MTL - The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess-Chapter 91 Can't read the mind! (1)

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Chapter 91 can't read the mind! (1) I don't know if it is the Bodhisattva of Fuyuan Temple, or the Qikou's Jinkou Yuyan. After returning from Cuishan, the big aunt who had always been punctual did not actually visit.

The freelance clerk remembered these things more clearly than I remembered. I had to count my fingers several times a day. I waited until mid-July, and finally I couldn’t keep going. I suggested to me with a vibrato: "Mother, or not Called Song Tai doctor to come in and cut the pulse, Xu is really a small hall!"

I looked at her fingers and counted back and forth several times, and nodded.

I got my answer, and I turned around and told me to take care of my little leg and foot, Xiao Fuer, to the hospital.

I haven't finished a piece of watermelon here. Xiao Fuer has entered the hall with a panting Song Tai doctor.

Freehand put me on the pillow, I put my wrist up.

Everyone in the room was nervously glaring at the Tai Tai doctor, and they all expected him to tell the good news.

Song Tai doctor was in a hurry and bowed his head for a moment. Then he looked up at me and calmly said: "Please change your hands."

The crowd did not hang up in one breath, and almost did not plant the ground.

I was still calm, but I changed my wrist and put it on.

Song Tai doctor carefully cut a long while, and then he got up and slammed it down to me. "Congratulations to the goddess, this is a happy pulse."

This is good, the Xing Sheng Palace suddenly "squeaked". Then, in less than half a day, the entire harem was followed by "哄". The empress has just given birth for less than a year, and this is pregnant again. How much love is the empress of the empress, who dares to say that the empress is not favored, not to be pampered for three years?

Qi Tong got a letter and yelled at me. His eyes lingered on my belly for a moment, and I whispered in my ear and said: "It's a good piece."

I said to myself: "The key is still good!"

After squatting, I reached over my waist and buried my head in my shoulder and laughed.

I glanced at the palace lady standing in the corner, patted his shoulder with the fan in his hand, and said seriously: "Pay attention to the image."

Qi Hao took me for a while, then straightened up and let go of his hand, and helped me to sit down on the soft couch.

I aimed at him in a good mood, thought about it, first sent out the palace ladies in the hall to go out, and then discussed with him: "Chen Chen is pregnant here, and later I am afraid that I can not wait for the emperor, it is better to re-arrange the palaces. The order of the waiters, so that everyone has a number in their hearts, don’t mess around again."

Qi Qi does not speak.

As soon as I saw him, I knew that this kind of heart would not be so happy, but in order not to let myself become the target of the public, I can only push him to the other place, even if it is not the harem, at least Tell him to stay in Daming Palace to guard Jiang.

I carefully observed his face, secretly bite my teeth, and said: "The ancients did not say it, the eyes did not ignore the evil, the ears did not listen to the slutty, the mouth did not speak out, can prenatal, so... ”

Qi Qi interrupted me: "Do you think I have a bad color, or do you have a slut?"

I was asked by him, and I could only hold my head down.

Qi Yan whispered low and cold, "Don't think that I don't know your point of thought, there must be a degree in everything, too much to be careful."

When I finished speaking, I got up and left.

Since the emperor has become more and more comfortable, the situation of such a disappointment has been gone for a long time. Looking at his figure with anger disappeared outside the temple door, he still felt that he was more lovely, and it made me feel more practical.

According to the usual practice, after a lot of anger, there are usually a few days to ignore me. Who knows that after this trip, he asked me to send me four books and five classics and a few books on the history of the military, and also gave me a special note. For the children in the belly, I must read these things. Carrying the best.

I turned over the books of the military, and then wrote the history books. Nima, even the people who can't remember the characters, you called me to recite the history books. Are you trying to kill me?

The small waiter who sent the book looked at me with sympathy and comforted: "The goddess does not need to worry, the emperor confessed that these books are for the mother to give birth, if they do not want to see, let people read to the maiden to listen to it, Just for the small hall."

I nodded and looked at it myself as a psychedelic drug. Others read the estimate and became a requiem.

The little insider pointed to the two cockroaches who had been standing on the side and said: "The emperor also called the slaves to send Wu and Yang, saying that they were all served by the Queen’s wife and the princess. The goddess is also easy to use."

I was already stunned by the book of a blind man. There were still some uncertainties. I only nodded when I heard the words. When I saw these two old faces, I called them to bring them down. Placement.

On the night of the night, I personally went to Daming Palace and asked Qi Qi to sin: "Chen Chen is wrong."

Qi Yan looked up at me and asked, "Is it wrong?"

