MTL - The Resplendent Farming Apothecary-Chapter 20 Cover new house喽

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After all, Gu Xiao was on the battlefield, and the unconsciously exuded anger of the body, the average child did not dare to approach. In the past, people who were more fierce than him, they saw much more in the night, and naturally they didn’t feel anything. Gu Yu’s reaction is the most real.

"You two are good children! Grandpa bought meat buns in the town, you took it back to the hot dinner. This half roast pheasant, Grandpa accepted it!" Gu Xiao is very satisfied with the two children, both I know how to be grateful. More than they are, there are more consciences!

In addition to the meat buns, Gu Xiao went to the town to buy pots, pans and other necessities, a bag of polished rice with a white noodles, and cut a few pounds of meat. The little donkey of the village chief’s family did not move, and he took the horses that were fostered in the hometown of the town.

"This is the Hummer of the family?" Gu Yu stared at the red horse in a burning gaze, a look that he wanted to approach and not dare.

"Yes, my family!" Gu Xiao nodded.

Gu Yuxi is not self-satisfied, turning around around the blind, how can not see enough. You know, such a Hummer, say less than four or five silver. A family in the village, busy in the year, may not be able to earn so much money, eat not enough, where is the money to spend? The shouting of the head of the village chief is enough to envy people. They now have this horse, isn’t it the first in the village?

Gu Xiao, this horse, but the good horse sent by the town government, not a few hundred dollars can not buy. He saw Gu Yu like, and put the little guy on the horse's back and smiled and said: "When you wait, Grandpa teaches you to ride horses, do you want to learn?"

"Yes! Learn!!" Gu Yu, sitting on the horse's back, was a little stiff and his face was full of excitement. However, he did not forget his sister, to Gu Xiaodao, "Grandpa, also teach sister, she is smarter than me, definitely learn faster than me!"

"Okay, good! All teach!!" Gu Xiao took care of the night, and took the little **** the horse, sitting behind her brother. He held a farm animal in one hand and limped into the village.

This high horse, without any surprise, caused a sensation in the village. Looking at the supplies and food on the horseback, the eyes of the villagers looking at Gu Xiao have changed - originally, everyone used him as a beggar, now think about how the military may have been so miserable for decades. How much is a bit of a family.

Those who did not deal with Liu's wife, holding the idea of ​​watching jokes: Gu Qiao and his wife did not recognize the father who passed, trying to push people out, now regret it too late!

Gu Xiao first went to the village chief's nephew and sent two pounds of fat meat as a thank you. For the mountain people who haven’t tasted it a few times a year, this gift is not light. The village chief shirked, but had to accept it.

Gu Xiao took the horse with two children and a pile of goods and came to the family of the patriarch. In the evening, he borrowed the kitchen of the patriarch's family and asked the patriarch's daughter-in-law to help him with a rich dinner. The village chief, the patriarch and several ethnic groups had to eat a meal. Later, they should rely on these people to take care of their grandchildren. !

The patriarch’s family was so hot that Gu Qiao’s couple could not eat enough. Gu Qiao regrets: The old guy is a wounded soldier who has retired. Naturally, there will be subsidies from the court. He should not take people by appearance, and he does not recognize this relative. This is good, push the silver out!

Liu is discouraged: "The old thing, this is against us! Everyone is ‘clothing back home', he is good, deliberately dressed like a pipa, this is set to wait for us to drill!”

"Shut up! Not all of you, what's wrong!" Gu Qiao madly took the chopsticks to the table and screamed at Liu.

Liu is not convinced: "Why didn't you become me? It's obvious that you don't want to recognize him. I just helped. I didn't say that it was a good idea to pass Guru through the past? I knew that old thing." With ample hand, I will take us through the past. We are strong but have a conscience, unlike the two white-eyed wolves!!"

"Say enough, no!!" Gu Qiao was said to be too big. "You have a big face! People are going to pass the children of the family to pass the incense, and he is the family of the family. He keeps the blood of the family?"

After a pause, he took a deep breath and said: "I have inquired about it. The five uncles have been afflicted by the upper head. They have just been released from the exile. The court’s business, whoever said it, may not be long before Grab it back. We can't just stare at the silver in his hand. If it is dragged down by him, it's not fun!"

"Ah? The old thing is doing something in the army?? What crime? Don't be a disaster for copying the family!!" Liu asked a stunned and flustered.

"What's the panic! He and the family of this are out of five clothes, that is, the Nine people will not fall on our heads!" Gu Qiao's heart is much smoother. "You will not be able to get along with you in the future. Sao!"

"You can rest assured, I can't hide too late!!" Liu's soup in his hand was almost cold. When he was about to feed his younger son, he found that the little guy didn't know where to go.

