MTL - The Return of Cambrian Period-Chapter 344 Top of mountain city

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Sitting on the transparent ice layer and looking down didn't feel romantic at all, but it was frightening. Chen Shao impatiently wanted to stand up, but Wu You leaned around his waist, the gesture was as if he were his. The belongings are average and irritating.

Wu You said with a smile: "As long as your subordinates don't resist, I will make proper arrangements, but what should your three mistresses do?"

Chen Shao's face changed slightly. "If you are a man, don't touch a woman."

"Yo, do you know how to feel bad for them?" Wu You laughed. "Then you send one to seduce me."

"She was originally a fighter in Qingyan Gang."

Wu You laughed: "I really don't know Lianxiang Xiyu. If she doesn't come to provoke me, maybe I won't kill her, but when I think of her and want to kill me, and I've slept with you, I'm a little angry."

Chen Shao obliquely looked at him. "What do you want to do with them?"

"Are you worried?" Wu You looked at him deeply. "I'm jealous."

Chen Shao pursed his lips and twisted his face. "Just whatever you want."

Wu You wrapped his arms around his waist and smiled lowly: "Relax, I don't like killing people so much. When I marry you one day, I will invite them to the wedding."

Chen Shao turned his head and looked at him, "Do you say anything?"

Wu You smiled jokingly, "Don't you find it funny?"

Chen Shao gritted his teeth. "You ..."

"I dare, I can, and I will definitely do that." Wu You glare, "I will let the whole city know that you have become my Wu You."

Chen Shaoleng sneered, "Isn't it just to control the mountain city through me? Does it take so much trouble?"

"Need, because I want Shancheng and I want you."

Chen Shao felt that one more word with him could provoke heart disease.

Wu You pulled him, "Go in, it's a bit cold outside."

The two returned to the bedroom and Wu You said, "Are you going to take a shower?"

Chen Shao looked at him alertly, "What do you want to do?"

Wu You looked at him with a chest in his arms. "I said I would give you a few days to get used to it, and I won't touch you. Go and wash it." After opening the cabinet, I found some clothes for him, "I will have your clothes tomorrow Send it over. "

Chen Shao grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom without looking back.

After a while, Chen Shao finished washing out. He was barefoot, and loose clothes still had a tall and slender figure on his body. His wet hair was close to his cheek, and transparent water droplets slid down his neck. After entering the collar, he exudes a refreshing breath after bathing, and sees Wu You's appetite wide open. He really wants to jump up and eat people in his stomach.

The kind of wolf-like tiger's eyes are not unfamiliar to any man. After Chen Shao touched his eyes, his body trembled slightly. There was a man holding your **** all the time, which felt really awful. He couldn't resist yet, which made him aggrieved and ashamed.

Wu You smiled: "I'm going to take a shower. Should I tie you up?"

Chen Shaoleng glanced at him coldly, "So many people are watching, my parents are in your hands, what are you afraid of?"

"That's the same." Wu You said, "You stand at the door, I want to talk to you."

Chen Shao rolled his eyes, "You still bring me a hoop."

Wu You dragged him to the door. "Stand here. If you don't want to, let's go into the bathroom and wash it together."

Chen Shao stared at him, "Go in and wash yours."

When Wu You went into the bath, she asked Chen Shao a painless and itchy question from time to time. It was all about the last days, school, work, etc. It was as if the two people had been chatting for a long time. Answered, thinking, if there was no such disaster, he and Wu You would meet again one day, wouldn't it be a childhood playmate who hadn't been seen for a long time, and they would sit down and drink a glass of wine, have a meal, and have a good chat In the past and the current situation, maybe you can still do business. Even if Wu You is a homosexual, I don't dare to be so pretentious on him, but this disaster has changed the fate of everyone.

After Wu You took a bath, as soon as she saw Chen Shao at the door, she showed a particularly bright smile and looked at Chen Shao for a moment. I have to say that this man is really attractive, the mature, poppy-like charm.

Wu You stretched her arms and rushed to the bed. "These two days are really tiring. I have to sleep well."

Chen Shao looked at the big bed, full of resistance.

Wu You smiled and reached out to him, "Come on baby."

Chen Shao helplessly walked over and climbed into bed.

Wu You stood up and hugged him, pressing him under him.

A little flash of surprise flashed in Chen Shao's eyes, he said in a deep voice: "You said ..."

Wu You smiled: "I know, I just want to kiss you." He rubbed Chen Shao's cheek with the tip of his nose, "You are so fragrant."

Being so ambiguous and intimate with a man, Chen Shao just felt extremely awkward. For a long time, men could be brothers, friends, helpers, and enemies to him, but he could never be a partner. He had been straight for thirty years, and it was impossible Accept Wu You's touch on him.

Chen Shao resisted disgust and whispered, "You let me sleep here at night?"


"Aren't you afraid I'll kill you in the middle of the night?"

Wu You laughed and said, "Do you dare? I'm dead, your parents don't want to live anymore."

Chen Shao looked at him coldly, "Dare."

Wu You narrowed her eyes. "That's right."

Chen Shao closed his eyes and got into the quilt. He didn't want to deal with Wu You anymore.

