MTL - The Resplendent Farming Apothecary-Chapter 31 Rumors stop at the drug

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"Lihu brother, I will help you to dismantle the line!" Gu Ye pushed open the door of the Orion's house, with a small arm holding a large medicine box.

Zhang Zizi, who was rushing for breakfast, poked his head out of the kitchen and smiled and said, "Little leaf, so early! Have you eaten breakfast?"

In addition to the heavy autumn harvest and spring planting period, the villagers eat two meals a day. Breakfast is between 9 am and 10 am, and dinner is at 4 or 5 pm. However, there are two children in Gu Xiao’s family who are growing up, and he is not bad at money. At noon, they will give the children a meal, so their family’s breakfast is earlier than others.

"Eat after! Zhang Zizi, I went to see the wound of Lihu brother..." Gu night rushed Zhang Xiaozi smiled.

"After a while, I will drink a bowl of soup! I said that I can eat it, but this is the bone soup that I spent all night!" They all said that they would eat the cockroach, and the wild boar that was killed by the night house, the bones were all discussed by Zhang Zizi. Got it. In the past two months, Zhang Lihu drank bone soup and vomited.

Gu Ye declined the enthusiasm of Zhang Zizi and stepped into Zhang Lihu’s room. Inside the house, the untidy boy is moving a good leg to the ground and moving it toward the door step by step.

"Stand up! Go back to bed and lie down! If you don't obey, be careful that your feet will grow up and change your voice!" Gu night tiger with a small face, screaming, and the small appearance is quite powerful.

What Zhang Lihu was most afraid of was stunned. He lie down on the bed and put his legs on the quilt. He looked at him behind his eyes. Seeing that she was empty behind her, Zhang Lihu asked inexplicably: "Don't you tell me to take the line? What about the old doctor?"

"This little thing, still need to trouble my master?" Gu night opened the medicine box, with the corner of his eyes slanting the stupid big, "put your feet!"

"You? Are you helping me to take the line? You don't take another hole in my leg!" Zhang Lihu stared at the surgical scissors in her hand in amazement, and the injured leg moved sideways. This little girl only went to the old **** for a few days, and went out to see the doctor? She will not steal the medicine box of the old **** doctor, come and take him to practice?

"What expression is yours?" His own medical skills were questioned, and he looked worried at the night and threatened the stupid big man. The guy who doesn’t know gold jade, your leg, if it’s not my grandmother, I’m already abolished! Where is the mood here?

Zhang Zizi, who came in the bowl of bone soup, saw his son’s face resisting, and he did not cooperate. He took a slap on his arm and said: “The old **** doctor said that the small leaves of the doctors are extremely high. I have been studying for more than half a month. Can't you change the medicine for you? You don't believe in the small leaves. Do you always believe in the old doctor? If he gives your legs to the small leaves, it means that people can do it."

Zhang Lihu unwillingly put his legs out. Gu Yeli floor demolished the splint on his foot, untied the gauze, and carefully examined the healing degree of the wound.

"Well, healed well! Zhang Yanzi's bone soup is not white!" Gu night noticed Zhang Lihu's resistance to the bowl of bone soup, adding a bad heart. Hey, dare not believe her medical skills, let you drink soup to drink spit!

Surgical scissors cut the suture, and caught the thread with a pair of tweezers, and quickly glimpsed. Zhang Lihu only felt that the wound was slightly numb, and the thread was smashed out. Several small thread cuts were cut out one by one, and they were disinfected with medical alcohol in the night, sprinkled with some anti-inflammatory powder, and re-applied with clean gauze.

"Well, let's endure for a few days. After seven days, your feet will be able to move your joints lightly." Seeing that the silly boy's eyes suddenly turned bright, she added another sentence, "but I can't squat, not move around." If the ribs are broken, the gods will not be cured!"

Zhang Lihu listened, and immediately nodded honestly to be obedient. Zhang Xiaozi smiled and said to Gu Ye: "Small leaves, or you have a way to restrain him. I have worn out his mouth and skin, and he refused to listen. Come and drink this bowl of bone soup!"

"Ah--you can drink bone soup again, can you change anything else? I didn't hunt for pheasants yesterday? I don't know how to eat chicken soup?" Zhang Lihu mourned. I don't blame him for drinking enough bone soup. Zhang Yizi's soup is really good.

Zhang Zizi stared at his son and drank the bone soup. He said: "The old **** doctor likes to eat wild game. The pheasant sent you to the old **** in the morning. The old **** doctor helped you to rule the leg and look at the face of the small leaf. It’s okay to give us a doctor’s fee, and it’s okay to give him a few more game flavors.”

Zhang Lihu nodded, but he still resisted the heart of drinking bone soup. He hurts the ribs, not the bones. Why use bone soup to torture him?

"Mother, the big bones of the family, can you still eat for a few days?" Zhang Lihu prayed that the bones would be eaten earlier and he would be liberated.

