MTL - The Resplendent Farming Apothecary-Chapter 25 The world is treasure

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"Hey, you have nothing to say, this is a little more money? As for a surprise? Line, Grandpa will help you first, when you want to use it, ask Grandpa!" Gu Xiao in the grandson's brain Gently tapped on it and took the pieces of silver that were less than two or two.

Gu night machine: "Grandpa, I want to learn medicine with Grandpa Zheng, can you watch it?"

Zheng Shengcai, the real name of the drug, was called "Zheng Da Pharmacist" after his fame, and later he was called "medicine holy". He knew that his real name was not much.

"Oh, it's too much! But the grandfather next door, can't easily teach people medicine. Just see if you can get him green eyes." Gu Xiao does not think that his little granddaughter has this blessing to be taken by the medicine saint. I am afraid that it is too direct, hurting the young and tender heart of the little granddaughter, and therefore the tone is more euphemistic.

There are dozens of medicinal herbs in the family medicine, and how many people smashed their heads and wanted to worship him as a teacher. So far, only one apprentice has been collected. The man is currently a big pharmacist in the pharmaceutical industry.

"When I was on the mountain, I already had a teacher! Grandpa Zheng said that from tomorrow, he will teach me to recognize medicine and medicine." Gu night said.

Gu Xiao listened, and his heart turned up and burst into shock: Apprentice? ! Want to be a teacher? After the granddaughter, is the apprentice of the drug saint who is famous in the world? Isn't he dreaming? Or to say... Is this a granddaughter’s wishful thinking? Yes, it must be that the granddaughter took the medicine and was unable to move and forcibly worshipped the teacher. It is still the same thing that people don't recognize it!

Gu Ye wants to know what he thinks at this time, and he will definitely turn his eyes: it is obvious that the old man died and wanted to accept her as a disciple. If she did not cover her medical skills and medicine, she would not bother to cope. He. The so-called drug sage may not be better than her advanced pharmaceutical tactics.

The next day, Gu Xiaotian did not light up and got up. He wants to go to the town to make a big purchase, afraid that a horse can't come, and borrow the head of the village chief's house. To buy too many things, Gu Yu was also taken to the town with his grandfather to help.

The little guy, with excitement, rode on Grandpa’s high-headed horse, and when he passed the village, he stood tall and stood like a general who had returned. He can envy his little friends.

You must know that Gu Xiao’s red horse is a war horse, and his temper is fierce. When no master is present, he is not easy to be close. Even Zhang’s hunters were almost kicked to the ground, and the children dared to wait and see. How powerful is it to ride on a big horse!

Gu Yu was full of excitement in his arms, and the horse took a brisk walk and ran on the winding mountain road. However, Gu Ye was called by her cheap master, and she was more aware of her ability to identify the medicine.

Unexpectedly, this little girl is young, she knows so many herbs, and some of them are not sure about the efficacy of the herbs, she can count as many treasures. The medicine Shengyue listens more and feels that he has reached the treasure! Originally, I went to this embarrassment, but it was to pay attention to the hidden soul hall. I did not expect that it was as the temple said, and gave him a big surprise.

The eyes of the medicine holy look at the rare treasures, staring at the night of the night. This old man has a problem with his eyes? Is there any special hobby? Oh, my mother, won’t you be on a thief boat?

"Gangster," the voice of Yao Sheng is gentle and loving, and people can't stand it. "Where did you learn the drug's ability? The old man didn't think that there was a pharmacist who was more powerful than me!" In the end, I did not forget to tout myself, but also drunk!

Gu Ye turned back to his house. When he came back, he had a copy of the yellowed and old-fashioned manuscript, which was recorded in the form of a graphic comparison. It recorded the medicinal properties and medicines of more than 1,800 kinds of herbs. Effect and method of use. On the broken cover, there are four big characters in the book, Compendium of Materia Medica. Obviously, this is an antique-grade medicine book she collected in her previous life.

As the saying goes: chaotic gold, prosperous antiques. In the past life, even if human beings were reduced to less than one-tenth in the mad hunting of alien animals, she still believed that the chaos would eventually pass, and peace would definitely come back to earth. Therefore, the pharmacy she produced can not only be exchanged with gold, but others are abandoned as antiques, especially ancient calligraphy and painting, and she is willing to accept it. A large part of her space is occupied by these ancient books. This "Compendium of Materia Medica" is one of them.

Unexpectedly, after seeing the scrap of this "Compendium of Materia Medica", Yao Sheng was so excited that tears fell. With his trembling hands, he took the medicine book respectfully and carefully turned a few pages. After confirming its true and false, the medicine saint was treasured, and his lips trembled to Gu night: "This is the Pharmacopoeia of Li Zongshi who has been lost for a long time! You... Where did you get this world?" ”

"Oh... this is what my mother left for me. She said that she gave a piece of cake that was about to starve to death outside the town. The old man gave this book, which is said to be his family's ancestors, to my mother. I Recognizing herbs, I learned from this book. Master, this book... is very precious?” Gu night did not expect that the world actually has the “Compendium of Materia Medica”.

