MTL - The Rebirth of Han Yuxi-Chapter 27 Good student

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On the way back, Qiu strangely asked: "What does Yuxi mean? Why do you have to buy it outside?"

Ms. Li smiled and said: "The relationship between the hustle and bustle in the house is complicated, and it is not necessary to go outside to find a sly innocence. It will be easy to call later. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≤ W =. ≥ 8 ≠ 1 ≥ Z ≤W=.≈C=OM” There was a murder of Rong Rongniang before, and there were three girls who often insulted. The four girls must have hated Rong Rong and Yu Yu. The four girls are no longer the children who have been obeyed before, nor do they know what she will do. Ms. Li sometimes feels incredible, but she has changed so much.

The doctor's medicine was very good. On the second day, Yuxi's feet were swollen, but because the doctor said that he still had to stay in bed for a few days to recover, so the wife around him would not let her get out of bed. Yuxi thought that she would go to the school tomorrow, and told her mother to find four rough ambassadors, and she would take her to Yulanyuan tomorrow.

Shen mother advised Yuxi to say: "Girl, studying is important, but the legs are more important. It is not too late to wait until the legs are good."

Yuxi said: "Mr. Song teaches one day to be equal to other husbands for four or five days. Do you think I can keep up with the waiting for the legs?" The homework for one day can't keep up, let alone a few days. It’s not easy to get the chance, she won’t give up so easily.

Ink said in anxiously: "Girl, but your legs can't go, you can't listen to class when you go to class!"

Yuxi laughed and said: "I am hurting my leg, and I am not hurting my head and hands. How can I not listen to the class?" Can not walk or hold, lying on the soft couch is the most secure.

Mrs. Han and Mrs. Qiu have no objection to Yuxi’s decision. It is a good thing for the child to be willing to go forward. The adults will block it.

On the second day, Yuxi took people to Yulanyuan.

Mr. Song came back in the morning and did not know that Yuxi’s leg was hurt. When he heard that Yuxi was taken over, he immediately came out. Just seeing Yuxi being put on the chair by Shen’s mother, she went up and asked: “Four girls, what happened to your legs?”

Yuxi explained with some embarrassment: "Sir, I accidentally sprained my foot yesterday. The doctor said that he could not move, he could not salute the gentleman, and he asked the husband forgive me." The reason for her injury is that Mr. Song can inquire from other channels, but Can't say it from her mouth.

Mr. Song looked at Yuxi very unexpectedly. She has been teaching for so many years, and many girls can't stand her teaching methods for various reasons. For example, if she is sick or injured, she can bring injuries to the classroom for the first time: "So, you should raise it well. How come to school?"

Yuxi said: "I am afraid that I can't keep up with my homework. Besides, I just hurt my leg and didn't hinder the class. I just couldn't finish the classwork that Mr. arranged. However, when my legs are good, I will definitely make it back. "There is no problem with endorsement, so you can write so many words."

Mr. Song looks very good and says: "No problem."

During class, Mr. Song did not let her back the text because Yuxi’s leg was injured. Fortunately, Yuxi did not be lazy because of a leg injury, otherwise he would have to be beaten. It is also awkward to say, Yuxi has been beaten once.

During the break, Moju saw Mr. Song out of the classroom and the arrow rushed into the classroom. Looking at Yuxi, who is packing things up, he asked: "Girl, your leg hurts?"

Yuxi said with a smile: "I am very good." In addition to writing slower, others are as usual.

Thinking of this, Yuxi said to Yuchen: "Three sisters, can I take a look at your notes?" The words are written slowly and cannot keep up with the rhythm of the gentleman.

Yuchen smiled and nodded: "Well, I will give you the class after class." Because Yuxi was injured in school, Yuchen was very satisfied with her. Yuxi’s behavior proved that the girl of the National Government was not as weak.

After class, Mr. Song said to Yuxi: "At noon, you will rest in the room next to you, and you will save back and forth."

Yuxi knows that although the house next to it is simple, but there is a flaw in the house, as long as it is covered with a bedding: "Mr. Thank you." Mr. Song is still somewhat human.

Not long after using lunch, Ding Pozi told the news to Mr. Song: "The girl's legs are not her own, but the second girl pushed her to sprain."

Mr. Song was so cold that he was really helpless. Mr. Song thought of one thing and asked: "Why did the four girls' temperament change so much?" Hearing, and seeing the difference in the sac, he was suspicious of Mr. Song.

