MTL - The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess-Chapter 9 Bring the prince back to her family! (1)

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Chapter 9 takes the prince back to her family! (1) May Daughter's Day, is the Dragon Boat Festival, Dai Ai Ye, five poison spirits. From the first day of May to the fifth day of the month, the summer custom is decorated with a little niece. Married women are also returned to each other. Because of the call for the girl's day.

For a few days, I was depressed because I had to follow the daughter-in-law of a big girl.

After three months of sinking into the water, Qi Qi finally emerged from the water, saying that he would accompany me to return to Ning.

Returning to Ning, returning to Ning, returning to the 哉, rather than 哉?

On the night before Guining, the hedges happily arranged for me. I sat silently on the couch, holding my hands and watching her flower butterflies generally busy. The hedge does not care for me. I look back at me from time to time. When I see that I have no movements, I turn back and go to work.

I thought in my heart, Qi Qi is also a man who has a wife and a wife. The daughter's day is only a few days. He is so many old men, turn over? I wanted to ask the hedge, but I thought that I had a name of semi-madness now, and then I asked some things indiscriminately. I was afraid that it was not too far away, forget it, or not hit the hedge.

I want to think about it, but once I have doubts in my heart, it is like shutting down a cat that is only in the spring. Later, I couldn’t help it. So I knocked on the side: "Hedgerow, let’s go to Ning, Huang Liangyuan and Chen Liangxuan, what do they do? ”

"They?" The hedge returned to look at me. "Nature is in the palace."

"They don't go back to their parents?" I wondered. "I will go back."

The hedge replied: "How can they compare with the goddess, you are a wife, they are aunt, you are the Lord, they are servants!"

I saw that the hedges were a little disdain when they mentioned Huang Liangyuan and others. Oh, little hedge, if it has been like this, it will bring disasters sooner or later, you are too young, too ignorant of our men, what the Lord Servant, fresh is king! Just as a wife is worse than stealing!

I wanted to educate the hedges, but I thought about it again, so I sat honestly.

The words in the green fence have increased, and I am busy and chanting: "Since last year's daughter's day, the goddess did not return home for a year. The old lady and the wife must all want to break down. This time, I went back, but I will wait. The meeting was over. The girls at home have never seen it for a long time, and Miss Xiao didn’t know that she was growing taller... The garden in the house is the best, and I don’t know how to send it this year...”

The hedges were low and low, and the tone of the face was gentle. I heard that my heart gradually calmed down. I felt sleepy when I was unconsciously. I was confused, and I heard the hedge of the hedge. I was so angry that I could only hate Jiang. The sect of the sect must also go back, and it is rare to seduce the prince of the Prince!"

I was shocked and asked, "Is it going back?"

Hedgehog hated and replied: "Why do you have a maiden, you must also look back at your home."

I suddenly had a brain and a paste. I wanted to ask and didn't dare to ask. It was like constipation. I got a red face from the boss.

The hedge was only when I was angry, and I put down my work in my hands. I asked him to explain: "You must not be angry with the maiden. If you have a Wang Hao number, you can still be a broken relative. You are still a broken relative. It’s the big lady in our family. The identity is that she is comparable to a table with a few watches!”

A good hedge, you finally said a few words that I love to hear.

I just couldn’t think that Jiang’s cousin was actually Zhang’s cousin. I am so jealous.

Hedgerow thought that I couldn't open it for Jiang's things, and softly persuaded: "Mother, you are a prince, the mother of a country in the future, why bother for the Jiang's sect and the imperial concubine, then how are you your Highness? Mingzheng is returning to the Zhenggong Niangniang, Jiang has become Zhao Wangxi, is the younger sister of His Royal Highness, is it another fox, and what kind of storm can arise?"

I look at the hedge, my heart girl, you are still too tender, do not understand the man's mind, just say what we said, wife is better than stealing, you know that there is still a stolen behind this stolen ? This last one is placed in the nest of the people.

Besides, what happened to the younger brother? Yang Guifei is also the daughter-in-law of Tang Minghuang. Didn’t it become a nobleman as usual? The name is not a problem! What's more, this Qi Qi also said to Jiang: ...... You wait for me for a while, okay?

What do you do for a while?

Naturally, when the old emperor turned over, Qi Qi became the new emperor, and then he managed to take Jiang to take it.

It’s really a dog blood court! But I am still one of the most vicious cannon fodder inside!

His grandmother's commander star, you make me sad, it doesn't matter, at least give me a male match!

I looked down and looked at my full "pectoral muscles" with sorrowful eyes... This is going to grow up on my wife, how good!

Looking up again, the hedge is looking at me with sorrowful eyes...

