MTL - The Red Side is Always Blocking My Dog ​​leash-Chapter 39

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A Jun threw away the communicator and glanced at the unfortunate unfortunate in front of him. This person was the bodyguard closest to Yuantuo before, and he was obviously trusted, otherwise he would not have been sent here to investigate the situation.

Just cheap him.

Use this guy's voice to disturb Gen Taku's judgment. The other party is probably in chaos now, which is much simpler than the original plan.

The red dot displayed on the screen began to move, and Mr. A had to sigh about the lack of vigilance of the other party.

Can you be sure that you don't have a lot of things you shouldn't have if you've never been in close contact with others?

Of course, he shouldn't be blamed for being too stupid, it's because Toru Amuro is too smart.

The red dot stopped somewhere, about as long as the elevator moved down two floors.

The fish is hooked...

Using the permission card in hand to open the door, Mr. A kicked the hapless man into the room and took his gun by the way.

The architectural style of the three underground floors is more inclined to the futuristic sense of the movie. The silver-white metal is inlaid with lamp tubes, and the light is bright but not dazzling.

Obviously, this kind of place does not deliberately post fire evacuation diagrams. The complicated route is not friendly to people who come for the first time, but the method is always more difficult than the difficulty.

The closed door shut off the screams inside. Mr. A put down two white coats who were going to press the alarm, and then pointed a gun at the one who was hiding the fastest, "If you don't want to die, take me to this place, understand?"

The guy who was threatened looked at the corpse on the ground, and then at Mr. A, who had the same face as the corpse: "Ming, I understand."

Jun A motioned him to go out first, the muzzle was always steady, and before the door closed, he threw the thing that was taken out from the back of his waist to start it.

A dull sound came from behind the door, and the only remaining white coat shook like an electric shock, "I'll do everything! Don't kill me, I'm still useful!"

Mr. A has no sympathy for this inhuman researcher. The muzzle of the gun is placed on the other's waist and covered with clothes to ensure that others cannot see this.

"Prove me your usefulness."

He threw the palm-sized monitor over.

Behind this guy who can't see, Mr. A has used [Perfect Mask] to become a researcher in the previous room.

This item is timed in minutes, costs 99 a minute, and the permanent version is a price he can't afford.

Let's fight fast.

Mr. A, who has paid 99 for the second time, feels some toothache.

"Hey, why are you two still running around outside, didn't you stay in the lab?"

The guy approaching took advantage of the opportunity to speak, and fired directly. The bullet penetrated the researcher's body and shot Mr. A. When the other party fell, he maintained a happy, winking expression.

Mr. A really didn't expect this person to be so black, and he didn't even care about his own life.

After being buffered by the meat shield in front, there was not much power left of the bullet. He ducked into the corner and leaned back against the wall to slow down, "I'm fine, I just encountered a small accident, I can solve it."

If you don't get a response, maybe the battery is low, or maybe the other party is busy with something else and isn't listening, I hope it's the latter.

Looking for another way...


Yuantuo locked himself in the office. The decoration style here is not at all related to the futuristic style, and it is even a bit old. The all-wood furniture makes it look elegant.

The room without any signs of change made him calm down a little, but the unease in his heart did not disappear.

The other party is the organization symbolized by the crow. Where the dark shadow is, they are pervasive. Yuan Tuo has seen its power. Now that nearly twenty years have passed, the power of the other party will only be stronger than before.

He circled anxiously, and finally decided to confirm the existence of the thing with his own eyes.

The exterior construction of this office took a lot of effort. Even armor-piercing bullets are difficult to penetrate, and it can resist dozens of kilograms of explosives. It is not bad. To enter here, you must perform iris verification. In this case, it cannot pass the judgment of the system.

Now the only person who can open the door is already inside.

Yuan Tuo took a deep breath, pulled out the green book on the third floor of the bookshelf, and placed it on the far left of the seventh floor.

The two-meter-high bookshelf slowly sank into the wall, and then slid sideways to reveal the silver-white metal door. Yuantuo entered the password and opened it with a beep. There was a narrow space behind him, and the things he was thinking about stayed intact. in.

Yuan Tuo breathed a sigh of relief, but at the moment he was relieved, the sound of the door opening came from behind him—

But how is this possible?

Yuan Tuo turned his head, and the movement was so big that he would break his neck. The heavy door was opened under program control, which proved that the other party passed the verification of the system... No, no, now the focus is not on this.

Reluctantly suppressing the useless emotions, the corner of the man's mouth evoked a sneer.

At the door appeared a figure who was not quite strong. The uniform seemed a little loose to him. There was a wound on the right side of the chest, but it obviously did not affect his actions. The black gun was aimed directly at the room. The only living person inside.


The gunshot sounded, but it was not from the hands of Lord A. Three bullets in the shape of a triangle were fired at the same time, and he only dodged two.

