MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2338 You are the best gift (forty-four)

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This is not a casual "inappropriate" sentence.

Fanfan knew better than anyone else that such a reason could not be concealed from Grandpa.

Without waiting for Fanfan to figure out how to explain to the old man, Father Fan already sat down in front of him, took a tea cup and took a sip, and slowly opened his lips.

"Vanfan, tell grandpa, is there someone already in your heart?"

Vatican has forgotten what he did at the time.

Startled again with a little guilty conscience, hesitated for only a few seconds, and nodded, "Yes."

"Since you already have someone you like, why do you want to provoke Rui Ye because of the blind date, I arranged it, and you are embarrassed to reject it, so perfunctory me, perfunctory Zhongjia how do you tell me Home account "

Mr. Van Gogh put down the tea cup, his face was slightly heavy.

"It's my fault. I'll explain it to the Zhong family in person." Fanfan didn't wash himself, and he knelt down in front of Master Fan.

Mr. Van Gogh got up angrily, walked in front of him with a cane, scratched his hands, and pointed at Van Gogh, who knelt down to admit his mistake, his voice was trembling.

"It's this time, you still want to perfuse me, Fanfan, you are a child adopted by Grandpa. Grandpa watched you grow up from a young age. What kind of temperament do you still have?"


"You have n’t had a biological parent since you were a kid. I was raised by my stupid grandson and granddaughter. You are sensible and filial. These grandpas know, but because you value your relationship too much, you always like to be wronged. You will try hard to do all the things you want, just aim at this. Grandpa believes that you are not a person who can play with other people's feelings. If you promise to associate with Rui Rui, is there any last resort? "


Vatican's thin lips froze and remained silent.

If it was something else, he might choose to be frank from the moment he came in.

But he knew that what he wanted to say would be a shock to Mr. Van Gogh.

The old man's body is tough again, but he is also getting old and cannot be stimulated.

Vatican dare not take risks.

"You do n’t say, how can you let your grandfather decide for you, even if you do n’t want to marry Rui Hui, but your relationship is a well-known thing. Now you say that you do n’t want others, you do n’t want others, where is the Zhong family ’s face

Father Van Gogh is really angry.

He couldn't figure out what could be done, and he would not let Vatican bite a word to tell him.

"Then you can always tell Grandpa, which girl do you like?" Father Van Gogh asked in second place ~ ~ I didn't say a word when he saw Van Gogh, and he couldn't breathe out.

"You have grown up and your wings have hardened, too, Grandpa asks you nothing, and then you come to me today, so you do n’t want to marry Rui Yan, let me go and help you remarry."

"Sorry, Grandpa." Van Fan opened his lips hard.

"I want you to be sorry for what I do with you." Father Fan picked up his cane, hit a stick on Fan Fan's back, and heard him groan, trying to do it again and then he couldn't.

In the end, he still distressed his grandson. He gritted his teeth and walked back to the desk and sat down.

"Kneel on me until you are willing to say"

Grandpa and grandchildren, mad at the study, all day long.

Mr. Van rested on the back of his chair and slept halfway. After drinking a few cups of tea, Van Fan was not so comfortable. He knelt for a long time, still standing upright and clenching his teeth.