Forget it, still wash and sleep!

Xu is the resentment against the prince Xingjun. He moved to the world. He dreamed of dreaming at night. This is still the same. I saw that I first tweaked it. This said: "Sure enough, this body is more lining you, than the original. The look is much stronger!"

I was already stuck in his neck. He listened to him and let it loose again. He licked his collar and squinted his eyes. "Listen to what you mean by saying that my body is not handsome enough?"

Secretary Xing Xingjun said: "Handsome, handsome, handsome."

I just loosed my hand with satisfaction, and I thought about it wrong. I put my hands on my neck and stuck in the neck of the priest, and said: "Are you giving me a reward? You can’t give me a prince. Why? Want to give me a girl to play with me? Hurry up, you have to get to know me and send me back to my original body! Otherwise... don't blame me!"

Secretary Xing Xingjun was coughed by my card and quickly said: "Quickly let go, it is rough for me, you are not good at reporting!"

"I rub, I am like this, I am still afraid of retribution?" I used more power in my hand, facing the Secretary of the Stars Jun: "Send me back, go back!"

"Can't go back!" Secretary Xing Xingjun screamed.

When I saw it, my hands couldn’t help but loosen. He earned it quickly and quickly stepped back. He looked at me with his hands guarding his neck.

"Why can't I go back? My body is gone? Burned?" I asked awkwardly.

Secretary Xing Xingjun saw that I didn't move any more, and then I took the time to complete the whole face, and replied: "No, the body is fine."

I was surprised: "So why can't I go back? Don't you want to repay it? Send me back to call back, you are now calling me revenge?"

Secretary Xing Xingjun hesitated for a moment and said: "You came here to use the body of Zhang's body. Zhang's Yangshou is not exhausted. Naturally, he also wants to be born in the flesh, and he used yours."

I took a moment and some of them couldn't believe it. "Listen to what you mean by saying that my original body is now used by Zhang?"

Secretary Xing Xing nodded, shook his head and thought about it. He said: "In fact, you can't say that, you should have used her body, and she used your body, now you are using it. She has used your body for more than ten years, and she used her body for more than twenty years. It’s counted whether you used her body for several years or if you are taking advantage of it.”

I touched it and touched it. I felt a bit more fire and angered. "I, I, I... didn't understand, say it again!"

Secretary Xing Xingjun turned his eyes: "In short, you originally voted for this physical body. You have made a small mistake there. Because you have a very serious life, if you want to be wrong, you must be wrong. The world is alive, so I’m only able to sneak up on the flesh of both of you.”

I was already stunned. For a long while, I still had some reaction. Some dementias asked: "So... this is my true card... the flesh?"

Secretary Xing Xingjun looked at me quite sympathetically and nodded.

I can't believe it, I lowered my head and touched my chest, then I went down to the slender waist, and then looked up at the prince.

Secretary Xing Xingjun was more sympathetic and reached out and patted my shoulder: "Let’s accept it, this flesh is the best, you said, you like this chick."

I rub, I thought I was a man, okay!

Suddenly, I only felt that I was weak and had a headache. The only hope in my heart was also cut off by the Secretary of the Stars.

Secretary Xing Xingjun sighed and patted me: "Don't think about it, still wash and sleep."

I reached out and pulled the sleeves he wanted to leave, and asked, "Is the original body now good?"

Secretary Xing Xingjun looked at me: "The past is over, what is the use?"

I smiled bitterly: "It’s been good for more than twenty years. It’s good to have another look."

Secretary Xing Xingwen asked: "It is even more troublesome to read, you still have to look?"

I am busy nodding: "Look, look!"

Secretary Xing Xing sighed and shook his head, and took out the crystal mirror from his arms and reached me: "That, look."

With excitement, I took the mirror with my trembling hands. I saw a piece of the mirror smashed up. Although I couldn’t hear any sound, I saw a man’s back, dark, strong, and dense. Sweat beads, together with the sweat, the sweat will merge into a small stream, slowly rolling down the spine...

I wondered, "This is only a few months, how can it be so dark?"

Secretary Xing Xingwen heard the probe from me and said, "Oh, that is not your flesh, the one below is."

I was very curious, and looked carefully into the mirror. The angle in the mirror changed, and it really showed a personal shadow. The eyes were slightly stunned, the cheeks were red, the rosy lips were slightly open, and the pain or pleasure was unclear... It is me!

I turned my head stiffly and silently looked at the prince.

Secretary Xing Xingjun was a little embarrassed, and stretched out his hands and spread out the booth: "You can't blame Zhang for not. She is a delicate woman and needs men to care..."

(End of this chapter)