Ding Pozi hesitated a moment, whispered to Mr. Song: "At the beginning of the fourth year, the girl came out with a smallpox. The old lady will give the girl four doctors a half-way call. The people of the National Government said that the four girls are hard, and they die anyway. No."

Mr. Song asked: "Speak clearly, what is going on?"

Ding Pozi will hear the news before and after: "Four girls used to be weak, and they were bullied and not snoring. But after the smallpox, the temper changed greatly. This is why the news we got is so big. The difference."

Mr. Song’s face is not very good-looking: “There is still such an eccentricity.” For the grandson to be able to set the granddaughter’s life, such an elder is really chilling. After experiencing such a thing, the four girls’ temperament is also very normal.

Ding Pozi actually had some concerns. The three girls grew up in front of the old lady. If they were to learn from the old lady, it would not be beautiful: "Mr., the three girls are talented and talented. Only such a grandmother, I am afraid that the three girls are also affected."

Mr. Song shook his head and said: "The three girls are still young, even if they are influenced by Mrs. Han's wife. As long as I teach well, there will be no problem. But the four girls..." After a pause, Mr. Song whispered. "The doctor's business, the four girls know or not know?" Mr. Song returned to ask like this, also because some people will help hide.

Ding Pozi said: "I definitely know. I heard the woman said that the day when the doctor did not come, it was the day when the four girls woke up." Even if the four girls were sick and unconscious, someone would definitely tell her afterwards.

Mr. Song is in deep thought.

Ding Pozi said again: "Mr., after the four girls are sick, the old lady will give her mother to her manager's mother to fight out. Now the management mother of the Rose Garden is a person who is an old lady."

Mr. Song’s face changed slightly, and Mrs. Han’s behavior was too much: “How did the four girls settle her mother?” With Yuxi’s acting, the manager’s mother should not be ignored.

Ding Pozi said with some emotion: "This mother made a delicious buns, and the four girls opened a buns shop for her. I heard that the business is very good. Now I can earn thirty or forty silver a month! I heard that The silver was given to the four girls. "The nominal is the buns shop for the manager's mother, actually making money for themselves."

Mr. Song whispered: "If you say this, I am a bit stunned."

Ding Pozi also felt that Yuxi had made her a little scared: "Yes, a child who has just learned the problem can still be so calm when he encounters such unfair things. It is really not easy." Her family is also early, but she is No four girls are so horrible,

Mr. Song also felt that Yuxi was too precocious, but it was not difficult to understand what happened to her: "From the point of view of the mother, the four girls are still good."

Yuxi did not know that Mr. Song and Ding Pozi were talking about her at this time. At this point, she just woke up, Yuxi was not long, only sleeping for two quarters of an hour, and woke up at the point.

Before the afternoon, Yuxi took time to write big characters, but today she couldn't write big characters, she changed her endorsement. Because it is not in your own yard, the voice of the endorsement is lowered. However, the sound is lower, and I can't escape the eyes and ears of the yard.

Ding Pozi heard the voice of Yuxi’s endorsement and asked Mr. Song: “Do you accept four girls as students?” Although Yuxi performed very well, Ding’s son felt that Yuxi’s mind was too much.

Mr. Song did not answer this question. Yuxi's talent is not bad, but also very hard, but there is still a big gap with Yuchen.

Yuxi’s legs were raised for ten days.

After the class was over, Song did not go immediately, but let Yuchen and Yuxi stay and give them a curriculum.

Yuxi looked at the curriculum and said: learning musical instruments in the morning; learning calligraphy and listening in the morning; learning chess and painting in the afternoon.

Mr. Song looked at Yuxi and said: "Four girls, which instrument are you going to learn?" The three girls have already learned the piano and no longer have to choose. Yuxi has never touched the instrument.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "Mr., I don't know which instrument to choose?" She has never touched the instrument in her life, so she chose to choose it indiscriminately, but let Mr. Song choose her.

Mr. Song thought for a moment and said: "Then you choose the guzheng!"

Yuxi is not very interested in musical instruments, but since Mr. will teach her, she will definitely not quit. People like them, even if they are not proficient in music theory, they must have some understanding.

Yuchen said: "Sir, I still want to learn the flute again." Only learning the piano is too monotonous, at least two courses are required to get the hand.

Mr. Song shook his head and said: "First learn the piano and learn other instruments." Yi Duo does not press, but must be as proficient.

Yuchen nodded.

Before Mr. Song said, "From today, you insist on writing a hundred characters every day. You don't have to hand it over to me after you write it." This means that writing is not entirely conscious, but Mr. Song is not worried. The two are lazy.