MTL - The Rebirth of Han Yuxi-Chapter 29 Nightmare

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Mrs. Han’s wife soon knew that Yuxi had given up studying music and music, and now she was asked to call Yuxi. August 1 Chinese W? W (a) W (eight). (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W?. (8) C (eight) O?M

Yuxi went to the house and performed a courtesy.

Mrs. Han’s lady put the beads on the wooden table next to the yellow pear, slowly turned her head and looked at Yuxi, and asked: “Why don’t you just tell us that you don’t want to learn music?”

In the face of Mrs. Han, Yuxi didn't dare to talk nonsense, and even dared not to slap the eye: "I haven't know anything about it for a few days. Today, I told the gentleman about this, my husband said that I have no talent in music theory. Since there is no day. It’s a waste of time to learn again, so I won’t learn.”

Mrs. Han’s wife looked at Yuxi, and the eyes seemed to be able to see Yuxi: “Is this really true?”

Yuxi has not been overwhelmed by the old lady's momentum. People who have died one time are afraid of anything: "If the grandmother does not believe, you can ask Mr. Song."

Mrs. Han’s wife snorted: “You are courageous.” Without their consent, they dared not to learn the guzheng, and they dared to go to heaven. This time they must be severely punished.

Yuxi smiled bitterly: "Grandma, not the granddaughter's courage, but I really can't learn. Every time I go to the music class, I am suffering." Yuxi saw the old lady look ugly, and quickly said: "But Mr. said me There is a talent in art, so let me learn to paint." Painting has a lot of similarities with embroidery. It is also because of this reason that Yuxi has performed very well in painting. However, Yuxi does not intend to spend too much energy on the art of painting. The reason is very simple. The art of painting is so good. I really have no use for a real surname when I am in trouble.

The face of Mrs. Han’s wife has eased a lot: “I am a first-time offender, copying the “Female Ring” three times, and handed it to me years ago.” The deadline given by Mrs. Han’s wife is quite long, mainly because Yuxi studied. The task was heavy and she had to lengthen the time limit.

Yuxi has no objections.

When Yuxi came out of the house, Mrs. Han and his wife said to Yuchen on one side: "Chen, you can't learn four gimmicks." Although Yuxi studied very hard, but Mrs. Han did not hold much to Yuxi. Expectation. In particular, Yuxi is often adept at making this point, so that the old lady does not like it.

Yuchen naturally does not learn Yuxi, because these days under the guidance of Mr. Song, her piano art has made great progress. When she meets a good teacher like Mr. Song, she will only work harder to learn, and she will give up the opportunity to learn.

Compared with the dissatisfaction of Mrs. Han’s wife, Qiu’s is much calmer. Upon hearing Yuxi’s explanation, Qiu’s nodded and said: “If you don’t go in, you don’t want to learn. If you force yourself to go to school, it’s also a crime.” In fact, according to Qiu’s view, what is the use of Qinqi calligraphy and painting? In addition to having a good reputation, there is no such thing. As for the girl's family, as long as I have learned the female red needle thread and the housekeeper, that is enough.

Yuxi said with a smile: "The aunt's abacus is playing very well. If the aunt does not disregard it, I want to learn from my aunt!"

Qiu is not good at intrigue, but there is a lot of care. Not to mention that her dowry has turned several times over the years, she said that under her care, the National Government is now able to break even every year. It is necessary to know that the former government office has a deficit every year and the losses are severe.

Yuxi learned the housekeeper with Qiu in his life, but began to think that he was married to the autumn family, so he only learned some simple things. When she and Jiang Hongjin decided to kiss, she fell into fear and fear, and there is still a mind to learn this. But now, you must learn to be good. In the feed, it is more practical than the piano art.

Qiu said happily: "You want to learn aunt will naturally teach, but you are still small, not too late to learn in a few years."

Liu Yin walked in and said: "Mrs., pity mother is not feeling well, want to ask the doctor."

Qiu’s look was very pleasant and said: “Go and ask Dr. Li to see her.”

Yuxi thinks that Qiu’s attitude is very strange. Whether she is sick or not has nothing to do with her, why is it so happy? It is estimated that something is wrong. Yuxi returned to the Rose Garden and asked Hong Shan to inquire about the news.

Soon, Hongshan will tell Yuxi: "Girl, pity mother is pregnant. The doctor said that it has been three months."

Three months, I was deep enough.

Hong Shan saw Yu Xi no snoring and continued: "Girl, Rong Yu Niang has not been full for three months now!" This means that the pity mother is pregnant earlier than Rong Rong Niang.

Yuxi thought about the look of Qiu, and came over. I am afraid that my aunt has long known that she is pregnant, but she also helps her pity. Yuxi smiled indecently, and did not know how Rong Rongang knew what it would be like after this news.

Rong Yu Niang knows that she is pregnant, and she is so angry that she has smashed most of the furniture in the house, and she is waiting for her Feng Fuzi: "So big news, why didn't the news come out?" If the pity is a boy, this is also a boy. Will definitely affect her child's status.

A few of the confidants around Rong Yu Niang were sold by the old lady. This Feng Pozi is a latecomer. Rong Yu Niang has money and means, and she will soon gather this woman. It’s just that this Fengpozi has a very shallow foundation. There is no power in the government, and people are not very clever. The things they do are not as good as the mother’s wishes.

