MTL - The Protagonist Is in the Right Position to Get Along With the Villain-Chapter 65

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When the two were hesitant to cover the spiritual roots with the secret method, the old voice sounded again, "Also ask monks with more than three colors to leave on their own."

As soon as this remark came out, the monks were in an uproar and discussed the Wan Xia Zong's rule. Without knowing what martial status would be given, they stipulated that the four spiritual roots and five spiritual roots would be eliminated ...

Could n’t this monk with four spiritual roots and five spiritual roots even do outsiders?

"Ah, my purple bamboo jade!" Exclaimed a delicate female nun, and exclaimed exclaims from all over the hall ...

Li Jinzhi looked in their direction, and saw that the purple bamboo jade with mottled color in their hands was slowly disappearing, and finally disappeared ...

The gate of the palace opened slowly, and the monk without Zizhuyu seemed to be squeezed by a great force, but once going out, the great force would disappear by itself. Although it is unwilling in heart, there is no way. Whoever keeps his spiritual root out of the eyes of the ancestors and hates that he is not a child of the big family ...

As soon as those monks went out, the whole hall was quite empty, and there was a negative breath among the people who remained.

Ye Yu glanced at the monk in the air, frowning slightly, not knowing what to write.

Li Jinzhi asked, "What happened?"

Ye Yu shook his head. "Our monks may not be the standard below."

As soon as Li Jin was thinking about the matter, he heard the voice sound again, "In the first layer, two-color and one-color monks go up one level."

It seems to have been expected, but the monks below are also quite calm. According to the words, the old voice said, "The second-level monk measures the spiritual roots."

Li Jinzhi looked down at the monks who were testing the Ling Gen. The color was still quite mixed. There were also many monks with four or five Ling Gen. For a time, someone was happy and worried.

"Monk Wu Linggen left on his own, and monk Four Lingen could choose to leave or go to the next level." The old voice said, the authority was relaxed a bit, the monks on the fourth level were only going to the next level and were not asked to leave. The monk Sanlingen can still stay on the second floor.

The monks who stayed on the second floor barely thought about it, so they went down to the next floor, joking, and it ’s fine to be able to stay. The third floor and the second floor do n’t matter ...

And Wu Linggen is too many times, although unwilling, can only leave ...

"Please ask the highest monk to test Lingen." The old voice sounded again.

After hearing this, Li Jinzhi, Tanmu slowly moved Dantian Reiki out, finally gathered along the arm meridian to the palm of his hand, and finally slowly flowed into the purple bamboo jade. The white jade body slowly released an ice-white color ...

"Because your reaction ability and the initiative in the incident are quite outstanding, the monks of the four spiritual roots can be lowered by one layer, the monks of the five spiritual roots must be lowered by two layers, and the monks of the three spiritual roots and the two spiritual roots remain … "The old voice gave a slight pause, and then gave a slight whisper," Well? There is a monk of Shan Linggen this year? Hiss ... actually two more ?! "

As soon as this statement was made, the whole hall was agitated, and they looked at the highest level ...

Li Jinzhi glanced at the purple bamboo jade in his palm, the yin-yu jade exuded an ice-white halo, and the leaf-yellow light on the side of the body faintly revealed the faint red mansions.

Apparently the old man was talking about them both.

Although I have considered Tibetan clumsy just now, since the two of them have been able to protect themselves, it does not seem to be a big deal to expose their qualifications without revealing their true strength.

After all, the purpose of his trip was to millennial wrought milk, and it would be more beneficial to expose the advantages a little.

Everyone's eyes were staring at the purple bamboo jade in their hands, envious, jealous, calm, everyone's expressions were different, but most of them were jealous, only after so many cruel eliminations, and they were all Due to the lack of his own qualifications, he was naturally jealous when he saw Tian Linggen, who was favored by Heaven.

Li Jinzhi just shook his lips and turned his eyes away, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Ye Yu staring at him. The other party's light voice sounded in the sea of ​​understanding. "Don't worry, these people are not afraid, if anyone is in trouble." The other person's cold voice became a little sticky, and seemed a little embarrassed, "I will protect you-"

Li Jinzhi nodded quite agreeably in front of him. He really didn't want to cause trouble, but under the premise of absolute suppression of the power, these people were not afraid, but after hearing the other half of the sentence, Li Jinzhi's eyebrows stood up. Get up, "Why didn't I protect you? Isn't I protecting you when you can't change back to the body?"

"..." Ye Yu pursed his lips and took a half-step back under Li Jinzhi's deterrent eyes, but while the nun was speaking, he took another step forward and blocked Li Jinzhi.

"It turns out that you two are heavenly roots." Fang Cai's female Xiu looked at the two of them, slightly raised her eyebrows, dragged her chin with one hand, and looked suspiciously. "Why don't you just say that?" "

Li Jinzhi tilted his head and looked at the nun, but saw that there was no envy or envy on his face. "Heavenly love, there is nothing to boast of."

The woman repaired it for a moment, and thought about it. The suspense on her face faded a lot, and she was about to say something, but found that the position of the other party seemed not right. "Hey, I said, why are you two so strange? , What do you always stop him from doing ?! "said the second half of the sentence towards Ye Yu.