Wu You arbitrarily put his hands on his waist, tilted his head at his neck, and apparently planned to sleep like this.

Although Chen Shao wanted to sleep, his mind was so chaotic that he couldn't fall asleep. He tolerated it and said, "I don't like men."

Wu You hooked her lips and smiled, "You will, you will like me."

"Stop dreaming."

"I like you, so I'll let you stay with me anyway, if you can also like me, isn't it a lot easier?"

Chen Shaoleng hummed.

Wu You tightened her arms and held Chen Shao almost in her arms. He gently printed a kiss on Chen Shao's forehead, "Anyway, you have no right to refuse."

The two went into sleep under their own circumstances.

Chen Shao did not know what Wu You was out of. He played the role of a romantic lover, changed his style to cook for him, gave him gifts, and took him fishing, picnics, and horse riding in a limited range. If he could accept it safely When Wu You did all these things, the two were fine, but if he did n’t cooperate with the performance a little, Wu You said that changing his face can change his face, moody, and several times, Chen Shao resisted physically and verbally. , Are much less. Gradually, he suspected that Wu You was deliberately attacking his psychological defense line. He raised dogs and trained several strong dogs by himself. The most important thing in training dogs is clear rewards and punishments. If you do well, give them rewards. If you ca n’t fight well, what Wu You is doing now is like training dogs in disguise. Chen Shao knows this and is becoming more and more unable to resist.

During this period, when Wu You was in a good mood, Chen Shao met his parents again. The second old man was indeed not neglected, but he didn't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that his parents looked at him differently. This made him annoyed.

On this day, Wu Youzhen was drinking tea and reading a book, Xiaohui suddenly came in, and his face looked strange.

Wu You's eyes were still staring at the novel, "What happened to Xiaohui?"

Xiaohui glanced at Chen Shao, "Boss, someone wants to see Chen Shao."

"See him?" Wu You looked up. "Who?"

"A woman, she said she was Chen Shao's girlfriend and said ..."

Chen Shao's face changed.

Wu You narrowed her eyes, her eyes flashed, "What did you say?"

"She said ... she is pregnant with Chen Shao's child, and she can't eat now ..."

Wu You threw the book in her hand and sneered, "Is she pregnant with Chen Shao's child? That's a good reception."

Chen Shao was also shocked. They have heard that mutants have lost their fertility, but after all, mutations have been less than a year old, and no one can confirm whether this statement is 100% accurate, only knowing that the probability of giving birth is extremely low. It ’s not strange that some mutants really have children. After all, they are normal people. If the woman really conceives the child, it may be the only offspring in his life. Yes, but looking at Wu You's expression, he didn't know if it was lucky or unfortunate.

Wu You glanced at Chen Shao, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "Don't go and see your child's mother."

Chen Shao said calmly, "It may not be mine." At this moment, he hoped it was not his. He didn't know what Wu You would do.

Wu You dragged him off the sofa, and the two walked to the front hall.

As soon as she arrived in the living room, a shy woman stood there in a hurry. She looked beautiful and could see that she was very beautiful, but now she was too embarrassed to let her appreciate her looks.

Chen Shao recognized her at a glance. She was indeed a mistress of her own, but different from Wang Xin. She was neither a mutant nor a background in the family. She had received her side only when she saw that she was beautiful, otherwise Her entire family was going to starve to death. After he lost power, Wu You naturally couldn't help him with his mistress, and their family's food and clothing were no longer guaranteed.

When she saw Chen Shao, she immediately cried and stuttered that she was pregnant, but could not eat anything decent.

Wu You's expression was cloudy, and Chen Shaoxin was frightened. He said as coldly as possible: "Whether it's mine in your stomach or not, I can't control you right now. Go to Daquan and help them."

She cried: "I've searched, they all say that mutants can't be pregnant, don't believe me ..."

"Then why do I believe you?" Wu You looked at her with a sneer, her eyes glowing. "You have two results now. First, I will give you a job. Anyone in your family can do it. Make sure your family has food. Second, I will kill you. "

She was frightened.

"These two results depend on whether you are telling the truth." Wu Youhan whispered, "Now, tell the truth!"

She almost knelt on the ground in fright, her thin shoulders trembling slightly, and finally weeping, "No, it's not his."

Chen Shao just felt relieved. Now he shouldn't have children at all.

Wu You looked at her coldly.

Chen Shao grabbed his shoulder, "Let her go."

Wu You turned her face and showed a grim smile, "Why?"

Chen Shao's eyes widened. "Wu You, what good is it for you to embarrass her? Let her go."

Wu You smiled and showed her white teeth. "She dares to lie to me that she has your child, which is enough for her to die."

Chen Shao's throat twitched up and down, he calmed down and whispered: "Wu You, let her go, count on me."

"You begged me?" Wu You was still full of anger. He grabbed Chen Shao's chin and said dumbly, "Are you asking me for this woman?"

Chen Shao pursed her lips, her palms sweating with nervousness.

Wu You grinned, "It's kind of begging."

The author has something to say: See you tomorrow without old songs ╮ (╯_╰) ╭