Feng Pozi said: "It was also the news that was leaked today. There was no wind in the past.

Rong Yuniang hated the roots and tickles. This is a good thing for Qiu.

Feng Pozi said with relief: "Yu Niang, never anger. Now it is imperative to raise a good baby. As long as the son is born, the mother will have to rely on her for the rest of her life."

After listening to this, Rong Yu Niang gradually dissipated and gently touched her stomach and said, "You are right, nothing is important to the children in my stomach."

Feng Pozi, seeing her, listened to her advice and said: "My mother, the old slave said nothing, the lady just waited to catch the mother's fault, so that the mother would die, this time we have to be more careful. "Feng Pozi means to let Rong Yu Niang not poison the pity of her mother during this time, or else she will suffer."

Rong Yuniang was silent for a long time and nodded and said: "I am now in a hurry to raise a good baby." First, we must make sure that the child of the pity is a man or a woman. If there is a girl in the stomach of Mercy, she does not need her hands.

The old lady knows that the pity is pregnant, it is very open, people have sent a lot of valuable herbs, and also rewarded several valuable ornaments.

Ms. Li got the news to be wary of the pity, because the pity mother not only has the love of the country's grandfather but also the old lady's value, if she gains the future threat to the lady will be even greater.

Qiu Shi was also a little scared by Rong Yu Niang. After listening to Li’s mother’s words, Shen Yan said after a while: “Now the pity mother and Rong Yu Niang are pregnant and can’t wait for the country’s grandfather. I will arrange two people to serve the country’s grandfather.” The beauty is to be spoiled.

Ms. Li said, "Mrs. This man has to choose well." The princess that the old lady picked is not only beautiful, but also has the means to be mindful. They can no longer pick up people who have only a face and no mind, as they have in the past.

Qiu’s point was nodded.

The trick of the inner court is not related to Yuxi. She only needs to know the general trend in the government office. Under the light, Yuxi picked up her unembroidered panda and embroidered it. Since she studied with Mr. Song, she has not done embroidery for a long time.

Shen mother said: "The girl is still small. It is time to embroider." In fact, some of Shen’s mothers don’t understand Yuxi. If you learn the guzheng, you can take it out and dazzle. But this embroidery is so good that it can be better. mother!

Yuxi said with a smile: "Embroidery also takes time to hone. After that, I embroider two quarters of an hour every day at noon." Nowadays, there are fewer classes, and there are more time for self-scheduled.

Shen mother sees persuasion is useless, it also transferred the topic: "Girl, three girls have a study, piano room, painting room, we should also pick up the next room." Shen mother hopes that Yuxi does not differ from Yuchen too far.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "Not for the time being."

Shen mother does not understand: "Girl, why not use it temporarily?"

Yuxi looked at the direction of the house and said: "Because I can't use it for a while. Also, remember, don't compare me to the third sister in the future, I don't like it." It is not on the parallel line, more than it is. It only makes her feel uncomfortable.

Shen mother did not dare to speak anymore.

After writing a hundred characters, Yuxi reviewed the things he had learned in the day and finally took out the game and said, "Take my chess."

Among the chess and calligraphy paintings, Yuxi’s only hard work is to learn chess. This is because when Mr. Song first taught chess, he said that Go can train people's computing power, thinking ability, memory, attention and endurance. Yuxi knows her own weight. Although she has lived for a lifetime, she is not particularly good in all aspects. She wants to improve and can only study hard.

Moxi passed by and said: "Girl, it is time to sleep. Tomorrow, the girl must get up early!"

Yuxi was reluctant to let go, just got the taste, but she had to follow the work she had set. If she disturbed the rest of the day, she would have to mess.

Lying in bed, Yuxi couldn't help thinking about the game that had just ended. Finally, I was exhausted and fell asleep.

"Call..." Yuxi sat up from the bed and looked at the familiar place and took a deep breath. It’s a real life, she dreamed of playing chess with Jiang Hongjin, and she didn’t have the slightest deal in the face of Jiang Hongjin’s step by step, and she lost very badly.

Yuxi does not know what this dream means, but she knows that she is too far from Jiang Hongjin. Jiang Hongjin's means, talents, and mentality are not bad. And her only advantage is that she has the opportunity. If she wants to stop falling into her life, she must start planning now.

Yuxi said to himself: "What is the first opportunity?"

After thinking about it for a long time, she really thought of a person. This person is Jiang Hongjin’s half-brother, Jiang Hongyuan’s eldest son, Jiang Hongfu. It was only Jiang Hongfu who encountered an accident in the market when he was nine years old.

Yuxi knows very little about Jiang Hongfu. After all, she is married to the family of Yu, and as a successor, she certainly does not want to discuss the original match with the original match. Yuxi is just a time to listen to Jiang Hongfu, a drunken old servant in Jiangfu, saying that Jiang Hongfu is also a very intelligent child.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend. If Jiang Hongfu did not die early, Jiang Hongjin’s road must have gone so smoothly.

Yuxi is referring to a calculation. Jiang Hongfu is eight years old this year, that is, he will have an accident next year. It is also coincidence that the day when Jiang Hongfu died happened to be the first three days of her birth, so she remembered very clearly. As long as she saved Jiang Hongfu on that day, everything should be different from her life.

To understand this, Yuxi seems to have unloaded a heavy burden and soon fell asleep again.