Li Jinzhi glanced at the shadow in front of him and reached out to flick the other side. Ye Yu turned back to the other side of her body, and said with a very serious tone, "I'm afraid she's wrong with you."


The female Xiu rolled her eyes, looked around, and saw that there were still many monks who cast their sights here, and she couldn't help but pout. "You are really good, you are the spiritual roots."

Li Jinzhi didn't reply. He did n’t know what he wanted. What he wanted to fight for was the ancient times that did n’t become truth. Besides, his qualifications were put cannon fodder in the novels of mortal flow, but he was the protagonist. wear……

At that moment, the voice of that old voice sounded again, "Now, the selection of the disciples of Wan Xia Zong has been completed, and the monk at the bottom is the disciple of Wan Xia Zong. With the help of Zizhuyu, he can find the elders of Outer Doors. The monks on the second floor are disciples of the inner door and report to Elder Ruan of the inner door. The disciples at the highest level will have the opportunity to become elder disciples, but the specific opportunity depends on you, and you can go directly to the main hall in a while. "

As soon as the old voice stopped, all the mana restraints in the entire hall disappeared, and the purple bamboo jade in the hands of everyone turned into a jade with different colors.

Li Jinzhi glanced into his hands, and probably guessed that the colors were different because of the different grades.

With the turning of the sky, the whole palace seemed to be moving fast. It took a long time to stop slowly. The gate slowly opened, and the monks swarmed out. For fear of being late, the good chance was taken away by others. .

Being squeezed behind, Li Jinzhi and Ye Yu were not in a hurry, waiting leisurely at the end.

Li Jinzhi looked at the monks scrambling, but turned his head to see Ye Yu frowning at the moment because he was pushed so hard. Reached Ye Yu's wrist and whispered, "We'll go out later."

Later, I looked at the surging crowd. Those monks would understand this response, and it is extremely difficult to climb to this point from casual repair. There is no family to rely on, and no gate to seek asylum. There is such a good opportunity at this time, naturally no one is willing to fall behind.

And these monks are a little bit more ruthless and unscrupulous than those who grew up in Zongmen, and they also have a little less sense of honor and shame. Wan Xiazong needs them, but he is also alert to them.

After the people in front had finished walking, Li Jinzhi pulled Ye Yu slowly out, only to find out that they had been in the Wanxia Mountains and looked around. The Wanxia Mountains were surrounded by clouds and the palaces were lined with mountains. Quite spectacular.

At this time, in the evening, the setting sun was shining into the magnificent orange and red under the setting sun, and the sea of ​​clouds rolled, and the majestic momentum poured out, letting people come up with some aspirations out of thin air.

They are located on a mountain that is not too high, and Li Jinzhi, who is hesitating where is the main hall, was shouted by an old voice—

"Two friends, please stay and wait for the old."

The people around were astigmatized, an old man with white hair was slowly walking out of the palace, and his robes were flying, and he felt a sense of a fairy returning from the wind.

Li Jinzhi perceives the other side's practice with a sense of consciousness, and finds that he is also an early monk of Yuan Ying. I looked at each other's appearance again, and my pupils shrank slightly, and a few words popped out of my mind, too white Venus.


Li Jinzhi stood in place, watching Taibai Jinxing hit Fajue on the palace, and then the palace slowly narrowed and he was put into his sleeves and walked towards them.

"Oh, two young friends, I am the elder responsible for recruiting my disciples, surnamed Bai." Elder Bai has a reddish cheek and a smile, "The name Venus is too white."

"..." Li Jinzhi opened his mouth and wanted to say hello, but was shocked by the other's name, and swallowed back when he got his mouth, feeling that the whole person was bad.

Ye Yu nodded at the other side and said, "Elder Bai, the younger surname Ye, Mingyu." He also pointed to Li Jinzhi, "This is a younger companion, surnamed Li, Jinmingzhi." He frowned casually during the conversation. Wrinkled, then turned around casually.

Li Jinzhi's expression didn't seem right. In the past, when he encountered this kind of situation, he wouldn't be distracted. Is it because he just called each other his partner?

It should n’t be so stingy, it ’s just a title, and the name of a partner is not too much, and he is not a fellow ...

"Are these two friends going to the main hall?" Elder Bai rubbed his moustache and asked.

"Exactly, the two of us are going to the main hall in order to become elder disciples." Ye Yu said in the tone of the other side, "I just don't know where the main hall is."

"Hehe, the two little friends don't have to find it, it's only for the monks with dual spiritual roots. You two are born with spiritual roots, but they are mutant ice roots. Naturally, you need to find a better master to guide you." Elder Bai The voice suddenly lowered. "And you don't need to seek opportunities at all. You have the opportunity to find you. We have an old monster in the early stages of deification, and we have never found a disciple—"

Li Jinzhi looked at Ye Yu with a look of fear in his heart.

"In the early days of deification?" Li Jinzhi was shocked, "How could I look after me?"

Elder Bai smiled mysteriously, twisting his white beard pretending to be mysterious, "You will know when the time comes."

Looking back at Ye Yu, Li Jinzhi also saw the expression of worry in the other's eyes. Would such a monk see through their tricks? Can the concealment be hidden?