"Small and strong, come out to eat soup, and give you an egg in it. If you don't come out, give it to your brother!" Liu thought the little guy had gone inside the house and shouted a scorpion inside.

The big and the drooling, the eyes staring at the bowl of soup, eagerly said: "The younger brother heard that the grandfather's grandfather's family had meat to eat, went to their home. Mother, this bowl of soup for me to drink! ”

Liu heard the words, split the soup into two, put it in front of Da Zhuang, and the other half gave her a man: "When the family, Xiao Zhuang go to the patriarch's family to eat, should not be in the way?"

Gu Qiao snorted and sipped his soup, nodded in nowhere, and said: "Nothing! His brother and sister are there, can he let him go hungry? For a while, Gu Yu they still have to come back to rest."

When Xiaozhuang came to the head of the patriarch with a small short leg, there was already a hot meal over there. Gu Yu’s brother and sister came, and the grandchildren of the patriarch’s family gathered around the table at the table. On the table, braised pork, radish stew, boiled cabbage, and pickled pork served on a table. Gu night also bought the meat buns that Grandpa bought from the town, and one person sent one.

"Brother, brother, eat meat!" Xiaozhuang smelled the scent, the saliva flowed long, and hurriedly climbed up, but the other people's calves were short, where can climb up? Anxious to wow, I burst into tears.

Gu Yu was afraid of his troubles, he had to hold the man on the donkey, took a meat buns in his hands, and stuffed a piece of fat into his mouth. Xiao Zhuang stopped doing the thunder and rain.

Xiao Zhuang took a big meat bag, ate a few pieces of meat, and left with a small stomach. When I left, I took the meat buns of Gu Ye and said: "Taro film, what to eat, waste!"

What a three-year-old child knows is definitely something to learn from adults. Gu Yu was so angry that he would take the buns back. The outside patriarchs and the old people listened and shook their heads. Gu Xiao looked at the five short-sleeved peas, and a little sneer at the lips.

The next day, Gu Xiao’s house was put on the agenda. At this time, it was during the slack season, and the labor force in the village came over and took the handle.

The house was rebuilt on the original site abandoned by Gu Xiaojia. Gu Xiaojia’s house is a short distance from the village and is halfway up the mountain. Although the wall of the courtyard has collapsed, the stone that can be built on the wall can be reused, and the effort to cut the mountain and open the stone is saved. It is easy to have a stone, and the strength of the people is great. After more than one day, the walls of the courtyard are built up.

The house inside is generally a straw-covered mud house. The foundation pit that was previously dug is still there. The inside is made of stone. Then a rectangular wooden mold is used to pour the straw-filled clay into it and tamper with a stick. Then there is the upper beam and the straw to the roof.

Gu Xiaoren is generous, will do things, and food is good. The staple food is a taro with a noodle, and the dish is a stew with a clam. It's either a fat piece or a pheasant hare. If you don't say anything else, just rush to this meal, but you can also help those who are less helpful?

These days, the public is beautiful, and the school is sunny. The three main rooms will soon take shape. In addition to these three main rooms, there are kitchens and rooms with garbage and firewood. In the backyard, the horse was also given a warm horse shed. Under the strong request of Gu Yu, the position of the pig pen was left next to the horse shed, saying that it was only when the spring was caught that only the pigs were raised.

Recently, more than half a The big guys are busy with the house, and even Gu Yu and his several small partners have come over to help get started. Finally, no one stared at the night, like a bird that released his wings, and quickly plunged into the forest.

The safety of the forests near the village is safe, but it is all over the footsteps of the villagers. It is difficult to find good things. Gu Ye eagerly turned his eyes to the far-reaching mountains.

On this day, she didn't even say hello, and she went up the mountain alone. Her goal is the mountain behind her new house. Turning over the two hills, the tortuous path has long since disappeared. She waved a hatchet in the thick bushes, and occasionally stunned a small pheasant that escaped.

Before going up the mountain, she sprinkled the powder of the beast. This powder was developed at the beginning of the chaos, and it has a good effect on avoiding and driving low-level beasts.

When I was thinking about my past life, when the change was just beginning, the docile poultry pet became the deadly enemy of mankind. The docile cat became more ferocious than the tiger; the loyal dog, in a blink of an eye, became the beast of the hunter master... not to mention the circus, the beastmaster in the zoo! From the top of the food chain, humans instantly become targets of hunting.

At that time, she was a medical student, and her pharmacy talent was excavated. In order to save her life, the first drug she developed was the veterinary drug powder. The smell of this powder is the fear of the beasts. It was by this powder that she escaped the mutated pets in the city, and the fierce poultry and livestock in the suburbs were smashed by the ice...

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!