Mr. A's first reaction was to hold his breath and not let any information proving that he was shot go to the wrong place through the transmitter on his body.

Then he raised his gun and fired, and the target had already taken a step into the small and closed room in the dead end.


This was the last bullet in the gun Amuro Toru gave him. A-Jun threw the empty gun, pulled out the one that came from his waist, and rolled to the side to avoid the second round of shots.

The thick door slowly closed.

Blood flowed from the bullet holes in the shoulders, and irregular marks appeared on the dark uniform.

"What method did you use to open the door?" The other party was alone and injured. Yuan Tuo already had the chance to win, and he had the leisure to ask.

He picked up the rifle he had taken from the wall.

"Huh... guess?" Jun A crushed the transmitter in his pocket. This was installed in his belt before, and it could transmit the sound to Amuro Toru's corresponding headset, which was a condition for the other party to agree to his actions alone.

However, the only communication between Amuro and him was the vibration sensing device on the inside of the watch, which could only be communicated in Morse code, and it had not vibrated for a long time.

Mr. A is a little annoyed.

Injured again and again... He thought he had enough strength. But now I realize that this is probably just an illusion brought about by immortality.

His concept of injury and death has been numb in several resurrections, and the symbols representing the loss of life are quantified into a series of numbers, so he has never realized it.

In fact, he is not as strong as others or himself thinks.

He stood up under Yuan Tuo's vigilant and puzzled eyes. His body was exposed to the opponent's muzzle, he pointed to his heart, raised his foot forward, and said with a smile, "Hit here."

There was calm in the lead-ash pupils, but this kind of reckless attitude made the opponent throw a rat.

Yuan Tuo was shocked when he remembered his previous action of putting his hand into his pocket.

One is a pistol with only seven bullets, and the other is an automatic rifle with a firing rate of more than ten seconds per second. In terms of momentum, Yuan Tuo has fallen behind, "Stop!"

A Jun blinked his sweaty and somewhat sour eyes, and took another step forward.

A series of bullets were driven into the wall beside him.

The other party repeated sharply: "Stop!"

The marksmanship of body strokes, but not completely stroked, may be because he is afraid that he is carrying explosive weapons.

There was a slight scorching sting on the cheek, A-Jun let go of the hand holding the gun and wiped it carelessly.

From this point of view, the opponent's marksmanship is not bad, at least better than his own normal level.

But it's not as good as Amuro Toru, otherwise the one just now would have been embedded in his head.

"Are you scared? I thought a guy like you was ready to die."

He took another step forward and kicked over the solid wood table. The computer and tea set fell to the ground. When the fine gunshots rang out, he was already hiding behind, and the bullet failed to penetrate the thick tabletop.

A-jun frowned suddenly.

Sore feet.

The opponent's hand is a small-caliber rifle, and the number of bullets is generally 30 rounds. If it was full at the beginning, there are about 8 rounds now, or one less.

Yuan Tuo now also realizes that there is nothing on Mr. A, he has been deceived. The annoyance of being teased and the uncontrollable panic of the situation made him curse out: "Bastard! A mouse that hides, a mad dog that wags its tail to its master, you don't even know what my experiment means. Even if you take it out of my hands, If she takes it away, those guys will only continue their stupid behavior in the past!"

Mr. A really doesn't know, but there is no doubt that those drugs came from here, even if their purpose is not the same.

But the families it hurts are real, and this alone is enough for Lord A to sentence him to death.

"It looks like you're unhappy with those guys. But unfortunately, your beloved experiment will no longer be yours. Maybe you can use the last time to pray to God."

A gentleman chuckled, and he could hear the other party's breathless anger, "You can only do this."

bang bang bang —

The bullet that came at a rapid rate passed through the dark coat, Mr. A clenched the handle of the gun and breathed a sigh of relief. [Master System, get ready. 】

When the air chirping sounded, symbolizing that the bullets had been fired, Mr. A leaned out from behind the table, and the bullets shot out from the muzzle, almost without aiming.

Mr. A's gun accuracy has made great progress compared to before. But it takes talent and a lot of experience to shoot without thinking. A moment of distraction in combat can lead to uncontrollable failure, and the choice of leaving the body under the control of the system is also very unwise.

Based on this, he tried to ask the system for a partial takeover, like an auxiliary plug-in in the game, automatically aiming according to his mind.

The system agreed. Still charged a bit per minute.

At that time, Mr. A thought a lot for a moment, and he almost thought that the system proposed to him at that time was to see the pain in his heart.

Therefore, he was relieved of the siege, so he agreed without hesitation when he made requests one after another.

As for the so-called reporting to the headquarters that he will be punished, this is just what he said casually, and the system just agrees with the flow.

But why is the system so... good to him?

