MTL - The Resplendent Farming Apothecary-Chapter 29 Master's brain hole

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In the eager eyes of the medicine, Gu night slowly opened: "Hey... If you say that '刳(kū, cut open) broken belly, squirting accumulation (lumps)' technique, I do have a little. I am so numb that I am not the same as Hua Tuo’s old man’s numbness. I don’t know. At least, the effect is the same.”

Gu night mouth said, but the hand did not delay, clean up the wound, cut the wound, use the hemostat to clamp the tendon at the broken position, select the appropriate angle into the needle suture, tighten the suture, remove the tendon stump... ...

I haven't had surgery for a long time. At the beginning, the action on the night of the night was a bit rusty. Soon she found the feeling, the fingers flew, broke most of the tendons, and were quickly stitched together. Put on the knot, and suture the skin and the skin...

"OK, the operation was very successful!" Gu night thought about it, and found two wooden sticks left in the door and window, and fixed the injured leg firmly. No way, the conditions do not allow her to cast plaster on the injured, only everything is simple.

"Huawei magical skills, it is really Huashen magic!!" On the side of the side, I can't wait to have two eyes of medicine, and I stared at the wound that was wrapped, and my mind was still indulged in the surgery. . I can witness the magical skills of Hua Tuo, and he feels that this life is worth it!

"Apprentice... No, little **** doctor, you let the old man see you this secret, will your master blame you?" Where does the drug holy dare to call Master? It is no wonder that this girl was not surprised to hear his name. She was not excited when she offered to accept her as a disciple. People are stunted, where can they still see his meager squeeze?

Gu Yu also gave Zhang Lihu a shot of anti-infective injection. He was stunned like a fool looking at the medicine saint: "Isn't my master not you?"

"Don't dare, don't dare..." Yao Sheng even waved his hand. "My little skill, where can I be your master..."

"The teachers have all passed by, and you have also accepted my teacher's rites. Do you want to confess? One day is a teacher, and life is a teacher. Master, you can't run away!" Gu night used his surgical knives again. Wrap the bag and pack it, prepare it for returning to the space and then disinfect it.

The medicine Sheng shook his head again and again, suddenly his flash of light flashed, mysterious and sly: "Accident... Little doctor, isn't your master not letting you easily expose your teacher? I know that there are many hidden sects on the rivers and lakes. When you come out and experience, you will hide your true origin. You can rest assured that the old man will keep you secret!"

"Master, you think too much!" Gu Ye is really crying and laughing, very admire the brain of this father of medicine.

"I know, I know! You need an identity to do cover, OK! In the future, you are still my own child. Hey, let the descendants of Hua Wei's pulse call me a master, this is really not alive. "The drug holy rushed her and squeezed her eyes and made a tacit expression."

This is also good, freeing her from trying to explain her words. She confessed to this Master: "The soup of trauma, or you can open it by Master!"

"No problem, this is a small matter, just give it to the old man!" Yao Sheng took out the four treasures of the study from his medicine, and the dragon and the phoenix danced out the prescription.

"Unfortunately, the medicinal materials at hand are not uniform. The golden sore medicine made by the old man is definitely better than the average. But... before you bandage, it seems that you have not used the gold sore medicine." The drug san carefully added a sentence.

"I used anti-inflammatory drugs, and gave him antibiotics. Then I used the soup that Master gave you. It is definitely no problem." Gu night looked down on the prescription of the medicine, and the Chinese medicine is her short board. If you want to mix in the world, the profound Chinese medicine practitioners still have to study it. Well, this Master can't worship, it is necessary to squeeze him.

"Anti-inflammatory drugs? Antibiotics? These are all medicines?" These drug names, as a drug sage, he has never heard of it, let alone seen it. Just too obsessed with the skills of Hua Tuo, missed the opportunity to see. However, there should be a chance in the future.

"Well, it's all medicine to prevent wounds and pus-infected infections... Lihu brother, you woke up!" Zhang Lihu lying on the squat, his eyelids moved a few times, slowly opening his eyes.

"My injury... God's grandfather, is my foot still saved?" Zhang Lihu was helped by sitting up and looking up at the ankle he was clasped by the splint. He asked anxiously.

The medicine opened his mouth, but he did not know how to answer. This injury is not handled by him. What is the effect after suturing? He is really unclear, what can he say? However, his disciples quickly solved his encirclement: "Li Hu Ge, my master is a teacher and brother of the medical sage, your small wound is easy for him."

"I won't be a blind man?" Zhang Lihu couldn't help but ask another question.

"As long as you follow the doctor's advice, work with the latter, and you are the same as when you are not injured!" However, it is a small surgery for the tendon rupture, and you can still pack the ticket.

The medicine sacred opened the door, and the anxious waiting for the hunter outside took a step forward, grabbed the hand of the medicine sage, and asked slyly: "Old **** doctor, how is my son's foot? Can it be cured?"

