MTL - The Resplendent Farming Apothecary-Chapter 1085 Routine and mental damage fee

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His Royal Highness touched his face. It was as white as soft tofu. Isn't that a little white face? No, his features are still heroic, far from Xiao Bai's face! Just look at his cousin's face. He is white and beautiful, but no one says he is feminine, where his temperament and momentum are there!

Besides, Xiao Bailian is better than Kunlun slaves, right? The prince decided: "Well, I want the set of skin care products you mentioned, don't get a 20% discount, I will give you the original price for how much!"

Gu Ye didn't raise his eyelids, and said in a low voice, "Since you are so generous, my cousin can't be too stingy. The cost price is given to you-1,300 taels!"

His Royal Highness took a sigh of relief: "The cost price is one thousand three hundred taels! Wouldn't that 20% be enough to catch up with a seafood feast?" After speaking, he took out the silver ticket from his arms.

Gu Ye opened one eye, saw the bank note delivered to him, and sighed: "His Royal Highness, you are too simple, so I can't bear to lie to you! As a prince, I still have to care about it. General affairs. What raw materials cost 1,300 taels?"

Only then did the prince realize that he had been tricked again. He reluctantly said: "I will consider whether something made by others is worth it, but you are not the same for cousin. Can you make a difference?

I wondered, I'm afraid it's not the ginseng that has been in the past, or the finest pearls. Expensive definitely makes sense! The key is that it works well! Not to mention one thousand three hundred taels, even two thousand three hundred taels are also willing to pay for it! "

"Tsk, when did you talk like this?" Gu Ye said with a crooked mouth, "Could I be so happy that I wanted to make me give it to you for nothing?"

His Royal Highness shook the banknote in his hand and said, "I don't mean that. I really think so, otherwise the banknote won't go so smoothly."

"Forget it. The cost of this set of skin care products is not worth a lot of money. I will give it to you for the sake of your satisfaction! You will not be charged for the pills prepared at night!" Gu Ye Rare and generous once.

The smile on the prince's face grew stronger, and he withdrew the bank note: "Then thank you cousin!"

Gu Ye suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at his own man, and asked with a flat mouth, "Husband, am I being tricked? As expected, there is no simple one from the royal family!"

Ling Juechenfei gave the prince a cold eye knife, like coaxing a child, patted his wife's back, and said softly: "If you feel unhappy, I will find a place where no one is, and help you put his sack, how about? "

His Royal Highness protested: "Cousin, I'm listening! If something happens to me someday, it will be on your head!"

"You can be safe with Ann? What about the evidence?" Ling Juechen admitted that if he wanted to kill someone, no matter how powerful a criminal case was, he would never find any clues.

His Royal Highness didn't doubt what he said. In order to prevent himself from being beaten, he hurriedly said: "I'm afraid of you, can't you? I will pay for skin care products. Is 1,300 taels enough?"

"Not enough!" Gu Ye said that her young and fragile heart had suffered a huge blow, "I also need to add my mental loss fee, which must be doubled!"

His Royal Highness dared not bargain. He knows the urination of King Ning's cousin-it is okay to offend him, but to make his wife wronged, absolutely not! He drew out a stack of silver bills, without hesitation, and stuffed them to Gu Ye: "This is three thousand taels, is it enough? I admit it wrong, can't it work?"

Gu Ye took the bank note and ordered a little to put it away: "No!"

"What do you want me to do?" His Royal Highness lost his temper.

"You have to agree, and you won't be sceptical with me in the future!" Gu Ye is really not good at this, but she is also not happy to be always played as a fool!

His Royal Highness said straightforwardly: "I promise you! In fact, what I just said is not to save you money from skin care products. I really think you are capable!"

"Now that the banknote is in my hand, no matter how good you say, I won't return it to you. Save it!" Gu Ye gave him a nasal sound and buried his face in his man's arms and ignored others!

His Royal Highness wanted to say something, but Ling Juechen stopped him with a gesture. It didn't take long for the little woman lying in his arms to hear even breathing.

How sleepy is this? Why didn't you sleep last night? His Royal Highness spit out while getting out of the carriage. This hasn't just settled down yet! How comfortable is the ride, I want to sit, I want to lie down... But my cousin is asleep, it's inappropriate for him to stay in the cart!

His Royal Highness turned on his horse again and looked behind him. Immediately behind the cousin’s carriage, there was a relatively small carriage, but inside it was the cousin’s apprentices and maidservants, who asked the three little girls to give up the carriage, he couldn’t do it! I can only work my **** and continue riding! In the next city, he must buy a carriage better than his cousin!

Thinking of the bank note given to the cousin, His Royal Highness felt a little painful. Three thousand taels! Once, there was an opportunity to get sunscreen and skin care products without spending a penny. He didn't cherish it. In the end... alas! Remember this lesson, in front of your cousin in the future, don't play with her! Annoyed him, cousin Ning Wang couldn't save him!

He looked up at the scorching sun above his head. I have also received this bank note, UU reading www. Cousin uuká, did you forget to give me your skin care products? If he stays in the sun for a long time, he will be more Kunlun slave than Kunlun slave! At this time, it’s autumn in Kyoto, and the sun here is still so big. No wonder there are not many people here with pale skin!

The speed of their carriage was not fast, mainly because Ling Juechen was reluctant to let his wife work hard, and they didn't have to hurry. Every time they went to a city, they would ask for something delicious to taste.

Gu Ye's space at this time is already full of specialties from all over the world. When she was in the forest country, she was like a little squirrel storing food for the winter, pouring various southern fruits into her space. Past and present, it is not easy to eat southern fruits once.

Before the turbulent times of the past, how expensive southern fruits were! She is an orphan. The money and scholarships she earns from her part-time work barely enough to live and pay the tuition. How could she be willing to buy scary fruits? How backward is transportation in this life? Even if the ice is made and frozen all the way, after it is shipped to Shengjing, most of it will be broken, and the rest of the taste will change, and the taste will be much worse.

In Senguo, Gu Ye was very satisfied to eat these fruits. He wanted to take them back to his family and friends to taste. Under the cover of his husband, he kept going to the space. The special products purchased all the way from various places, which are difficult to store and transport, are also put in the space. When causing her to enter the space, she must be careful and careful, or she will trip over the baskets containing fruits and specialty products!