From the mouth of Grandpa, she learned that this is a country and dynasty that did not exist in history. The three great powers are divided equally among the world, namely, Yanguo, Senguo, and Chongwu. There are more than a dozen small countries under these three countries. And the Dongling country where they are located is a small country of the Yan State.

In the past, there was a parallel space. Perhaps the moment she died, the soul was sucked into the parallel space and came to a world that never existed in history. However, she did not expect this "Compendium of Materia Medica" to be so sought after here.

“It’s precious, it’s a priceless treasure for our medical pharmacists. You see, in addition to the form, origin, collection and processing of various herbs, the details of the drug’s taste and indications are also stated. , medication rules, prescription compatibility, etc. You look at the prescription behind this ... have it, as long as it is not stupid outrageous, in time, it will certainly become the medical master of the world's five people!!" Drug Shengyue said more excited, almost Did not give this book.

"Oh!" Gu Jing's calmness and calmness, in stark contrast with the medicine.

The medicine saints hated the iron and gave her a look. An old face rose red and raised the voice. "How can you not care about this child? Do you know what it means to have this book?"

"Master, don't be excited, be careful about blood pressure and brain hemorrhage. Come, do it with me, call - **** - call - **** -" Gu Ye is really afraid that he is excited to come out. In her space, there is a medicine that stabilizes blood pressure. How can I explain it if I can take it out?

The medicine holy breathed a few times with her rhythm, and the mood was slightly calmer. Looking at the casual expression of the apprentice, he was powerless: "You don't hear what you said to the teacher?"

"Hear it! I believe that Master can be the most powerful pharmaceutical master in the world, and the medical master!" Gu night used the tone of the child to calm the mood of the father. Let him be so excited, it will really explode blood vessels.

"Fart!!" The sinful words of the medicine are all swearing out. "I am a sacred medicine, will I take the medicines of the disciples for myself? Are you not insulting the personality of the teacher?"

When I was touched by the night, I was moved by the other person’s character and quickly explained: “Master, you misunderstood, I really didn’t mean that. The so-called 'Bao Jian gift hero’, the best treasure, only to those who understand it. In the hands, can play the biggest role.

When you look at the book, before you meet you, you only use it as a tool for literacy; listen to the treasurer saying that the herbs can sell money, and then compare the pictures above to learn to identify the medicine.

This book can only be carried forward and benefit the people in the hands of the pharmaceutical masters you only have. The disciples volunteered to give the medicine book to Master! ”

"No! This teacher's ritual is too expensive, and the teacher can't accept it!" This world apprentice is to send the master to the teacher's ritual. When the big apprentice of the medicinal sacred apprentice, he dedicated the unique secret of the ancestral artillery medicine. He. However, this long-lost medical book, the drug sacred self-confessed not so thick face, take it as its own.

"Okay, don't say it again!" Yao Sheng feared that his will was not strong enough. He then persuaded him to say a few words and shake his determination to refuse. He said, "For the teacher to teach you all the pharmacy's skills, you can get it." For the sake of this book, you must not let the third person see it. If you encounter a place you don't understand, let the teacher take part in it with you." Since Master’s attitude is so determined, Gu’s night is not strong. However, she did not know whether it was intentional or not, and she would always hold the drug book and let Master explain it to her.

The medicine saint stares at the sentence on the book. "Copper pot dripping water: Slippery, can be made upside down, down to the spring, should be fried at the end of the medicine." The heart suddenly opened up, the original copper pot dripping water, fried The medicine is also helpful!

I feel that I have taken advantage of the cheap medicine, and taught the apprentice to do more. And Gu Ye was also pleasantly surprised to find that his little head is quite flexible. The medical pharmacology that is hard to sip again, no longer three times in her, can certainly be remembered and understood.

It is really difficult to find a few things in the world. If you really want to say it, only the generals of the Yan State can compete with it. It is said that the generals of the generals showed up when they were practicing martial arts. When they were in their early teens, they had few rivals. At the age of thirteen, they entered the battlefield at first, and they used soldiers like the old generals. At the age of fifteen, the veteran general retired to the second line and handed the army to the hands of his grandson. In less than five years, he created an unbeaten myth...

I don't know why, when Master told about the deeds of the General of the Yan State General, there was always a face of ice that could freeze people. In the past life, the battle of the ice-faced command leader has always been a great victory. His ability to fight alone is hard to find an opponent. His team is not necessarily able to come in by someone else. And she is in his own business, never worried about safety issues, only to have all the efforts to invest in pharmaceutical development...

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!