not to understand. It’s better to kill the animals on the spot!

His heart is more irritated, but the more he gets angry, the more he gets the martial arts. This son was sent out by him personally, but he carefully cultivated it, but after raising the big one, he was a wolf, and he only thought about Li Weiyang, and he never had his father in his eyes! The last time he wanted to be the other person to give him a death, he was going to give him a warning. Now he does not care at all, even dare to refuse the marriage in public!

This prince is arrogant and arrogant, and is generous and temperamental. It is not the kind of woman who is stuck in the struggle of the inner house. It is also the best sage, and he will help him in the future, not to mention the Wang family. The power! Doesn't he understand his own pains? What is the advantage of Li Weiyang? Guo Jia is too modest to protect himself. Li Weiyang is also a gloomy, full of grievances, and marry her. Yuan Lie will only have countless troubles.

However, this prince is very different. When General Zhendong went to Zhangzhou for rebellion, his wife was taken hostage by the rebels as a hostage. At that time, only the 13-year-old prince escaped and escaped all the way to help the victims. It recruited a team of several hundred people, and liaised with the army in four places. With the courage and talent of Superman, they compiled local bandits in more than three months to form a fairly large-scale team. More than 10,000 people, in the case of a woman, this is a miracle. She led the army, and she was able to recover her mother by taking advantage of it. A woman as a coach should have been a very ridiculous thing, not to mention that her age is so small that she can’t be convinced at all, but her team is strictly disciplined, and it’s a must. Everyone is awesome to her. Respect. After investigation, the emperor discovered that the woman’s military intuition and insight were genius, and even the opponents of the generals of Zhendong had suffered many defeats in her hands.

She is weak on the surface, but she is actually a woman with both civil and military skills. It can be said that General Zhendong relied on her to be able to strengthen the enemy.

In the view of the emperor, Yuan Lie is not yet a powerful dragon, and this prince is a dignified atmosphere, and Yu Feng, who is proud of his long sky. When today, all the great families want to share a piece of cake. If the Wang family and the Xu Wang are connected, they will be able to hold up a sky and sit for him.

Such a woman is also comparable to Li Weiyang. If Yuan Lie is smart, he should know what choices should be made.

Seeing that Yuan Lie is in such a state, everyone knows that he has made up his mind to refuse marriage. He can't help but look at the Miss Wang, but she still sees that she is still not humble and indifferent, as if she does not care.

The emperor looked at Yuan Lie, and he saw that he was still completely disregarded. He could not help but push the beautiful woman in the arms down the throne. The woman exclaimed and fell down the stairs, and suddenly turned the forehead. Broken, immediately **** as a note, she squinted her head, but did not dare to speak, burst into tears.

When everyone saw this kind of scene, they couldn't help but be surprised. It seems that this time is to punish Xu Wang. Prince sneer, good, Xu Wang, you are so daring, I would like to see if the father will not spare you this time!

Who knows the next moment, the emperor laughed out loudly by everyone, and the voice was very loud: "But it, what kind of girl you want to like, and then ask for marriage in the future, you are arrogant to you, you can be considered right." Brother!" He said this, but it was the introduction of the old generation of Xu Wang, everyone was relieved, it seems that this is to look at the face of the old Xu Wang, decided to tolerate Yuan Lie.

Yuan Lie smiled faintly, but it was undecided.

The emperor did not care, but his heart was furious. He wanted to go up and give this kid a foot, but in front of everyone, he had to pretend to be calm and tolerant.

Wang Qiong, the general of Zhendong, looked at her daughter with great concern. She was rejected by her in public. This kind of shame and shame does not know whether she can withstand it. Wang Yan couldn't help but clench his fists. He almost stood up and went to find Yuan Lie's troubles, but suddenly he was gripped by Wang Guang around him.

Wang Guang whispered: "Wang Yan, don't be impulsive!"

Wang Yan was very angry: "What is wrong with my sister, and where is it not worthy of the King of Xu? He has to refuse to marry in public, so my sister is so embarrassed!"

Wang Guang is a gentle-tempered person. He whispers: "No matter what, don't be angry here, otherwise it will only let other people see the jokes of our Wang family." Xu Wang has been chasing Guo Jia's Qian Jin Guo Jia to run around. It is already a well-known thing. However, they did not think that Yuan Lie would have such courage, and even dared to refuse to kill the emperor, this is probably the first time since the founding of the country!

No one dared to insist in the presence of the emperor. Only Yuan Lie, he even refused the prince with such unrelenting words. Refused to their talents, the crown of the world's sister. In Wang Yan’s opinion, his sister is much better than that of Guo Jia. Don't talk about appearances, let alone mention the women's chess and paintings, their younger sisters, Wenwu and Shuangquan. They know the geography and understand the military. They are a real wizard. These men are not as good as they are. satisfied! I even said that my sister is not his good match, it is ridiculous, then Guo Jia is what it is, why compare with the child! Wang Yanyue thought more and more angry, slamming, and actually smashed the glass in his hand.

Wang Guang quickly reminded him not to overdo it, but his heart sighed, the word love, the most difficult to understand, this Xu Wang Yuanlie has always liked the Guo family's daughter, his love is insane, in fact, he can also understand. Thinking of this, Wang Guang could not help but go to Guo Jialu, but he saw the other night-like scorpion, and now fell on the body of Xu Wangyuan, the face is just quiet and smiling, I don't know what to think. Wang Guang sighed slightly, and remembered in his mind that he had seen the appearance of Li Weiyang and the blind chess game behind the Tzu Chi Temple. The self-confidence of the swaying and pointing Jiangshan was still unforgettable. It can be imagined that this Guo family's daughter is not a mediocre generation, but only to her sister, what is the odds of success...

Li Weiyang noticed that a gaze fell on his own body. She turned her head and happened to look at the prince's gaze, but she saw a complex look in the eyes. Li Weiyang smiled at her, calmed and did not mix any emotions. The prince replied with a smile, but the fire ignited in the eyes, and then quickly turned his eyes.

Li Weiyang hangs down the scorpion, long lashes cover the different colors in the twilight. This Miss Wang is rejected in public and does not know what it is like in her heart...but she belongs to her Li Weiyang, she will not Let it! Even if you are an emperor, it is a god, no one can steal the person she wants from her hands!

------Off topic ------

The breaking of the series is a historical record and video recording of the combination of Qin Wang’s breaking and Lan Ling’s breaking (v&717; v)

I have read the comments downstairs, especially thanks to the generous remarks of Ruizhuzi, saying, Rui master, what year did you enter the palace?