When Mr. A reached his lips, he still didn't say the question, he was silent for a moment, [Master System, thank you. 】

The bullet penetrated the flesh and embedded in Gentuo's armbone holding the gun.

A-jun shot his two knees one after another, completely abolishing his mobility.

Yuan Tuo fell to the ground, with the rifle and the half-changed magazine beside him, he screamed out of great pain, "Ahhhh!"

A Jun stepped over him and saw only a USB flash drive. After confirming that there was nothing else in the invisible room, he frowned.

One of his inferences about the things that Yuantuo attaches great importance to is that it is difficult to carry, but this U disk is obviously not in line with it.

"Why don't you get out of here?"

Yuan Tuo sneered intermittently in the face of the dark muzzle: "Ha... guess?"

A Jun intuitively thinks that his attitude is not right.

Is this guy's wound...

Mr. A's eyes were attracted by the vaguely bulging thing in his wound, and he was caught off guard by the suddenly violent Yuan Tuo, who grabbed the gun and threw his backhand on the ground. This guy's fighting skills are not very superb, but his strength-

"Hmm..." He broke the radius of Jun A's forearm with his bare hands.

This kind of strength is simply not like a human being, it is outrageous. The resilience of the body is also very abnormal. The bullets that bulged in the gunshot wounds just now are the bullets that were pushed out, and now they have fallen to the ground.

The two scuffled. Mr. A's physical strength was limited by his body size, and could only be considered to be above average. The side effects of blood loss also emerged. One arm was abolished. He could only use his skills to deal with Yuantuo, and gradually fell into Downwind.

In the end, his intact right arm joint was stepped on, Yuan Tuo's knees pressed against his back waist, the weight of an adult man pressed him to the ground, and a very heavy punch was firmly placed on his head, and his brain suddenly buzzed. A-jun put his right face on the ground and coughed out a mouthful of blood.

It seems that he is still going to fight back after death. He thought vaguely, fortunately the sender had been destroyed by him...

The expected second blow did not come as expected, but a subtle touch came from behind his ear, as if someone had lifted his hair.

"You..." Yuan Tuo burst out laughing, "Hahaha, so it is, so it is, you are..."


A blood hole suddenly appeared on his forehead, the rest of the words stopped abruptly, and his body slumped to one side.

In the blood-blurred sight, occupied by a bright golden color, Mr. A accurately grabbed the arm of the other party, "I'm fine."

Of course he's fine.

A-Jun stood up and wiped the blood that was in the way on his face with his sleeve. He looked at Amuro Toru, who had an ugly face, and smiled awkwardly, "Why are you here?"

Amuro's appearance is also quite embarrassed, and the clothes are stained with blood, obviously not his own.

Unlike Mr. A, who took advantage of his appearance to fool around, Amuro Toru did indeed break in all the way by himself.

He took out the fragments of the messenger from Mr. A's pocket, and said with a half-smile, "I'm not the only one who violated the agreement, isn't it?"

Mr. A has nothing to say.

With one hand behind his back, he scratched his face with the other, "Ah, that, there is only one USB flash drive in it. Our guess is probably a bit wrong. I originally wanted to ask it from this guy's mouth."

"In the end, he was caught and counterattacked?"

Mr. A: …

Can we leave this out?

He said haha: "Speaking of which, how did you open this door, Brother Tou?"

"The door is blocked by a gun." Amuro took a deep breath, "Hand, stretch out."

A-jun froze, stretched out his left arm that had turned into a Z shape, Amuro frowned suddenly, and his heart also lifted.

Fortunately, the other party didn't say much, just walked to the chair in silence, and brutally broke off two chair legs with his bare hands, tore his clothes, and gave him emergency treatment.

This is Yuantuo's territory, but now it has become their safe area.

"The USB flash drive probably contains his experimental records."

Aware of A-Jun's tenseness, Amuro Toru casually talked about his discoveries along the way.

The basement floor has been emptied and has no substantial value. Mr. A has already determined this at the time, so he went directly to the second floor.

There is the place where the human use test of the medicine is carried out. Each observation room is carefully divided into groups. The people in it who are regarded as mice fell to the ground, their skin is dry, their eye sockets are sunken, and they are silent to the dead trees.

Only one place, the original label was smeared and replaced by TheSeed written in excited handwriting, this area was empty.

What will make researchers give up the experimental material they have painstakingly selected, what can make people cross out a series of numbers, as if they are used as a sign of the version number, just like a software update, and rename it.

Toru Amuro used the password that he asked to access the system. Sure enough, a set of data was missing, and he even found a failed product simply marked with drugs.

Apparently this is the black water sold out.

and a project named blackcrow.

Whatever Yuan Tuo wanted to study, it was clear that he had succeeded.

