MTL - The Resplendent Farming Apothecary-Chapter 18 Where did the grandfather emerge?

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"Ah - it hurts, my mouth hurts!" Liu’s pig-like cry, woke up people who were sleeping in the courtyard. Looking at the sound, I saw Liu's mouth sulking, and kept sipping cold air into his mouth.

Gu Qiao was asleep in the middle of the night, and was awakened in the early morning. He was so angry that he smashed toward Liu: "In the early morning, what are you mourning!!"

"Being home," Liu's tongue widened, spit out vague words, and fat fingers pointed at Gu Qiao's head.

Gu Qiao was aware of the pain in his forehead. He touched his hand and it hurt him to drop his tears.

"When the family, you have three big abscesses on your head, one of them is broken, and the pus is flowing down!" Liu couldn't take the pain in his mouth, and took out a handkerchief that couldn't see the color and gave it to the man. Rub the blood on the head.

"Ah!" Gu Qiao will introduce Liu to the far-away, "Don't touch, you want to hurt me! Are you stunned? Did you steal your tongue last night and burn your tongue? How did you talk like this?"

"My tongue hurts, my throat hurts! Can you help me see if there is a sore in my mouth?" Liu said, his tears hurt. She sucked and sighed, let her show her.

After a night of fermentation of garlic, and Liu’s habit of not brushing his teeth, the taste is almost comparable to biochemical weapons. Gu Qiao was almost stunned by the unpleasant smell that was rushed out.

When he saw Liu's red throat and festering tongue, he took a breath. This woman's internal fire is too big, right? There was almost a fester in the mouth overnight, and there was hardly a good place on the tongue.

"Oh! Your tongue is rotten!" Gu Qiao rushed out.

Liu's eyes widened and his tongue was sore and numb. She could barely speak. Her heart is also puzzled, even if it is a fire, it is impossible for the tongue to be full of fire sores overnight. What exactly is going on?

When the light of her sight was swept into a petite figure, it suddenly seemed to be hit by lightning, and it was not moving. Last night, the words of Gu Ye’s words were infinitely circulating in her mind. “The deaf person is going to have a bad tongue.” “The deaf person is going to rotten tongue”...

Before I think of her becoming dumb, this girl also said, "The gods will punish you." Is this the ghost of this girl? Just at this time, Gu night rushed her to reveal a hazy smile, seeing that Liu had a cold war, and the scalp was numb.

This girl is not right! Very wrong! ! Liu remembered that when she threw the **** the mountain, she had no breath. Moreover, she threw people into the place where the wolves were infested. It is reasonable to say that there is no bone residue left. However, when everyone looks for the past, this girl is very spirited, as if the illness is all right! !

Since she took the man back from the mountain, she felt uncomfortable. This girl has absolutely no problem, is it... is it surrounded by the mountains? Correct! definitely is! ! This girl is not the original Gu Yeer, she must be a monster! ! Liu’s eyes on Gu’s eyes are full of fear.

Gu Qiao looked at Liu’s line of sight and saw Gu’s brother and sister sighed: “Is there really a causal cycle, are we all retribution?”

The people at this time are far away from ghosts and gods. The fear in Liu’s heart was deeply rooted, and on the way back, she was hiding from the night, fearing that she suddenly showed her true body and ate herself.

Gu Yu, who was going to fall out with his family, was surprised to find that Liu had actually stopped and no more moths. Gu Qiao’s attitude towards their brothers and sisters has also changed a bit. Gu Yu proposed that he wanted to be separated, and he was dismissed by him, and assured him that he would never again care about the idea of ​​the night.

The credits of the two have already gone bankrupt in Gu Xin’s heart. However, the midwinter is coming, and now it is not the time to mention separation. How to say, you have to wait for a long winter, and then plan to do it in the warm spring.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and people in the village are busy chopping wood to ensure that there is enough firewood in the house to spend the long winter.

Gu night came down from the mountain behind his brother, carrying a small bundle of firewood on his back. After returning from the town, she found that the prey in the two traps had increased. She was keenly aware that there were artificial scars on the prey, and it was obvious that someone hit the prey and threw it into their trap.

Who is it? What is the purpose of that person? Gu night is full of doubts. However, the doubts are doubtful, but the prey is not correct. Stewed soup, stir-fried, braised, grilled... The brothers and sisters are red and moist, and they have a lot of meat.

Looking at the mirror in the space, Gu will never be scared by the shadow in the mirror. The chief of the five senses opened her, it is a little girl in the Qing Xiu Xiu Xiu!

"Gu Yu, you are going home to see it! You want a lot of grandfather!!" Li Hao ran on the rugged mountain road like a healthy antelope.

