MTL - The Return of Cambrian Period-Chapter 315 Dragon Blood

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Shen Changze and Al flew to the tip of Hailong's nose. Shen Changze stretched out his hand and touched its scales. The color of the scales shone several times more than his, and the hardness was unimaginably high. It was like a dragon warrior wearing a gold battle armor. It was powerful and powerful, but of size. The mutation obviously made it lose its normal companions and partners. It was full of loneliness and sadness.

Its eyes were fixed on Shen Changze and Aier, and his nose kept blowing warmth. His big tail came out from behind, and the tip of his tail was lifted into the air, hesitating.

Driven by instinct, Shen Changze and Ayer lifted their tails. The two tails were entangled with the tip of Hailong's tail. The thicknesses of the three tails were very different, but the picture was surprisingly harmonious.

Shan Ming was surprised to see that tears shed in the eyes of Shen Changze and Ai, and the sound of whining noises continued in the throats of Hailong. Their tails became more and more tight, as if they were performing some kind of ritual. A closer purpose.

Shen Changze suddenly turned his head, his eyes had restored to clear, "I feel the thought of it."

Tang Tingzhi was surprised: "What? Do you understand what it says?"

"It's not language, it's just a sense, it says it can't go home."

"Hometown? Where is your hometown?"

"At the deepest point of the Manila Trench, there is a passage to the Sea Dragon Colony, but it is too large to pass."

El touched its scales and sighed, "It wants to go home very much, it misses its companions, dear, is there any way for you?"

Tang Tingzhi shook his head. "No, not even the heyday of human science and technology."

Shen Changze murmured: "Sorry, we can't help you."

Hailong's red eyes became dim, and the humming sound sounded like crying.

Shen Changze sighed and sat on his nose. "Let me feel what 'hometown' looks like."

The strange light flashed in Hailong's red eyes, then he closed his eyes, breathing smoothly, as if he had fallen asleep.

Shen Changze and Ai also closed their eyes and quietly felt something with it.

Shan Ming was so trembling that it could only become a puppet. Tang Ting's face was no longer bloody. After changing clothes, he fell into Shan Ming's arms, took out his recording pen and notebook, and wrote a paragraph and wrote a paragraph. Even when I was so cold, I also enjoyed it.

Shan Ming raised her neck and looked at Shen Changze. I do n’t know what they are communicating with each other. The feeling of the sea dragon can obviously affect Shen Changze and Ai. After all, they keep the blood of the same species. Shan Ming looked down at his hair. Let's look at the scales of Hailong that are very similar to Shen Changze. For some reason, there is a feeling that his son has been taken away.

Shen Changze and Aier had been with Hailong God for more than an hour. Seeing that it was going to be dark, Shan Ming saw that Tang Tingzhi was going to freeze, and he urged: "We should go back, Tang robot is going to freeze to death."

The two and Hailong opened their eyes at the same time. Hailong's eyes were bigger and brighter than the sunset in the distance.

Shen Changze stroked its scales and whispered something.

Tang Tingzhi shouted shouting, "Can I draw some blood from him? It's okay to cut some scales."

The two flew down and Shen Changze said, "Give me the tools."

Tang Tingzhi handed him the toolbox he had prepared, and Al took off his coat and put it on him. "Where's your down jacket?"

Tang Tingzhi whispered, "Are you wet? There are no thick clothes in the cabin."

Al held him in his arms. "We'll be back soon." He kissed Tang Ting's forehead gently and sighed silently.

Tang Tingzhi felt his emotions and touched his soft blond hair. "Did Hailong's emotions be transmitted to you?"

El nodded. "That feeling is too real, it's like ... we're also thinking of 'Hometown', and we've never been there before."

Shen Changze re-flyed to Hailong's nose, cut a shield-sized piece from its large scale with a laser laser gun, and then pumped his blood with a special syringe. This little movement was almost unknowing for Hailong. It realized that they were leaving, and his eyes were thick and persevering.

After taking the samples, Shen Changze flew back to the yacht, and Hailong looked at them sadly.

"We will be back again," Shen Changze shouted.

Hailong lowered her head, and her tail drew back into the sea dimly.

Shen Changze sighed: "Ship it."

Tang Tingzhi started the yacht. The yacht dragged the sonic simulator and walked back.

Hailong followed them, trailing all the way. So a strange picture appeared in the South China Sea. Behind a white medium-sized yacht, followed by the head of a huge golden dragon-shaped creature, the yacht sailed out more than twenty nautical miles, and it still followed.

Shan Ming worried, "It won't plan to go to land with us."

Shen Changze shook his head and shouted at Hailong: "Go back, the shallow sea is ahead."