And after hastily browsed the record of the experimental results, Amuro Toru probably guessed his ultimate goal.

Mr. A gasped because of the bones that suddenly returned to his normal position. He struggled to hold back his desire to scream, and turned his attention to another place: "So what is the purpose of that guy?"

"You should have seen it." Toru Amuro gestured to Yuan Tuo's corpse, "A kind of corpse that will not cause people to lose consciousness, just need to consume a lot of high-calorie food every day and use drugs regularly to survive and gain powerful strength. medicine."

That's why he couldn't beat a mere researcher.

"What about blackcrow?" Mr. A asked. Since he specifically listed the item, it means that this guy really wants to sell this thing.

"That's why he stayed here all the time," Amuro said.

It must be the guy who sold the failed product as a drug who gave Yuan Tuo inspiration. He carefully selected a medicine that was once regarded as a failed product, and planned to use it to create an undead army.

Unless it is hit in the brain, it will heal no matter what, and it is considered immortal in a sense.

Although these fighters have a very short shelf life. But under the premise of a large number of bases, it is not a problem.

"Huh?" Mr. A was surprised by the answer with many slots, "Can this kind of thing really succeed!"

"Well, the feasibility is very small."

Although the Japanese police are a little unreliable, they are not decorations. Before Yuan Tuo issued a summons, those people had been locked up, and the so-called undead army would only be a mess of sand.

This guy is estimated to have been a cat on the island for a long time, lacking social baptism, and his thoughts have become simple.

After the simple treatment of the wound was over, Toru Amuro let go of Jun A's hand, and his eyes fell on Yuan Tuo's face, which was still smiling: "He was in..."

At that time, the situation was urgent, and the shot was fired before he could react. Toru Amuro only vaguely remembered that his hand seemed to be grasping A-Jun's hair.

"Uh, I don't know, he suddenly ripped my hair away, and that's it after seeing it." Mr. A said truthfully, there was nothing to hide, he went around his right hand and gathered up his hair, "Well, this is it, there is something?"

Amuro paused for a moment: "There is a tattoo."

In fact, it is not like a tattoo. It is more appropriate to say that it is a type of number, which is three square 0s.

Yuan Tuo's strange reaction, the tattoo with the same number, the unwitting reaction of Mr. A, the thought that had flashed before resurfaced—

Fighting progresses too quickly, not like learning, but like the body remembers them.


There are also records in the system that can only be traced back ten years ago. From scratch, there is no research and development process. There is no detailed information about Moonlight in the information that Rum gave him. He can't compare whether the two are consistent, but his intuition tells him This is not simple.

The person responsible for the research and development of Moonlight at the time was code-named Rams, potato rum, and it was obvious how the attribution belonged. This guy died suddenly twenty years ago, which led to the suspension of research and development.

After that, the Moonlight project was temporarily sealed until the Miyano couple joined the organization, and the development of the silver bullet completely replaced Moonlight.

Mr. A just wondered what tattoo would make people laugh at the sight. Now the pain occupies most of his energy, so he did not continue to think deeply. He went to the secret room and reached out to take the USB flash drive there.

The red light suddenly turned on.

Mr. A was startled and noticed that only the palm-sized screen on the wall flickered, showing the word on.

Something started.

A fine white mist spread outside the door that was violently damaged by Amuro, which was obviously not the product of an air humidifier.

Mr. A quickly checked the inside and found no option to stop, but found a gas mask from underneath.

Holding the mask, he and Amuro looked at each other.


He really didn't expect that the U disk also has a mechanism.


Amuro was stunned and laughed.

"Put it on..." he said.

If the outside door hadn't been closed, they could have stayed here and waited for the fog to clear, but now there was only one choice.

There was only one mask, which was obviously prepared by Yuan Tuo for himself. Probably meant to go out for a walk at this time.

A Jun glanced at the mask in his hand hesitantly, "There should be something similar to BlackCrow outside, right?"

"Well, it won't be TheSeed anyway." Faced with a life-and-death crisis, Amuro looked relaxed.

"Then..." Why did he let him wear it, the question was stuck in his throat, and Jun A subconsciously didn't want to hear the answer.

It was impossible to put it on. It was obvious that Amuro Toru needed this more than himself.

He just wasn't sure, what kind of choice the other party was waiting for him to make.

Are you waiting for his humility? After all, if he starts to fight, although he is injured, it is still very troublesome to fight. If he directly destroys the mask, he will surely die.

Or, Amuro Toru really... thinks so?

A-jun's head hurts one after another, the fog is close to his eyes, An Shitou stretched out his hand, as if he was saying something, but he didn't hear anything.

The mask was roughly thrown into Amuroto's arms by him, and Mr. A left a message of "see you on the ground" and ran away without thinking.

I don't want to do multiple-choice questions, so I simply destroy the context of the question.