Zhang Xiaozi smiled and said: "Don't worry, tomorrow you will go to the town to send game, I will ask him to bring some bones back. That stuff is not worth a few dollars, buy two pounds of meat can send one Root, you can't miss you!"

When Zhang Lihu heard it, he immediately rolled his eyes and lay on his back. On this day, when is it a head!

Zhang Lihu’s sister sent Gu’s night out of the door and looked at her again and again. Gu night was surprised and couldn’t help but ask: "Ting sister, what do you want to say?"

Zhang Liting is a gentle and quiet girl. She hesitated for a moment and whispered in a whisper: "I don't know who made the village, and said that the old **** in your family is a liar. He also said that the world has never seen a human skin* Together, you can grow up. It’s not a big deal to say that my brother’s script is not a big deal.”

Gu Ye heard the words, the cloud smiled lightly, said: "This rumor, we also heard. My master said '谣言 ends in the wise man', I believe that 'facts speak louder than words', another month Lihu brother can stand up and do normal functional exercise. As long as he resists the initial pain, his teeth will persist and he will be healed in less than a year. By that time, these rumors will naturally not break!"

Zhang Liting gently nodded, slightly envious of the authentic: "Yeer sister, since you married the old **** doctor as a teacher, with him to learn pharmacological medicine, the whole person has changed a lot! Like 'facts are better than eloquent' Since the break of these words, we have never heard of it before!"

Gu night scratched his head and revealed a silly smile: "In addition to teaching me to recognize medicines and teaching me medical skills, Master taught me to read and write. I have already known hundreds of words, most of the medicines on medical books. I know the name."

Zhang Liting’s face was amazed and said: “Ye’s sister, you are so powerful, you know more than the grandfather’s grandfather, and you’re catching up with Gu Sanshu? I didn’t expect girls to learn to read words. Be a doctor to see a doctor..."

Gu Sanshu is the eldest son of Sanjiaye's family. He is the third in the family. He is the only one in the family who goes to the town to study. It is a pity that he has a general qualification. After reading for more than ten years, he has not been able to take a test in the show. He is lazy, and he returned to the village to start teaching. It is said that Mr. is a teacher, but there are not many students, only a few. Every family in the village just barely fills their stomachs. Where do you have the money to study for your children?

Gu night busy shook his head: "I only read a few books, only recognize a few words. Where can I go to Gu Sanbobi? I went back, or Master would have to slap me lazy and work outside."

Going back from Zhang’s house, I have to go through Wu’s home. Looking far away, I saw Wu Auntie and Liu’s mouth whispering something.

Going closer, I only heard that Wu Auntie’s yin and yang whispered to Liu’s words: “You don’t know, I’ve seen the wounds of Zhang’s son’s son, oh... actually use needlework to put the skin together*, the pins look at them all. Scary. That kid is really poor, the needles and skins should hurt! The old liar can also go down!"

Liu was shocked and said: "Is it true? I only heard sewing clothes and sewing shoes. I live so big, I have never heard of the flesh and can also sew it! This hunter is also true, just let it be." The old liar is messing around? His son’s feet don’t want it?”

"Isn't it! After I saw it at home, I told me that the little boy's feet were red and swollen. You also know that the trauma is not well handled, but it is festering. I am squatting, the kid's feet are difficult to protect. You can live! You should also live, the doctor who knows the roots does not ask, you must ask an old liar!" Wu Auntie, a bitter and mean-faced face, "snapped" in the direction of Behind the people, right and wrong, not afraid of bad tongue! ! "Gu night was cold and appeared behind the two people, shocked the two mothers."

"Who do you say who's bad tongue?" Wu Auntie, like a cat who had just stepped on her tail, jumped her feet and licked her tongue.

"Whoever says bad things behind people, black-heartedly smearing others, whoever rotten tongue!" In the space, the powder that makes people tongues fester, keeps Liu's stay in the night. It’s a pity that she moved out and lived, or else Liu’s chance to chew on the tongue?

As soon as he heard the "bad tongue", Liu suddenly felt a burning pain in his mouth. At the beginning, this girl was also an understatement of "bad tongue", but she was guilty of more than half a month. It’s also a bad thing to say. She’s been on several occasions and it’s all about dead hoes. Thinking this way, Liu’s heart made a slap in the air, and quietly stepped back a few steps. When he didn’t pay attention to her, he slipped and said.

Unfortunately, it is already late. When she and Wu Auntie arrogantly arranged the masters, Gu night had secretly sprinkled the powder. The powder is colorless and odorless, and can enter the human body as the person breathes. In the evening, Liu’s and Wu’s tongue began to fester, and the next day, even drinking water became a huge pain.

Wu Dang returned to his wife to open a bonfire soup, and even for five days, nothing has been alleviated. The news spread quickly in the village, and it was said that Wu Auntie and Liu’s behind the scenes were retribution. The rumor that the drug-raising saint is an "old liar" has come to an abrupt end. Many women who break their mouths are also cautious. The atmosphere of Qingshan Village is unprecedentedly harmonious.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!