MTL - The Resplendent Farming Apothecary-Chapter 1128 Who matters

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When Gu Ye arrived at Fan Jing, it was unlucky that Lord Zhen Guo had just taken a group of officers and soldiers from the Xishan camp, went out to practice combat against bandits, and brought the fourth and fifth youngest with him.

I heard that this is a wave of extremely vicious bandits, and the terrain is steep and easy to defend and difficult to attack. The local officers and soldiers could not help them, so they responded to the capital. Gu Ye worried that the news of her arrival would distract the old man and cause some accident, so she didn't let her mother send them a letter. Unexpectedly, this battle was fought for more than a month!

In fact, it didn't take long. After all, it took time for the primary circuit. After the good news came, the Jun family wrote to tell her daughter to go home to visit relatives.

After the father and son of Zhenguo received the letter, they handed over the team to the lieutenant and hurried back. They first went to the palace to return to their lives, and then, as if a vicious dog was chasing them behind their ass, they rushed all the way back to the town government office.

When he returned home, there was no one but his daughters in the eyes of Lord Zhen Guo. There was a moment of coldness and warmth, and that was meticulous! The eldest princess is quite knowledgeable. It turns out that a man does not have a lower limit when he spoils a child!

I learned that the girl had been here for more than a month, and I would go back in a few days. Duke Zhen Guo stretched his face as if he was stunned. He was reluctant to complain about his daughter-in-law, and reprimanded several sons at home: "Why don't you write to me earlier? I can also change my tactics, make a quick decision, and come back early to reunite with my daughter?"

Gu Ye hurriedly said, "I didn't let my brothers write it, because I was afraid that it would delay Dad's battle."

Lord Zhenguo sighed, "Suppressing a few little hairy bandits, what kind of war? If it wasn't for the training of the little rookies, I had already cleaned up the bandits on the mountain! Alas, you tell me, why should I pick this time to fight the bandits, What a delay!"

"Don't delay, national affairs are important!" Gu Ye persuaded.

Mr. Zhen Guo wanted to say, what kind of national event is this? How can girls matter? When can't the bandits go? The daughter may not be able to see once a year, but he wastes this rare more than a month on the little hairy bandits. So angry! Even the jade waistband given by the daughter can hardly heal the regret in my heart!

Seeing him stretched out a face, as if someone owed him eight thousand children, Jun told him the good news that he was about to become a grandfather. Unexpectedly, this news is not a surprise, but a shock.

"What? How old is my baby? Didn't you say that you don't want a child within two years of getting married? Do you have a doctor? What did the doctor say?" Zhen Guogong gave Ling Juechen a fiercely stern look, and walked over to the girl. He looked at her up and down, with a nervous expression on his face.

Gu Ye let him look at him with a smile, and turned around cooperatively: "Father, why do you behave like your son-in-law? Don't be so nervous, the palace doctor said, I am in good health, and the children in my stomach are also good, a little bit. It’s not a nuisance. I complained to my mother just now that the food at home is so good that I have gained weight!"

"Where did you get fat? You should lose weight. Eat more. You are eating by yourself and supplementing by two! This kid will follow you. When you are in your mother's belly, you are also very behaved. Unlike the others. A stinky kid can punch in your mother's belly!" Zhen Guogong felt that the girl at this time was a fragile porcelain doll, and he didn't dare to touch it, for fear that he would hurt her with rough hands and feet.

The other brothers in the Chu family pouted in their hearts, and the old man's heart was too boundless! When the mother was pregnant with her sister, Chu Er remembered everything. In the first few months, his mother and his brothers were frightened by what he vomited and what he ate! Dad, are you selective forgetting?

The Jun family glanced in the direction of the eldest princess, and smiled: "How can it be as exaggerated as you said? When I was pregnant with the eldest son and the third child, I didn't feel at all at all at first. When I was a month old, the fetus was more active. It means that you are healthy and energetic. Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand!"

She knew that he was the only one in her son-in-law's family, and she got married late, and the eldest princess didn't say anything, she definitely hoped that this child was a boy. Although she likes girls, she also hopes that her daughter is pregnant with a kid!

The eldest princess saw through her thoughts and said with a smile: "I hope that this is a beautiful little girl, and the girl is caring. I don't have a daughter myself, so I look forward to having a tender and soft granddaughter by my side."

Duke Zhen Guo found out that his family was in his home! This time her mother-in-law was still carrying her mother-in-law, which was the first novelty.

Regarding the words of in-laws, Zhen Guo Gong was deeply impressed. In their house, brats are not rare, girls are the treasures in their hands. It's a pity that all of the sons gave birth to them, so I can't live up to it!

Chu two, three, four, five, six:...

Didn't you also get the pearl in the palm of your sister after giving birth to six boys?

For the daughter to return to her natal family, Zhen Guogong and a few brothers who spoiled her sister are really happy. It's a pity that their baby girl (sister) will return to Shengjing in a few days.

No way, Gu Ye has been living in her natal house for more than a month. How many of her married daughters can stay in her natal house for such a long time? Although the parents and in-laws don't mind, they still have to take into account the opinions of the outside world! Although Zhen Guogong and his wife were extremely reluctant to give up, they were not willing to make their darling girls a pastime for others.

Besides, although the daughter's decent mother-in-law thinks nothing, but in the past more than a month, Emperor Shengde of Yan Country has sent people to ask Gu Ye and his wife, and his unbelievable prince and son, when they can set off for their return. Beijing.

Regarding the medical school, although there is a detailed plan written by Gu Ye, the absence of her initiator always makes people feel uneasy and needs her, Dinghai Shenzhen, to calm down.

Ling Juechen also expressed dissatisfaction with this. UU reading, his daughter-in-law has the child in her belly, and asked her to go to Zhangluo Medical College? Isn't this squeezing pregnant women?

He told Yueyuan not to give lectures, and had a comprehensive understanding of the history of the establishment of Dongling Medical College and some precautions. Coupled with a flower who participated in the whole process, it should be able to share most of the work of the daughter-in-law, right?

Gu Ye couldn't help reminding him that Dapeng still plans to go back and marry the full moon!

Who said that newly married people can't work? Isn’t it right and right for the disciple to take care of the master’s work? Otherwise, why do you accept disciples? Ling Juechen was right and confident.

Poor Dapeng, who won the **** to **** the eldest princess to Dongling, still finds it difficult to have the opportunity to be alone with his fiancée. The full moon is really too busy, every day I go out early and return late every day, wearing the moon and stars.

While Dapeng was distressed, he graciously picked up his fiancée every day, searched for food from Fan Jing and the surrounding area, and was keen to feed his own little moon. Heyyueyuan's face is round again!

Dapeng picks up his fiancé every day, and gradually realizes that he is really on the right side! He really didn't know that so many people were worried about his own Xiaoyueyuan!