"What do you say? My grandfather died early, where did you come out with a grandfather?" Gu Yu put down the firewood that was almost higher than him, wiped the sweat on his head, and glanced at Li Hao.

Li Hao took his hand and ran to the village, while he whispered: "I will not be able to tell you at a time or two. You will know when you go to see it. It is said that it was on the battlefield and smashed a leg back." ”

"You wait, my firewood!" Gu Yu fell off his arm and failed to take Li Hao's hand off. He was helplessly rushed to the direction of his home. "Slow down, my sister is still Behind..."

Gu night shook his head and shook his head, staring at the pile of firewood that was higher than her. This is the result of my brother’s busy work for a long time. Can’t be so free. If it’s taken away by the greedy and cheap, it’s not a waste of effort?

She put her own bundle of wood with a few pounds of weight on the ground, carefully looking to the left and right, and squinting her ears to listen to the movement, and then carefully took a bottle of "strong" potion from the space. This syrup is blueberry-flavored and can stimulate people's potential for a period of time. The strength is ten times greater than normal, and there are no side effects. In the past life, this potion can save lives and the sales are very good.

Drinking the potion, she put the hill-like woodpile on her back and made a slight force, and the firewood rose from the ground. She still has the strength to make a hand, and take advantage of her bundle of firewood, and easily go down the mountain.

Lingwei’s hidden guards saw it, and his eyes were old: What did the brothers and sisters grow up to eat? Such a large bundle of firewood is hard for adults to pick up, but they don’t have the strength to carry them. That boy is not too bad, the main child is not a little girl, but it is so fierce!

When Gu Chai went home in the night, the yard was full of people, and the patriarchs of the Gu family and several highly respected old people were also present. The people in the courtyard are the villagers of Qingshan Village that she is familiar with, except for a strange old man.

To say that he is old, is not an old age, about forty years old. The man is tall and tall, and at that stop, there is a kind of military upright. His hair was gray, his beard was unkempt, his body was wearing worn clothes, his hand was carrying a patched bag, and the other hand was holding his cane to support his weight.

"Small seven, what do you mean? You are not going to recognize me as this father?" The voice of the man was loud, and he was full of words, with a serious expression on his face, and the rounded tiger eyes made people feel a little A trembling.

"That... Wu Shu, is not a problem I don't recognize. At the beginning, my mother-in-law also verbally said that she didn't change her genealogy. Naturally, she couldn't really take it." Gu Qiao quietly looked at the distant house, his eyes. Sweeping over his rags and eventually stopped on his clutch.

When he came in, the pace was limping, and the action was very unfavorable. I don't know how the Baili Mountain Road came. It’s hard enough for my family, and I can’t stay a little tired at home. When I first passed the game, I didn’t know many people. As long as I couldn’t recognize myself, he couldn’t turn any tricks.

"Good for you, a small seven!!" Gu Xiao has already thought about such a result, sneer, "In the past, the foreign enemies made a big crime, the court recruited troops, and each man had two levies. We only have one person in this room, according to reason. It is not in the conscription. And your room has your uncle and you two sons. The eldest son is to prop up the portal, the number of conscription will fall on your hoe. You 爹I am afraid of death, I am pleading for me, saying that there are three young children under his knees who need to be raised. The family can’t live without him. I said that I am alone and unattached. If I am willing to join him, he will take you through. Give it to me! What? Now I am not ready to accept it?"

"Five Uncle, when you were in the army, I was only five years old. Where do I remember so many things? I have been dead for many years, I have never heard him say this. How do you recognize me?" Gu Qiao showed a bitter smile, eyes I didn’t dare to look at Gu Xiao.

"Old Seven, I know this thing! When Xiaodi was in a hurry, he didn't open the ancestral hall to change the genealogy. You really gave him to him!" The patriarch said a fair word.

This Gu Xiao counts as a distant relative of the Gu family of Qingshan Village. When he was less than ten years old, he followed his mother back here. It was not long before his mother died of illness, leaving him to go hunting in the mountains with a sturdy spirit. Health. At the age of eighteen, the court came to recruit soldiers. He replaced Gu Qiao’s squadron and went to the army for twenty-five years. Over the years, the Gu family has not received any news from him, thinking that he died on the battlefield!

Liu’s eyeballs turned and turned. When she saw Gu Yu’s eyes, her eyes lit up and she smiled and said: “Five uncles, are you not afraid that your one has broken your roots here? Press us to give you When the scorpion is not impossible, you can choose to be young, and you will be with you for a long time. We are all 30 years old, and we will continue to give people a scorpion, don’t be laughed at?

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!