I honestly nodded. "I know it is wrong."

Qi Qi asked: "Which is wrong?"

In the principle of sincerity and attitude, I replied: "Everything is wrong."

Qi Qi heard a cold cry, and picked up the memorial on the hand, looked down.

When I saw this, I couldn’t do it. After pondering it, I changed my mind: “Chen Chen’s mistake was to let the ready-made tree not rely on it, but he thought about taking a few firewood sticks to build a pergola.”

Qi Qi laughed, and lost the fold in his hand. He got up and said, "Let's go."

I glanced, "Where?"

Qi Qi pulled my hand and went out, looking down at me slightly, with a little contempt in my eyes, simply and simply replied: "Go to your palace!"

I still don't understand it at the time. Go to my palace and go there. Why do you still have contempt for this look? When I was waiting for a history book to be in front of me, I suddenly realized.

Qi Hao has changed his clothes, lazily relying on the soft couch by the window, and he told me very much: "Read a paragraph."

His smiley smile sold his heart. I don't have to guess that I must have thought of the situation when I used to read Zhang's grandfather.

This is another fun for me.

I looked at the history book that didn't have a punctuation mark in the whole article. It was very calm and said: "I think it is better to read some female reds than to read this, maybe it is a daughter."

Qi Tong raised his eyebrows and smiled. He took the book from my hand and smiled. "Well, please ask the empress to embroider a purse, just to cultivate self-cultivation."

Looking at the eyebrows that he smiled and bent, I realized that I was waiting for me.

In private, I discussed with the freehand brushwork, and told her to secretly help me to embroider a purse.

Freehand first is to refrain from embroidering myself. I am listening to the righteousness. I said that this is just right. You have to give me a beautiful embroidered work. I believe that I still believe it!

I was so anxious that I was so anxious that I had to smear my tears and said: "Mother, where is the emperor's lack of purses, he wants your heart, if the emperor knows that the purse is a slave, it will inevitably be angered by slaves. The slaves are not guaranteed!"

She cried with pears and rain, and looked pitiful. I couldn’t force myself to come out again. I had to give up.

But if I was asked to take a needle thread to embroider, it would be better to ask me to read those history books one word at a time.

There is a lot of mental stress, and there is a problem in my appetite. From time to time, I have to vomit and vomit. Sometimes, when a dish is not right, I can tell me to spit out the stomach and sour water.

Once, Qi Qi was just around, and his face changed. When he was stroking the back, he hurriedly told people to call the doctor.

I took a sigh of relief and took this opportunity to weaken and pull his sleeves and ask: "Is it possible to allow the court to swear?"

In front of everyone, Qi Wei and I dressed up as emperors, holding my hand tightly, and said: "If you have something, you said, what did you say?"

After listening to this, I wanted to turn my eyes, but I resisted it. I only said, "Can we not embroider the purse?"

I bowed a bit, nodded and nodded.

Song Tai doctor came fast, and went not too slow, leaving a few words: Queen Empress This is morning sickness, it is best not to take medicine without taking medicine, the emperor need not worry, as long as you have been through these months.

Qi Hao sighed with a sigh of relief, and turned his head to calmly and freely to re-prepare meals for me.

I am a bit puzzled, is this pregnant? Why do I eat when I am pregnant?

Looking back and the hedge, talking about it, the hedge first looked carefully around, and said to me that I was squinting: "The maiden is not the first time... that... what? Ah? Ah?"

I bowed for a moment, and then I understood what she meant. When I was pregnant, I and her were patronizing the fake, and I still care about it.

The hedge has passed the unstable period in the early stages of pregnancy and was finally released by Zhao Wang. The first thing to go abroad is to visit me in this palace.

I haven't seen her with her for many days. The hedges naturally have to wipe a tear and sigh: "The maiden is finally smashing her head and only hopes that this fetus is a little prince."

I have always had the shadow of the jokes of the three vulgar masters. When I was born with a boy and a woman, I felt flustered and didn’t dare to accept the hedge. I quickly turned my head and said: "You go to Daming Palace and ask the emperor." Are you busy there, and come over to eat at noon? If he doesn't come, let's leave the hedge at noon."

Qi Qi and the hedge are not right, this is known to everyone in the Xingsheng Palace. I didn’t think much about it, I should have a voice, and I turned and went outside.

I stopped her again and shouted: "Courage, don't let the emperor know that the hedge is here."

The freehand whistling went.

I looked around and whispered to the hedge: "You want to check the method and see why the Huang family has been unable to keep up. This is also a small half a year. How can there be any movement?"

(End of this chapter)