Gu night was busy saying what he had just said to Zhang Orion again. He said: "This is the prescription prescribed by my master. Wu Dafu should be able to match it. Two weeks later, come to me... my master is here to take the line. After three weeks, I will go to Zhang Dashu’s house to help the tiger brother to do rehabilitation."

"Oh... good, good!" What is the line? What rehabilitation? Zhang Orion is confused. However, people are famous old doctors, and Gu Wushu, a knowledgeable person, must respect the celebrity of "medicine holy". He said that he can cure if he can be cured. "Thanks to the doctor, thank you for the doctor. I don't know What is the fee? I will go home and get it."

Yao Sheng looked at his own children, seeing her only paying attention to the injured, and did not intend to respond, so he did the Lord: "When your son completely recovers, let's talk!"

Zhang Orion listened to no money, and immediately became nervous - is the son's injury, the old **** doctor is not sure?

Gu Ye seems to see through his mind, busy: "Zhang Dashu, you and Li Huge have been taking care of me and my brother before, and whoever you want can't ask for your money. If you really feel overwhelmed, this hare Just stay and give my master a meal at night."

"How is this so interesting... If the old **** doctor likes the game, there are still a few pheasants in my house, so I will go back and take it..." After that, I would not give the opportunity to refuse, and I left and left.

"Lihu brother, the next two days, your feet will be very painful, you can bear it. Today, I will live in my house to observe one night, and return to your home for rest tomorrow." Gu night confessed, squatting Your own surgical tools are gone.

Back in the room, she immediately entered the space, cleaned the tool, disinfected it, and put it back into her aseptic toolbox. She did not hurry to go out, but from the space of the ten acres of medicine field, selected several common herbs, in accordance with the method taught by Master, focused on concocted.

The artillery medicine is not so easy. It is necessary to process the medicinal materials by steaming, boiling, frying, roasting, simmering, gun calcination, flying, etc. to achieve the effect of strengthening the drug and reducing the toxicity and side effects.

She took the collected Asparagus, went to a layer of skin, broke open from the middle, went to the heart. Steamed with willow wood for an hour, sprinkled wine, and steamed. After taking it out, let it dry...

It turns out that it is not a way of knowing how to make a good medicine. At the beginning, the asparagus produced was not satisfied with the night. Her five senses are sensitive, and the smell is smelling, so I know how effective this medicine is.

After failing five times, she finally produced the ideal winter. After a small piece of white, after chewing through the mouth, she spit out the residue in the mouth and licked her mouth. Ok! The preparation of this Chinese herbal medicine should be able to pass Master's level, right?

"Sister, have a meal!" Gu Xiaozu and her two dare not bother her because of her shackles of medicine. The dinner was completed by Gu Xiao and Gu Yu. Gu Xiao and the facial mask, Gu Yu helped to burn the fire. Although the thickness of the dough is thick and thin, it is pure white, and the overall taste is not bad.

The table and the table at home have not been laid, and the family can take the board and lay it on the raft, and they will have dinner. The noodle soup is served with braised hare meat. This meal is just one underground in the sky.

Even the weak stomach of the stomach, I ate a large bowl of noodle soup, and licked a few pieces of rabbit meat. You should know that the bowl at home is a thick porcelain bowl that is bigger than the human face. If you accidentally eat too much, you have to drink the potion to eat before going to sleep.

Zhang Lihu is also eating at the family. Because of the night to ensure that his feet will not leave any aftereffects, this guy went to the heart of the disease ~ ~ appetite wide open, eat two bowls of noodle soup, eat a bowl of rabbit meat. Gu night had to admire his good food.

After the meal, Gu night went to Master's room to learn medicine. She first gave Master the self-made Tuen Mun to see it.

Yao Sheng took the medicine and took it over and over. The more he saw him, the more he was satisfied, but he learned this for two days and learned the essence of the processing. Although the method of processing is still somewhat immature, I believe that in time, she will be able to gain a place in the pharmaceutical industry.

"Yes, this steaming technique, you have learned to achieve results, today we will say this cook..." Yao Sheng thinks that his little apprentice is like a long dry land, no matter what he teaches, she can Very good absorption. Even if she encounters a problem that she doesn't understand, she will remember it first, and then slowly go through the practice to digest.

In addition to teaching her guns and medicines, when she was compared to her medical skills, Yao Sheng discovered that her own little child was a Huatu stunt, but the basic skills were extremely incomparable. The minimum expectations, smells, questions, and cuts were very bad. In addition to the doubts of the medicine, he had to give the children the basic skills of Chinese medicine. Fortunately, this apprentice learns everything quickly, otherwise he will be depressed.

The sacred heart of the medicine is very puzzled. What kind of person is the one who teaches him the secrets of the Chinese martial arts? How can he teach the person in the case of a basic singularity to be a good doctor in the name of a doctor? ?


It will be fixed at 8:00 am every day.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!