Hailong purred.

Al waved at him, "Go back, we will come again."

The sea dragon hesitated for a long time. Suddenly, its claws protruded from the sea. It was holding a fish that was still struggling. The volume was not large. It put the fish on the deck and looked at them seriously.

El smiled. "Thank you."

Hailong yelled twice, slowly receding towards the deep sea, and finally watched them reluctantly, diving into the sea.

El sighed, "I didn't expect it to be ..."

Tang Tingzhi asked anxiously, "What did you communicate with for more than an hour?"

Shen Changze said: "We saw the appearance of 'hometown' in its consciousness, where it was dark and there were sea dragons and other fishes. Sea dragons are at the top of the food chain. All living things are large and they will glow, and the way of light is Similarly, for example, sea dragons and some fish are scales, some are eyes, and some are cold fires on their tails. There are many cliffs or caves, magnificent stones on the stone walls, and a slender underground trench, trench. It's not seawater, but black things, maybe crude oil. It remembers the hole that communicated from the Manila Sea to the 'hometown'. It is absolutely inaccessible with its current volume. It used to bump its head many times. , Also kept a long time at the mouth of the cave, hoping that other companions would come out when they heard some kind of sound wave call, but there was only one of them. "

Erdao said: "It is not very old, only in its thirties. Haven't you studied the number of cell decays of sea dragons before? The life of sea dragons should be more than 300 years old. If you calculate it, it is still a child."

Shan Ming licked his paw. "It sounds pitiful. Who makes it run around without listening to adults, and now there is no way to go back."

Tang Tingzhi nodded, "It's really impossible to pass through that hole because of its volume, but I don't know if it is the only entrance. After returning to Beijing, I can apply for a study of the geological structure of the deep sea. Maybe There are other ways to get it back. "

Shen Changze's tone was a little sad. "Try it."

They soon merged with the fleet and returned to the main ship. The four immediately entered the heating room and felt their stiff bodies gradually warming up.

Shan Ming touched Shen Changze's hair and looked at him as if he was lost. He relieved: "Don't be sad for it, it is the overlord in this area, and eats and drinks."

Shen Changze nodded, "We are brought into its emotions. I have never missed a place in my life. This is the first time I have felt the feeling of" homesickness ", which is strange."

Shan Ming squeezed his back neck. "Thinking about the country, it's enough to miss me."

Shen Changze smiled, grabbed his hand, and leaned on him, "Yeah, where a father is, it's 'hometown'."

After a little rectification at the Zhanjiang base, they set off for Beijing. The dragon scales and blood samples brought back by Tang Tingzhi became top secrets. Although many people have seen Hailong, the follow-up research will only involve a very small number of people.

Shen Changze and Ayer decided to go to the South China Sea to see Hailong every two to three months. For Hailong, they are the only companions they can now touch. For them, Hailong is also the only one. The attraction to each other is inherently in their blood.

After returning to Beijing, Shan Ming couldn't wait to see the pet he hadn't seen for more than half a year—the white tiger he picked up in the Northeast. In order to echo Xiao Hei's name, he tried to name it Xiao Bai. Before he left Beijing to Qinghai, Xiaobai was almost three meters high. When he came back this time, he was almost the same size as Xiaohei. One black and one white was put together. One was fierce and fierce than the other.

"Little white." Shan Ming greeted.

Xiaobai was sleeping. After hearing the news, she opened her eyes and looked at Shan Ming for a long time. It was probably too long apart, and she didn't know anything. After hearing Shan Ming screaming, she slammed from the nest. When it came out, Chao Danming rushed over.

Shan Ming laughed and rubbed his thick fur, feeling good, "It's great, I can ride this time."

El smiled: "If it's a mission, I'd rather ride you, it feels more flexible."

Shan Ming compared him with his middle finger. "I'm not a horse."

El pinched his lips. "That's stingy."

After they returned, the first thing they faced was "split."

Jiujiang County, Liudao Huangquan and Fenglan Club have all moved out of Beijing. Chengtianbi and Cong Xia have already left for Tianjin. They will move from the Academy of Sciences to **** to help the Academy of Sciences carry out local reconstruction.

They first went to **** to find a luxury villa group, located their place of residence, and then hired an engineering team to repair the house.

Looking at the somewhat desolate house, Shan Ming said, "If nothing unexpected happens, we will live here forever."

Shen Changze smiled: "Do you like it?"

Shan Ming shrugged, "I don't pick."

"Do you like it?"

Shan Ming laughed, "Like."

The author has something to say: The chapter of tomorrow of the dragon blood tribe has ended tomorrow, and alas, at most two chapters. . Then you can open a new Chu Rong ~~